Ayy lmao

German police have started wearing chainmail due to the frequency of machete and axe attacks.

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aw that's sad ;_;


>literally a burka

Shit, it's cooler than I thought.







>Be afraid.
>Be very afraid

It looks cool. Serves to remind us who the Europeans really are?

Soon my friend, soon. Then we get to liberate you and have our payback for carolus and the 30years war.

No, the reason is that bullet proof wests don't help against knives and the police does not want to be stabbed.

Why don't they just wear gambesons?
Chain mail can protect you from cuts, but not blunt trauma, gambesons and multi layered thick cloth padding can protect you from both.

Metal burkas.

But this looks cool as fuck.

Right to bear swords when


It's not even cut like a burqa, a burqa is way longer than that chain mail shirt

I need a souce for this.
This is way too stupid even for germany.

>"I'm ok with this..."

It's not stupid, it's a pratical and reasonable decision to make for your crusading needs.



Wasn't the muslin invasion of Europe one of the reasons for the crusades? History literally repeats itself.
Good luck germanbros that are left


>Wasn't the muslin invasion of Europe one of the reasons for the crusades? History literally repeats itself.
YES! YES EXACTLY! You just have shown a more differentiated view of european history than most europeans today have. Maybe the brazilian school system isn't that bad.

>and have our payback for 30 years war
butthurt bavarians still mad about that

Why don´t you fucking shoot him?


Also, just to give you guys an impression what they have to deal with reguarly:


Not even a bavarian, just a butthurt saxonian.

... if they only could.

>combattants in the upcoming race war will wear chainmail for practical non-medieval LARPing reasons
the future is bright

Give them some lorica segmentata. You can't possibly be cucked while wearing that.

>cops in Germany have to wear 60lbs of medieval armor for back-stab protection instead of just recognizing all Muslims are a threat

I congratulate Europe on importing its own version of the nigger problem, though. In 10 years not a fucking one of you will bitch about American cops, and will completely understand American gun culture.

>Those are SEK officers (= SWAT), they only wear those when they know the suspect has a knife.


>chainmail and gambesons will be the future replacements for bulletproof vests and trauma plates

Futuristic fiction is almost always about things evolving in one way towards more sophistication. No way realised that the next war will be fought with clubs and blades.

>tfw kek made the deus vult memes true
What a time to be alive

No, with american gun policy it would be even worse. We need stricter laws than britain to secure our future.



>No, with american gun policy it would be even worse. We need stricter laws than britain to secure our future.

Gun control doesn't work, and is only applied to law-abiding whites.

It's a tricky situation.
I don't want Europe to be like Europe is now, but I sure as fuck don't want Europe to be like America.

To give guns or not to give guns user?
Do we just fight the upcoming war the good old fashioned (European) way?

Isn't there a saying or quote along the lines of "I don't know what weapons with which the next war will be fought, but the one after will be fought with sticks and stones."

iirc it's referring to nuclear weapons but idk i guess it still works

That really only applies to America and possibly parts of London.


is there a red pilled book on the Crusades?

actually medieval armor is shockingly light, allows for a lot of mobility, and still sees niche use in protecting from animal attacks like sharks or lions

I guess they're protecting from a different kind of animal now though ho ho ho ho ho :^)

but seriously, kevlar and plates are heavier than metal plate armor and chain mail. the latter is very thin. in fact, diving suits for people intending to play with sharks incorporate chain mail, and it's not like they sink into mariana's trench everytim

Yes it does work - look at shooting incidences in england and compare them to countries with more liberal gun laws. Ir won't prevent any weapons, but it significantly lowers the amount of weapons in circulation, thereby reducing chimpouts to more primitive tools.

btw. I don't believe that gun control would work in America - there are already too many weapons in circulation and gun rights are an constinutal right in your state so it and entirely different situation.

>Do we just fight the upcoming war the good old fashioned (European) way?
I hope so, user, I hope so...

Can i buy this on amazon ?

Nah, they bust weapons caches in France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany on a regular basis. The UK doesn't have quite as big a problem because it's an island and your cops are somewhat competent at times.

>I guess they're protecting from a different kind of animal now though ho ho ho ho ho :^)
Not really. It's the same fucking animal they've been protecting against for 1300 years bro

America's "gun problem" is really just a nigger problems so if a homogeneous white country had loose gun laws it wouldn't be the same as america.

we hre now

yeah, Einstein said this iirc. But this time it's just because we got cucked out of our sophisticated weapons, and the savages are barely advanced enough to swing a meat cleaver.

We memed Deus Vult into reality

Kek is litteraly breaking reality currently and making every memes real


Dunno, LARPing is very popular in our country, so you should be able to get something like that

It's probably not steel but alloy these days, but it certainly works blocking blades.
This is what you accepting the lowest scum, that not even Islamic countries want, into your society.

Have you seen the demographics of major European cities recently?

Still >90% white.

What does this have to do with the ayy lmaos?

