Is Hilary Dead??

Seems like they're doing everything they can to keep Hilary's health covered up, you won't hear anything in the news, would it be possible that she's dead? I've heard rumors of body doubles, and cgi, and now with the video of her collapsing on 9/11 I can see how this could be true.

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Watch this

She'll be fine


I've also heard rumors that Obama will try to use her death as excuse for staying in office... is that even remotely possible? Could we do anything about it?


Shit, forgot my image

The only problem is that there's no shortage of power hungry fuckers who want to take her place.

They'd be crawling out of the woodwork.

She's alive. Barely.


I would love it if he tried.

Lel no. That's your grandpa's rants tier crazy.

Hypothetically is it possible? Could he somehow get the military on his side to force us to comply?

I'm just trying to plan my exit from this country if that happens.


The vast majority of the military is Republicans.

Obama is a C&C President.

Congress would easily throw him out of office

Democrats would be unelectable.

Isn't a C&C President*

>Is Hilary Dead??

IIRC the only time a president has served a third term was FDR, and that was due to severe extenuating circumstances. There's precedent but when that precedent is World War 2, the death of a potential candidate is nothing.

I don't think so anymore, but I do believe they have her on some good shit to get her to Monday. After that [ insert funny clip of guy in old movie doing something impossible and passing out].

What was the nine gorillinth get anyways?

Was this actually it?

Clinton is dead

yes, saw it with my own eyes. kek wills it

She even has a body double


>hillary collapsing on 9/11
Poetic justice. Her death is completely meme worthy.