Angela Merkel : Hindsight is 20:20

With all the shit thats happened over the last year and all the pressure Merkel has been trying to put on other EU members and the UK after brexit it was revealed by her own countries intelligence agency that within the million refugees she let into her country openly, there were many ISIL sleeper cells and terrorists.

And now she has admitted that she wishes she could turn back time with regards to the refugees.

So how long until the 4th reich is ended before it gets a chance to start and the rest of the EU wakes up to realize that Merkel is responsible in one way or another for almost all the terror attacks across europe in the last year and follows the UK out of the EU?

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Bump for interest. What a fucked up legacy.


>Ms Merkel took responsibility for her conservative party's second electoral defeat in two weeks in Berlin on Sunday, as voters rejected her open-door policy just a year before a federal election.



Forgive my ignorance, but Merkel was pretty decent before the refugees right? Didn't pay much attention to German politics before the refugees


I don't follow either, but she seemed fine up until after the Greece economy collapse, then something happened and she went full retard.

>oh my, looks like i fucked up everything.
Well, what are you going to do about it, Mrs. Merkel?

Yeah Merkel, is great.

Anyone else remember when Silvio Burlusconi called her an "Unfuckable lard-arse"


Is Hillary wearing a designer hospital gown?

I'd guess day release

> Reichskanzlerin

What a precise yet delicate word.
Such a beautiful language.
Such a beautiful people.
So sad so see them in such anguish.

Jesus Christ that fucking bizarre sense of self-importance.


Not like your conservative party was doing anything remotely conservative, Khan

The muslims there are so fucked

Feels actually bizarre to think we're getting out of this hellhole.

I'm so used to the absolute worst case scenario that anything is vaguely not that is incredible to me.

Even if we take an extra year to leave, we'll still be out by the time all those migrants become EU citizens.

You can tell Germany regrets the migrant crisis because Brexit scuppered their plans to just offload the burden onto us.

>implying the EUs immigrant policy had anything to do with the UK

brexit has nothing to do with merkel's behaviour. it is the civil unrest and nearing elections.



Learn from others mistake murica

She's only saying this to secure another few years. You know damn well she doesn't give a fuck about Germans anymore.

Didn't know Michael Jackson supports hillary

>Hindsight is 20:20

Many many people pointed out the problems this time last year. Why didn't she listen then?

She got elected on a conservative basis back in the day.Turns out she's the German Hillary Clinton, does what she thinks will get her elected.
>NeoLibs (Lolbertarians) promise lower taxes.
We do it, making their party obsolete.
>Fukushima happens.
Close down all nuclear power plants, even so we just extendend their runtime, so the Green party doesn't get our votes!
>Social Democrats and "The Left" call for a minimum wage.
Us to! Us to!
Which ended with the "Big Coalition" between SPD(SocDem) and CDU(Merkels party).


Before that she was on easy mode, there wasn't much she could fuck up.

You'll never pull out. Politicians will stall it forever. If they actually do pull out then they'll just create laws to remain functionally a member. Nothing people care about like economics or immigration will change.

>politicians do anything to get reelected
wow what a surprise

Despite not triggering article 50 yet we've already stopped attending any EU related meetings, we are no longer involving ourselves in any of the EU's business. We're going buddy, we're just doing it in our own damn time and not on someone elses clock.

There's still money EU money going into the UK and vice versa. Stopping all that from one day to the other would actually fuck your economy.

>hindsight is 20:20
is foresight that is so fucked up that you miss the hordes of religious fanatics marching towards you even correctable?

Ohh government. I don't expected anything from our local/state or federal government. It will make it worse for us and only go back a little once they have done massive damage.

Being born into this country toughness you up how fucked laws, rules and people are.

I only remember two good things our government did. Ending our mandatory miltary/social sevice taking back the study fees. Both still affected me. It felt like punishment for being male, healthy and wanting to better myself. They only moved on both after people got upset with it.

My feelings about Merkel are that she did nothing for us and no one ever will. The common folks opinion is that we live in a two class society and the government only puts stones in our way. Living here also now feels like punishment for just doing your job.

No wonder the AFD happened and the CDU/SDP keep being in power.

The only reason the shit Merkel did flew was because the world shamed us into being "good". Guess what: you overdid it. Our society is as rotten as everyone else's and the antibiotic shame no longer works.

What will hapen next election? There isn't anyone good we are going to vote into power because there is no one good in our society. It makes little difference to us here who will get elected and who cares about the rest of Europe.

People are hurting right now and there is no mending the suffering. Its a little like the us situation with Hillary. "America is allready good, don't be like that". Guess what MY life sucks and i don't feel like i have a bright future ahead. Thats the opinion from the poor as far as Merkel goes.

I have no idea how to fix Hope. I don't even have an idea how to fix hope in my own life, even though a make a decent living. Writing this made me feel a little more alive then usual so thanks for that.