Cred Forums Conspiracy theories

Are Chemtrails real? Also gen-conspiracy thread.

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>Are Chemtrails real?

>Nose section of the 747-8I prototype cabin.

>The prominent black tanks store water which is shifted longitudinally (through the gray plumbing) in the aircraft during test flights. This allows precise control of the center of gravity position and measurement of the corresponding stability and control margins.
>Also visible are the flight test pressure probe equipment, cabled with red wires and connected to dynamic pressure probes on the outside of the fuselage through specifically-replaced window panes (the right probes were disconnected at the time of the photo).

>>The prominent black tanks store water which is shifted longitudinally (through the gray plumbing) in the aircraft during test flights. This allows precise control of the center of gravity position and measurement of the corresponding stability and control margins.
>>Also visible are the flight test pressure probe equipment, cabled with red wires and connected to dynamic pressure probes on the outside of the fuselage through specifically-replaced window panes (the right probes were disconnected at the time of the photo).

>Regular on Cred Forums
>Believe in a wiki arctile
>top shekel

It'd take a lot more planes than usually fly to cover territory of a country with chemicals even once.
Putting stuff in water or food is more effective, really.
So no, while the idea of dispensing chemicals by a plane isn't that unlikely to exist, it's highly unlikely that any government would try and use them.

But what about to test just a small sample of citizens to possible conduct tests on experimental substances?
I'm not saying I believe in them, but I merely humoring the idea and asking you to as well.

Now /that/ is actually likely and possible. Soviets once in purpose didn't tell population of a village that their land is irradiated to test the effects on the population.
Murricans had the famous 'walk into occurring nuclear explosion' thing.
So yeah, just testing on small groups is possible, but it is not on the scale the conspiracy theorists believe it to be.

>Soviets once in purpose didn't tell population of a village that their land is irradiated to test the effects on the population.
which one?


but dont important people also live in the areas that are being "chemtrailed"

are you also saying the all the groundcrew, and pilots, and people that are invovled in getting the plane off the ground or physically see the plane, or those who build the planes, or those who install the supposed chemtrail systems.. that all of them would stay quiet meanwhile massive surveillance programs that are completely unconstitutional get leaked before too long.

there was a podcast on the skeptics guide to the universe about this and its pretty fucking unlikely all the people involved in making planes fly would likely be able to keep a conspiracy secret at the scale the theories claim.

I am god, I just forgot I was for 30 years.

I'm back.

chemtrails are real
chemicals come out of the rear of airplane engines
the atmosphere is entirely chemicals
they all mix
the mix is opaque under common conditions against usual transparent air
planes can leave this in their path

Nice try FBI

I will save the white race

>Are Chemtrails real?
Yes. Many countries have used methods to control the weather. Including spraying chemicals and metals in the sky.

>Are they being used to make people deliberately sick or something like this?

jews do look white...

So you believe in the chemtrail conspiracy but their intentions are to control the weather... for what? To prevent global warming through solar radiation management or to test some militaristic weather weapon to be unleashed in ww3??

I don't remember which, sorry. I'll try to find it.
Though an example of coverup could be the Mayak disaster. It gave our scientists a lot of irradiated biological material to work with.

Fuck Niggers, Fuck Jews, All of them including PoC will GET the NOOSE.

The Western Lion has awaken, consequences will never be the same. Muslim will be defeated by supreme victory.

to seed clouds for drought-ridden areas you fucking dolt

If anything they could be used to boost growth. Russia is going through an acceleration period, despite being far from as prosperous as you'd need for one to occur.

>So you believe in the chemtrail conspiracy
No, you piece of shit.
The conspiracy is that governments are using chemtrails to make people sick.

Just use your favorite search engine to look for methods to control the weather. It's not a secret. And it's even less fascinating.

Here you go, you fucking kek-lord:

>cloud comes
>put stuff in cloud
>it goes away

God you have autism.

no he's just german
and weather modification is decades old
i sometimes wonder if it has negative side effects, if it did I don't think they would tell us.
but I don't think they're poising us, because why would you poison your slaves?

It's basically weather control. For now at least.

Conspiracy has nothing to do with weather control, its more to do with gov't dispersing chemicals that make people more complacent or make them sick

Weather control is what real chemtrails actually do, cloud seeding with iodine but cloud seeding is common knowledge

surprised nobody has mention Operation LAC or Operation Dew yet, they tested biological weapon deployment from planes pretty rigorously post-WWII

>because why would you poison your slaves?

Because machines are more efficient and won't rebel when you displace them from society

Why would they bother with chemtrails when pic related has done am excellent job of poisoning generations?

>Cred Forums says that global warming is a myth and that humans have no effect on climate change
>Cred Forums thinks that jets are spraying metals and chemicals which control the weather

wew lad

co2 is not a pollutant
water vapor is not a pollutant

cloud seeding is not a conspiracy lol

Muslims dont eat pork because it would be cannibalism


define chemtrails first pls.

what a waste of a sky interior

>Regular on Cred Forums
>this picture looks similar to what i want to believe it is so it must be true!

