If god exists, then why does cancer exist?

If god exists, then why does cancer exist?

I can see how suffering can be justified as a learning tool in order to make us smarter and more compassionate, and that it's our own fault if we let our fellow humans suffer and that poverty and wars are created by humans.

But what the fuck is the purpose of cancer and similar illnesses? It is literally destruction personified and exists solely to inflict pain on us with no remedy and no fault of our own.

How can christfags ignore this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>with no remedy

Two words: Cannabis oil.

its the womans fault

For the White man to cure

Not even a chistifag but fuck God doesn't work like that

It ensures the mortality of man, like all other illnesses.

because death is a blessing from god

yeah bro okay when you get cancer i want you to try that out & see how it works for ya
protip: youll be fucking dead

Krautland is basically the Antichrist

>If god exists, then why does cancer exist?
Because mankind is cursed, didn't you read the Bible?

because getting old as fuck wasn't enough?

This. Life is NOT short, life is LITERALLY the longest thing anyone EVER does.

maybe he's still salty about that apple thing

Fuck off, it's been proven many times to save lives. Have fun dying early.

Of course not. For there to be good, there must also be evil.

God created suffering so we could experience joy.

God never said life would be good

He said the weak shall inherit the earth

Ironically, that's literally the opposite of what's happening within a cancerous cell.

Cancer cells are actually immortalized cells that continuously replicate and proliferate. It's the fact that affected organ cannot support the vascularization, growth, maintenance of these mass of cells that the mass ends up disrupting normal organ functioning which will lead to death.

In other words cancer cells are immortal but we can't handle their immortality.

You cannot argue out of the god-box.
You can say it's silly for the abrahamic God, but even then a good theologian can shim sham your argument.

But suppose we stop talking about the abrahamic God: it gets more difficult. Reincarnation or Soliphism can rationalize any form of suffering, no matter how egregious.

I would say agnosticism is a red pill.

>Implying there isn't a cure and (((they))) are withholding it for the major shekels

anyway, God didn't make that. Sin did, aka the evil nature that exists in this world

also, mankind got cursed to be mortal and to struggle.


(my captcha was "select all images with grass" kek)

>why cancer exist

thats the best example of that question you could find?

you sir, are no philosopher

that is but one very beneficial treatment, not an end all and be all

fucken imbecile

>cancer cells don't die
Yeah, they do. They just don't have a reproductive ceiling. The individual cancer cells do die naturally (even from apoptosis).

Go read an actual book, instead of edgy memes.

He said the meek shall inherit the Earth. Close enough, though.


Anger is one of the main triggers for cancer, dwell on it too long, the disharmony begins to show physically besides mentally.

But cancer is a catalyst, it offers experience, like pretty much everything in our world.

Yeah, weed alone won't save you.

Good goy.

Because God wants good people by his side.
That's the answer I was given by a Religious Education teacher in school. Let's break it down. So you're a good guy to everyone around you. Everyone loves you. God gets jealous and says
>I want this guy for myself
and kills you. Everyone gets sad and they repeat shit like
>God works in mysterious ways
>it's a trial of faith
>He wanted him by His side

Cancer when observed from an empiricist's point of view is a natural process that certain cells undergo in the natural chain of events in evolution. It has its causes and its implications.

why try and "personify" something natural if you don't believe in God to begin with?

The price of joy is suffering.

I had to check the flag to see if you were a Canadian, if they didn't exist I would had blindly assumed your post was from Australia.
Fucking weak ass baiters the both of you.

Doubt they're immortal alone, eventually the telomeres and dna would be so fucked that it couldn't replicate anymore due to excess replication, that's how old people 'die naturally'.

Whenever you are religious and don't know the answer to the subject, you just say: "God works in mysterious ways." I thought everyone knew this.

If candy tastes good, why can't I just eat candy?

It's not even 'weed' per se, it's the oil from cannabis. Cannabis oil kills cancer cells and ONLY cancer cells, whereas chemo kills not only cancer cells but normal cells too. All by (((accident))), of course.

