So this is what counts as brilliance among the liberals. However will we compete?

So this is what counts as brilliance among the liberals. However will we compete?

Other urls found in this thread:

I mean, what is a burning desire to toss away any sense of self preservation in order to appear moral? Is there a term for that? That's beyond altruism.

Somebody sat there and typed all that, edited the picture, and posted it. I bet they had a smug look on their face too. How retardrd.

What the fuck is the skittle metaphor?

(((Eli Bosnick)))

>so you think some refugees are bad?
>oh yeah well how about if I willingly kill myself!?
>hahahahahaha i win again conservitards

I think Trump said something about how taking in refugees is like eating from a bowl of skittles with a few poisoned ones. That offended everyone who thought the basket of deplorable thing was brilliant.

>I would commit suicide to help terrorists
Sounds like standard leftist ideology to me.

Yeah, those alt-lefts, plagiarizing Jesus like that. BAKA

>saving their life

Liberals actually think that though. Jesus fuck, what idiots. They think that muslims are being persecuted by ISIS and they need to save them.

What if the skittle poison spread to other skittles until they were mostly poison, so you kill your family and people off for a few good skittles, that won't even be allowed to be free because the poison skittles will force them to comply?

What a stupid fucking analogy.

So liberals would eat poison and conservatives wouldn't. Makes sense.


If they actually meant any of that bullshit, they would actually donate all of their earnings to various African countries. I mean, how many Skittles can you eat before you get to a poison one? 30? That faggot, assuming he has a job, could easily pay to make the lives of 30 Africans much better, possibly saving them from starvation or an early death.

People of that sort need to experience a proper terrorist attack. Nothing else will break that condition.

Do they not rember that this was originally a feminist meme about one in ten men are rapists or some shit?

Except the skittles don't just poison you. They explode and kill innocent bystanders who didn't want to consume them.

So through your moral showcasing you hurt innocent lives to feel better about yourself. Leftists in a skittle shell.

I was just going to say this. It was all well and good when it was about men.

"Pathological altruism"
And these fucking people I swear. If they actually thought like that, and it wasn't empty virtue signalling, they'd give all their money to a mosquito net charity and live in the gutter.

Didn't i hear this shit in 2014 thanks to le supreme gentleman?


He's mistaken the analogy, the one eating the skittles isn't any single person - The one eating the skittles is America.

As long as doing so would signal their moral superiority to conservatives so they could gain status in the cuck social hierarchy.

The question doesn't mean you're the same as a skittle you fucking retard. You have power over the skittles, you can choose whether they enter you or you push them away. So what does that mean you are? You are a country. By eating the poison skittle, you die which means your people die.

So congratulations, you saved a few people in the short term and caused significantly more people to suffer and die in the long term.

That's not how that conversation would go.It would go like this,

"if I gave you a bowl of skittles and three of them were poison would you still eat them?'

"Are the other skittles human lives?'

"What? No you fucking cannibal, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

the operative word being "appear"

that's pure ego

So now tweet him the old feminist image with the M&Ms.

He's basically saying women should have to get raped.

So he claims he would eagerly give up his life to save refugees.

So go do it. Get on a plane and head that way. No?

> Ayn Rand was right
Fucking collectivists.

If 1 in 10 men are rapist, will she fuck all the men till she finds the rapist?

Also, what if the skittles didn't kill you, just everyone you love.

These people would change their mind real fast if they were staring down the barrel of a poison skittles gun

Yo, bullshit. This is the exact same argument feminists used against "not all men". Pick your narrative and stick with it.

I think we can safely assume that she will fuck all the men till she finds the rapist and continue to fuck them until there is none left in the bowl. Then she's gonna settle.

Also Eli is a male name.

To liberals, doublethink is just "thinking."

That's why women are equal to men, but need special protection in the law. Islam is a religion of peace, but we can't say mean things to Muslims or else they become homicidal. You don't need guns because police but police are violent and racist. Hillary Clinton doesn't remember anything about any of her scandals because she had a concussion, but she is perfectly fit to lead the nation because she said both of those things.

>one poisoned skittle kills just one person
>normal skittles cant spoil over time
>implying normal skittles taste good to begin with
you lose in every way

What do you guys think about the US' vetting process? You think it's trustworthy? Honestly curious.

