If Germanics are so smart, why weren't they the first ones to create civilization?

If Germanics are so smart, why weren't they the first ones to create civilization?

The cradle is more fertile than Northern Europe.

Beacuse Skype/Jews helo tren be modernize in return of the destruction of the Roman Empire

>implying an american knows what civilization is

there were more people in asia

>implying a sheep fucker knows what anything is

define civilization and why is it superior to anything else


Babylonians n' shiet.

americans invented burgers, epitome of civilization

Thank you my Asian compatriot

How do you think they will be able to do that if they couldn't develop agriculture?

The lands in germany and scandinavia are shit to the point that agriculture cannot develop there.

So they instead focused on hunting and invading other places and people.

Daily reminder that ancient Rome, ancient Greece and ancient kingdom of Macedon were southern European empires. They were NOT nordic/germanic empires

I'm not even saying Germanics are so smart, but when Rome was already an Empire Germanic tribes had barely crawled out of Scandinavia; spreading south and creating isolated pockets in what was mostly nothing but a big, scary forest (and which did not get cleared and colonized until the Middle Ages). During Augustus' reign the city of Rome had more inhabitants than all of Germania Magna.

The big advantage peoples around the Mediterranean had was time: its coasts were easily reached by sea and colonized in the 1st wave of neolithic expansion. The other branch of the neolithic expansion had to go through the Balkans all the way to central Europe (where their culture was destoyed by IE invaders from the the Ukrainian steppes; with whom they finally mixed), then branching off into the Baltics, crossing into Scandinavia by boat. From Scandianvia they went south again into what today is Germany (where they encountered Celts and Romans). All this took 1000s of years, clashing with older, Mesolithic populations along the way. A cycle of conquering, mixing, colonizing, multiplying, further spreading.

ARYANS cannot create anything.

They only parasitise over civilisations and destroy them from within.

See: Communism and the fall of the Roman Empire.

If Amerika is so great than why did they skip culture on their way to decadence?


if Socrates was so smart then why is he dead?

Germans did tho

so germans invented civilization

The fertile crescent is a very fertile region. Germany and Scandinavia are densely forested, mountainous regions that aren't nearly as good for farming as the Euphrates,Tigris and Nile. And civilization took longer to spread because of the natural barriers surrounding the region, Vosges mountains, Alps, Rhine, Danube etc.

>If Germanics are so smart, why weren't they the first ones to create civilization?

northern people were more bothered with just staying alive for 6 months out of the year

Well, why do you think it's called a HAMBURG-er?

because German immigrants do not naturalize immediately.

Weel wer ne burg ham

with civilization you actually mean "empire" in this context..and look at the empires..what happened to them

Pre-Christian Germanic civilization was the most sophisticated ever seen on earth, and I'm including modern times when I say this.

We have it may not been the roman empire but it was enough but you had to poke the bear and now you see what came out of it nukes, intercontinental rockets, stealth tech, jets and more

You just had one job and you could have saved us all

Yeah sure thing bro

du weisst ich hab recht