Students Are Being Pushed Into Harmful ‘Sexual Consent’ Classes

"As the academic year gets underway, increasing numbers of students are being corralled into sexual consent classes. At Lancaster University lessons in the correct way to get someone into bed with you are compulsory, begin on day one and are reinforced throughout the year. York, Oxford, Bristol, and King’s College are just some of many universities running similar campaigns. Elsewhere, students are expected to attend ‘Good Lad’ workshops or NUS-organised ‘I Heart Consent’ programmes.

In America, national ‘Title IX’ legislation is the driving force behind the growth in mandatory sexual consent workshops. At Indiana University, Bloomington, students have to complete online modules to learn about sexual misconduct before setting foot on campus while at Columbia University, students are expected to take part in the Sexual Respect Initiative.

Everywhere there are poster campaigns. One shows a young man leaning nonchalantly against a wall: ‘I know it’s a no when she’s asleep. Do you?’ reads the caption. As the overwhelming majority of male students receive their degree certificates without an accompanying rape conviction, it turns out they do know ‘when it’s a no’. If a student doesn’t know that raping someone is wrong then they shouldn’t be at university.

Sadly, this poster illustrates one of the take-home messages of sexual consent classes. Men, all men, are potential rapists while women are passive victims-in-waiting. Women need to be constantly vigilant to guard against the threat of predatory males. What’s more, the rapist is likely to be your boyfriend or someone you know..."

"Consent classes and campaigns are a response to alarmist surveys that suggest sexual harassment of women is rife or that as many as ‘one in three’ female students has been ‘sexually assaulted or abused’ on campus. These dodgy statistics reinforce the idea that we live in a ‘rape culture’ and create a climate of fear for women students. But they are arrived at by conflating all kinds of behaviours from rape to unwanted touching to cat-calling. What’s more, some ask students to report not on their own experiences but on things they have observed. Only the people concerned can ever know whether sexual advances are wanted or not and inflating assault statistics in this way does nobody any favours.

The people who run consent classes are quick to argue that workshops are simply an opportunity for participants to swap stories and discuss their experiences. But, unlike in their literature or philosophy classes, students soon discover there are right and wrong answers. In one class students break into small groups to discuss various scenarios before reconvening and ‘coming to a definition of consent as active, mutual, and ongoing’.

Consent classes teach that sex should be preceded and accompanied throughout by explicit, enthusiastic and sober discussions of what each party does and does not agree to. Clearly, whoever thinks up such schemes has never been young or in lust. Engaging in pre-coital contractual negotiations is far removed from the reality of how most normal people have sex. Research from the US suggests there is a world of difference between what goes on in the privacy of the bedroom and what gets rehearsed in a consent class.The idea of asking for consent is easy to mock. ‘May I touch your left breast with my right hand?’ asked no one, ever. But logic of consent lessons has serious repercussions..."

"When students are taught that sex without a formal ‘yes’ at every stage of the proceedings is rape, they come to interpret their own experiences through this lens.

It no longer matters if a woman didn’t say ‘no’ or indeed betray any sign at all of not wanting to have sex. Unless she was explicitly and constantly asked, while totally sober, and responded with an enthusiastic ‘yes’ each time, then she was raped. The onus is on men to prove they had consent and women are, once more, portrayed as delicate flowers who don’t know their own minds, especially after a glass of wine, and may do one thing but mean another.

At best, the disjuncture between the script rehearsed in the consent class and the messy reality of student sex creates anxiety. For many young people sex has become overly-complicated and confused with rape to such an extent that they have become scared of it. The latest British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyle found that 33.8 per cent of men and 44.4 per cent of sexually active young women report not enjoying sex because they experience pain and anxiety. Almost 10 per cent of women said they experienced no excitement or arousal during sex.

Worse still, consent classes encourage women to reevaluate their past sexual experiences – perhaps long notched up to experience – as rape. One class organiser reports proudly that it was only ‘after being educated properly’ that a participant identified what happened to her as a crime and went to the police.

For this reason consent classes are bound to fail. Nobody intent on rape is likely to stop after suddenly remembering a discussion point from a workshop they attended. Instead, consent classes are likely to increase the prevalence of reported rape on campus as drunken sex, regretted sex, and caught-up-in-the-heat-of-the-moment sex are all reclassified as rape."

