There is an argument that supports the holocaust that a holocaust denier can't answer?

Other urls found in this thread:

query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/#/6000000 jews/from19000101to19380101/
query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/#/6,000,000 jews/from19000101to19380101/
books.google.com.co/books?id=ePsvCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA143&lpg=PA143&dq=Polish census of 1950&source=bl&ots=FG8wijRcSl&sig=0Qfcd_VVTW2RavSvTv1jP-4H7II&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8nMzDyurOAhVMKB4KHXWJAToQ6AEITTAI#v=onepage&q&f=false
deie.mendoza.gov.ar/tematicas/censos/censos_digitalizados/Censos Digitalizados/026 - 1947 - Cuarto Censo General de la Nación. Tomo 1 Poblacion/PDF/1947 tomo1 - 1ra parte.pdf

Not really.

The nazi's were right and great, the evil side won ww2 and gained israel as result

So how can a lie as big as the holocaust maintain itself for so long?

Wth am i seeing here?
Is ops pic related topless?

There's no real evidence for the holocaust in the first place. Even the Nuremberg trials were propaganda. Most of the pictures you see of the supposed "holocaust" are from something else, aren't even of jewish people, or completely don't fit into any of the shoah narratives

It doesn't maintain itself, the jews maintain it

We live in a society that's being run by the people that won that war. It's literally illegal to question any of the facts of the holocaust in many European countries. If it were true, then why would it be illegal to ask about?

Probably the Dachau Reprisals

You could argue that the state of Israel never would have come about without the Holocaust.

That's just off the top of my head. You all are some uncreative, boring motherfuckers.

The internet killed the Holohoax

Anyone with an internet connection and half a brain could figure out the truth.

who dis

Completely bullshit WW2 history during school
Make this the axiomatic story
Arrest anyone that publicly looks into it further

The winners of ww2 (((you know who))) have built an industry of brainwashing thru movies, tv, press, all media forms, books and public education to trick everyone into believing their lie that 6 million jews were killed in the holocaust the reality was 100 thousand jews but 6 million will make people feel worse and give their money to the jews, like ellie wiesel the author of Night, a book we are forced to read in school in america that tells how jewish babies were thrown into fire pits at auschwits (which is a marsh land) and with very few fact checking its easy to see that ellie wiesel was not at auschwits at all

The internet is blowing open the doors on a lot of bullshit narratives the public has been fed while under the control of (((copyright and msm))).


Yes that's one of the biggest ones. It's like the entire reason behind it.

here we go

I think she is dressed in a white shirt.

My friends try to make me bad for even questioning the holocaust situation.

Can you talk more about this pls.

I don't understand why the jews would hate so much the world in order to maintain this lie and illusion, like, WTF, ARE THEY EVEN HUMAN!?

Pretty sure Balfour Declaration was made way before Hitler.

It's just not that impactful, because the Concentration Camp program was still mass enslavement of at least 5 million people. More than 1 million of which died when the war started going badly and starvation and typhoid started to spread.

Last I checked the West still cares about slavery.

I don't trust gifs, is it a jumpscare?

US forces killed a whole bunch of guards at Dachau.

nope, it's static
spoopy image of a nazi zombie in there for comedic effect though

They are as Jesus called them "Of their father the devil" they are servants to satan and do his evil will, they believe they are "choosen people by god" and that all non jewish people are goyim (cattle in yiddish) they want the "goyim" to be enslaved and worship them as if they are also godly they are extremely self absorbed constantly bragging how much better and more intelligent jews are (something they often promote in their propaganda tv shows, you always hear how smart jews are in family guy and other jew made shows) they have a superiority complex to an extent, I have a few screen shots of horrid things israeli's believe and have said to me on pol that ill dump now

>the jews still exist.
you dont need another argument. do you really think we germans would leave a job unfinished? if we devote ourself to something we will do it until we are finished. are finished with exterminating the jews? no. are we still exterminating the jews? no. those we never wer exterminating them

king kike even spoke us free of that guilt, and queen cuck took it back in an instant

Why tough?
I don't believe that the state of Israel exists today, it's an infringement on some many laws of moral and good conduct. I can't even cope with the fact that this actually happened.




i think it depends on the level somebody denies the holocaust, IE

didn't happen in any way
vastly overstated
slightly overstated

obviously it gets easier to defend as you deny less deaths from the 6 million needed to create the state of israel

How about the fact that not a single German official responsible for it never denied it, but blamed it on other Germans.
If it truly didn't happen, one of those thousands would speak up, but none did.

The holohoax narrative started as
>6 million jews had their heads shrank by Germany
Today it's
>Some five million people were enslaved for a little while, and many died of typhus

During the decades that this fiction has depreciated jews have milked it for all it's worth - conning the goyim out of their own countries and countless amounts of money.

the only way they claim it were 6 million was because in their torah it is written that they shall return to israel when they are 6 million fewer. you can try them see to push the 6 million narrative all the time pre WW2

Do you know how easy it is to make this picture, you Deutchsfag
You aren't providing any evidence for your statement

I try to, but I don't understand why they are so motivated to do this, is like if something is missing, like if we aren't seeing the whole picture.

Hahah what? German solders who survived ww2 commonly say it never happened to the degree its been warped into the jews were forced to work because thats what they did to germans, the german people slaved away working in the jewish corrupted germany after they worked hard for pay with a money that is worth nothing because too much of it was printed by jews corrupting the system, when the germans rose up and stripped the jews of the money they gained by enslaving germans they then put them in work camps , not death camps. Germans have hearts of gold and souls of silver and they were wrongfully accused

It's a compilation of pictures that goes back to 1900 that shows the same exact numbers, is completed with the citation of the religion that the jews worship. What is the problem?

for me it somtimes see like they want to play through the torah, or even the bible at times, as a real live theatreplay engulfing the whole world. why i can guess as good as you. but who know


then just google yourself you fat idiot. i post the pictures so retards like you at least know in which direction they have to research, not as absolute proof.


February 14, 1942: The Führer once again expressed his determination to clean up the Jews in Europe pitilessly. There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about it. The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them. Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.

March 27, 1942: The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only 40 per cent can be used for forced labor.
>this is taken from Goebbel's own diary

Yes, he stripped the jews of the things they gained thru deception and usury, and made them work their asses off as the kikes made the germans do, the germans were merciful compared to what jews do to people once again because germans have hearts of gold and silver souls, while jews have hearts of black and souls of sinners

This is totally a reliable source
query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/#/6000000 jews/from19000101to19380101/

Last year I met a girl on tinder who was a holocaust denier, she was redpilled as fuck. This was before i browsed Cred Forums so i stopped talking to her because i thought she was crazy. Now i realize she was perfect.

You know that from everyone citation that you bring, anyone here can bring then against you, I am not saying that you are inventing it, but when it comes to proof, the holocaust does not have much.

>the holocaust is real goys take more refugees as a way to repay what youve done!

>Goebbels himself mentions mass liquidation of Jews
> Ameriburger goes "haha, that's what they get, doesn't prove the holocaust tho"

liquidation is the forfeiture of assets.

>There is an argument that supports the holocaust that a holocaust denier can't answer?

I am glad you asked. How about this one:

"What happened to the millions of Jews that were "evacuated" to the East by cattle cars from all over Europe, and whose deportation numbers are recorded in the Höfle Telegram and reflected in the Korherr report?

>hurr dere nevur were that many j0oz in yurop 2 begin with

given that you have cited the table above, it clearly says there were 9.5 million Jews in 1933 Europe.

Show me where several millions of them allegedly went before the war started.

Only about 60,000 went to Israel under Haa'vara agreement.

Not nearly enough went to the US, Canada or anywhere else.

I believe they essentially want one thing: for the juden to rule the world. That's it.

But wait it gets deeper. Apparently there's two castes of jews, the regular jew and the zionists. The regular jews believe that once the juden rule over all the nations the Messiah (the real one) will come and all hews will live as kings. The zionists worship a different god, you may have heard of him, Molloch. Molloch was the god of Solomon and the ancient jews. I believe they want to rule the world for themselves and for the glory of Molloch. So basically we have these people trying to fuck the goyim over for these two reasons.

Now you may think I'm talking nosense, but have you heard The Book of Revelations? it basically says that once the darkness covers the whole world and the anti-Christ is the king of all mankind then the end will come. Coincidence?