So God is a jealous ex

>If god exists, then why does cancer exist?
because god is a fucking dick.
read the bible. that guy is an egocentric, ill tempered jerk

Isn't the presence of the telomerase enzyme a common neoplastic trait?

ITT: Next level mental gymnastics

>But what the fuck is the purpose of cancer and similar illnesses? It is literally destruction personified and exists solely to inflict pain on us with no remedy and no fault of our own.

Like their arguments for all suffering the answer here is free will. By choosing to reject God this suffering is a product of that, which is why cancer wasnt in the Garden of Eden.

God has a plan for us all bro he knew we could fight it it's just an obstacle for us to overcome. With His power I will overcome this disease.

Hi I'm user's mom he passed away and wanted me to finish this post for him

Check our this idiot. You have to SMOKE weed to cure cancer. Every day.

Cancer is a degeneration who hit us because of our degeneracy as individuals and/or as a human society.

No shit, that's what immortal means in biology

>By choosing to reject God this suffering is a product of that
duuuuuuuuuude. my grandfather was religious as hell yet cancer took him away

u right pham

If god is real you die and you fly to heaven as a christian, i dont see much problem with this .Maybe it is even blessing because before you die you can still repent , when you face death there is plenty of time to think and change your mind about god


The Christian explanation of this is sin. It is highly improbable but logically possible that a) free will is not an incoherent concept b) sin, by Satan and others, explains all the bad things.

So God is not at fault. Note has Not Logically Impossible turns into "is". Such is Christian logic.

Once the notion of sin has served its purpose they lose interest, So there is no theory of sin, no explanation how sin actually causes e.g. cancer.

tl;dr the explanation based on sin is nothing more than a thought terminating cliche. A meme before there were memes.

I guess its just the life moderator this dying world needs to stop spreading us all arround, the law of the strongest nature follows, u no strong u anhero

It's because Loki likes to play tricks and cause mischief and misery. Pray to Odin for his protection.

That's because God doesn't work.

Because Jews exist and they realize treating cancer is more profitable than curing it.

Give me the strength to become the World's most ultimate Warrior!

Why does cancer exist? Because Reddit.


Tricky business trying to get into Valhalla these days.

>no fault of our own.

This is most funny , yes some cancers are not our fault , but a lot of them are , by having a unhealthy life style , smoking . The skin cancer meme started in the 90ees or something .


Rolling for Loki being real.

Gotta die somehow.

How isn't important. What is important is that when you were alive you gave glory to God. 'Thy will be done'.

I'd take a few months of agony from cancer if, at the end, I was rewarded with eternal Paradise.

Also your fedorable argument is pretty much "if God is real why haven't I got a girlfriend."

short is relative

>have to smoke it

i lolled

but no

>This. Life is NOT short, life is LITERALLY the longest thing anyone EVER does.

Can't tell if Aussie shitpost or actual retarded atheist.

But when I get to heaven, what do I do? Sit on a cloud and chill with my passed family members? That doesn't sound so bad in theory.

Why Aussies are such good memers ? It really amazes me.

You don't think about the 50-100 years you're given on this planet, it goes by too fast and next thing you know your time's up.

Lead a good Christian life and find out.

>having no idea what happens when you die according to the bible of christ

no one goes immediately to heaven or hell

hell doesnt even exist yet

This is the only right answer.
The first sin has been forgiven.
Trump is the Second Coming.
We will all walk with God in the Garden of Eden.

>If god exists
That's a mighty big "if" ya got there, Deutchbro. Let me clue you in:

If there is a god (and I've not learned anything to make me believe there is) he is irrelevant. He doesn't reward good people, he doesn't punish bad people, he doesn't protect the innocent or the weak, he doesn't intervene in human affairs in any way at all.

At best, god seems to be an anachronistic leftover from when man was first trying to understand the world around us. At worst, god is a formulation of man's devious attempts to manipulate other men. God is used as both the carrot and the stick, used to make people behave in way societies deem appropriate.

