Why doesn't the FBI already label BLM as a terrorist organization?

Why doesn't the FBI already label BLM as a terrorist organization?

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Probably because they've never committed an act of terrorism.

>Black LLives

gr8 b8 m8

Cred Forums btfo

>Terrorism : the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

OH boy that definition sure does line up with what they do doesn't it

(You) really don't deserve this

What was Sandy Hook?

Not true. R2Dindu was a BLM supporter and activist.

calling those monkeys terrorists is an offense to real terrorists

it's like calling some idiot 20something arab-american a terrorist because he tried and failed to kill anyone with an amateur pipe bomb PLACED IN A FUCKING DUMPSTER FOR MAXIMUM BLAST CONTAINMENT

What about the time they killed a bunch of cops and then the google got droned?

Probably because the googles will goog even more.

because that will break the country into two

this is R2Dindu

We wuz terrorizts n sheit

press F for bombbot


>We "IS" terrorizts n sheit

But what if the cops are black? Do black lives matter then?


Because the US government is controlled right now by people who hate America, because Americans are stupid and couldn't see through the tragic mulatto.

No, because they become Uncle Toms/Honorary Whites/Part of the System, so googles shoot them too.

Its racist for some reason. White lives matter was labeled a hate group w weeks after it formed and they never did anything close to blm

For the same thing user, OWS and Cred Forums aren't considered terrorist groups - leaderless social movements focused primarily on political or objectionable speech are fundamentally different from organized non-state actors focused on violence.

I always love seeing shit proposals like this on Cred Forums, because it would probably be one of the first places targeted of the government had free reign to arrest people got behaving controversially.

So its BLMUVSS- Black lives matter under very specific circumstances

Main reason is because the Klu Klux Klan still isn't officially recognized as a terrorist organization. If BLM gets labeled before the KKK it will just embolden them even more.

>asking a president endorsed organization to be labelled a terror group

Because of the party currently in the white house does not want them to.

I find it funny that a group called White Lives Matter was labeled a hate group within a week of its conception its almost as if there is an agenda

Because Hillary would have them fired, and their families burned alive.

Yeah, OK.

The FBI is part of the executive branch, which means that Obama is literally their boss. Do you think Obama would let them label his "sons" as terrorists? They could literally be pulling off Oklahoma Federal Building style attacks on a weekly basis and Obama still wouldn't call them terrorists. Luckily niggers are too stupid to pull something like that off in the first place.


Anyone got that greentext?

Because the Obama administration has put social justice-minded staff at the highest levels of most, if not all, government bureau and agencies.

....or social change.

Because the FBI does what the President tells the mto do (or not do)