The truth is coming out, nothing you can do to stop it

She's wearing a tank top-ish thing I believe

There are more than enough but you just choose to push it away because "muh Jewish mind control machines"
You feel like you know the truth because you watched some documentary made by neo nazis and think that you are so bright because you refuse to read any news page that is visited by more than 100k people.

The jewish controlled wars in the middle east are merely a plan to destroy and destabilize arab nations to allow Israel to create its plan of greater Israel which will span from egypt thru syria thru iraq and into iran, all of this land Israel wants it and they will use USA to do it with the puppet presidents like clinton obama bush reagan nixon eisenhower and all in between

Truth is already out, the holocaust did happen, maybe on a smaller scale, maybe on a big scale, but it did happen and you can't deny it no matter what "NY Times news article from 2500BC" you bring up to prove your point

>Talks about greater Israel while completely ignoring the fact that Israel gave Egypt a shit ton of land it won

Why does the almanac record there being 11million jews in the world in 1949. Thats over 4million less than the previous year. Wouldn't this prove that due to war time they couldn't accurately get a census until 1949. And in fact millions of jews died. What are ur thoughts Cred Forums

Do you even know what liquidation means? I don't think there even is a Jewish trickery story about them literally being melted somehow, but I'm not surprised a good goy such as yourself would blindly go along with it just as easily as all the other lies.

lol y u mad tho?

>feel like you know the truth because you watched some documentary made by neo nazis and think that you are so bright because you refuse to read any news page that is visited by more than 100k people.

I don't think that i am brighter than you, and in no way i would believe in what i believe if there was more than enought, i swear, i would't even argue.

>given that you have cited the table above, it clearly says there were 9.5 million Jews in 1933 Europe.
I got this pic from this site (thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=85432.) it shows how the almanac shows that there was no holocaust,

Maybe you should go to yom kappur to refund the lies you tell people, pepe spites you and will take your soul

I was thinking, maybe this whole Islamic question is just a movement to make the world hate the Arab people and go trough a mass extermination of them. Because we all know that this game of immigration will not end well.

Who is that semen demon BRo ?

If you can make at least a single extra argument to this, I will believe you
So far what's written here debunks every single thing Holocaust deniers have pointed out

See? That's how easily you are manipulated.

He shows you the 1948 almanac.

Tell him to show you the 1949 one :-)



I wouldn't mind extermination of Muslims

Precisely, I believe its false flagging strategy, make everyone non jewish fight each other and the real bad guy gets away scott free

>reading some random german novel from war time
>SS soldier explains why they are persecuting the jews
>he ends with "... and they (the jews) use the same card over and over again to maintain the sympathy of the nations, that the jews are about to be exterminated"
What did he mean by this?

query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/#/6,000,000 jews/from19000101to19380101/

>UKRAINIAN JEWS AIM TO STOP POGROMS; Commission to Visit Europe and Prepare a Memorandum for President Wilson. LANSING GIVES PERMISSION Mass Meeting Hears That 127,000 Jews Have Been Killed and 6,000,000 Are in Peril.

>BEGS AMERICA SAVE 6,000,000 IN RUSSIA; Massacre Threatens All Jews as Soviet Power Wanes, Declares Kreinin, Coming Here for Aid.
>--Russia's 6,000,000 Jews are facing extermination by massacre. As the famine is spreading, the counter-revolutionary movement is gaining and the Soviet's control is waning.BEGS AMERICA SAVE

the difference 2 commas make

try harder next time

>but in Harry Potter it is said...

this is how stupid you sound

>literally called jewish library.org (org meaning for profit) great propaganda though.

I tip my fedora to you, good sir.

It's late as fuck but i will make the effort

>the holocaust did happen...there is enough evidence to support this argument...problem is there is definitely no evidence to support the six million genocide claim...these figures have been grossly exaggerated for the benefit of the zionist end game...you can only maintain a lie of biblical proportions if you have the support of the whole world...now the world is questioning this lie before the perpetrators of this great deception die off...the consequence for the jews will be catastrophic when the truth is finally revealed.

I am still waiting for your dumb ass to offer an explanation as to why you do not quote the pre-war newspaper articles that speak of 4 million jews, 5 million jews and 7 million jews.

Oh I know. Because then you would realize your "6 million" pre-war articles are nothing but cherry-picked nonsense.

i just wanted to tell you that i stole your tomberry pepe. i take that right myself as a final fantasy fan

During the 1917 Russian Revolution and the ensuing Russian Civil War, an estimated 70,000 to 250,000 Jewish civilians were killed in the atrocities throughout the former Russian Empire in this period. In the territories of modern Ukraine an estimated 31,071 during 1918–1920
The numbers are off but the crimes did happen, Heinrich.
You are the one who should try harder

based aaron

Its all yours man :^) I hope you REALLY REALLY like it

>now the world is questioning this lie
Nope, it's just some uneducated anti semite retards denying it in some internet safe spaces

Good seeing you, been some time - only been seeing the Portuguese lately. I always enjoy watching you guys btfo of everybody.

How there are jews alive today?

You know I didn't buy into holocaust denialism until I saw this doc on WW2 on the history channel.

At one point during the trials one of the allies asks Goering about the shoah. Goring looks at him in disbelief and says
>It just doesn't seem possible

And in that moment I saw the truth

Because there was no holocaust, duh!

>official holocaust survivor music



glad to be of help. :) My blog's practically finished now. Included everything I could think of from Khazaria over the lift in Krematorium II to Treblinka.

>"It has the word Jew in it so I'm not gonna read it lol I am right, sieg heil u guise"

You can read my blog ripping holocaust deniers a new asshole, here:


This guy is literally a Stalinist apologist.

maybe because it is too obvious to say it in every god damn newspaper. so they start with "4 millions are in danger" when it happened they would just go "oh miscounted, it were 6 million. upps" you can still Correct the Record™ after the event took place

what are you trying to tell me with this? that not in every event involving jews 6 million of them got killed?
yours is about something 20 years before the holohoax, and not even in germany. so it doesnt say anything about what happened in germany.
by the way i dont deny people died in the camps, i just deny that they were put there for the sole purpose of being killed and deny that it were 6 million that were killed.

I read it and it was pretty propagandic

The imgur one? Awesome, I've been checking up on it every few days or so. I really dig it. I'm the guy that chatted to you some months ago in these threads incase you forgot. Keep it up.

i do

Famalam, I am tired, but I see your point.
But like I said once, the same country who split the atom, who almost conquered all Europe, who created war strategies that are used to this day used little farms to kill jews with lice killer. The nazis enjoyed being fast and efficient, and the camps where good as camps but not as genocide machines.

Oh, poor heinrich is having a identity crisis? Let me guess, your grandfather was SS? Are you so ashamed of your country you have to deny it's past crimes?

>maybe because it is too obvious to say it in every god damn newspaper. so they start with "4 millions are in danger" when it happened they would just go "oh miscounted, it were 6 million. upps" you can still Correct the Record™ after the event took place

You were pointing out how Jewish controlled media is lying and pushing the 6 gorrilion meme so I just wanted to clear up that the things that you listed as proof for it did in fact happen, it's not Jewish propaganda.
Just read the Österreicher's blog, ja?
Warum bist du nicht schlafen? Musst du nicht für Schule lernen?

INDISPUTABLE FACT: Nazi death machinations and the documents detailing them were almost entirely destroyed before they lost the war.

You can't prove this didn't happen.

>but muh bodies
Don't even start, there are millions of ways to dispose of bodies. EVERY Holocaust denying argument can EASILY be explained away with simple logic.

Your pic reads something like this:

Tyrone: "Deez damn crackas man, all they do is oppress and rule over us"

Jamal: "We wuz kings before whitey made us slaves"

Chantelle: "Blacks were some of the smartest people in the world befo dem honkey colonialists came and took us"

Laquesha: "We lost our identity and customs, even Jesus we pray to is da white man's religion"

DeMarcus: "Whites are born nation wreckers. They sailed everywhere and destroyed countless cultures. The world would be better off if they never existed"

>who created war strategies that are used to this day
lol, Red army operational capability made Blitzkrieg look like african armies.

Face it Santa Catarinense, nazi germany is a overrated meme

Also it's a boring denier thread, too few loonies

The beauty of that picture is not what they say, but the time and place they say.

How do you even know they said those things? Recorded history is EASILY bullshitted and made up. Most likely antisemitic propaganda.