It took me a long time to decide this about god and no small amount of reflection. I was actually saddened to make the determination that there's no afterlife, no reward for the people that suffer, no justice for the evil.

If that makes me a dirty fedora wearing atheist, so be it.

>duuuuuuuuuude. my grandfather was religious as hell yet cancer took him away

Obviously not enough.

>we will all

the "goats" shall certainly not

God set everything up so he doesn't have to do shit

>shouldnt have to


because he just doesn't exist and the universe doesn't give two shits about you sorry friendo

The same way I'll psudo-ignore you.

The reason can be found by looking at the flaws in the argument that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

The majority cannot be more important than the individual based solely on a matter of quantity, as what is a majority but a group of individuals.

If we apply that logic towards a concept of god, we see that all humanity shares a spiritual egalitarianism. You may have inequalities in life, yet your end result is either one of two outcomes, both entirely equal within themselves.

Put shortly, gain and loss are the two forces that run life and enable the concept of free will. You experience loss (I.E. sickness) so others may either experience more loss or gain.

It's a self-serving system.

I mean think about it, we only think sickness is bad because people fear death.

Religion is the ultimate redpill, because it teaches you to shed your primal, animal fear of mortality and self-actualize for an eternal life beyond.

I know but you gotta go with the meme

>you are now aware some of our most advanced medical science, and the advancements that come from it, are aimed towards defeating cancer

If you want a religious angle to it, cancer is a test of our mettle, of our ability to use the intellects we were given.

God gave us the opportunity to live, to explore the earth, to understand life's mysteries, to fall in love, and all you're compelled to do is complain that the life we have been blessed with must eventually come to an end?

Not an atheist, senpai. Nice try, though. :)


>If god exists, then why does cancer exist?
You think God is your personal mommy, taking care of your shitty diapers and fighting off all the harm of the world from you?
God is not your family's replacement. The kind of love you're expecting is your mother's and fathers duty to provide you with.

You wouldn't obsess over every single plant in your garden too, even though you do love and care greatly for all of them. And even though you did go through huge effort to plant and water each one of them.
>How can christfags ignore this?
Not only Christians believe in God. In fact most believers are not exactly Christian, even if probably Christian by birth.

You claim there is no god but when there is a god there is no god, i am confused .Even in your if there is a god situation you deny that there is a supreme being who will have control over you

>if there's a god - and I've not learned anything to make me believe there is
You don't think much about the universe, materia, the huge void and all of the micro universes within our very own world, do you?



i noticed that atheists can not do the hypothetical if there is a god

notice how stephen fry says god is evil for giving cancer ,but the pagan gods well they are awesome , did they not bring cancer in the world then

Steven Fry sounds like he wants to be God.
He'd better enjoy Hell.
What's worse, bone cancer in children who believe in an afterlife? Or bone cancer in children who don't believe in an afterlife?

Furthermore, the existence of cancer forces us to unlock the secrets to how the body functions and all the biochemical pathways that play a role in the formation and proliferation of the cancer cells. One could argue this too is a learning experience, if you are going to approach the topic from the "benevolent god" angle.

Let me guess, art student right?

No, that was islam

>Thousands of years later, millions if you aren't retarded, and god is still sperging out over something he should have seen coming
I mean on the one hand it's understandable if you think of yourself as an all knowing deity, on the other fucking hillarious.

>What's worse, bone cancer in children who believe in an afterlife? Or bone cancer in children who don't believe in an afterlife?

Neither i dont belief innocent children who had no chance to reject god will go to hell


>why does cancer exist?
To form a useful analogy for how invaders are going to ruin your country if you don't turn back to God.

Because god has given you all the tools you need to cure all illness, but instead you choose lives filled with greed and selfishness

Let me ask you this. If you knew where the cure for cancer was being hidden, would you be willing to kill and possibly die to steal it and reveal it to the world?

