Why are you still having kids, Cred Forums?

Why are you still having kids, Cred Forums?

Don't you realise you're creating Climate Change?

You need to stop having kids now so the Climate will remain habitable for the Muslims and Niggers that are having kids.


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>dont reproduce goys
>oh no, not enough debtslaves, time to replace you with niggers

all of this is a kike plot for white extermination




>Yes, goy, less white babies.

I've always dreamed of impregnating a woman, but the chances of that happening become slimmer and slimmer daily. 22 and I don't even know any girls. Most people meet their spouses while in college, and I just graduated not meeting anyone.

>Oy vey goys, your babies are polluting the environment

Asked a girl out the gym, literally the next day we were making out in my car. And I'm not even attractive. Just go for it faggot

>stop having kids!
>take in millions of immigrants you need them!


most people dont get married till 30

stay low bodyfat and get a job that pays decently and you will do as good as your looks let you

kot blini?

I have two so far. Today went to the doctor for my yearly physical and got bitched at by some black bitch (the doctor) for using pull out as bc....bitch I been doing it for ten years. And if I have and opps its just means I'll have another kid.

We're not having kids. We're on Cred Forums for fucks sake.


Those who agree with my long-term environmental strategy should eliminate themselves.

What could possibly go wrong?

Meet mine at a convention. You never know when you'll bump into the one.


Australia, apologize now.

I tried to have kids but I can't. I blame the estrogen in the water for my infertility. Fucking jews.

You need to first prove that the article is written for whites and not anyone who reads it.

I've yet to hear a convincing argument for having kids. As far as I can tell, all they do is take up literally all of your time and money. Sounds like a shit deal to me.

what a horrible graph, age should be the x-axis with male/female adjacent within each bucket

There are about 200 Australians total and they live a thousand miles apart. So that skews their figures. Also, huffing petrol may have been considered consumption for the purposes of this graph.

It's good to see we've moved on from those primitive people who believed that human sacrifice could appease the gods.

What's bs about the article is that it doesn't say that Indians, Nigerians and Bangladeshis should have less children. It says the more developed western nations that is actually trying their darnedest to do something better for the world

We need another (or real) Holocaust. These kikes must pay.

........should have fewer children. Does that mean this article is trying to say these nations should institute a closed border policy.

After all if people immigrate to the top 3 nations than they are harming the planet.

Australia also feeds a huge portion of the Asian population with Beef, Sheep, Goat, Pork, Kangaroo, Emu, Dairy, Fruits and Vegetables.

We also supply most of Asia's Iron, Aluminium, Uranium, and Coal.

Farming and mining produce most of our carbon pollution, so really our 'population' should also consider the hundreds of millions of Asians that rely on us for food and energy.

If you consider how many people Australia's carbon emissions actually support, we are one of the lowest per-capita emitters in the world.

Importing immigrants will actually increase carbon emissions over all because those new people will live a bore carbon intensive lifestyle.

If this douche is so worried about the climate then why doesn't he just kill himself, less carbon emissions will be necessary without him.

I like blini but I hate communism. Why do you have to do this to me user?

>women give it up easily
Way to put him off a long term relationship.

Fucking cunts. Jews need to be hang

Fuck that, whites need to outbreed the shitskins. A shitload of people are going to die anyway, might as well make sure the survivors are white. Asians can stay too, in their own countries.

We will shitpost and banter the planet into Venus and you can't stop us.


Bloomberg is telling the developed world to stop having babies.

NWO confirmed again.

They want the undeveloped peoples to destroy our lives.

Funny how the people who are actually breeding like rabbits, the people who are actually putting 0 effort into not polluting, the people who really do not give a shit are all mostly in africa where the population is booming like crazy and it's even causing their society to collapse even more than it seemed possible.

But yet the (((media))) and (((experts))) still try to convince the civilized, conscious whites who barely make 8% of the population yet built all of its best things to stop breeding.

Yeah pretty much.

Not being or sounding 'rasisht' will be the downfall of our civilization.

But nowhere it says specifically whites or the developed world...


can't wait for asia to become self sufficient, watching our economy collapse will be fun

>But nowhere it says specifically whites or the developed world
Yes, I'm sure the gorillas are going to have the cognitive ability to have empathy for the problems overpopulation brings, and with it, climate change, and in doing so, will stop fucking. Yes, that's right Hue.

Hitler was childless.

Goebbels poisoned his whole family.

Just all a conspiracy theory, goys.

>Australia also feeds a huge portion of the Asian population with Beef, Sheep, Goat, Pork, Kangaroo, Emu, Dairy, Fruits and Vegetables.

A solid and interesting explanation.
Thanks for that.

This is 100% true.

Goebbels had to kill his family because the Soviets would have raped them.

Tell this to the 3rd world, not us.

yes, goy, stop having kids

>a site where most traffic comes from the West
>they aren't telling people from non-Western countries to stop having babies, only the West
>mfw I have no face


It actually does

See Or read for yourself

>Americans and other rich nations produce the most carbon emissions per capita, he says. Yet people in the world's poorest nations are most likely to suffer severe climate impacts.

>Ethically, Rieder says poor nations get some slack because they're still developing, and because their per capita emissions are a sliver of the developed world's. Plus, it just doesn't look good for rich, Western nations to tell people in poor ones not to have kids.

I used to think of Goebbels as a monster for poisoning his own kids. But you make a fair point, it could be that he had the stomach to do something truly awful yet [perhaps] necessary.

Holy shit, this filthy kike motherfucker

At least if we die off the whole world will become a gas chamber and exterminate all the shitskins that are left.

But again. Doesn't opening the countries to refugees be counter-intuitive to the process of fighting climate change.

I bet the this fucking guy has a nice house in an upper-class residence street far away from rapefugees where his daughter will grow-up safe.

Clearly they understand this and reducing the birthrate in the west has nothing to do with fighting climate change but fucking ouselves over.

Nothing is that article is wrong except limiting it to only developed countries. Countries like China & India are so large that even if their per capita carbon emission margins are low they make it up in volume.

They aren't going to want to live like underdeveloped nations forever either, so their emissions margin can only go up if we don't switch fuel source.

Once again, Malthus was right.

>j-just give the 3rd worlders a break, so don't subversively lower their fertility

>this fucking guy

>Burning the philosophy department