Any piece of history can be disputed with that argument. Therefore is not an argument at all.


>"Red army operational capability"
By that, you mean: Throw them our soldiers until winter comes, or they get out of ammo or something.


You can say this to almost any historical fact.

That image never fails to trigger the kikes.

The thing about cyanide concentrations for lice vs humans is false.

Lice require 2 hours of exposure to kill at 0.4 Oz per 1000 cubic feet.
This dilution would require several hours to kill a human.

No, i mean pushing the germans out from Moscow after losing 90% of it's ground forces in the front after barbarossa, the stalingrad encirclement...

>inb4 google what is stalingrad encirclement
Face it naziboo, your germanic master race was absolutely destroyed by Soviets in every aspect

Watching some WW2 documentary on fucking Netflix the guy literally said Germany didn't Blitzkrieg the shit up of London was because the Uk is an island and they lost the war on the soviet front partly because Hitler was a hothead and sacked his generals after a single defeat.

He was not a good person, i think. But he was obviously demonized and transformed on a unidimensional cartoon villain in order to support a ideal.

You know I hear a lot of stuff from deniers but I never hear anything from people who people who believe in the official history.

There's lots of places to read about the holocaust but my real problem is that nobody ever pushes good hard evidence that it occurred. When you look at like, wikipedia or the holocaust museum website it just feels like a narrative is being pushed where everything they tell you - you have to believe as fact.

I guess that's the problem; it's illegal to investigate the matter. In the United States it's not illegal to be a denier because it's impossible to do any meaningful investigative work, you just look like a loon.

Wait is that picture of someone describing wacky nazi machines suppose to prove or disprove the holocaust?

Are you trying to argue against science by saying humans are harder to kill than lice?

i see that already the more fun i have posting it since i cant help but think that those who are so upset about this stuff are the same ones pushing the globalists agenda, even though they are maybe just basement dwellers like us

>said Germany didn't Blitzkrieg the shit up of London was because the Uk is an islan

>and they lost the war on the soviet front partly because Hitler was a hothead and sacked his generals after a single defeat.
lol, the >muh we could have won the war if Hitler left the generals alone meme

What tactical/strategic mistake did Hitler do that costed germany the war?

Sure: Holocaust denial was dreamed up by National Socialists to start slowly eroding sympathy for Jews after the holocaust and prepare for a future day when the movement can be rebuilt.

It happened.

We will deny it did until a sizable part of the population starts saying, "even if it didn't happen they deserved."

Except the Holocaust, which is the most well documented piece of history ever. If the Holocaust isn't real, how can anything be real?

Also 99% of the world believes in the Holocaust, it's as accepted as the fact that the sun revolves around the earth. You see it in our medias, in our education system, museums, EVERYWHERE. The legitimacy of an idea is in the number of people that believe in it.

>which is the most well documented piece of history ever.
No, 9/11 is better documented, for example.

But holocaust is the best documented genocide in history

>We will deny it did until a sizable part of the population starts saying
Time to wake up Clettus, you are daydreamng again

Reading this is funny because you are right and you're the still a historical know-nothing. All holocaust deniers are either engaging in NatSoc propaganda they know to be factually false or are absolute morons who fell for a meme but are unaware of its origins.

Why would you argue with them in this way? Do you think you will convince someone who knows its a lie that you are right or someone too dumb to know when they've swallowed a fragment of Post-War Nazi propaganda?

You purposely misinterpreting what I'm saying.

>What tactical/strategic mistake did Hitler do that costed germany the war?
Many, any documentary will you flat out tell what mistakes Hitler did and why it was a mistake. If you want source I watched the World War II in Colors on Netflix.

So before the war there was 15 million Jews and it's over 20 million Jews now. Where is the demographic gap if 1/3 of their population got killed in the Holocaust? Shouldn't there be less Jew?

Are you a psychology major? I'm sorry but reality doesn't need others to be reality. A lie is a lie no matter how many believe it to be true.

Without even doing any research there are two big red flags with the holocaust.

1. It is illegal to question the holocaust.
2. People have and people still are benefiting from it's supposed happening.

>No, I mean pushing the germans out from Moscow after losing 90% of it's ground forces in the front after Barbarossa, the Stalingrad encirclement...

This war meant the loss of more than 20 million soviets. The only motivation for the nazi to invade USSR was the oil, they lost their production of synthetic oil in the war on the west front, and they didn't have the resources to maintain a war in two fronts. (Stupid idea from the beginning)

What tactical/strategic mistake did Hitler do that costed Germany the war?
>invading the USSR.
>Wasting time on USSR
>believing that japan wouldn't fuck everything

Compare production figures of USSR vs that of Germany. Then tell me that germany could have win the war

> out tell what mistakes Hitler did
I asked you for the mistakes Hitler did that costed Germany the war. Learn to read.

gee kid, maybe it's called making babies and some 70 years passing in between?

An no, it's not 20 million today, it is in fact around the same level as it was in 1939

I'm not gonna list that shit to you, something that I watched once and can not recall out of my head. Besides I didn't even say they could win the war, I said they lost to the soviets PARTLY because of Hitler's anger. Looks like you're the one that needs to learn how to read.

Not all of them could reproduce. And besides the six million another 1-2 millions died of natural causes and at war

I've always read a lot. When I read William Shirer as a teen the stories about Isla Koch, lampshades and prisoners tattoos and soap were all accepted as fact.

Lots of people believe the orthodox version of what happened. Lots of people believe CNN too.It's called propaganda.

>No, 9/11 is better documented, for example.
No, there are far more documents and services designed to impart Holocaust knowledge.

> Do you think you will convince someone who knows its a lie
No one can truly "know", they can only analyze indisputable parts of recorded history and interpret between the lines. All I'm doing is making people think.

As enough time passes, all that's left to verify reality is what's recorded and remembered. What you assume is reality can be a false narrative concocted by people with an agenda.

>The only motivation for the nazi to invade USSR was the oil
wrong. There was easier oil in the middle east

>invading the USSR.
>Wasting time on USSR
First you said Hitler lost the war IN THE EAST because hitler messed around with the generals. then i asked what did hitler do in particular and you answer that hitler mistake was the war in itself.

Ah, so i am talking with a completely iliterate retard who still believes COD2 memes

I will ask you again

What tactical/strategic mistake did Hitler do that costed Germany the war in the east?

Depends on what you mean by argument. There are some pretty bullshit stories that have come out of world war 2. Most people accusing you of being a holocaust denier would be smart to avoid explaining what you are denying.

The more I try to find a number of jews, the more I found different numbers.

World Almanac, 1925, pg. 752 — 15,630,000, “In 1925 a census of Palestine gave a total of 115,151 Jews”
World Almanac, 1929, pg. 727 — 15,630,000
National Council of Churches 1930 — 15,600 ,000
March 24, 1933, Jewish newspaper Daily Express — 14,000,000 jews worldwide
World Almanac, 1933, pg. 419 — 15,316,359, [“The estimate for Jews in the above table is for 1933, and is by the American Jewish Committee”
World Almanac, 1936, pg. 748 — world Jewish population = 15,753,633
World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510 — world jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany
American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 — 15,600,000
World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population — 15,319,359
World Almanac, 1941, pg. 510: World Jewish Population — 15,748,091
World Almanac, 1942, pg. 849 — 15,192,089, “Jews include Jews by race not necessarily by religion”
World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population — 15,690,000
World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population — 15,713,638
Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951 — 15,300,000
World Almanac, US News & World Report, 1983 population of jews — 16,820,850
World Almanac, 1996, pg. 646: World Jewish Population — 14,117,000
World Almanac & Book of Facts, 1989: World Jewish Population –18,080,000
World Almanac & Book of Facts, 2001: World Jewish Population — 13,200,000

>No, there are far more documents and services designed to impart Holocaust knowledge.
Bro, we literally have thousands of videos that show 9/11 happening

I have one: Do you REALLY think that Jews would just lie? I mean, you don't really think that these great compatriots of our civilization would just lie about suffering persecution, do you?

>What you assume is reality can be a false narrative concocted by people with an agenda.
kek what an irony, are you pulling my leg Schlomo?

6 million is a symbolic number in judaism. If someone thinks 6 million jews were gassed, they need to get a catscan.

This is a fact.

Look. Holocaust deniers irk me to fucking hell.

