>can think by them selves

free thinking is over rated

I support Trump and still don't think Ogoogle is American

So this is what the typical Cred Forumsish intellectual looks like

Didn't Hillary start the birther movement? Then neo cons used it.

Quit that doublethink

assuming everybody hear isn't a birther

>Clinton said [insert literally anything she has ever said]
>Whatever Clinton says is true

Current year, leaf, get over the birther thing that Hillary started.

No one should be giving a fuck about Obongo right now. He doesn't have much time in office left. There is no reason to argue about where this google was born when he is about to leave office. Hillary's campaign just brought this up because it's the same shit they used against Romney. However, it's completely irrelevant to this election.

>take a picture of a crazy looking woman wearing a trump hat
>write whatever caption you want

everyone knows Hawaii isn't really American

Yeah ok how much truth is there to this meme. Some faggot on facebook could have written down anything. Show me a video of this woman saying that.

Well, she is a woman after all.

>be lefty faggot
>think you can run a country or even make one important decision

A totalitarian government is the best way to go. Having a strong leader who can focus on leading and not convincing everyone he is a good leader is what is needed.

The world can't be improved in 4 years but stupid people want instant change when its just not possible. So instead they vote someone else who they think will be better, only for them to be the same as before and the cycle continues as society spirals downwards.

The fucking nerve some people have to claim to know anything is ridiculous. You know nothing. At best you know something about a very small political idea, that is all. Dedicating the countries future to a strong leader who knows what he is doing makes perfect sense and the illusion democracy gives to the people of people being in control is pathetic and bad for everyone that isnt the mega rich.

If you want a good strong country, you need a good strong totalitarian leader. That is a fact.


sorry boss

>A totalitarian government is the best way to go

>pls let me keep my cuck of a leader

You're too polite Canada, this has to stop

a picture on the internet said it so it must be true
i believe everything I read on the internet - leaf

The reality of the matter is that Obongo's mother was an American Citizen, so he inherits her citizenship naturally on birth.

He could have been born on the fucking moon and it wouldn't matter.

>HUMA 2020!

>Someone on twatter captioned a picture and it is thus fact

u w a t m 8