IS this true?

Cred Forums?

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Fuck white supremacy. Fuck you.

Diversity is Strength!!

Kind of but I really want those chimps to move to West Africa

Yes, but with the state of race relations in America such a thing is unlikely to happen


Black power is a glorious expression of racial awareness, goy. Not like those white power Nazi racists, goy.

>these are the only hands that profit and are the establishment

Gayest shit I've read all day. Looks like some limousine liberal"s shower thoughts.

It's the power that makes whitey a minority.

Yeah but it's empty moral posturing

Also I think white people are tired of getting kicked in the nuts every time we try to hold hands

Want me to dump?

guys, guys
What if
Okay, follow me here
What if
What if you had the white power
And you have the white power, and the black power
Are you following me guys
You have the latino power and the asian power
Okay, a lot of power
And the eskimo power and the indian power
And what if
What if all the powers
Get this
What if all the powers combined together
What if the white, black, latino, asian, eskimo, and indian powers all combined together




This is my favorite


The main difference between people who read Breitbart and people who are against it is whether or not you believe conservatives. That's pretty much all it comes down to. When all these people are united in saying they are in extreme pain and suffering and you to say it's all made up means conservatives are either lying or insane.



Real talk. White Power and Black Power groups need to work together to defeat the race mixing and enslavement agendas at work in this world.


I for one have absolutely no problem with niggers.
Those googles on the other hand...


Let's assume that's all true. All of it. I would be surprised if it WASN'T true. Imagine if in a country of ~65-75% whites, that most poor people were not white. You'd expect most people to be poor, you'd expect white on white murders to outpace non-white on non-white murders. It makes sense in a country that's 99.9% white. It'll still be true in a country that's ~65-75% white. It'll still be true as long as whites are the far and away plurality in population. If it WASN'T true, there'd be a problem.

Anyone here /DnD/?


Black people are lying, and most are insane.

>Whines about people posting to Breitbart
>Posts from atlantablackstar, a known black supremacist site

What did he mean by this?

I like the Confederate flag in the dindu picture.

No fucking shit.

White/black is an easy division to make, it's why they made the NAACP in the first place.

Shouldn't this one be considered treason or some shit?

>They actually believe this.
Journalism and click bait are now synonyms.


No, I think white power scares the establishment. That is, only if it were to catch on.

The racial unity meme could scare them. The understanding we had before niggers started voting democrat was healthy. Blacks were actually heading to higher employment rates and marriage fidelity than whites.

Anyone here really thinking??

>what is proportionality

Then they would average out.

All of those powers combined don't match what whites are capable of.

Or maybe I'm wrong. I dunno. Global understanding in the right context could be a good thing.

Cred Forums btfo

Its Inuit, you cis scum shitlord !

Those superstitious objections aren't the problem I have with GMO's the problem I have is that they are used by Monsanto and the like to fuck over independent farmers

What is really tearing America apart is he fact that the establishment can easily take control when the populace is fighting with eachother racially.

This is pretty true desu. White supremacist naziboo stormfronters are LITERALLY just the white version of blacklivesmatter.

If everyone keeps acting like a bunch of collectivist tribal retards, the (((elite))) will continue to profit from the division and hate and nothing will ever get done about it.


Redpilled minorities are bro tier

Is she fucking stupid? Look at the 3.5e Player's Handbook. The Monk is a black female. She acts like blacks weren't ever in D&D before.
God damn it Google why aren't you giving me the picture.


what fucking world does this fucking faggot live in?

Is he in a nice little gated university town or something?


>Doesn't understand proportions
>Is still wrong even with proportions

hear me out
we have all these power groups separated by physical space so that they can practice their civilization (or lack there of) without having to worry about each other.

Isis is so obviously the work of the US government.

Shout out to Canada
Anyone want to know more about bryce?

Divide and conquer


hahahaha look at this dude he's saying all this stuff to try and impress the lil black girl he's orbiting



he thinks it's gonna get him laid but then again, I kind of refuse to believe he's straight


>jill stein dank meme stash
>they just reused "dank meme stash" after bernie got BTFO

Sure, tell us about Bryce.

5e is a great system with some of the shittiest art/pandering bullshit ever
>looks at Mike Mearl's twitter
holy shit

Here we go.

Besides why do you need "representation" in fantasy? It's fucking fantasy, be whatever you want.

OP Here

Diversity wasn't what I was thinking about, I'm thinking more just plain American unity. I don't expect you to know about that Achmed.

Absolute delusion. Show me the globalist sainthood fighting for control over America with all of those guns they have.

no. black people are scum. they are showing their true colors. when obama is out of office they will still be acting up. still killing at a higher rate and they will still need to be dealt with globally

from south korea to germany and the united states they have proven themselves to be scum


There needs to be the acknowledgement of difference and it needs to be addressed.

undeniably so
what unity looks like remains to be decided.


>I don't have a receipt because I didn't pay anything
How about you show us your taxes, eh?


>The most useless class in the game is a black woman


BLM is literally funded by a Jewish billionaire.

See: the difference between Cred Forums before Dorner became a hero here, and after

A continent wide nation.


>and that effective/non sexualized armor
She's wearing boobplate you dumbass. That's the opposite of effective. That said I like the design, looks like cool fantasy armor.

See here for moreI don't want to take the time to type it out again, makes me want to puke



Also, nobody is being honest about what racism truly is. Nobody wants to admit everyone is on some level racist due to it being an evolutionary trait to survive against outsiders since we humans are tribal even today.

As an admittedly inexperienced player, if there is one issue I have it's with the initiative system.

Too rigid.

But now my least favorite part of the game is (((Mikes))) little profile picture and the fact that it exists.