Well, Cred Forums? Are you a raper?

>students are expected to attend ‘Good Lad’ workshops
Are points awared for good lad behavior?

Men in western society are considered rapists if they are not Chad. So any beta/omega male, any fat or ugly or average guy walking in the vicinity of a woman is a 'creep' and a 'rapist' if the woman deems them to be so. That's how it works. Chad gets a free pass, we don't. Chad has actual 'male privilege', we don't.

I went to university in 2002 and we just had a quick one-hour workshop thing about not raping each other and that was that

>TFW Not tall enough for conservative qt3.14 that isn't brainwashed by SJW horseshit.

I've been on campus for a few weeks and completely forgot about this. If I don't do the online portion in the next 2 days I have to go to the seminar.

Part of me wants to go to the seminar just so I can rage.

And people wonder why millennials don't have sex

I remember when i was kid, i used to think that showing interest to a girl was wrong and offensive to her...Kept me from having dates until my early 20s, fml

We are getting cucked by our own system.
Why aren't the women attending the classes? What about the men and women raped by women?

Oh, right, they don't care about that.

>Getting raped by a woman

Lesbos are way worse than men when it comes to rape and domestic violence.

Haven't had any of these bullshit classes but then again I'm doing a real degree and not some humanities nonsense.

At my university all men and women have to take the classes.

How are they? Women have no physica leverage and aren't the ones doing the penetration.

The only way I can see them raping is either some huge buldyke with a strapon abusing her weedy husband or the use of blackmail and threats to force men into sex. Technically rape, but a much lesser kind.

I'm saying lesbians are way more violent in relationships and report a far higher incident rate of forced sexual contact.

Come now, you make it sound like you look like Sloth or something. If you're not attractive then women would appreciate a little confidence and conversation.

Doesn't matter, it still happens and for only men to take the class is annoying and too "WHITE CIS MALE PRIVILEGE" aimed

Odd, in the article apparently only men are forced to take it.

Is that shit for real? Holy fuck Burger Bros.

Somehow i feel i dodged a bullet getting certs on my own instead of persuing """higher education"""

Yeah, college is a meme as far as I can tell. I wonder if religious schools are any better?

Glad I graduated just before this shit took off.

Now I can rape willy nilly and tell the police I didn't know any better because those classes were never offered to me.

Stop and frisk is not allowed because it unfairly targets blacks who are 'guilty by association'. All men attend this consent shit.

I wish they'd at least be consistent.

Don't teach policemen not to shoot, teach blacks not to steal.

>Sadly, this poster illustrates one of the take-home messages of sexual consent classes. Men, all men, are potential rapists while women are passive victims-in-waiting. Women need to be constantly vigilant to guard against the threat of predatory males. What’s more, the rapist is likely to be your boyfriend or someone you know..."

Children, this is cultural marxism.


You're supposed to post only the highlights, not the whole article, newfag.

Tbh I'd play the misere game on that. Attend the courses then try to do as many of the things as possible that they tell me not to do.

> i used to think that showing interest to a girl was wrong and offensive to her...
We tell you that so that only the people who are confident enough to voice their own feelings (regardless of who gets offended) bother approaching us.
You haven't learned by now that someone calling you "wrong" or "inappropriate" or "offensive" or "creepy" is just testing to see if you've got the balls to go for it anyway?
Never take what a woman says at face value. Go by her actions. Contrary to what we say, women are damn simple organisms and any illusion of complexity is just a ploy to ward off the gullible.

>I'm saying lesbians are way more violent in relationships and report a far higher incident rate of forced sexual contact.
I find this amusing and gave a bit of a chuckle.
Cred Forums what have you done to my conscience?

Mizzou fag here and can confirm. Had to take a full course on what consent was and how it can change at any time. Not only that, but they forced a few scenes regarding rape with Trigger warnings in which you could press a red STOP button to block the content if it was "too much for you". This actually had a consent exam you had to take as well, but if you censored the content, it wouldn't ask you questions about it (since you didn't see it) so I just censored literally the entire video so I wouldn't have to pay attention or take a stupid test. And yes, there was literally a trigger warning screen before the videos.