Why would you deny the greatest accomplishment of the Third Reich?

Seriously, it took a great deal of skill and effort and guts to do what they did.

To claim they didn't do it belittles the whole Nazi effort.

So where is the demographic gap if so many Jews died?

I'm surprised hitler is the worst one in ww2. Allies led the largest civilian bombing, like blew it out of proportion tier, campaign and supported a mongrel tyrant that essentially birthed, and guess this was actually 5 times as worse as hitler. It's crazy but even the Russians had a great say in the history books. I mean comin Katyn was so clearly them, I highly doubt germoney would've executed polish high class. They just weren't that type of army I think, I mean the gassing was mostly due to logistics and shortening man power and resources but that was just desperation.

>If someone thinks 6 million jews were gassed, they need to get a catscan.
I agree with you

explain this:

The blunt of the Holocaust was taken by Poland who had one of the biggest jewish population of the world, around 3,000,000, which can be verified on the Polish census.
>Judaism: 3,113,933
Now, if we look at the 1960 census, could not find the 1950 in english, we see a dramatic reduction of jews.
books.google.com.co/books?id=ePsvCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA143&lpg=PA143&dq=Polish census of 1950&source=bl&ots=FG8wijRcSl&sig=0Qfcd_VVTW2RavSvTv1jP-4H7II&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8nMzDyurOAhVMKB4KHXWJAToQ6AEITTAI#v=onepage&q&f=false
>30,000 jews

Where did more than 3,000,000 jews went?
I checked on the U.S. census for information about inmigration but the increase is not really that much.

>Jewish congregations: 4,081, 242
www2.census.gov/prod2/statcomp/documents/1931-02.pdf Page 64
>Jewish congregations: 4,641,000
www2.census.gov/prod2/statcomp/documents/1951-02.pdf Page 27

Argentina census doesn't reveal much in that aspect.
deie.mendoza.gov.ar/tematicas/censos/censos_digitalizados/Censos Digitalizados/026 - 1947 - Cuarto Censo General de la Nación. Tomo 1 Poblacion/PDF/1947 tomo1 - 1ra parte.pdf page 86

>1895: 6,085
>1947: 240, 330

And the israeli census since 1948 doesn't show a huge increase in numbers, more like a gradual increase taking into account the expelling of jews from arab countries.
>1948: 671,00
>1960: 1,862,600

>>Wasting time on USSR
>First you said Hitler lost the war IN THE EAST because hitler messed around with the generals. then i asked what did hitler do in particular and you answer that hitler mistake was the war in itself.
>Ah, so i am talking with a completely iliterate retard who still believes COD2 memes

Dude, this was the other BR guy, not me.

>wrong. There was easier oil in the middle east
This was me. This video (youtube.com/watch?v=TdBSwhms7O4) from 39:00 tp 39,25 explains better the oil question.

Like I stated earlier, your world almanac figures from 1941, 41, 42, 47 are inaccurate unless you can show me which committee went around doing censuses while bombs were flying all over their heads.

Statistical handbook of council of churches is a literal who, a no-name organization that doesnt have much credibility.

And the last 4 figures are an invention by the dude who put it on his website.

Why do you even come to Cred Forums , are you paid? You're spamming these threads everyday

more copypasta spam from this faggot

Get BTFO with facts and logic stormfags

I like all the self-hating Jews on Cred Forums though

The reason the 6,000,000 number is so important is because the Torah states that the Jews cannot return to the promised land until 6 million are sacrificed in fire.

This is THE thing that underpins the legitimacy of the Jewish colonization in Israel, it is quite literally the foundation of their religion. This is why it's illegal to question the numbers, and why Jewish organizations will viciously fight you and turn you into a pariah if you do so publicly.

In actuality, all 6 of the supposed "death camps" were in Soviet territory out of the reach of Western inspectors (the USSR was overwhelmingly run by Jews, as are all Western communist movements). Meanwhile the other 16 camps in Germany were inspected and no gas chambers found (although they did find Zyklon B, a common pest control chemical)

The gas chambers at Auschwitz are most likely a Soviet propaganda prop fashioned after the war. As presented, they would not function as gas chambers as they do not have garnered doors necessary to keep the people outside the room alive, or a ventilation system sufficient to move the gas out of the room (it would realistically take about 10 hours to ventilator a room that size, although "eyewitnesses" said the doors were open in 20 minutes). Not to mention that the doors open inward, and would be blocked by the pile of bodies. Further evidence of Soviet tampering is the large brick chimney which doesn't connect to anything and doesn't show up on any wartime photos, although chan it does look great in propaganda pictures for the Soviet regime.

The mythology of the Holocaust is mostly spread through overwhelmingly-Jewish Hollywood. Most of the tall tales (human soap, lampshades, medical experiments, fountains of blood...etc) are outright fabrications that nobody, not even mainstream junk-science "Holocaust historians" take seriously. But through the magic of Hollywood and AIPAC the gas chamber stories stay with us. Stories necessary for the legitimacy of Zionism

You can't prove 6 million Jews were gassed faggot.

>Dude, this was the other BR guy, not me.
I don't think he is very experienced on Cred Forums and Cred Forums. This guys might be a real deal shill.


is this guy
your boyfriend? he's always in these thread with you

or do you both have the same shills app and you're assigned to Cred Forums

Seriously, how dumb are you?

We, we Nationalists, we Fascists, and, most importantly, we National Socialists, have been the chief purveyors of holocaust denial.

We do it because the mainstream story of the holocaust makes it impossible for the naive to ask, "did they deserve it?"

Don't embarrass yourself, it happened, we did it, but holocaust denial dressed up as intellectual historical inquiry will help bring us back into the mainstream faster than anything else. Look at how well it's working globally as the lived-memory of World War 2 dies out.

No historian on earth says 6 million jews were gassed.

But you expect us to believe word of mouth that 6m died.

> Dachau
> Gas chambers

sure, people starved to death but what about muh


You fucking dumbshit. The Nazis weren't stupid. They didn't gas 6 million jews. Most of the died of typhus. Why would you gas potential free labor?

Sure the sick and worthlesss gas them? But why would you gas your workers?

Of course they died of malnutrition and typhus but the Nazis did not gas 6 million Jews, but you can't say 6 million did not die.

Why do you want to deny Hitler his greatest achievement anyways?

Meant to say "exterminated"

Proof that it happened?

>but you can't say 6 million did not die.

Yes we can

>small ugly little large nosed man rubbing his hands together

I'm on mobile, which is why there are mistakes in spelling and context

>he's always in these thread with you
unfortunately that is not true. I haven't seen based froghurt for several weeks up until now

how many died tho?

It didn't happen.

The jews were in camps and they were forced to do manual labor. That's the only thing that happened. Some died because it was in the middle of a war and there were outbreaks of disease and supply problems but that's it.

The jews declared war on Germany in 1933

>judea declares war on germany, jews of the world unite in action

The US had the Japanese in internment camps and dropped bombs on two Japaese cities. That was 1,000,000 times more of a 'holocaust' than any jew can claim for just being forced to work for once

Not 6 million

>1960 census, could not find the 1950 in english
>I checked on the U.S. census for information about inmigration but the increase is not really that much

Have you tried checking for Jewish immigration numbers to the US, Canada, France , Soviet Union?

You know that many Jews immigrated to Germany after the war because they get the most reparation benefits there right?

Are you saying the Nazi efforts were ineffective?

That all that manpower spent on the issue did not achieve results?

wait, that's not fair, I need numbers.


Israel has a function of Ashkenazi, where did they all come from?

Jews expelled from Arab countries would be Sephardic

>Have you tried checking for Jewish immigration numbers to the US, Canada, France , Soviet Union?

None of those received any larger amount of polish jews.

Where are the 3 million polish jews?

*fuck ton

Oh please you're just a filthy Jew using National Socialism to try to prove your lie. I'm not a stormnigger but it's evident 6 million Jews didn't perish during the Holocaust.

>it's 1941...six million jews flee Germany and change their names so they can start subverting America and other unsuspecting nations...Hitler conveniently gets blamed for gassing them all...you can't make that shit up...or can you?

