Syrian rapefugee in Spain

Syrian rapefugee in Spain: "I was expecting more from Spain, my friends who are in Germany have all housing, payments.. "

I'm so glad we never help any migrants here, if you came here you need to work and make a living in order to survive.

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considering their history, i don't know why spain even allows any muslims in the country. What happend to the reconquista and expulsion of the moors and shit.

oh no, that poor refugee hasn't got a house for free and loads of money?
what the fuck?!?!

>If you came here you need to work
>Implying he should be allowed to enter Spain in first place

Thats rasist Hans, you sound like HitlerfachaFranco.

What was that explosion last week in Spain?
No news about it in Finland, so no ISIS?

Refugee crisis is just the new equivalent to reality TV at this point. Everything is now just a competition of who has the saddest story so we can give them stuff for free.

what the fuck they come here for safety which is readily supplied in the west, not to take fucking money out of my pocket so they can chill on all the hot new western trends. Fuck these handout fucks, no loyalty to their nation no loyalty to anything but paki god and their self interests.

>they come here for safety
No. They come for gibs. As readily demonstrated in the video.

OY VEY! SHUT IT DOWN! Antisemitism is on the rise! Do you want to gas all the Syrians? I bet you are an antisemite, too! You are responsible for the new pogromes! YOU are personally responsible for the holocaust! Help! I am being gassed!

wtf... I hate spain now

Not even the natives get any benefits or housing from the government in Spain, what do they expect?

The leftist consider the Reconquista as a fascist thing.

Yeah this really pisses me off. Why do lefties not care about the fact that these scum ran from their country when it needed young men to stand up and fight the most? Has it not occurred to them that we may be getting the absolute worst of these nations? Why the fuck does the left desire a growing fifth column in Europe so bad? It makes zero sense to me.


This, kids learn in school about the wonders of the spain golden age under muslim rule.

Apuesto que el moraco este acaba siendo mi vecino.

Wow, liberalism post-Franco really fucking cucked you guys....What the fuck.

Matters little. Why would you stay in Spain and find a job when you can go a few kilometers to the north and have everything for free.

Spain still remembers dhimmitude:
In Islamic Spain, Jews and Christians were tolerated if they:

acknowledged Islamic superiority
accepted Islamic power
paid a tax called Jizya to the Muslim rulers and sometimes paid higher rates of other taxes
avoided blasphemy
did not try to convert Muslims
complied with the rules laid down by the authorities. These included:
restrictions on clothing and the need to wear a special badge
restrictions on building synagogues and churches
not allowed to carry weapons
could not receive an inheritance from a Muslim
could not bequeath anything to a Muslim
could not own a Muslim slave
a dhimmi man could not marry a Muslim woman (but the reverse was acceptable)
a dhimmi could not give evidence in an Islamic court
dhimmis would get lower compensation than Muslims for the same injury

Seriously ?


a lot of you people are missing the important question of how all these fucking parasitic "refugees" from the Middle East and Africa, all have the same mentality of housing and spending money entitlements
Where the fuck did they all get this idea and suddenly surge into Europe?

The fucking kikes all foreshadowed that Europe would "go into multicultural mode"
How the fuck did they know this?
I am willing to bet the "refugees" were all told that they would get free housing and money entitlements

This whole refugee crisis is staged propaganda.

Leftists tring to load western coutries by welfares and rapefuges for make it shithold like in latin america where ppl praise gvrmt and gangs are connected with authorities to fear ppl. and ecnomy shitty. Think arabs who just already sitten on benefits and leftist bring this way this ppl for more followers of islam and mre voters for soc-dem ritual.

Spain is so fucking gone lol

Socialist know only poor people vote them so they flood countries with poor people.
Is that easy.
If native poor people don't vote them they bring the voters from outside.

>Help! I am being gassed!

There is no need of propaganda, it's just reality. I't the European collective suicide.
Rapefugees get free housing food and a monthly pay in Germany, Sweden, Netherdlands, Belgium, etc It's just a well known fact.
The people who are coming are not somplete savages from a jungle, they have smartphones they use internet, they know where to go to get free stuff.

Why are germans such cucks?

Yes, having a shit economy has it's perks, i'm not even kidding.

This. Our hatred is about to blow. Thus only adds fuel to the holy pyre

Que hijo de la grandisima cerda puta.

The only good Muslims during Spanish history were the Moorish colonials who fought on the right side. Is it true that they decorated their banners with leftist's heads?


Is your mainstream media also as degenerate as ours and spends half of a news cycle talking about football?

>Be the master of Europe
>Demand the peripheral countries to go into full-blown austerity to pay debnts
>People are outraged but not rioting and trying to make Europe Great Again
>"Ok guys now we will use this money to build some mosques"

When will they hang?

and who is paying for this?

Good on you spain

Man I miss my high school Spanish teacher.

> Argentinian
> Fuck the moors
> White Spaniard countries, best countries.
> deus vult