#BlackLivesMatter trying to get white students suspended

Sheboon has set out on a mission to get two girls suspended for posting a picture on snapchat in a coal-mask with the hashtag #blacklivesmatter.

Whats does Cred Forums think about this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Wasn't in school so it shouldn't matter. No matter how dumb of an opinion you have, you should be allowed to have it. If schools wanna punish wrongthink they can do it when they misbehave in school.

dindus already ruined healthcare in the US

Is that profile picture not her trying to look as white as possible?

>black lives matter is now racist

You know, I never knew the left could get any fucking stupider than it already is, but I was wrong.

[Man who lost all hope, even the last additional but of hope he didn't even know he still had, loses even more hope he never even knew he could lose]

It's a public high school. They can't do shit.

Schhh! Not so loud.

A woman at my workplace got fired this week for saying "nigger-rig" to a friend in a private conversation.

Is there any hope left?

twitter.com/naomihubert/status/779440300079124480 Link to tweet.
It can be reported as target harrasment.

More from her twitter

Twitter is biased. They fully support Black Lives Matter on a company level.

Goddamn, and they call us bigots.

What a fucking cunt

girl on the left looks qt, can she remove her mask? :-(

Someone dig up some dirt on this whore and make an example of her.

Weren't they mocking BLM ? I thought they were.


>held accountable for their racism

Absolutely deplorable.
>that person has a different opinion and made a joke.
>*monkey noises*
>*chimp out intensifies*
>*shit flys wildly through the air*
>dem rassess white guurls ne ta be hel accountable fo dey rassessm

Guarantee if we dig deep enough she probably said something hateful about whites.

Exactly. They want to be the thing they hate so badly. Jealousy.

If niggers weren't so insecure about their skin colour none of this would matter.

It's a shame she probably doesn't have a job or school for her to get removed from


Isnt that illegal?

This is a developing area of the law. Unfortunately, the case law suggests students can be punished for speech made off-campus. If speech made outside of school - included speech made on the internet - somehow reaches the school and either causes a disruption or it is reasonable to believe that it will cause a disruption, then the students can be punished, and it wouldn't infringe on their First Amendment rights.

Students actually have reduced First Amendment (as well as other Constitutional) rights when it comes to being in or around the school. The Supreme Court has stated that the policy justification for these limitations is that deference needs to be given to school officials concerning administrative decisions on how best to maintain a safe, functional learning environment.

>need to be held accountable for their racism
i thought the beauty of america was that people are free to believe whatever they want

Im in favor of anything that drives white people off social media. It damage s your brain, so if only dindus use it, all the better

Dude it's right there.

She tweeted it two days ago.

Women shouldn't be working in the first place. The more are fired the better. Hope shines through, lads.

find this whores school and show them her post. she needs to be held accountable for her racism

So what about this shit...

They were, but as you can see by the way he totally butchered a copy pasta that gets posted five times per thread, the poster you replied to is a drooling retard

What about luring her into saying something stupid like KILL ALL WHITEYS so she can get V&?


Post-Millenial generation is so based desu.

Probably still are Millenials but it seems to be kids 12-15 who call this bullshit out online the most


god damn. Truest thing I've heard all day.

you ever go to an inner ER.....jesus christ

Blue Ridge HS 09 9 reporting in! AMA

Someone with an account on twitter...
plz inform her she's like at least 30% white

>t. zwarte piet, head of social justice for the netherlands party

"free speech" means you can say whatever you want without risk of legal prosecution by the state or any kind of punishment.

It does not mean a private entity can't suspend/fire you.

On top of that most membership/enrollment entities have a rules of conduct clauses in papers you sign when you join so they can remove you if you fail to abide by them.

Maybe if you stopped making fun of them for being black, none of this would matter.

A bad joke. I didn't like it.

>dindus already ruined healthcare in the US

>dindus already ruined the US

That's semi-good banter, I now support her genocide of whites aka honks aka crackers aka reverse Zimmermans aka im drunk as fuck on a Saturday morning at lmao

B-but 1A says I have free speech???

Send her the pic of hill-dog dressed in her halloween costume as a nigger.

get her sakced from gringo bell

Its a facial treatment masque.
The insanity.

I really think we need to start euthanizing idiots.

I'm already calling her out as the snitch little doxer she and guess what
Not a peep from her in my direction cause she just another coward blm sjw pc cunt

errrgh dem nigaboos be raysus toward us crakkkas yo

fukk dem niganoggas

They're in blackface you blind cunt

>works at taco bell

It is an absolute certainty she is just the kind of idiot that thinks it is impossible to be a racist against white people.

Why should someone be held accountable for their opinions that do not incite violence?

What kind of claim do they have that they have harmed someone.

I do not see them saying, "WE REPRESENT THIS HIGH SCHOOL!"

She's right about the sandals thing, you Americans need to stop this shit right now.
Go outside in any weather, men flaunting their ugly yellow toes and lack of self-respect, even in the dirtiest places. Many such cases!

>someone works to support themselves and their spawn
>this is a bad thing

Lol. I get it, fuck niggers doos volt, but you've gotta stop with this hypocritical bullshit, kid.

I think I don't give a motherfuck stop posting this retarded shit here


I think you may have misunderstood my post, as your reply is completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

The girls that the nig is trying to get suspended are both high school students at a public school. As we all know, public schools are considered "government actors" for purposes to Constitutional challenges.


does she make this shit?.....just looked at it....she does

Ruination time?

>$8 per hour
>supporting anything

Find her facebook find her cell phone number call her carrier social engineer getting her sim number clone the phone steal all passwords that need 2 step verification ruin her life dumping every private piece of data
Ive done it before and if pushed will do it again
Doxing teenage girls with what will result in a possible news story is wrong so any ramifications she caused

This bitch is literally named after a laxative brand that's just been slightly googled up

In the past it has often benefitted students because there was a rung on the ladder between dealing with something at home/privately, and pursuing legal recourse. If two kids got into a fight the school would deal with it, rather than immediately getting police involved.

Now though it seems schools have taken up the mantle of "protecting the community" and have sought to control student to a greater extent outside of the institution itself. Rather than seeking to de-escalate and mediate more serious disputes, they are doing the opposite and escalating private/minor matters to significance.


>Many such cases!


too many new summerfags all the guys that used to be good at this shit left pol a long time ago

>t. cold non - country