I've yet to see a legitimate argument against this


Wanna meet up and have sex?

>someone the same race as u broke something 300 years ago xDDDD

It does work, they just aren't doing it right.

I think the black community knows what would happen if they treated us with the extreme violence needed to start a fucking revolution.

The destruction in 1773 was done more as arguably the first act of war against a foreign ruling party.

2016 is destruction against fellow Americans who are not ruling over them. It's vandalism.

Since when was the Boston Tea Party considered a peaceful protest? And unlike BLM, they actually had a specific goal rather than "fuk duh po-lice and keel whitey"

Denying a luxury in protest as well as demoralizing the enemy vs chimping out and smashing your own shit and causing more wasted funds that could go somewhere more productive.

Basically they're saying they want to initiate a full on race war.

Amercans didn't destroy American business and property.

They dumped British business goods.

The Boston Tea Party was basically a declaration of war, kicking off a series of events where thousands of them died to secure their own country.
Are you suggesting BLM is a modern-day parallel?

>Tea party happened to protest tea taxes from British
>There is somehow a correlation between innocent business owners and raycis cops

the americans actually owned the tea they destroyed


>Protest tea Tax = break crates of Tea
>Protest Police brutality = break random people's shit??

This is posted every day, stop replying

Nobody was killed.

>the civil war was a protest

Man you need to better educate the nogs.

>destroying foreign goods and destroying local businesses is the same thing

The Tea Party Criminals were also in the wrong. The King was the legitimate authority. And those criminals should have been executed.

>civil war

Thanks obama

apparently you also need to be educated


Government decided a to tax citizens without having them proper representation within British Parlement.

Backwater New Englanders get drunk on moonshine and decide to put on some semi Indian gear for funzies destroy the specific thing that they are protesting and sent a letter to the English Parlament "Oi, fuck ya tea mate!"


Niggers protesting something that is statistically false, culturally false, started by a false narrative from a police officer lawfuling discharged his weapons using a Sig p226 chambered 40 Saving Whites, to achieve an excuse to chimp out and pillage because of their situation of being poor from their own consequences.

They are totally the same fucking thing no doubt about that.

If niggers wanted to secede, I bet everyone would let them

inb4 they would claim the entire South as "historically black land"