How can I make sure my daughter is never attracted to black guys?

How can I make sure my daughter is never attracted to black guys?

Let her grow up and learn for herself. Most coalburners exist because their daddy tried to push them away from it, and they wanted to rebel to stick it to mean old daddy by taking Tyrone's dick on the down-low

Kill her

if she's regularly exposed to black kids, they should bully her into hating them?

Worried your daughter Jinx will get with the Big Bot like Zone portrays?

Just tell her that googles don't know how to treat women and leave it at that.

I'm not a Muslim

Get her to smoke a carton.

Be a good father. If you are, she will inevitably get into a relationship with a respectable white man.

This is not political.

If there are any projects on the way to a place you regularly visit, make sure you driver her by them and make sure you talk about how horrible X murder was this weeks in the projects

Maybe, maybe not.

Your daughter's either smart enough to figure it out on her own, or she isn't.

You trying to interfere is only more likely result in an outcome that is undesirable. Teenage daughters will literally ruin their life on purpose because they're being passive aggressive towards their father.

All humans have a natural aversion to blacks. It's only with 12 years of forced government indoctrination at school, coupled with 24/7 propaganda in the media that the natural aversion is mitigated.

Keep your child away from mass media, and homeschool your child.

thanks for correcting the record

Kill them in front of her.

Can confirm.
My sister did this until enough real world experience redpilled her to literally outspoken nazi-tier

Control over your offspring and their behavior is the height of politics.

It's politically incorrect.

Rent her out per hour to a few black guys.

She'll grow up fearful of them and you make some money.

love her and be a good father to her

then she will look for a man like you

move to new zealand

you can't.
let her be attracted to whoever she wants
there are plenty of decent black men out there

make her watch "cops"

Have a son.

Unless he turns into milo or a trany he will be alright.

Roll credits

Do that thing from Arrested Development where the father hired some dude to scare his kids, except you'll obviously be hiring a crackhead nigger.

so says kek

These, plus a good education and incentive to reading. Treat her as a respctable women and she'll pick up on it

Are you sure? I've met allot of girls that seem like they have respectable father's and mothers, but they still spend time with trash

This show was so autistic.

It probably should have tipped me off that my brother had mental health problems, that he loved this shit,

Cyborg is the embodiment of that awesome childhood black friend I had.

I miss playing vidya with dat nigga.

>having your own son instead of letting your wife get one

Seems like Cyborg skips leg day

This, the invisible hand will back hand your daughter into racial realities

Be a black man. Problem solved.

make sure she spends time with real blacks and not the higher class ones with both parents still in the picture.

Burst into her room in black face while she's sleeping and beat her silly

lose the jews

dont leave her mother or molest her so she gets daddy issues

You have to be a strong father figure. This way she will see that white males are not beta. To be a strong father figure you have to create value around yourself.

Molest her.