>Islam literally set us back to the Dark Ages

Wew lad

>Yes it does work - look at shooting incidences in england and compare them to countries with more liberal gun laws.
Newp. All four shootings/attempted shootings in France were with blackmarket firearms that were fully-automatic and already illegal. They still got them, though. Same deal in Germany, the Polizei bust Turks all the time, and I'm fairly sure both terrorist attacks in Belgium were carried out with blackmarket AKs. Not just the attacks themselves, actually, but the MUCH-downplayed gun battle that took place the day before the Paris terrorist's attack. A whole block of muzzies started mag dumping on wafflecops, and barely any media covered it.

The goal of the Muslims is also to terrify you and subdue your civilizations, not steal $20 out of your pocket.

I'm not sure about continental Europe but in the UK, its actually not all that hard to get a gun. Especially outside of big cities, like where I live in Northumberland. You're just restricted in what you can get legally. Shotguns are legal as long as you have a gun safe & have them and ammo registered with police. You only need a shotgun license if its a 2 shot magazine, and Rifles with barrel length over 12 inches require a Firearms License. These can be of any calibre up to .50 BMG

Is this in Europe or Middle East? They're so similar these days so it's difficult to tell

We have to go further back.

What are you talking about? Austria and Switzerland have almost half the homicide rate of Germany. Czech Republic's is 30% lower and it's a dirt poor eastern block country.
Permissive gun laws are certainly not to blame.

Yeah, those gun laws sure reduced crime in the UK

Yes. Terrorist groups can aquire firearms most likely, but that is not the main concern - if you look at mortality from terrorist attacks it's actually pretty low compared to driving accidents for example. The real danger is in more common situations like robbings, kidnappings and gang fights. These are not people with the necessary skills to acquire firearms in most cases, so they are forced to go fully medvial on us. Thereby the police is in most cases way better armed than them to handle the situation.

Yep, the UK as a whole is still white and Christian. But some cities, I'm looking at you Londoncucks, have fucked up completely.

It's sad because the UK needs London. If it was Kent or something we could just get rid of it.

>that lack of control group

You can't tell how that statistic would look like when you didn't go your way.

Also, you brits go some very sketchy self defense laws so even if you have a gun, you'll prolly would get sentenced for manslaughter if you defend yourself.


Probably these evil Polish people's fault!

I think the law on self defense is, if you are defending yourself on the spot you could kill that person, but for example if it was somebody burgling your home, you chased them down the street and then shot them, that'd be murder because they've left the scene.

Though I am reminded of a case with a guy who shot an intruder with a legal gun and faced charges. He didn't get anything, just a suspended firearms license but the fact it went as far as it did is ridiculous.

That would be true if I was trying to demonstrate that the gun laws did anything. I'm showing that they didn't do anything.

I wonder what it could mean.

>Not really. It's the same fucking animal they've been protecting against for 1300 years bro
leave it to an american to butcher the humor. the joke is that chain mail is still modern and still used to literally protect from sharks. goddamnit. fuck you, yankee. nothing can ever be fun around you people. fucking killjoys

deus vult was already a thing before the /r9k/ memes

Come on, polish are europe googles, but europe googles are way better than african googles.

AFAIK it's even harsher than that, but I'm not an expert on british law...


Don't know many Polish but the ones I know are genuinely nice. So maybe I was just lucky but still I find it hard to believe they are subhumans.

Yeah, there's also this ultra leftist policy involving self defense called 'reasonable force' which basically means let an intruder kill your family, but only give him a few bruises and restrain him.

"Anyone can use reasonable force to protect themselves or others, or to carry out an arrest or to prevent crime. You are not expected to make fine judgements over the level of force you use in the heat of the moment. So long as you only do what you honestly and instinctively believe is necessary in the heat of the moment, that would be the strongest evidence of you acting lawfully and in self-defence. This is still the case if you use something to hand as a weapon.

As a general rule, the more extreme the circumstances and the fear felt, the more force you can lawfully use in self-defence."

It's all bullshit but what can I expect from modern day Britain.

In my experience they are fine people, but still way rougher in many aspects than what I'm used too. Then, again, the most polish experience I had was dragging a classmate out of a Krakau-Strip club and getting into a fight with the bouncers on our school trip to Auschwitz. Got peppersprayed.Wasn't fun.

I find that thought utterly revolting and believe that law abiding citizens should be able to defend themselves with any means necessary. I like the amerian Castle Doctrine and Stand your ground laws in that aspect.

multikulti liefert uns endlich mal ein bisschen action. Ich liebe den importierten ethnischen Konflikt, hoffe er eskaliert weiter, damit das dekadente Deutschland aus seinem selbstgerechten Schlaf der fetten Jahre herausgeworfen wird

Ganz ernsthaft, ich glaube nicht, dass das ganze gut ausgehen wird. Wird Deutschen sind einfach mehrheitlich mittlerweile so verkommend und weichgespült, dass wir in einer Kriegssituation doch garnicht vernünftig kämpfen könnten. Die meisten sind alt, diabetiker und couchpotatos und die Jungen u30er sind doch meistens verstrahlte Vollspasten. Schau dochmal auf eine Straße und such nach Leuten denn du mit guten Gewissen eine Waffe in die Hand drücken kannst. Wenn es soweit kommen wird, was es wohl leider wird, können wir nurnoch einen letzen dramatischen Stand liefern - mehr ist gegen die Muselhorden von uns nicht mehr zu liefern!