>Drink the Kool Aid

Emyia shirou syndrome.


Not in burgerstan

No shit? Source?

>If I have you a bowl of skittles and three of them were poison would you eat them?
>Are the other skittles men?
Like. Is there a good chance. A really good chance. I would be saving man from masturbating alone and probably their social status if I ate a skittle?
>Well sure. But the point-
>I would eat the skittles.
>Ok-well the point is-
>I would GORGE myself on skittles. I would eat every single fucking skittle I could find. I would STUFF myself with skittles. And when I found the poison skittle and got raped I would make sure to leave behind a legacy of children and of friends who also ate skittle after skittle until there were no skittles to be eaten. And each person who found the poison skittle we would weep for. We would weep for their lost ability to monetize their vagina, for their victimization, and for the fact that they did not let themselves succumb to chastity but made the world a better place by eating skittles.
>Because your REAL question...the one you hid behind a shitty little inaccurate, insensitive dehumanizing racist little candy metaphor is, IS MY VAGINA MORE IMPORTANT THAN THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF HORNY MEN...
>.... and what kind of monster would think the answer to that question.... is yes?
Text written by a faggot.

Except he wasn't virtue signalling, just mentally damaged by trauma and hero worship.

They're honest at least. The perceived ideological opponent is not allowed to even get a refutation in.

By saying nigger jew shill I'm always right stuff like that.

it's actually a pretty good response to a really poor analogy.

Haha men are all rapists but you need them to reproduce
So don't reproduce
But these brown people are brown so it's ok to sacrifice yourself for them

But other countries are already eating the skittles.
We don't need to eat any skittles, Germany is gorging themselves on them.

I'm glad somebody gets it. I guess liberals cant understand metaphors


Unrelated question

Now that google is nigger, is googly eyes, nigger eyes?


fucking perfect

here have some food m8

>I would eat the skittles

No you wouldn't, you would force everybody else to eat the Skittles and call them racist for not eating enough skittles until you need a shoulder replacement from years of patting yourself on the back.

Didn't SJWs come up with this shitty analogy in the first place? I swear the first time I ever saw it was from a pic from some tumblrtard's blog crying about "muh rape culture"

This is the most cringe worthy thing I've read in a long, long time.

The correct comparison wouldn't be that you are eating the skittles. It's that you are eating them and force-feeding them into everyone around you against their will.

Fucking dumbass.

They did. It was their response to #notallmen, only it was M&Ms.

Except they don't eat the skittles. They force-feed them to us and eat none themselves.

What if the bowl only consisted of 3 skittles?

>oh yeah let me kill myself just so I can save some other people that I never ever met and know nothing about


they should already start offing themselves

Oh look, it's another "I won an argument against a fictional person because I am the one writing the story" post.

Reminds me of when I'd play chess against imaginary opponents (usually teachers I didn't like) when I was a kid and I somehow had all the perfect moves and always won.

Except in their analogy they're not eating the skittles themselves, they're forcing everyone to eat them.
How many liberals are taking in refugees? How many are wanting 'the government' to take them in and house and feed them?
Liberals forcing their will on other people. What a new concept...

*teleports argument behind you*

hehe it was a hologram.

Sure he would...

Fuckin gold

>signed the fucking blog post

My fucking sides.

at the end of the day, these sheltered, literally privileged idiots would probably NOT kill themselves to save syrian children

I like that this sort of mentality was the entire punchline of the jump off a bridge for Harambe groups, and libtards have just decided to double down on it instead of realising how idiotic it is.

Didn't libtards use this analogy a few years ago against men. Specifically about rapists in order to fear monger other women to hate men.

“You say not all men are monsters? Imagine a bowl of M&Ms. 10% of them are poisoned. Go Ahead. Eat a handful. Not all M&Ms are poison!”

Why do you think they know this analogy so well. They have used it before just in reverse.

Fucking retards.

It's fun to ask them if Israel should take in refugees since they're right fucking there, way closer than Germany and asking why Israel isn't letting refugees in.

he'd also GORGE himself on google jizz

Except, Shirou is a great example of how to go about it the right way.

