If men and women are equal, and SJW want to enforce equality, why do we need to have separate bathrooms and showers?

If men and women are equal, and SJW want to enforce equality, why do we need to have separate bathrooms and showers?

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Because all men rape all the time no matter what, according to women

All men are rapist

Men are rapists, that's why.

>why do we need to have separate bathrooms

Where have you been for the last three years?

Fags should use separate bathrooms too

because women washing themselves is not as sexy as you think

The janitors got sick of cleaning up all the love making.

Same thing for bathrooms.

Stalkers and creeps are pretty rare in general. Once the word gets out on them people can go hunt them down.

However, horny couples looking for a quickie spot are A Penny Gets You A Hundred.

Sjws want shared bathrooms though so trannies don't feel left out

But that's like saying all black people are criminals.

Because women and men never be equal.

1 will never = 2


So what?
You can have lovemaking in male showers and female showers. There are homosexuals too.

>tfw first fap was this scene

No it's not, because your statement is true.

Homosexuals are only around 10% of the population

Aren't they..?

Dear god I would never want to share a bathroom with women. Having to walk in on some 400 pound hambeast broad grunting out the 5 big macs she had for brunch. Then stepping on tampons strewn around the floor, and shit splatters on the toilet seat.

But user, gender is a social construct.

Yeah, I'm just messing with SJWs.

Criminalizing all men because some men are criminals or because men commit more crime than women... is the same with niggers.

>why do we need to have separate bathrooms and showers?
we don't

i loved watching my ex shower, soapin up dem big ol' tiddies . are you gay?


If you we had no laws yeah, man would rape all women

why did she leave you

That's over 30 million individuals fyi

This is actually my fetish.

Pls post more.

I think Gay bathhouses were a thing since forever. Why not have some hetero ones?

I refuse to believe that. 1 out of 10? america is like 30kk faggots strong then? is that why gay right so big in your politics, to gettheir votes?

10% is the number thrown around by most people who don't do the research.


3.8%. They just happen to all go to washington DC

They existed in the 70s. However they fell out of fashion for some reason.

They are trying to get rid of those if you hadn't noticed.

But men and women are equal, therefore women rape all the time too right?

Because all men are rapists remember

ones where gas drops from the ceiling


lmfao poor leaf

if they were being ideologically consistent, we wouldn't. nevermind that they aren't actually against segregated bathrooms, and are just waiting for morals to degrade further so they can push for this. just keep this in your mind, all of their inconsistencies are really just future plans.

Hi, I work at a supermarket as Maintenance and I have to clean the bathrooms.

I can tell you RIGHT now. Women are SO MUCH MORE fucking disgusting than men are so FUCK no I don't want to share a bathroom with these retards who can't even manage to get all of their shit in the toilet.

lol i broke up with her , she had nice tiddies tho

Yea it's all fun and games until you realise women are disgusting as fuck, they leave their used tampons on the floor, they can't fucking piss right ( don't ask me how this is pure vagina magic ) they leave makeup everywhere and fucking hell women toilets manage to smell worse than males.

you math much?

That's because it's around two % that are gay. Ten % is a Kinnsey meme

See pic for details

Dude have you seen a women's bathroom? They always are fucking disgusting.

Be thankful.

it's 2016

IT'S 2016!!!111!

Try 3%, faggot.

We Roman latrines now.

Because I don't want to make a line to use the bathroom.

Because I don't want my daughters in the same room as a Shitskin, American, or other rapist scum.

If men regularly saw females without clothes, they would lose their ability to enslave through marriage and makeup/fashion fraud

This man is well trained in that he believes in holding out some female's fictional honor and not just throwing her to rough handsome men for a good time

If a women can work a full 8 hours on a construction site doing the same work as a man the I will agree she is an equal end of story

at burning man we had this shit, it's cool until you have some old man rubbing against you

>buncha dude ass between shots

nigga u gay

Why do you think he posted Scooby?

This isn't completely inaccurate when it comes to sandgoogles and mudslimes.


This. Without big government regulating every aspect of our lives we'd be unequal as fuck.

If you call it gender segregation, then they freak out. Try it on your sjw friends.

Equality is impossible to achieve.

University of Toronto tried that. Didn't go well.


I have never raped anyone in my life, but if I keep getting accused of it, I swear....