Let's imagine for a moment that martial law is declared in the US for yet unspecified reasons; the police & the...

Let's imagine for a moment that martial law is declared in the US for yet unspecified reasons; the police & the National Guard are charged with taking away your firearms.

>would you comply with their orders?
>what would you say to them?
>would you resist their efforts violently?
>how many firearms do you own?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice try Gman

What kind of shitty datamine is this? At least make it a bit more interesting

Lets just say Europe would finally get to sit back and watch America truly be.

No, nothing like that. I'd just like to know how you guys would act in a completely hypothetical scenario which has pretty deep political undertones. That's what this board is about, after all.

I would bunker down and rig bombs to explode all down my drive and doorway when they breach my front door .as well as shoot anything that comes in after

Interesting. What kind of explosives?

Step 1: get a bag an fill it with glue
Step 2: sniff till yer face turns blue
Step 3: relax enjoy the ride and let the UHU do what it do to yer mind

I have the knowledge to produce rudimentary c4 so I would make c4 shrapnel bombs. This is all hypothetical 1776 situation so please no swat

loud sounds

>hang shitty dildo's everywhere...
>strip naked...
>oil and lub body...
>wait for law man...
>come at me lawman...

I guess the knowledge itself isn't bad, as long as it stays strictly theoretical. Thanks for responding.

No i own none though

>lets imagine for a moment a Finnish poster/proxy didn't post the same thread thats been posted 1000 times before



Assuming for a sec this isn't just a datamine,

Finnbro ask yourself what Simo Häyhä would do in that situation...

I don't know much about Hayha, other than the fact that he was a patriot. Wouldn't a patriot do what the government asks of him?

All kinds, buddy, all kinds

Are you an US citizen? Do you own explosives / firearms?

> Are you an US citizen?
No, but I plan to immigrate to the US if leftist will lose
> Do you own firearms?
I wish
> Do you own explosives?
I know chemistry, that's all

sorry if i disappointed you, user

but our patriotism stems from our constitution

Are the ATF always this lazy /k/?

>would you comply with their orders?
>what would you say to them?
You'll take them from my cold, dead hands.
>would you resist their efforts violently?
Of course
>how many firearms do you own?

>have a good day
>2 or 4 depending on how you define own

Maintaining public order is sometimes more important than the constitution.

> implying they know where to look for unregistered guns

Lol, get a load of this commie.

Hello, Agent

Everything here is satire.

Joke all you want, but the greater good brought by violating the constitution is better than following the constitution to the letter and letting scared people have their firearms. Some of them may even become hostile in their panic, which will very probably lead to countless unnecessary deaths and civil unrest.


People don't realize gun control in a country with more guns than people is impossible. If they try to confiscate? Civil war. If they succeed in confiscation(after the inevitable civil war), only criminals with unregistered guns would have them.

Also Americans with guns are like squirrels with nuts, if they think winter's coming people will be hoarding and hiding like mad. There are probably quite a few barrels and crates full of guns packed in cosmoline buried in the US wilderness...

>Cred Forums green frog xx.jpg
>Talks like an FBI agent interviewing a suspect
>No, nothing like that. I'd just like to know how you guys would act in a completely hypothetical scenario which has pretty deep political undertones. That's what this board is about, after all.
Pic related.

oh sure fbi when martial law is declared every single person on Cred Forums is gonna commit mass shootings no lie bud!

underrated post

have some patriotic ass for your efforts

It's still the best course of action to limit the overall amount of firearms in the country. Criminals with unregistered firearms are a nuisance, not a threat to the government or overall order. Yes, there would be a transition period when changing the society into one with far fewer firearms, but the hidden firearms you mentioned would eventually become inoperable due to lack of proper maintenance. Hard to get spare parts for quality firearms even if you manage to create ammo.

I'm not affiliated with the Bureau.

>And yes, this is a political board from what I've been able to gather.
No, it really isn't. And the fact you're admitting you are new is even more suspicious.

99% of the posts here are shitposts, satire, and memes. The 1% that actually believes in "Le ebin civil war le 4th reich" are literally fat fucking retards.

do whatever the niggers do to have guns illegally

How are people like you on this board and still think this way? Do you realize "who the dangerous" people are here? If we gave up our guns these same dangerous people would pillage and rape at insane rates. It's estimated that guns prevent hundreds of thousands of crimes a year if not millions. Obviously it's hard to put a number to a prevention because you dont know if a Google was going to just rob you or rape and then murder you.

Quite a lot of those shitposts, satire and memes have violent undertone in them. Don't get me wrong, I'm a gun owner and a supporter of 2A myself. It's just that I sometimes wonder whether the public good or the greater good could sometimes override the rights of an individual, especially at the worst of times, which is why I made this post.