>6 million jews to begin with in greater germany, poland and france by most estimates
>havarra agreement deported well over 1 million jews to palestine in the 30's, mamy others fled into britian, spain and russia
>concentration camps were notoriously corrupt and kept very poor files, prisoner populations could have been exaggerated
>files were burned
>torture was used by zionist lawyers at the nuremburg trials
>over 3 million jewish holocaust survivors, not including gypsies, marxists, POWs, ethnic poles, homosexuals and criminals

>Israel has a function of Ashkenazi, where did they all come from?
emmigrants from ashkenazi communities in europe and america by the span of multiple decades. Are you saying the 3 million jewish poles went to israel?

>Jews expelled from Arab countries would be Sephardic

No, those are mizrahi. Sephardi are the iberian jews descendants. Why are stormfaggot always to uneducated and stupid?

Where are the Jewish poles?

Definitely over one million


>Where are the 3 million polish jews?

what if they never existed in the first place?

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” — Joseph Goebbels

I know that many Jews from Poland Ukraine and Belarus were evacuated behind the front line to Russia. And yes there are plenty of Jews from Poland around the world.

Look. I was talking to a German nationalist whose grandmother took a panzerfaust to defend a bridge against a British Sherman.

Even his grandparents would not deny that the Germans had concentration camps.

I mean why is 6 million a magic number. The point was that Hitler had instituted a system in which to enslave and exterminate the disease that was Reich was facing.

If you deny that fact, you are providing a disservice to Hitler's legacy.

I mean Stalin killed millions too and that was his thing. Why is killing millions of people a bad thing. It shows you are willing to make the needed sacrifices to make your country better.

Guyes, please watch / save / share this video

It BTFO of the jews rollercoaster / oven / lampshades version of the """death camps""""


The jews are fucking liars, it's natural to them. That is why the media and finance are such natural professions for them. They are swindlers , subversives , degenerate pornographers etc

>Where are the Jewish poles?

What if ww2 was architected solely to fabricate the Holocaust and the polish sensus was tinkered with way before to support it?

>If you deny that fact, you are providing a disservice to Hitler's legacy.

I'm not a stormnigger, you retard. Never went as far as denying the Holocaust in the first place, but the figure is definitely not 6 million. You don't have to be a Nazi to realize Jews are a greedy and manipulative people

The USA has around 6 million Ashkenazi Jews, the majority from Eastern Europe.

This immigration happened mostly through the '30s and '40s into places like New York.
After the war, Poland was occupied by the Soviet Union, which was overwhelmingly run by Jews (anti-Semitism was illegal, punishable by death)

Trusting that Soviet propagandists, who were instrumental in pushing the Holocaust narrative as a propaganda tool, to keep an accurate accounting of Jewish population stats is foolhardy at best. They can do math you know

Maybe the nigs finally broke in his kibbutz and killed him, good riddance.
I hope he actually accepted Jesus for real before he died though, otherwise he's in hell. I'll pray for him

If this does not answer any questions you have, then you are either not asking a real question or you are in denial.



Whats the difference between 3 million and 6 million?

No one's comparing dick sizes with this.

There was a campaign to enslave and exterminate the Jews. This was undeniable.

Why do you have to be such a big autist about numbers.

I mean 10 million Soviet soldiers died because of the Germans. Germans recorded this number. Whoopty fucking doo!

>Why do you have to be such a big autist about numbers.

You are trolling right?!?

If the goal of the nazis was to eliminate the jews completely, why would they deport them to palestine before the war? It seems like a bunch of work just to bring the jews back later to kill them


this is what jews actually believe

The question is what's the difference between 1 million and 6 million?

not sure if troll or shekelposting

If I remember correctly, most of the jews that were deported from Europe were moved to Israel. There was a documentary called "The Flat" that talked about it. You need a version with subtitles though.

No I'm serious. What if the Nazis only killed say 50,000 Jews. They still had a program to do it, just they didn't optimal results.

Really, German generals were complaining about the man power drain of the Einstatz units in official memos. Really. 6 million... 1 million.... Germans were still killing Jews.

There's a huge difference between 1 million and 6 million, kike.

Hitler confirmed false flag / good goy


>It is estimated that at least 3.3 million Soviet POWs died in Nazi custody, out of 5.7 million. This figure represents a total of 57% of all Soviet POWs and may be contrasted with 8,300 out of 231,000 British and U.S. prisoners, or 3.6%. About 5% of the Soviet prisoners who died were of Jewish ethnicity

What did they do with all the bodies?

Dude, the problem is the killing of jews then? You don't even care about how this whole thing went to 6 million?

>Hitler was jewish himself

Why? Is 1 million dead Jews not a problem?

I mean once you get into the millions there seems to be an issue with something going on.

>It is estimated


The difference is getting Israel and using antisemitism to shut down any opinion anti-(((Judaic))).

Well if 6 million Jews did not die...

Then how many did?

What is the acceptable number of Jews that the Germans were allowed to kill?


"I'll have those goyim voting democrat for the next 200 years" - Hitler, Adolf

>There is an argument that supports the holocaust that a holocaust denier can't answer?
Of course not, that's the power of making shit up!

There are probably 1 million Jews that die every 4 years even now. Are we experiencing another Holocaust?

>Well if 6 million Jews did not die... Then how many did?
Not 6 million

What is the acceptable number of Jews that the Germans were allowed to kill?

The Germans were trying to eradicate the entire Jewish race retard, but that doesn't mean they killed 6 million.

How many 10's of millions of Christians did the Jew-run Soviet Union exterminate?

fucking jesus

It really is all bullshit isn't it

>What is the acceptable number of Jews that the Germans were allowed to kill?

The Germans were trying to eradicate the entire Jewish race retard, but that doesn't mean they killed 6 million.*

forgot to greentext

That may have been me user, are you near PA/NJ? I've had multiple immediate disconnects and share the same experience with others so it's not rare but y'know, I'm curious.


Guys, I need to sleep, thanks for the awesome discussion. Bye, love you all, you faggets.

Oh the "That guy was worse fallacy!"

We are talking about the holocaust. Not Holodomor haux.

And even then wasn't the fact that a strong leadership could sacrifie millions of people to acheive national goals a good thing.

Really. Weak governments are too soft and worry about hurting people. Strong governments will let millions starve for the sake a progress.

As I said before, the six million figure is of paramount importance, because the Torah says the Jews are not allowed to return to Israel until 6 million are sacrificed by fire. This is foundational to Zionism and why the Holo hoax story is so critical to them

>Denies the Holodomor, but doesn't deny the Holocaust
You're one fishy Nazi


As presented, they would not function as gas chambers as they do not have garnered doors necessary to keep the people outside the room alive, or a ventilation system sufficient to move the gas out of the room (it would realistically take about 10 hours to ventilator a room that size, although "eyewitnesses" said the doors were open in 20 minutes). Not to mention that the doors open inward, and would be blocked by the pile of bodies. Further evidence of Soviet tampering is the large brick chimney which doesn't connect to anything and doesn't show up on any wartime photos, although chan it does look great in propaganda pictures for the Soviet regime.

Here's where you lose me... If the jews are masterminding this whole thing, then wouldn't they have figured out that the chambers are not believable enough to be touted as evidence? At which point, what's to stop them from "restoring" the chambers to make them more believable. If they did that, it would destroy the credibility of conspiracy theorists. The fact that they haven't might actually mean that they're not trying to maintain a lie, they're maintaining what they believe is the truth.

Hitler was a German and loved the German people more than life itself

The leaders of the Soviet regime were a hostile alien group that hated and despised their people, selectively exterminating the best and brightest among them to eliminate any chance of resistance. They were a Jewish minority in command of a nation of Russian Christians

Read most of it till the "Aktion" chapter where my ((convenience)) detector overheated. Most notable are how the statistical figures for the amount of jews that died seemingly suggest a lack of non genocidal deaths such as disease and starvation as the result of both scorched earth tactics and cut supply lines. If you presented the german population in each time period you would have a similar drop. Let alone how insanely quickly the jew population ((recovered)).

Then the aerial footage, your justification for the lack of smoke was appalling. The figures for the amount of bodies it would have been possible to cremate assumes around the clock usage then you claim that they only used it for when the new arrivals came and thus it would have massive downtime regularly. Seems like you have some personal feelings invested towards this that are hidden from us internet goys?