Yes they are, they put shit in the air to block solar flares.

It's why so many people in the west have a vitamin D deficiency nowadays.

Is it this one?


Some 1800s philosopher once said "conspiracy theories are the exhaust fumes of democracy"

Yeah some of them might have a little bit of truth here and there, but don't take it as dogma

Chemtrails are real in the sense that we have been cloud seeding and experimenting with it for years.
The biggest "conspiracy" isn't even a conspiracy, it's Dow chemical obtaining patents for seeds and using weather conditions like wind storms and dust storms to pollute small farm fields with Dow seeds and sue the ever living shit out of them on patent laws. If anybody ever cared about the death of small farming; that's the front to fight on. Not that GMO's will make you grow an extra finger, but patent laws encouraged by congressmen bought by mega corps will put every small farmer out of business until they have no choice but to buy seeds from the kings of the industry.
The last bastion of small farms that aren't required to jump through the hoops of getting USDA Organic certified and refuse to buy patent seeds are fruit farmers and every stupid ass green peace faggot here is busy crying about GMO corn, which is used as cattle feed anyhow.


Conspiracy theories as a concept have been around since the dawn of civilization. Languages evolve, but people knew what they were talking about back then

"Made Popular"
but yeah, it's not new

I didn't say I believed in them, just one search led to another where I was looking up chem trails on Wikipedia at 3 in the morning. I personally don't believe in them, But I've always like to humor the idea of conspiracy theories.

You can apply to do cloud seeding as a Job if you have a pilots liscence, Decent Pay.

>what do you think ?

Get a dick up ya you fuck wit.


im not into that kind of stuff, You have fun though.

Okay, and...?
Idk why you even brought this up.



fucking love that shirt

How blue are your pills guys? This one isn't very spicy but it really compels you into contemplation.

4 MSM outlets saying that planes are used to seed / destroy clouds

This much is known and accepted.

(if brit sources aren't good enough I suggest you do your own nigger searches)

It's alright. Like any pilot job, it's not something you could solely do.

just making conversation mate, having a fuckin yarn.
actually just waiting for one of you cunts to reply to

Depends on actually what it is they are spraying.

I think its less of a case of something super sinister and more a case of not fully knowing the effects of weather modding.

>I assume the side effects and such are actually due to allergies / immune system.

It's real.

I remember seeing a doc one time interviewing actualy people involved in the program it is something to do with weather. Im pretty sure it was heavy metals, aluminum oxide and barium oxide.

I remember they where asked the question "what are possible side effect or long term effects on people and soil" And they basically said we have no idea yet as to the effects.

Any other anons remember this???

They've been talking about HAARP for years though and nothing really big has ever happened with it. Seems like they are just heating up the upper atmosphere bro.

What do the heavy metals do to the weather though? Would it cause a change in pressure possibly and draw fronts closer to the point of the chemtrails?

that's all it is I think, "chemtrails" are just to get a visual reference of how the pressure systems are moving.. but I don't know

They wouldn't dispense chemicals, that wouldn't be near as effective, chemtrails are used to influence weather by manipulating clouds and its certainly not news to anyone

They would likely use a biological weapon, some sort of disease that could spread on the ground, US tested this with Bacillus globigii over several states

The gov't tested with the idea of spreading disease via mosquitoes for a long time by infecting them with yellow fever and spreading them via plane, they tested this over US soil as well

No idea i remember this was years ago, i do remember people at the time pointed out Barium Oxide was linked to lower birth rates somehow, again i cant remember.

i don't know. would be a retarded thing to do them chemtrails things

What if the nano sized particles of Aluminum, what if they are Nanites user

The AK array got too much heat so they literally shut, it, down. That said, pic from shows they had others, but most didn't realize this, all attention was on the one up in alaska...

Whatever the hell those crazy things can do to the ionosphere, etc is incredible, they are tapped in to insane amounts of energy with them

The upper-atmospheric chaffing is done to make the ionosphere more conductive for their experiments, to my understanding. There is a factor of weather control involved as well, as some believe this added conductance will insulate against "global warming". This is different from the technique of causing rain to occur by blasting silver iodine into cloud formations ahead of the location they wish to avoid getting wet.

Also, another theory attached to why they would embark on such a program, is called ' b | u 3 b 3 @ m ' , connected with all that high tech stuff orbiting the globe at thousands of miles per hour

what is b | u 3 b 3 @ m
I couldn't find anything on it, do you have a ink?

He means Blue-beam


kek cheers poland

weather modification services "cloud seeding" have existed for several decades

You do realize, Scientist have been admitting to weather modification, via chemtrails. Just the main stream has not caught up to it yet. They spray because they care. Get with the program and do your research.

Aviatorfag here. Chemtrails are not real, aircraft have been leaving wispy clouds (contrails if you aren't retarded) behind them since they've been able to fly high enough. They often form under the conditions of high altitude. It has to do with the moisture content of the air and temperature, which is why you will sometimes see them at lower altitudes, just not usually.