Why do american cops not use shoot-to-wound or warning shots like their european colleagues?

Why do american cops not use shoot-to-wound or warning shots like their european colleagues?

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Because they can.

People run from gunshots, also warning shots can hit innocent people, which you would understand if you knew your rules of gun safety. Rule 4, to be specific. Shooting to would equals lawsuit which equals less money to pay police which equals less cops which equals more crime. Therefore, wounding criminals makes a neighborhood less safe, which is the opposite of what the police do.

Shout Show Shoot is a perfectly acceptable method of threat escalation.

*shooting to wound

lol if you're going to shoot make it count

>shoot-to-wound or warning shots like their european colleagues?

Some sources on that?
Only time I've heard this is from people that have no clue how firearms are actually used in policing.
If this is the SOP of Europe, why aren't there many notable examples of it being used effectively?

>they have niggers
>they have guns

I'd shoot to kill if I was in their situation

Because the dead can't sue.

>shooting to wound

>shot in the leg
>no way to shoot back

>People run from gunshots
>also warning shots can hit innocent people
so does dumping your mag on a suspect like american cops do
>if your justice system is retarded
Shooting to would equals lawsuit

The german police only fired 90 rounds in 2015, while american police killed 990 people in the same timespan, how many rounds is that?

Because it's a meme
People bleed out
All law enforcement is trained to shoot up the centre body line with the trigger pulled continuously because if the situation calls for a pistol to be Unholstered then it's judged to be a life threatening one

The more you know

>shoot to wound

They only do that in the movies
>we need to interrogate him, he has critical information about that ticking bomb somewhere in the city

What critical intel are you going to get from interrogating a nigger? Nothing is what.

>shoot to wound
I take it you never had to shoot at someone who is shooting back at you

>what is the most effective way to eliminate an imminent threat?
No way you're this dumb


only reason

You don't shoot-to-wound ever. If you've got the ability to take your time and shoot to wound then the situation isn't dangerous enough to call for using lethal force.

Our people don't usually have guns. And our police are cucks (not their fault) and our justice system is a joke. Worst case I've read about in the last few month was an immigrant "youth" who was let go by a judge for nearly 150 times in a row.

Eurofags are pussies thats why

Where the fried chicken is?

>They only do that in the movies
wrong, your cops need to learn to aim




I know that both of those are common practice in the netherlands, germany and scandinavia

>40 shots against suspects
>43 uses of warning shots

because they would get sued for bodily harm, in a civil court case you need to present less evidence and burden of guilt is also less 51% not beyond a reasonable doubt.

So you shoot to kill. I'm serious that is the reason.

>he dindin mean to rape those 149 women and that one transvestite your honour

kek, i guess it's our fault for exporting too many action movies to europe

because fuck googles. if you're a criminal and don't give up when police tell you to, you may be killed.

Europeans do not use shoot to wound. Nobody does. It's fucking stupid. Tazing is much more effective, less damaging, and not any more difficult than shooting to wound for non-lethal takedowns. You shoot someone when you have a split second to stop someone or die

Lol be cause its more paperwork, that's why.

Have you seen the typical fat greasy unbathed gun toting slob that Americans call their police?

They are 200% exerting themselves just from the adrenaline rush, don't expect them to actually peruse someone or forcibly detain them.

Nope america is the land of tasers and lethal gunshots, and fat shit cops literally running over and crushing black men for petty crimes.

The distinct difference is that the USA has firearm toting niggers who have a proven intent to do harm to police. You do not take risks with them.

Your cops will be adjusting their tactics accordingly once the mudskins that you opened your borders to have armed themselves.

>Shoot to wound

When they do use guns they fucking kill. Don't lie.

Our cops aren't snipers.
Aiming is the skill of a marksman or assassin.
Our cops are equipped with either glock 22 or M&P.40 cal semi autos.
If they have no option but to draw their pistol then they can't decide whether to shoot someone in the leg.
Such a decision would see this come into play, especially if you hit an artery and they bled out on the street wherever, especially when pepper spray, tazers, and batons are alternatives.

educate yourself google


This desu.