Daily reminder that Obongo Leaf, (((Nationalist View))), the Austrian Jew, and the South African chimpanzee are all the same person or a series of shills who remain in contact with one another. There is a sustained effort to create slide threads, baiting with posts, replying to themselves to bump the thread higher, starting off with plebbit-tier memes and fallacies (if I use hurr durr it means they are on the wrong side of history, those darn bigots).
They have their technique to a wire and have 30 posts to their name. If this is not enough to raise a few questions, then you are dumb enough to be bumping this garbage even higher.
Look at OP's post, he even uses a pretty girl to get attention! What relevance does some blonde broad have to the topic? Open your eyes, every post after mine is willingly bumping what should just be these shills baiting to no avail.

What the fuck you are on? I didn't deny the Soviet deaths. I actual said millions of deaths are something to be appreciated and not frowned upon. Most of you are spooks anyways with your morals. You think mass death is a bad thing. In reality is a political necessity.

They obviously did a shifty job of it, but then they always have been shifty engineers (in comparison to the Germans who are like miracle workers).

If I weren't on mobile I'D link to some documentaries that go into all of this. I'll try to in the next comment

The holocaust happened. Denying it didn't happen can be classified as legitimately ignoring evidence and going out of your way to challenge established and documented facts. People who actually believe the holocaust didn't happen are legitimately ignoring evidence and further more it doesn't help anyone. It happened, but Germany should move on from it. The current generation should have no attachment to the holocaust. No further apologies. Remembrance is enough.

Not Holodomor haux.
You spelled Hoax wrong but I never denied the Holocaust or the Holodomor. Morality is subjective retard. I don't respect Jewish Bolsheviks who killed millions of innocent natives,but you sound like a Jew, so whatever it's in your blood to be a sociopath.

>jews declare war on germany in 1933
>non-country declaring war via newspaper

literal meme material


Here you go. They're long, but also important.

>Spielberg' s hoax

>Holocaust lies debunked


Where exactly does it say this?

Judea means Judah, it's not an organization.

Morals a spook.

If you feel bad about killing millions of person, then you are just weak.

>havarra agreement deported well over 1 million jews

yeah, no.

A grand total of 60,000 jews were moved via the Haavara Agreement.

>If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
can't this argument be used by anything?
i.e. who says there really was a civil war?

But how could these millions have been under the threat of extermination for so long. This infographic doesn't do anything but show how much more often this claim has been made than the original pointed out.

There were several million in every claim. Ever hear of the boy who cried "wolf"?

Max Stirner's a faggot in the flesh. Plus you're not even going to do anything about the Jewish problem anyways.

Looks like he was directly refuting the claim. That's how discourse works.

I have already demonstrated in the cremation section that at 24/7 operation of the crematoria was not necessary to achieve Auschwitz's 1.1 million death toll.

I have shown that the photographs capture 1 second of 1 minute of 1 day, and one at least one of the photograph dates according to the Glaser List a train schedule of deportee arrivals was not even listed for that day, hence the lack of smoke during that morning when the plane took the image.

And you deniers keep reminding us how crematoria arent supposed to be emitting huge plumes of smoke in the first place, which corroborates with the aerial photos.

Ask any crematory operator and he'll tell you it will only happen during heavy duress, which explains the testimonies.

>"Not Holodomor haux."

forgot to greentext again

just go home, Chaim. Nobody believes you, us "bigot racist xenophobes" are meanie heads who are just dumb denying idiots who should lose our jobs for questioning your narrative.

>Do you REALLY think that Jews would just lie?

>Holocaust deniers irk me to fucking hell.
>Why would you deny the greatest accomplishment of the Third Reich?

my sides

Europe was in turmoil. WW1, Soviet revolution, german Novemberrevolution, Stalinist purges, Ukrainian famine (holodomor), and Jews had been a marginalized group. If a Jewish agency overseas calls for action regarding their co-religionists in peril on another continent, how is this crying wolf?


There is no proof, video, written, or otherwise, that states the Germans were trying to eradicate jews

They did however, remove them from Germany, and this is documented
That's what happens when you piss off Germans by selling out the country in the first world war

Because "we need the most aid" mentality.
Yes everyone is in trouble, but help us the most.

>There is no proof, video, written, or otherwise, that states the Germans were trying to eradicate jews



read the video description





Respond to this, goy:
Everything that the history books teach us and everything the professional (((academic))) community of shabbas goys tells us is gospel, and everything that the enemy says is wrong because they cherrypicked garbage that the community certainly didn't ignore deliberately.
Hey, why'd you shoah your post with this?

>Hey, why'd you shoah your post with this?

>respond to this

there are a lot of statements therein. which one do you want addressed specifically?

>I have shown that the photographs capture 1 second of 1 minute of 1 day, and one at least one of the photograph dates according to the Glaser List a train schedule of deportee arrivals was not even listed for that day, hence the lack of smoke during that morning when the plane took the image.

So they would be able to cremate all of the bodies in the same day they were gassed?

>Ask any crematory operator and he'll tell you it will only happen during heavy duress, which explains the testimonies.

Whose testimonies do you deam credible? Elie Wesiel for example never mentioned gas chambers anywhere in his book.

Also you mentioned the burning ditches hypothesis in one of your posts but also that the cremation team was up the schedule and had long durations of no activity?

As for the method of zyklon b delivery you cite the typical roof hole throwy pellets inside system but why would it differ so much from the far more practically set up delousing chambers?

Also consider making a shorter version that isn't infested with irrelevant dribble.

>how is this crying wolf?
just saying that it's VERY unlikely that that many people were ACTUALLY in threat of extermination. it sounds as if your Jewish agencies overseas had called upon their co-religionists in a manner that was inaccurate, that was exaggerated. and isn't that the issue here? Isn't that the main claim: the 6 million number is too large. Isn't this evidence of exaggerated claims?

hahah did you write this? imgur.com/a/725A7
there is literally no way you are not (((Carl))) the cuck, how can you blatantly shill and literally say "reminder to Nazi fanboys" and go on to pat yourself on the back for not resorting to peddling with emotions? It's literally "those darn bigots, the Jews didn't hold positions of power beyond their proportional population". Don't ever question the narrative goy. Using rationalwiki and wikipedia as a source, oh my lord the Overton window doesn't exist and hasn't been shifted towards CM by the Jews in media (thezog.wordpress.com/).

I hold that it was disease and malnutrition, not literally cremating millions of Jews and blowing their ash to the wind.
You need to prove to me, beyond a reasonable doubt, that 6 million jews, 1/6 of which died at Auschwitz, were gassed with whatever it is you claim and burned to an ash. Beyond reasonable doubt. Not shabbas goy historians, not none of that. Prove to me the ZOG does not occupy the media and push for these crocodile tears for the Jew.
The kikes should be lucky they are still on this Earth with what they have done. You ignore the Jewish Bolshevist revolutions in Russia, they are mass murderers through and through, treasonous degenerates who deserve death. Yet you defend them under the guise of tolerance? You, the Nationalist View moor, and the SA kike are shills, no doubt. The whole blog you allegedly wrote on it is not just "some hobby", son, you have an agenda, don't act so high and mighty about it, if that is your own writing.

>I dont believe Isreal exists

Nigger, what? It is a literal place, user. I've even been there. How can it not exist?

>The reason the 6,000,000 number is so important is because the Torah states that the Jews cannot return to the promised land until 6 million are sacrificed in fire.
Where does it state this? The Torah is just the Old Testament, right? So it should be in there somewhere.

>So they would be able to cremate all of the bodies in the same day they were gassed?

In e.g. Krematorium II, cremation would take (an estimate) 17 hours for a round total of 2000 bodies. This includes taking the lift capacity into consideration.

Elie Wiesel was stationed at Auschwitz III Monowitz. No gas chambers there. But still, deniers call him the high pope of the holohoax for some reason.

Burning ditches were mostly around Krematorium V, and in 1944 during the Ungarnaktion.

Are you going to being the water table argument into this? I have also addressed that and proven the water table was drained during the camp's operation by multiple means, from machines to drainage ditches.

>more effective
Killing 2000 people within 15 minutes isn't effective for you? I don't see how a DEGESCH system would make it any more effective. The air circulation system on the other hand, is needed if you want to delouse because delousing takes a lot longer to begin with.

>Also consider making a shorter version that isn't infested with irrelevant dribble.

tell that to the 31 (or more?) volume holocaust handbooks series your pals Rudolf, Mattogno and others keep on writing to his day :)

>why would jews invent lie about gas chambers when they could have blamed it on something else?