Shirou doesn't care about appearing virtuous. Virtue is it's own reward. He's never asked for praise or even recognition, he just keeps doing what he does in order to save as many people as possible.

Like, we've seen what he does about disasters. In the original timeline, when terrorists took over a nuclear reactor, he didn't Twitter about it. He went in and killed as many of them as possible. And after he'd been shot multiple times, he sold his soul (basically) to get enough power to save the day and stop a nuclear meltdown.

Also, he ain't no SJW or bleeding heart. At the end of the anime, we see that he's travelled to the Middle East, and flashbacks of Archer's past shows him killing members of ISIS. He's not the kind of guy who bleats about how much of a do-gooder he is: No, he'll hop on the first boat to Syria to either kill Assad (and likely die trying) or singlehandedly cut a swathe through ISIS.


Liberals contradict themselves all the time. They are all talk and no actions, and when they do act they contradict what they say they're acting for.

Look at all these spooks and nigs sitting for the pledge for sports ball. They say they want unity, but all the pledge is is an anthem of unity and allegiance to your country. No shit America's not perfect you dumb niggers but no country is and 97% of black people kill each other anyway not white people, the real problem is your own fucking race, but they blame the problems their race hs on white people too with no proof. By sitting they are actually going against the unity they claim to want. "We are not equal to white because you founded this country and have all the power so I'm not going to be equal to you during our nations song". It's literally the most retarded thing ever but they are too emotionally charged to realize it and see clearly. It's amazing anyone looks up to these stupid nigs. The Kaeperfag talks about how Clinton did some shady shit and lies to not get arrested and used her status to not get arrested but he lied about having drugs and hookers in Miami to get out of being arrested and used his status as a then Starting NFL QB to not get arrested. Lol sound farmiliar? Once again a contradiction they are fucking stupid they have my negative respect.

Yes, and I think it's where Don got the idea. It's the lefts own shit used against them. Jut the like gas chamber comment, the left has endlessly accused the right of all things nazi.

We really should allow zero Muslim refuges into America their religion is also a form of government so letting them in even letting them own property is like letting Saudi Arabia or Syria own a part of the US they have no allegiance go America just to their shithole militaristic religion and countries

Sounds like some fatty wrote this

But all of the skittles are poisonous

By pointing out that if we did that we would be dead before we could sae the other skittles.
Whereas if we check the skittles for poison we can eat all the good ones without risk.


I ger the feeling they already gorge themselves on skittles anyway

just lmao

literally a psychopath

>... and what kind of monster would think the answer to that question... is yes?"

This guy.
This guy right here.

It's not altruism; essentially, it's self-hatred.

Altruism stems from apathy, which that clearly is not.

Before I'm asked to elucidate:

Egoism is acting with the end-goal of pleasure, i.e. you feel good about having done something. This isn't inherently good or bad: it's relative to the situation. Saving someone form a burning building is egoistic [the person doing the saving feels good about having saved someone, i.e. good egoism]; criminals function with their own egoism which is harmful, i.e. bad egoism -- of course, something being harmful isn't inherently-negative/positive, etc. etc.

Altruism, on the other hand, is the antithesis of egoism, i.e. egoism is in one's self-interest that can be beneficial to others [mutual-egoism] or detrimental and is inspired by emotion, altruism lacks all emotion because it isn't inspired by anything: it seeks no end-goal -- whether conscious or unconscious.

Which begs the question: why act altruistically? I don't know the answer to that since it has no gain/loss: it's just... acting without intent.

>some of these are poisoned
>proceeds to eat all of them
Also your not "saving human lives" most of them aren't even fleeing a war zone they just want free money. So your basically killing yourself so someone can rip you off.

Bad anology because the are not human lives. Your saving no one. Also this example assumes that not all the skittles are posonin. Even if you ate all of them you'd sacrifice more people than you saved. Literally just to feel good about yourself you sacrifice the larger group. Even from a ultilitarin perspective this makes no sense.

>Literally suicidal

good thing he credited himself.
he didn't want to be left out of the history books.

If it were only their shitty life they would be throwing away it would be alright, the problem is there's no way to know who will be killed by the poison skittle