If you don't answer yes to this question then fuck you and fuck whatever you think of God

Its probably this the cure for aids mental illnes cancer , are just hidden by fat rich pigs

Their last moments on this Earth will be nothing but endless suffering far worse than cancer if all they hear was that nothing happens when they die

Because reincarnation.
We don't know what harm we may have caused in our past lives and cancer suffering is a way to repay a karmic debt.
Pretty much any type of suffering is paying a karmic debt.
If you are not made to suffer, then you will eventually have to pay for it more in the future or the next life.
'Take hardships as joy'. The Buddha.

Cancer is just your cells going haywire with the division so as long as you have cells you have cancer. Cancer cannot be cured since its con to having biological bodies.


Buddhism is nonsense. Past life karmic debt is an excuse to not have mercy and compassion for the sick and the poor

Also, in it original form the path of Buddhism led to non existence and not nirvana.

But hey, let's all take life advice from a man who abandoned his wife and child. Let's all listen to the guy who grew up with every worldly pleasure and then spent his adulthood telling people how much they shouldn't want that stuff

Islam is spiritual cancer. Cancer is like jihad on our cells.

Cancer is linked to our way of living. No cancer in a 100% natural life without pollution and also no islam.

Relstive to your entire frame of reference for your entire life it is literally all of it.
As far as your point of view goes, your life is the longest thing you'll ever experience unless we go under the assumption that an afterlife exists
>christfag here, repent and believe

The foundation of Buddhism is compassion.
Through enduring hardships and accepting them for what they are you automatically cultivate compassion.
I'm not saying its better than christianity.
They are both good.
The Buddha did give up everything and left society to find himself.
Christ did the same. 40 days and 40 nights in the desert.
Both the Buddha and Christ saw that they had to leave society for a time to obtain full enlightenment and then they returned to offer salvation to people.


God allows free will.
There are those that wrongly believe that human population is a problem and use poison (ex. fluoride), radiation, or disease (ex. cancer viruses) to reduce population.

The only answer is: Free Will. Once one understand this concept everything will make sense.

God created free will, and that really means free will.
It means NOT to intervene, never.

If there would be constant intervention it wouldnt be free. Humans was given free will to do what they want. What happens after life is another discussion.
One might say this life is a test to say how you behave in a "free world", but what do I know?

As a very simplified example we can use international law. A countrys internal conflicts should be nothing but their own issues to decide, whatever it may be

Its the same if you consider a family to be a "unit", within this unit its their own issues and tribulations to face, we dont "care".

If a company is successful or not its not our business. Etc etc.
Might be bad examples but they are very simplified.
But this is how you can simplify Gods view on us perhaps.

God gave humans their free will, without any regular intervention of our actions. We do what we want, within some parameters.

If you intervene and decide then the "unit", world or "humans" are not free, only when you decide your own fate are you free, be it a positive or negative fate.

If it means that the vast majority eat all processes shit called "food" from fastfood-chains and supermarkets and drink from plastic xenestrogens bottles etc and it creates chemical destruction in the body and/or cancer, then thats what happens.

Free will = Non-intervention.


>But what the fuck is the purpose of cancer and similar illnesses?

This simulation is based on the reality where our creators were born. They exist in reality

Not a Christian anymore, but it was something about the Original Sin corrupting the world and cursing everyone or whatever.

God didn't create suffering, but he allowed us to make our own choices, and we fucked it all up for ourselves.

More like virtually immortal. They've grown cancer in labs, and eventually it stops replicating. Just takes a lot longer than usual.

Your statement is both true and false depending on which denomination you subscribe to.

For the wages of sin is death

God didn't want this to be our Eden, but here we are, in our rot and decay

Why does it seem like there are more creationist christian retards in europe than there are in america from browsing this board

define free will

free from what? your circumstances? your mind?

i bet you cant even define "free" in this context as anything but random, which its not

Cancer is the result of degenerate lifestyle. People didn't really have cancer in the middle ages

Good thing I'm not a Wagie then

Genetic entropy. As the quality of genes erodes from the purity of adam, we develop more and more imperfections.

Because humans are terrible people and we do need a new plague

lol, this is why our healthcare is where it is, jesus

Its a natural process that is super charged by copious amounts of sugar and salts

you were born a sincuck

for the lulz