>the nazi's built an entire camp and paid for the every day expenses of running it just for one photo op in a film so people who already hated jews would be happy to see jews being treated nicely

for so much effort, your explanations are pretty retarded

Think he meant Talmud

still waiting on the proof. If it is so documented, give me unbiased and legitimate proof in a concise manner proving your point, beyond a reasonable doubt.

did x die in y fashion during a-b in c-d location.

the simplest way is to compare accurate (based on actual head counts rather than mathematical projection) pre-war and post-war census data.

Which means almanachs upto 1939 and from 1949 onward.

What a beautiful girl.
This makes me happy.

6 million is very important in Kabbalah numerology and Hebrew prophecy.

>are the jews even human

oh my sweet summer child

Ask yourself, how long does it take to cremate a body in 2016?

the Holocaust was never meant to specifically hit jews, they're just the best at being victims.
also, imagine what would've happened if gays, potatoes and gypsies all got their own countries as well.

>its a "post macros that counter fact with opinion episode"

do you know how long an infant takes to be cremated? do you have the figures on you?

I sure don't.

still waiting.

what are you getting at, I already posted this here: youtube.com/watch?v=QlBA2zp992c

>>this guy went to jail for criticizing the holocaust narrative
>yes but criticizing the holocaust is illegal, so therefore he was wrong

>In e.g. Krematorium II, cremation would take (an estimate) 17 hours for a round total of 2000 bodies. This includes taking the lift capacity into consideration.

Seems a bit skewed. Instead of looking through your long ass blog on my phone can you explain how that is possible?

>Are you going to being the water table argument into this? I have also addressed that and proven the water table was drained during the camp's operation by multiple means, from machines to drainage ditches.

I was going to bring up how there should be some remains along with how it is even possible to begin with.

>Killing 2000 people within 15 minutes isn't effective for you?

Assuming it happened.

> I don't see how a DEGESCH system would make it any more effective.

Being able to quickly filter out all the gas out before dragging the next batch of hundreds of bodies through the door. "hey kids this might look like a normal doorway but hundreds of thousands of dead jews were dragged through it! "

>The air circulation system on the other hand, is needed if you want to delouse because delousing takes a lot longer to begin with.

You could argue to remove the gas trapped in the fabric but as removing gas is something that takes a set time. Efficiency wise it would be more of a time saver to implement the system in the process that takes less time to complete (killing humans rather than lice). Also you can't claim that they had to repurpose the system in a different location for air raid shelter needs like those doors.

still waiting on the proof, Schlomo. Don't get so bootyblasted and pack up back to the SPLC because I was a meanie bigot. You ignore and defame all critics, yet absolve the Jew of all their crimes against other groups.

another thread with another ID to slide shit, huh?

> i keep losing these debates !
> only deniers are allowed to create threads, not truthers !
> things aren't going my way !
> aaaaah !

>i keep losing these debates !
He's yet to lose a single one.

still waiting, address this:
give me authentic proof and address the contrary arguments and why they are wrong entirely and I will believe you. If it is such a massive event, then you should easily be able to do this.
Instead of calling me a mentally delayed person, give me proof


>still waiting for proof Schlomo

So you have seen the Posen speech, Hitler's Reichstagsrede, seen the census data, listened to the witnesses, and the documents I have collected in my blog...

At this point it's a bit like a Christian telling an Atheist he's still waiting for proof that Jehovah God isn't real and Jesus wasn't some carpenter who got into trouble and died as a result.

15 muffles in Krema II. 2 adults head/toe certainly fit inside. How many infants do you think you can still lay on top? I'd say 2.

Stuff all 15 muffles this way and you got 60 corpses. Assuming it takes 1 hour for all the contents to cremate in the main chamber, and the cremains then fall onto the chamotte grill below where they can remain while the next batch was being cremated in the main muffle chamber above, you can clear 60x24 = 1440 corpses this way.

Which, interestingly, is also what the document in pic related mentioned.

I made a mistake earlier, I meant the lift itself could haul upto 2000 corpses in 17 hours which you can calculate based on its minimum weight capacity (300kg), motor (3.5PS) and height (2 meters I think from cellar to ground floor).

If they couldn't burn them in the ovens they just burned them in giant pits or buried them alive

>>No, 9/11 is better documented, for example.
>No, there are far more documents and services designed to impart Holocaust knowledge.

This might be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

1 minute of video >>>>>>>>>>>>> thousands of documents and "first hand" jew testimonials, you fucking idiot

I am not going to read your novella, it is longer than this thread. Establish your claim, how many died, where they died, how they died, what happened to the bodies, why they died, if it was justified, and the proof for it all. If you are convincing, I will believe you.

You listen a few points: Posen, Reichstagsrede, consensus data. I don't care for any speeches, I want unbiased objective data. End of the war, nothing can be trusted.

Does the one hour come from convenience or actual scientific evidence?


what happened to all the jews in ~1990? who killed over 4 million jews that year? that's literally a second holocaust nobody talks about???

It comes from the fact that it happened, corroborated by documentary (which I have posted) and testimony proof.

And the fact that no revisionist to date has been able to provide proof that is physically, absolutely, certainly holy-fuck-I-am-seriously impossible to clear a muffle's contents that operates using temperatures of 800°C and upto 1100°C, which the Topf & Sons ovens were capable of, within 1 hour.

Don't forget the courts are also bought and owned.

Ask Bradley Manning if the judges are honest and trustworthy

that chart is not one that I made, but taken from a denier's site. I am quite sure the earlier two peaks of around 18 million Jews in the mid 1980s are fraud figures.

yesterday i sperg out while drunk at normies about holocaust didnt happen. i think i wont be seeing them for some time sad.
>that regret this morning

proof? why is it that they are frauds, because they run contrary to the narrative and good goys don't do that?

also are we just supposed to ignore this: he called you by name. This is a sustained effort at shilling, that much is obvious. Every thread you make hits 300+ in a few hours, every time. Every single time, every day, every few hours, one of you, the SA, the Nationalist, or you, make one of these. He just called you by name, your blog is SirAaron whatever. You know each other, either irl or online. You communicate with one another and compare your (You) collection.

>It comes from the fact that it happened, corroborated by documentary (which I have posted) and testimony proof.


>And the fact that no revisionist to date has been able to provide proof that is physically, absolutely, certainly holy-fuck-I-am-seriously impossible to clear a muffle's contents that operates using temperatures of 800°C and upto 1100°C, which the Topf & Sons ovens were capable of, within 1 hour.

I believe there is this thing called the burden of proof.

Also ty for not using derogatory comments. You have convinced me that your camp isn't a complete joke. I can appreciate your dedication and work, Godbless.

n-no g-goy, I swear I don't know Chaim from Portugal....

Or maybe, just maybe, and he me were the only two bluepilled normies on an earlier holohoax pol thread, where I gave him the link, and he recognized me in this thread again.

Also, that's my youtube username where I usually make a habit on calling out deniers and trolling their safe spaces in their videos :)

now i've seen the true red pill

glad to hear. I agree name calling gets us nowhere, and holocaust denial laws in 14 country are only making my case harder as they turn revisionists into martyrs.

this image looks authentic, either you took it yourself or it is a le funny reaction image.
>a habit on calling out deniers and trolling their safe spaces in their videos :)
this is how I know you are a shill, it is in the lexicon. Define safe space. I am asking you for proof of your claim and you have yet to provide anything. You mentioned Posen and other topics, but never elaborate upon them. Simple who what were when why statement is all I need, mate.
Horseshoe theory is for those who suffer from South Park syndrome, by the way.
Also, how old are you.


> you 3 must be part of some conspiracy !
> you'll never catch me with your jewish tricks !
> you can't beat me with your facts, i'll just use the triple parentheses !
> aaaaah !

same image, identical lexicon as the last post, same "ahhhh" mockery. simple proof is all I need, yet to be delivered instead of mocking the goy for questioning the narrative.

I think at this point we should not give a fuck just end the discussion forever and move on. The past is the past. They can't replicate fake stories like that anymore with the Internet and technology we have. We need to stop other trickery from occurring like Sept 11th.

Preferebly, all of them.