The best most authoritative answer is "becasue it isn't taught in US use of force training".

Shoot to wound, if done correctly (aka, not resulting in the person's death), is just another form of warning shot. It isn't appropriate for when you are imminently about to be killed by the person.

Both are something you could potentially do to an insane person with an edged weapon who you don't want to get in tazer range of and who is not paying attention to your gun. In that context I understand it.

In the US however, that is what beanbag rounds are used for.

Do the cops in germany not have tazers or beanbag rounds?

I should have said, like these guys pointed out
One of the main reasons is the state of the US's common law legal systems. (yes plural)

I don't have time to learn German you stupid cunt

Because fuck googs.

Don't know about beanbag rounds, tazers aren't used by police patrols, mainly due to funding, only our equvalent of SWAT has them.

Well then germans are even more fucking dumb than I thought. There are many superior non-lethal takedown methods

Police shoots to wound attacker and stop him, or hinder from running away
Police boxes in your face when you resist, attack or try to run away, warn you not to do again and let you go with a warning

police shoots you 7 times in your chest, back, shout for 2 minutes "Drop your weapon"(guy already dead) and put on cuffs


That's exactly your reason then.

If the average cop doesn't have immediate access to a tazer and quick access to a beanbag shotgun then he must use his gun to stop aggressive actions in process that do not threaten his life just yet.

Because this is more rare in Europe and because gunshots are more dramatic, there is more coverage of shoot to wound and warning shots in europe than use of Tazers and Beanbag rounds in the US (except when it turns ugly).

The US shoots more people becasue more people need to be shot here is my thesis.

They're fed up with niggers shit.

They get a chance to take one of them out, they're gonna

shoot to wound is a hollywood meme that retarded european cops believe

you get shot in your leg artery, arm artery, etc. you are going to fucking die quick. there is no shooting to wound and only downies who never research anything believe it.

Because a wounded man can shoot back and is still a threat.

And the morale is: Your country is shithole and your guns/niggers goes out of control

>shoot Google in the leg
>he shoots you back in the chest

Nice one faggot

Police don't shoot people to stop them from fleeing, they shoot them to prevent being shot themselves. Are you retarded?

Every shot is lethal you stupid fuck.

So lets round this up:

Europe lacks the legal climate which makes discharging a firearm outside of mortal combat very inadvisable in the US.

Europe's patrol cops are less state-of-the-art in some respects. In america most cops have a rifle in their trunk because of the hollywood shootout, they have a tazer on their belt because physical violence is a liability magnet, they wear armor because fuck being shot, and they have a shotgun they can shoot beanbag rounds becasue sometimes crazies can't get talked down but don't need to be killed etc etc etc.

Europe has much less need for violence because of their criminality.

>Why do american cops not use shoot-to-wound or warning shots like their european colleagues?

because the US is africa tier now


Only an asshole who has never fired a gun would advocate for "shoot to wound." Nobody just stands there and lets you take careful aim at their bicep/hand. Shooting to wound means either missing or failing to stop an attacker who will then kill you. Only idiots who have watched too many movies think it's feasible to pick off limbs on a moving target.

And warning shots are retarded. How does that work in a crowded place? Any discharge of a firearm is already potentially deadly. Your warning is being told to stop, and seeing the firearm withdrawn.

Warning shots are illegal in many states for two reasons

1. Reckless endangerment of other people
2. Guns are only to be used in life or death situations. If you have time for a warning shot then your life is not in immediate danger

Both great points.

Doesn't exist

Any shot is potentially lethal. People on adrenaline are not accurate enough to only hit extremities and shit.

>warning shots
Induces panic. Someone being shot at can only assume they are being attacked and immediately goes into flight or fight mode.

Shoot to kill no warning shots here.

