Hey there white boy. There's nothing I love more than a pure Aryan man who is just proud of who he is

Hey there white boy. There's nothing I love more than a pure Aryan man who is just proud of who he is.

Let's say me and you "cuck" each other's races. Do you wanna have some fun? ;)

Lets have fun. Here, wear this traditional african american wear.

I don't want to wear anything around you ;)


My kind of girl

Pass. Only thing worse than fucking a Jew, is fucking a nigger

But user she looks so cute

White + black = black
Black + white = black

The only one getting cucked in a black/white relationship is the white.


Most of Cred Forums is cucked and degenerate. But a few like you and me are left that know race mixing is degenerate.

LEL. KEK. Cred Forums wont defend this....I got my vadge badge from a black woman.

Made this mistake once. Now I have herpes for life. It's not a meme.

Just have a taste of chocolate and you will feel better

So is my dog. I'm not fucking her either

We're a dying breed, brother. All I can do is teach my kids right about this form of bestiality

If it works for Thomas Jefferson it works for me, I'll have some fun.

>trashy whore loopy earings
No thanks

>No, I must protect the purity of the white race. Step aside, slattern.

That's not how it works user
Black girls know how to have fun

Apparently you're not proud of who you are miss, otherwise you would want black babies.

Monkey is still a monkey no matter how much makeup you put on them.