>It's estimated that guns prevent hundreds of thousands of crimes a year if not millions. Obviously it's hard to put a number to a prevention because you dont know if a Google was going to just rob you or rape and then murder you.

Going to need a source on that and even if it was true, ultimately the numbers would be irrelevant because with the amount of firearms in this society we're looking at a potential catastrophe should there be civil unrest.

Wow. Do you also believe in unicorns? All your stupid ideas do is harm law abiding citizens. You can literally make a firearm with a 3d printer or a fucking pipe from a hardware store if you want. You don't have the dindu problems we have (yet) and even if we didn't, i believe everyone has a right to protect themselves. Most of us gun owners aren't giant fucking cucks like you. Fucking Marxist.

>You can literally make a firearm with a 3d printer or a fucking pipe from a hardware store if you want

Hard to compare a pipe shotgun or some single-action 9mm with a factory original, semi-automatic firearm.


Officers largely saying gun control will do nothing

There are more but my phone is running like shit. Also head of Interpol suggested arming all citizens to help reduce terror attacks.

i invoke my 2nd amendment rights as a citizen, you have no jurisdictional authority.
>how many?
a lot less after that tragic boating accedent

You can make double action or even a complete ar platform with good 3d platform and a lathe. Guns aren't going away. Stop believing in some fantasy land.

ATF go home

boating accident.

Guns aren't going away, yet access to them can be limited strictly. Also, have fun with that 3d-printed firearm blowing up into your face.

Well Mr. ATF, I'll have you know I just lost all my guns in a boating accident.

Yep every single one is at the bottom of a lake

>Quality printed lower receiver blowing up in face

I don't think you know guns. Lathe and metal work can make an upper fairly easily too. Gangs already do it a lot.

This scenario had been my wet dream since I saw Red Dawn as a wee lad. Shit makes me hard. Total freedom boner.

Does that answer your question, agent alphabet?

Repent your sins, and ask Christ Jesus for forgiveness. Salvation is free, agent user. Your masters are insane, and it is up to all of us to make the righteous and just choice in the tribulation to come.

Stay safe, and walk with Christ.

fission/fusion 4th gen mini-nuke

get fucked cuck

Gang members killing each other and slinging a little meth aren't the same thing as citizens forming militias and disturbing the social order. Also, you seem to know a lot about this stuff.

Its never going to happen in mass. Even if hillary rigs the court to allow it to happen. No midwestern governer or court is ever going to interperate their constitutions to take guns from people.

Guns have already been seized in the normie capitals. DC NYC LA

Anyone should know a lot about this stuff because dummies like you always want to disarm people for piss poor reasons. Say bye to grandma who can't handle an attacker by herself...

don't belive any Cred Forums finn doesn't know Simo Häyhä and his story. Proxyfag.

Who knows, we all might get surprised.

There are not enough police and national guard to keep control of 330 million people.

The best course of action is to not limit the number of guns, but to limit the amount of Tory filth that believe Americans should be castrated like every other walking corpse on the planet.

I don't need to be a global citizen, 'cause I'm blessed by nationality.

FBI please. You will die if you try to take our guns. end of story.

Also at that point their homemade guns become a hot commodity. Youre not using logic. They would then sell to your average criminal for robberies etc.

Yeah, it's obvious. Like an American not knowing who John Wayne is.

I really don't give a fuck, tbqh pol. Jesus is coming, and this life is just our spiritual birth.

We have to stand for what's right, or we will be judged accordingly. I don't even need a rifle to do that. I welcome what God has planned for me, whatever it may be. He owes me absolutely nothing, yet He has given me everything.

I am thankful that He has opened my eyes and given me discernment, and sent love my way to soften my heart.

I thank Him for all of you too, pol. God bless you and keep you.

I never said there wouldn't be any illegal firearms left, just not enough to threaten the social order.

Copfag here
I would neither comply with the command to confiscate guns; nor would I surrender my own.

It's your choice, but there will still be enough men to fill the ranks if the push comes to shove.

Lol what are these brainwashed boogey men that'll knock down doors for guns? If they wanted to ban guns they'd just ban them from being sold, they wouldn't just go door to door taking away guns because logistics alone it's to much.

I'm not talking about every door getting kicked in at once.

I knew I saved this pic for a good reason.

tl;dr - civil war in the US would be a nightmare for the established government, too bad gun control fags.

All of them.

This. The scenario is entirely flawed in its premise and impossible.

They don't have enough as is, not even touching the majority that wouldn't comply.

As said, we'll see when the push comes to shove.

Prepping the bull is also more important than your own pleasure. I'm waiting.

There's nothing to wait and see about, unless you're referring to that majority polled who say they wouldn't engage in such actions.

That there aren't enough to kick in doors is just math.

Nice try NSA

>would you comply with their orders?

The question is whether THEY would comply with their orders.

Based on the guys I knew who stayed in, the answer is likely no.