Why the fuck would a Slav be white supremacist? Look how westerners see us

Why the fuck would a Slav be white supremacist? Look how westerners see us

>dude it's not racist to shittalk Slavs cuz they are white lmao

then someone points out whites are not inherently superior to other races because eastern Europe is a shithole and suddenly
>dude they aren't ACTUALLY white lmao

if you're a Slav and support this movement you're like a nigger on KKK meeting because trust me westerenrs don't fucking see you as their equal and if they could they would gas you

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Hitler hated slavs just as much as he hated jews. Westerners, especially anglo-saxon nations have always despised east europeans in general.

Yet we still like the west because the Russians are awful, violent steppe niggers. I guarantee if Russia would turn into a normal country and not a mafia state we would all side with them and make the eurasian union a thing.

Racial supremacy movements work (and make sense) only in ''''vibrant'''' ''''''diverse'''''' societies where nationality has been too diluted to be a good unifying factor, something which doesn't apply to Poland at least yet.

Focus on nationalism and carry on, lad. The end goal is similar.

Fuck nationalism Poland is a pathetic shithole with history of being a punching bag of Europe and known only for thieves and coalburning whores. I care only about myself you fucking bydło.

>Poland is a pathetic shithole with history of being a punching bag of Europe
>I care only about myself
These two sentences are quite related.

>Slavs are shit
>More news at 11

Nah, but it's okay to be a Slav nationalist which automatically makes you a little bit of white supremacist. Honestly I can't stand white foreigners.

its a bit like in greece how they tried to be nazis but didnt realize they are not white. if all you see day in and day out are people like yourself you might think your white

nazis in russia think they are white enough for white power because they only see each other. not even understanding that western hate for russia is at a all time high so actual white people wont accept them in many cases because "muh cold war"

eastern europe is still better than 90% of the shitholes inhabited by nonwhites. true white nationalists support and embrace slavs. shitposters on Cred Forums are just that.

stop spouting communist propaganda

Slavs are white. Stop this bullshit. Anyone who says "slavs are not white" in Cred Forums is 99% of the time a troll, just disregard it

I don't think Russians are white nationalists, but rather for their country.

>nazis in russia
what a joke

Wow. That's EXACTLY the sentence I expected someone to make who creates such a thread!

>bants hurts my fee-fee
stop being a fag Poland.

no more brother wars
in the event of wwiii

gas the kikes


Slavs are better whites than my German and Anglo brothers anyway.
UK and Germany need to be nuked. Stupid faggots can't even figure out where to direct their anger.

are hungarians slavs too?

honestly we don't consider modern westerners white as well with all their SWJ, gays and multiculturalism

>Poland is a pathetic shithole with history of being a punching bag of Europe

Is more or less result of people like:

>I care only about myself

>eastern europe is still better than 90% of the shitholes inhabited by nonwhites.
American education, everyone

Hungarians are Gulasz-Bros as far as Im concerned

what are hungarians in this case?

Yugoslav people are very different from ex SSR Slavic people by color and culture.

Says Russian living abroad

I'm not a Slav but I get hate from Cred Forums no matter what I do.
>Be white nationalist
Lel, fucking Turk go blow up a crowd

>Be devout Muslim
Lmao, fucking Europeans supporting a sandnigger religion, what a bunch of cucks

>Be individualist
This is exactly why your country is shit(apart from being non-white :DDD), you smelly Turk rape baby
I just can't win and still keep coming on this cancer of a board.

Better than Kosovo.