Fucking rekt


yes it can
return to nationalism - the only force known to unite multiple races
wait, your libtards are trying to gut that too, isn't it?
oh well, buy your plane tickets early


As white as Argentina.

Its achievable, not in this decade though. Blacks need to get their shit together to even become tolerable towards whites. And whites, need to cut a few things off as well, but they aren't as bad.

>whites killed by blacks per 1,000,000 blacks is almost the same as whites killed by whites per 1,000,000 whites
Holy shit. That means blacks are murdering as if they were about 70% of the population and not 13%.

White nationalists and black nationalists get along great, actually. It's the leftist cucks who are creating division by demanding genocide.

>tfw at one point in history blacks were slowly starting to become based, improve their communities, and unite with whites as one nation

>(((the government))) saw a united force too powerful to manipulate and started throwing free shit at blacks to degenerate them and enslave them to government dependency

fuck you LBJ

Nope look at stiatscs

They're pretty much terrified of white power

ultimately yes

In those few moments I am able to separate myself from the memes. I find that racial tension is nothing but a tool used to control us, but god damn its fun to hate on niggers.

Good video. Look at this great moderate rebel that my tax dollars pay for without my permission. I am so fucking pissed about this and no one cares.

>DnD 5e

>whites are the largest demographic in the US

>the world she loves the most is 5th edition Forgotten Realms

What a moron.

>not wanting people to block public roads and disrupt business/daily routines is now racist

Please let Trump win. Please please let him win just to spite this faggot.

Also we need time. We need there to be more generational black families with wealth and inheritances. This will slowly kill the marxist cancer by spreading the glory of private wealth and property ownership.

Does she not realize that you can make your own fucking character? If she wishes to complain about lack of representation she can only blame herself for not making her own google PC.

Blacks will always suffer, because they lack the ability of foresight and hard work. They continually make reckless decisions that bring them momentary pleasure, but long term suffering.

They see whitey with a nice car, a nice house in a nice neighbourhood and think he somehow magically got that because he is white.
They fail to realize that whitey suffered and slaved for everything he has. Instead of hanging out playing gangsta, he finished school even though he hated every day. When he turned 18 instead of running the streets indulging in drugs and women, he endured 4 years of college living off ramen noodles. Or he survived on a pathetically low apprentice wage to master a trade for 4 years.

Then, when he FINALLY was making decent money he didn't blow it on Jordan's, flash cars, clothes, liquor. He socked it away, week by week, month by month until he had a deposit for a house. Every day he grinded. Every day he endured lifes boredom and the suffering that befalls every human being alive. He took shit from an asshole boss or coworker, and didnt blame it on racism, he just knows some people are cunts and life is hard. But he did not give in to temptation, he kept his eyes on the prize. With the dream that maybe one day he could be a land owning man with a nice car, and a little family.

My Dad has worked the same job since he was 16, and is now a wealthy man. My mother who is in her 50s, raised 3 kids alone and currently works 12 hour shifts in an out of town job just to cover her mortgage and provide for the 1 child still living at home.

This is what blacks lack. The sick European work ethic and drive for something more. They want everything now, in the moment, and dont understand working for years and years to obtain 'privilege.'

>racemixing makes everyone happy
fake and gay

lol no
uniting with blacks is against white nationalist

>Didn't pay anything
What are high taxes?

But...... that's wrong. Like literally all of that is wrong. Even if the first two were correct, what would that mean for white privilege?

he likes getting cucked


blocking people from getting to their job, no matter what color, will piss the driver off and result in the hospital turning a profit

fuck niggers you inflammatory scum

Yes. Whites and blacks both have a cultural issue in the current world.

Whites have degraded while blacks are being held down (not by whitey but by Jewish controlled media pushing the gangster bullshit and being decent human beings being a "white thing")

The kikes also start wars in the middle east if the populaces of the western countries want it or not, by use of propaganda, by creating boogeymen terrorist groups and threats of WMD's.

Then while they destabilize these regions they ship the now pissed right the fuck off people to western countries as refugees and put them above the native population.

Kikes are a threat to EVERY race and creed on this planet who will pin them against each other to keep the ZOG machine functioning.

She's right you know

based 5e

>you can't say blacks aren't oppressed because you're not black and can't compare experiences
>never been white but i can totally compare experiences and black people are totally oppressed

>go to hospital for stitches
>wait for 4 hours because its busy
>end up bleeding on floor from chair
>remember I pay 13% taxes for this bullshit

absolutely, best summary I've read

In South Africa, before Apartheid, rich white business owners were starting to over look their racial prejudice and hire black workers for their factories and mills, this allowed blacks to climb the social ladder by slowly earning respect and being able to put their children through school to earn skills. The Boers started to enforce Apartheid to put a stop to this, because blacks would eventually be able to start businesses and actually hold political clout.

South Africa could have been a successful black country uplifted by white colonists, but instead the power hungry elite worked to secure their positions at the expense of the rest of the country until violent revolution disposed of them, creating another failed black nation.

There is some truth to that picture.

Useful idiots

Instead of uniting the goyim peoples under the flag of nationalism and ethnic pride (do not mistake this with multicultural shit, it's the exact opposite)
There you are, fighting over who's skin is more shit, instead of sacking the Federal reserve BLM is rioting in the streets, instead of breeding and having more children, White supremacists rednecks are drinking 7 beers per day and watching the football game while complaining about the illuminati gov and how (((Trump))) is so awesome, when it's just another puppet, Mexicans instead of ficing their own country fly to other lands in search of work, but refuse to adapt, therefore creating more racial tensions mixed with the negative feelings about the war of 1845, when you stole our territory.

You see now?, divide and conquer

bunch of useful idiots