>Multiculturalism and diversity are good despite all the evidence to the contrary

Bump with special forces from lower-saxony state police

>B-but feels > reelz

Destruktive Schaffenskraft. Ich bin mir sicher, dass etwas Positives daraus erwachsen würde. Die Jahrzehnte relativen Friedens haben uns Deutsche faul und zufrieden gemacht, anfällig für alles Schwache, verwundbar und weinerlich. Die politische Linke ist gerade deshalb so stark und kann ihre verderblichen Ideen in der deutschen Jugend festsetzen, weil sie eben um nichts mehr kämpfen muss. Alles wird uns Deutschen hingegeben und als selbstverständlich erachtet, daraus erwächst eine Erwartungshaltung, die dazu führt, dass man meint, dass es erstens allen Menschen so gehen müsse und das zweitens die westliche Zivilisation an allem Leid der Welt Schuld sei. Diese Saat wächst und gedeiht nun und ich hoffe, dass sie ironischerweise genau das Gegenteil bewirkt, von dem, was sie sich dachten.
Hegel dachte Krieg immer auch aus einer hygienischen Sichtweise. Weitergedacht bedeutet das, dass das deutsche Immunsystem geschwächt wurde, da es keine Krankheiten mehr gewöhnt ist. Die übermäßige Reinlichkeit ist das Einfallstor der Krankheit und nur eine kleine Dosis des Virus könnte uns impfen

Es ist aber schon mehr als eine tödliche Dosis eingedrungen. Selbst mit Sofortmaßnahmen steht in den Sternen ob der Patient nicht verreckt.

wir sind noch zu 80% weiß.

Ja, wir haben halt viel white trash.

Hmm, ich verstehe was du meinst, aber ich glaube, dass wenn es dazu kommt es echt zu apokalyptischen Zuständen kommen wird. Der Mensch braucht schon Widerstand und Härte im Leben, das sieht man z.B. daran, wie gut es uns ökonomisch geht aber wie hoch die Anzahl der Psyisch Kranken in unserer Gesellschaft ist. Ich führte halt nur das der Point of No Return bereits überschritten ist.

I knew good could come from a million immigrants mass flooding to Germany... we are actively traveling back in time.

Die 20% sind aber keine 60-jährigen sondern testosterongesteuerte Krieger die auch nicht davor zurückschrecken kleine Kinder aus Spaß totzuschlagen (warum auch, wird ja von den roten Gerichten nicht bestraft).

chainmail wont protect your daughter from muslim gang rape kek

ur fucked germoney m8

haltet euch fit
verhaltet euch zivilisiert
wählt afd/npd

das ist alles was man machen kann, mit gutem beispiel voran gehen und im unmittelbaren umfeld dem linken es schwer machen sich auszubreiten

und hört auf GEZ zu zahlen

>Implying that doesn't look cool as fuck.

Das ist einer der Gründe warum ich heim ins Reich bin. Hier bezahle ich keine GEZ, meine Steuern gehen nicht an den "Kampf gegen Rechts" und AfD wählen kann ich von hier aus trotzdem.

>testosterongesteuerte Krieger

Die meisten kommen nicht mal aus Kriegsgebieten, geschweige denn, dass sie selbst eine Waffe in der Hand hatten. Das einzige was sie einigen von uns voraus haben ist eine 10-minütige Bootsfahrt auf dem ägyptischen/türkischen Mittelmeer.

Krieger ist das falsche Wort, sagen wir testosterongesteuerte Bestien.

Fight fire with fire. Backwards technology for backwards people.

Ich bin sogar am Überlegen wieder zurück nach Südafrika zu gehen, wenigstens bereitet mich das auf Deutschlands Zukunft vor und besser leben kann man ohnehin dort

Is the teutonic order back?

time for the pop rocks to level up their tech.

>german police turning into crusaders

What a time we live in.

Everybody who was complaining about how bad this ride is and how much it sucks we can't get off was wrong.
Epic times we live in.

Fucking germans! Danke Merkel!!

europeans fall for the anti-gun propaganda every time. think that america is a mad-max scenario with gun crime being the biggest threat to safety.

the only statistically significant populations being killed by guns are googles killing each other and suicides.

switzerland of the past?

Heres a disturbing reminder: YOU could have stopped the Bilderberg conference 2015 in Telfs, where flooding Europe with shitskins was decided.

>googles killing each other
This still makes me giggle. I can't help it.

Yeah, how? They wil kill you before you even come near them...

wow... a tonfa and an assault broom stick in one picture....

>implying Austrian soldiers would shoot at their own people
They had no problem pointing machine guns at you (which sounds ridiculous now, considering how they freak out when it comes to border fences) but if they went through with it the outrage would have been outrageous.

Yeah, because its inhumane to point guns at "refugees"!!!


faggot weeb, it isn't even a tonfa.

you're laghing, but that's equipment our army has been using for years now.

SO, multicultural so diverse look what diversity brings your culture it'seems so beautifull a cheap doner and chain mail police with added rape

Thats true enrichment!