There's plenty of cases where an adrenaline fueled psycho can keep fighting after being shot

Also, please point out to me where the "shoot to wound" zone is in this pic.

The hand holding the gun obviously. It's not like that's hard to do.

>shoot to wound

About the same as hitting you in the head with a bat to get your attention.

You can't really blame them.

If I were a policeman in a country where every braindead degenerate owns at least an assault rifle and a panzerfaust I'd shoot to kill too.

Given the amount of dindus in the US, they are doing pretty well.

you would think that after telling a fucking nigger 10 god damn time that you wouldn't have to shoot his ass.
you would be wrong, niggers are that fucking stupid.

Blacks are still mostly tribal, they believe in "Might makes Right". That's where the whole dindu nuffin thing came from; If a person can kill or rob someone clearly he was in the right because he was stronger and could do it.

This is why they hate the justice system, because how strong you are doesn't matter at all. They hate the idea that a weaker white man can be "right" just because his words and ideas are better.

And you only have less than a second to acquire your target and shoot.

It's already hard enough to accurately place 3 shots center body mass to stop someone in less than a second.

>get shot in leg
>bleed out faster than if it was in abdomen
Thanks EU! We should shoot to "wound" more.

OP is right, German cops have to try "warning" shots, as retarded as it is.

If you try that as a civilian it's are sure ticket to jail for obvious reasons, as you are only allowed to shoot if it is a "suitable and resonable way to avoid an immediate attack", warning shots mean shooting hasn't been nesscessary to avoid an attack and you potentially endangered bystanders for no reason.

No wonder they don't want civilians to have guns if they have to let the criminal shoot them first before they can respond.

The germanfags have a point though.

If you receive timely aid you can survive an arterial bleed, the main difference is that you HAD an arterial bleed, which in the US is not very legally defensible.

They want civilians to have guns in Austria, elsewhere they would be banned ;)

I think part of this thing is attitude.

In the US our ethic is "fuck assholes who fuck up bad", but the converse is also true, "don't mess with people who haven't done anything".

We take this to the extreme, and we are only willing to shoot someone when we are already in mortal combat with them, or perceive that in a matter of moments, we will be.

I think in Europe the ethic is "for the greater good!!!1" so they are ok with risking

Why don't googles practice not being criminals like their white counterparts?

Lawsuits jackass. Also, shut up germany. Youre one of the most cucked coutlntries in the world. Youre nothing but a skype experiment at this point

>Warning shot

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You draw your weapon when you have literally no other option to maintain your safety. Ergo, you shoot to kill. If you can afford to fire a warning shot or a wounding shot, your life was never at enough risk to warrant drawing a firearm in the first place.

Around blacks never relax

Because american criminals are MUCH more dangerous than criminals in other countries

Also you put yourself at a serious tactical disadvantage by deafening yourself for a few minutes without reason.

You also get a shitload of paperwork from internal investigation on why you're recklessly discharging your weapon in public

he relaxed, sad

Legislation is totally bipolar on that. As an armed civilian the prosecutor will argue exactly like this
- if there was time for a warning shot there was no "immediate attack"
- recklessly endangering others
- especially for the "shoot to wound" people: It means you shot somebody (i.e. putting his life at serious risk) without the situation being serious enough to reasonably kill somebody
100% get to jail, and rightfully so.

I don't understand why they use a different set of rules for cops in Europe. Makes no sense.

>Warning shot
>It hits a bystander or a bystander's property

>Tavares pulls his gun and shoots back, shoots bystanders and property because when a nigger is shooting his stolen piece, one-handed and sideways, the safest person in the world is whoever he is aiming at

Well ain't these retarded

First and foremost, I don't think that you'll have time to aim for someone's arm/leg while they're currently either sprinting at you with a knife or shooting at you.

Secondly there is an insanely high chance you'll hit an artery and kill them anyway

And third, police officers can get sued for maiming someone.
>If you feared for your life, then why did you have enough time to cripple me, instead of shooting to kill me?