Any other Aussies watch this guy drop redpills right to Muslims and abos faces

Any other Aussies watch this guy drop redpills right to Muslims and abos faces

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Hey don't post a video or anything.

Saw it. He was retarded. A good example of how racism is the product of limited education, much butthurt, and a mother who drinks heavily through pregnancy. Post the video so this can be an Australian cringe thread.

Nah he was good. Said what every real Australian has been wanting to say, without acting smug

post the video then cunt

Please explain?
And is this what you mean by "every real Australian"?

But that would undermine OP's assertion...

I don't know why OP's on this board never fucking post videos

Here you cunts go, enjoy

what is the host wearing?
its 2016

It's A E S T H E T I C

>racist views disclaimer

> Racist views

Make Australia Great Again.

this guys posture makes my brain think it's satire

>racist views

Yep, and if you can be fucked to watch the entire video - you can see just how "racist" it is. It's not even racist by normie standards, it's a fucking joke how bias the media is in western society.

> (((racist))) views.
The greatest trick the jewish cabal ever pulled off was convincing the world that it did not exist.

That shirt holy shit

>"white people are still in charge"
ok so the fucking abo is the SJW here.
12mins in and this shit is already derailing

I watched most of it last night on the stream, but the stream messed up towards the end. Blair did an okay job, but there were a few times where he came across as a Cred Forumstard. Never as bad as the dumb cunts on the other side.

The 2 muslim bitches never responded with facts and barely even address what is said to them. They just roll their eyes and go OMG DID YOU JUST SAY THAT? YOU AREN'T A SCHOLAR and other shit to avoid actually making an argument. The Jew piece of shit had the gall to say "Muslims built Australia too" what a complete fucking load of shit.

A fucking white muslim and a fucking white abbo?

They can't put a full blooded abo on TV mate. For starters, he or she would not be on their side. Abos hate asians, muslims,etc more than they hate whitey. And a full blooded abo can't talk civil or pay attention for that long. He'd probably try to punch someone.

>1 hr 3 mins

nigger I'm not sitting through this, what's the good parts?

You guys can keep posting these stories in an attempt to make Muslims look like monsters but the fact is that 99.9% of them are tolerant, peaceful and just want to live a simple life

based greatest ally