Slavs = white niggers

you have no choice.

i know russia is bad but its not africa at least.

that still makes them better than regular niggers.

everything you said is true tho

Slavs may have light skin color (skin color is not a racial indicator, sandgoogles and pakies were count as caucasians in XIX century) but historicaly and culturaly they different from "White Western" people.
History - Russians were start forming under Mongol-Tatar rule and become a "White" Mongolian Empire. Poljaks claims they were a descendants of Sarmatians (nomadic Iranians people). Russians had have contacts with Turkic\Finn\others people.
Lingusticly Slavic languages belongs to east group of Indo-European Language Family (centum and satem).
Why "White" sounds good for us:
Basically in Indo-European languages "White" is term of smth well, good. Sanskrit and modern Hindu use words श्वेत ("śveta") \ श्वेत ("śvet"), स्वेत ("svet") for word "White", which is cognate to Slavic cвѣтъ ("světŭ") which in modern Slavic languages discribe "Light", "World". Latin "Albus" is from Proto-Indo-European "*h2elbʰós" (“white”) coongrate Middle Welsh "elbid" (“world”) and Modern Slavic term for a Swam (bird), wich is symbol of aesthetic white beauty.
In some African languages "Black" is good coz hidrolized soil become black and nice for agriculture n shiet.
Also Indian society has Caste System where elite was an Aryan and lower aboriginal Dravidian descent (Dravidians have black skin color). In Modern Europe established concept of Three stages where White Western people were "Civilized", East Asians were "Barbaric" and Africans and aboriginals seems as "Savages". East Europeans - between Civilization and Barbarism, South Asians and Western Asians between Barbarism and Savagery.
And look at Modern Slavic states... it's piss of shit.

In this pic, who was living in the white area between Germanic Celtic And Baltic Slavic?

>(skin color is not a racial indicator, sandgoogles and pakies were count as caucasians in XIX century)
They are still counted as Caucasians today

>History - Russians were start forming under Mongol-Tatar rule and become a "White" Mongolian Empire
That explains your political and social norms, it says nothing about race

>Poljaks claims they were a descendants of Sarmatians (nomadic Iranians people).
And they're wrong

He hate Slavs coz in 18-19 centuries in Northern and North-Eastern regons of Germany, in Prussia aspessialy peasants were Slavs. Germans opressed poor slavs,

Celts for a long time, also eventually Slavs in the Northern part. Germans made a big push through the region (all the way to Ukraine) in late antiquity but got kicked out by Huns

>Prussian peasants
No. You should really talk a lot less and read a lot more.

we are not white. get over it. african american more white. they're protestants and raised in western culture (we're not), just skin and rap make they who they are.

langugae is not slavic. came from siberia in 9 century and raped slavic girls and boys. opressed slovaks and on and on. >_

Don't fucking fall to the divide and conquer shills, Piotr.

Nobody ACTUALLY thinks slavs aren't white for fuck's sake.

hungarians is kinda refugees but it happened 1150 years ago

>Why the fuck would a Slav be white supremacist?
There are really no white supremacists in the Slavdom. This is a western idea. In general Slavs aren't very violent or aggressive. It has always been the Germanics or Anglosaxons who have escalated violence in politics and statecraft

slavs are the only group of supposed white people that act like a bunch of niggers on a wide scale

and just like a nigger, this slav monkey is complete denial

wondered the same thing. you mongrels are just as white as us americans and we get shit for not being real white every day.

Southern Ugrians who left Southern Ugria to be nomads with the Huns
>then after the Huns fell apart they stuck with the middle of the 3 post-Hun Bulgar polities, the Onugur Khanate
>together these Magyars and Bulgars invaded Hungary, raping and assimilating Slavs along the way
You're rape babies of Slavs, Magyars, and filthy Turks

>we are not white.

The only way you are "not white" is if your definition of white is "western".

jews :D:D:D may be there's sort of transition or in languges not often exist strong boarders. Dutch for exaple just a dialect of lowerGerman. But Languages is a dialect with arm and navy. So it is not a 100% map. it's still hypothesis about “homeland" of Indo-europeans.

oh shit here comes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polabian_Slavs
and baltic tribes wasn't a hardcore pesants so far.

well some googlenazi claims egypt, india were black, but when we talk black we means sub-saharian negroids and they everyone with black skin color.

why he hates albanians?