Kek what a cuck.

I hate Cruz but he had balls to stand up for his beliefs.

he was always full of shit and this just proves it lol

Nooooo! Ted Cruz, you bad goy

based Ted Cruz. the people who hate on him here are fucking idiots he's way more conservative than trump (Don't get me wrong I like trump too)

Yes, wait until it's a close race instead of doing it when people thought he'd lose.

Hope trump shuns this man


Knee status = bent

not everyone here is conservative/libertarian my friend, and that goes for the Trump camp on Cred Forums as well. myself included

This will ass devastate all the diehard Cruzites. Most of the nevertrump crowed stemmed from his followers.

Kiss the ring rat.

This is because everyone's now accepting the fact that hillary will lose

Kind of depressing. Not that I dislike Trump or anything, but I always had respect for Rato for at least sticking to his guns.

The saddest part is that Cruz would have EASILY won the primaries if he had came up with the muslim/refugee ban before Trump did.


Doesn't he shill for amnesty?

It was always a calculated gamble from him that Trump would lose.

Nope he had his chance

That stupid rat

>but I always had respect for Rato for at least sticking to his guns.

Rato only refused to endorse initially because he thought Trump would lose and that he would be poised for 2020 as the True Conservativeā„¢ that defied the New York city slicker that got Hillary elected, but now that it's obvious that Trump is probably going to win, he'd rather be on his good side.

Oh they will come back begging now. All that opposed him fade way or bend the knee.

>that goes for the trump camp as well
No shit, everyone already knows trumpfags are leftist shills


All the principled conservatives are gonna be pissed

This is our movement now

The only reason he did that was because of political calculation. He thought Trump wasn't going to win so he didn't endorse him so he himself could run again in 2020. The day after his RNC speech, he said it was because of personal reasons. Back in May he said he will look if he will endorse or not based on policies or principles or something like that.

Dahnald...I have traveled across time and space, fighting alternate versions of myself in order to get stronger...

I see the truth now, Dahnald. I was a fool. Strength comes not from delegates alone but from unity.

Let's do it Dahnald. Let's fuse our delegates and take that bitch Hillary down!

This is not a flame post

Why is Trump expected to win now? Don't get me wrong, I'm voting for him, but I don't understand why people on here are so cocksure he's gonna win when all the apolitical normies I knlw are bitching about him, and I even live in a rural small town.

But what about the delegates?

>implying trump needs an endorsement from el rrrrrrrrrrrrrrato

Fuck that opportunistic egoistic powerhungry rat

I wish him a painful death

It's some newfound optimism because of some polls going up and because of a lot of bad press around Hillary in the last two weeks.

Trump has a chance if Gary and Jill manage to split the the cuck-my-shit-up milennial vote.
As a German, I have no optimism of common sense ever winning an election but who knows.
Trump losing could actually create an opposition that has a higher impact than Trump would have if he wins, since everyone will block the shit out of everything he'll attempt.

Because in the end sometimes overwhelming conviction is all you have

Fuck that Band Wagon Jumping, Ineligible CubaCanadin Prairie Penis Puffing, Syrup Sucking, Booger Eating, Cheating, Layin, Lyin, Canadian.



No, he had pretty much the same position as Trump on illegal immigration, youre probably thinking of Rubio.

SENATOR Ted Cruz wants his WALL money.

My father taught me to keep my enemies close. We'll meet again Dahnald.

Cruz the Rato yells: I have seen worlds bathed in the Democrats' flames, their denizens fading without so much as a whimper. Entire congressional districts born and razed in the time that it takes your mortal hearts to beat once. Yet all throughout, my own heart devoid of delegates... of empathy. I. Have. Felt. Nothing. A million-million votes wasted. Had they all held within them your conservative principles? Had they all loved Trump as you do?


Hillary is in the process of self-destructing. That, and nobody cares nor believes anti-Trump stuff anymore due to how the media has cried wolf far too many times already.

Soon Kasich will bend the knee.

Cruz was too much of a pussy to talk about that sort of topic.

Imagine the hype on Hannity tonight.

are you sucking cock??

How do you know nobody believes it? People are pretty fucking stupid and are easily tricked by the media.

Holy shit why are there so many idiots

I didnt even know who trump was before he announced candidacy but i watched him, unlike now didnt even like him but immediately recognized his competence and that he is going to become president and now more than a year later my judgement is still accurate

How do you people not see the obvious? Trump is the real deal

I believe he's swearing fealty.

by sucking on a cock???


the post was referring to Ted Cruz's knee, which is now bent. not referring to mine.

Is Ted Cruz sucking cock? I don't know. you'll have to ask him.

>his beliefs

He refused to endorse Trump because of hurt fee fees, not principles.

are you sucking cock?

No you faggot, get dicks out of your mind.

By kneeling and bowing down in front of his new Lord.

Okay I stand down Dahnald, but give me the vice presidency

Fugg sorry I messed up my quote. Too many dicks on my mind. See

are you an immigrant? work on your english.

or maybe 12 years old? this board is 18+.

With my army of skelegates we will dethrone the Crooked Queen.

It always breaks me.

his time will come


Someone has to shout TEH DELEGATES DONALD a la PEPE on his announcing

Bernie is still more cucked than Ted.

Ted lost fair and square, Bernie literally had his nomination stolen from him.

same desu