>6 millions jews
Romans killed 4 billions jews (or 40 millions like "some say"). It's even in the Talmud :

>The voice is the voice of Jacob and the hands are the hands of Esau:10 'the voice' here refers to [the cry caused by] the Emperor Hadrian11 who killed in Alexandria of Egypt sixty myriads (myriad=10.000) on sixty myriads, twice as many as went forth from Egypt. 'The voice of Jacob': this is the cry caused by the Emperor Vespasian12 who killed in the city of Bethar four hundred thousand myriads, or as some say, four thousand myriads.
Gittin 57b

oh look, it's the SA jew that constantly spams the nazi sozi thread with his hitler was muslim crap.


Nazi Germany


Extermination of the Jewish race in europe, see


concentration camps in Central Europe, ghettos, extermination camps and and ravines and isolated villages in Eastern Europe

numbers reflected in korherr report, höfle telegram, jäger report, photography of MASS GRAVES IN EASTERN EUROPE, sonderkommando photographs, documents regarding the homicidal use of gas vans, documents talking about heating a morgue in Auschwitz, perpetrator confessions, survivor testimonies, sharp drop in world jewish population after the first conducted post-war census.


Mid 1941 to Mid 1945


Because the NSDAP considered the Jewish race a parasite ("Bazillus") infecting the German Volkskörper

In some form, it happened. It was a bad thing, but it is vastly exaggerated.

That's my take. They were definitively interned. The Germans even attempted to let a number of them leave, but no one wanted them because a large number were Communists, and why the fuck would you voluntarily allow in a large group of hostile people.

mfw i realize there are more proffs of the holocaust then for Holdomor

History is written by the victor. Until the victor implodes, history won't change. Just like the way the story from the Nuremberg trial was that Germans murdered Polish officers in Katyn. It took all those decades until the Soviet Union collapsed to reveal the truth that it was actually the NKVD who killed all those Polish soliders, politicans, and intellectuals. Which is not surprising, since this is what communism always does when it takes over; they wipe the slate clean so society can have a new personality written in the form of communism.

You're arrogant if you think it's beneath you to need to study propaganda in order to see through it. Everyone is arrogant and thinks propagnada has no effect on them. And yet, the most arrogant are always the people who never lift a finger to study.

Most of history in every country is a lie, it's just human nature. Grow up.

>There is an argument that supports the holocaust that a holocaust denier can't answer?
Yeah: there's no reason why it wouldn't've happened. While people can debate all they want about the original intention of Hitler and his government, there's absolutely no reason why they wouldn't exterminate Jews, Gypsies, and fags.

Here's 3 reasons why it would've been far more logical for Hitler once the war started:
1) All 3 groups can be harmful. Fags WOULD be co-opted as the Soviets demonstrated by recruiting them as agents/spies all over Europe before the war. Jews would likely be loyal but, as the Balfour Declaration showed, foreign governments would just try to divide and conquer and any attempt to prevent Jews from being valued as a target by foreigners(for information, sabotage, etc) would make Jews less likely to be loyal(no one wants you taking their gold). After the war, the Gypsies would become a major nuisance as they'd be likely to take over the power vacuum once the Slavs were exterminated(and yes, Hitler DID intend to exterminate them).
2) Sheltering Jews was very hard since you're dealing with a large population of people who require lots of food. They were Urbanites and middle Class and thus bad a manual labor. Not exterminating them meant either starving them to death or using much-needed supplies on a group that had little value for the war effort when soldiers suffering and dying were in need of food, ammo, etc. Besides, starving soldiers cost battles and the lives of veterans.
3) After the war its unlikely that Hitler would've wanted them back in Germany until the new land was settled. Berlin's destruction needed to be ignored so that resources would've been used for the new towns and cities. Jews would've been a pain in the ass in rural New Germany due to their urban upbringings and leaving them in Berlin would've sapped resources from the expansion eastwards.

Foreign countries would've loved to get both killed.






Cleansing Europe off Islam is not something the Reich would have done, friendo.

Woah woah woah, is THAT really the argument that this JIDF "debunking" macro is meant to convey?
>see, some of these say 4,5, and 7 million -- your 6 million theory is completely BTFO lel xDDD
It's not obvious to you that the other numbers are just camouflage -- and only comprise maybe 10% of all "muh shoah" claims? THey're obviously just variations on a theme, while the overall lie is BTFO not by the different numbers claimed, but the fact that THERE CAN'T POSSIBLY BE THIS MANY JEWS DYING EVERY FEW YEARS! If you add them all up, there are more Jews than there were people in the world! Liars wouldn't just keep repeating 6 million -- they'd be noticed -- and yet they managed to repeat it too many times anyway, so we noticed!
Are you really that stupid, that you think that constitutes a refutation -- or are you so arrogant you think everyone else is stupid enough to be duped by your bullshit?

Yeah good point. I never thought about how Cicero, Aquinas, and Voltaire are... ya know... just like some random niggers... like... imagine if they are saying whitey.... wow...

>So how can a lie as big as the holocaust maintain itself for so long?
Because you're not hearing the whole story but instead just making the very assumptions that everyone else is making.

No one wanted the Jews; not even America. There was nowhere to put them and every other country would've divided them against Hitler for sure since that would've gotten them killed off in the end. They would've also been a real headache due to intelligence reasons(not smart to try to trust a group of people who's assets you just smashed up during Crystalnacht.
And remember: its bad enough to have Carpetbaggers moving in from elsewhere as you're trying to build a new state but these guys were locals and would've gladly bought up a lot of real estate and other investments while the rest of Germany was too poor due to foreign ties being cut off.

What makes no logical sense at all is Holocaust denial. No wonder that shit is pushed by Ivan

>No one wanted the Jews; not even America. There was nowhere to put them
Umm, he put them in Palestine. Are you new?

>The Haavara agreement - Germany created Israel

>David Cole

its not terribly confidence inspiring that the disparate figures are meant to refute any specific figure, especially when Jews just pull random numbers from their asses, sometimes in the same paragraph.

>to conquer a nation first disarm its citizens
Why do jews and leftists constantly rely on the same hypocritical lies? You appeal to jingoism though you're pacifists, you appeal to racism and sexism and homophobia, though you claim to stand against these things. You appeal to gun rights, though you wish to disarm the population.

What a demonic mindfuck the Left is.

Here's the question that should be asked.

>Does the Holocaust being real or not matter?

The answer is no.

>Do all Jews deserve to be killed

The answer is yes.

Worrying about something as unimportant as the holocaust is pointless. Expend energy on the creation of a Jew free world.

Elaborate upon what with proof illustrating, beyond a reasonable doubt, that 6 million died as you describe.

mass graves=gas chambers? gas vans killed six million? heating morgues=undeniable proof beyond reasonable doubt that there was a massive effort to exterminate the Jew in this fashion? Survivor testimonies are baseless, I do not respect them just as you would not respect my word during surrender. Sharp drop requires multiple sources. why do counter-arguments to this prove otherwise, why doesn't the math add up, why are there conflicting reports of the dead? surely they cannot all be anti-Semites, just as all 100+ nations that expelled the Jew could not be anti-Semitic?

The why also requires an elaboration. If I stab you in the side and cry victim, I expect to be executed promptly.
Difference is that I wouldn't advertise film of the story, with only my side, like all the Holocaust tearjerkers the Jew releases yearly.

Chelsea Manning now.... Poor thing failed to an hero :(

>So how can a lie as big as the holocaust maintain itself for so long?
Holocaust denial is literally forbidden in most European countries, and where it isn't it's probably not socially acceptable to talk about this stuff either.

As for the 'Holocaust' itself, I never really looked into it enough to already have a final conclusion about it. I have always suspected that the 6 million number is a sham though.

Nice history book you are quoting there, nip. Strange I have never heard about it except when it is mentioned in denier infographics.

>the Holocaust being real or not does not matter
It's literally the foundation of the current world order, modern multiculturalism in the West, and white guilt, especially for Europeans. It's literally the boot on your neck, cucking you into hate speech laws, diversity quotas, and constant dancing like a monkey to prove you "aren't still a Nazi". When does it end? It ends when people stand up to the lie.


2nd logical fallacy, nip.

Nuremberg laws were 1935

your infographic lists the gun law reform in 1938

Which Jews were in a position to benefit from it 5 years into Hitlerite Rule?

If you think a person wearing a Judenstern can just walk into a store and say Hey Heinrich give me a gun I think the government doesnt like us, youre out of your mind.


>i've only heard about it when deniers quote it
It's not my problem you live in an echo chamber, only confirming your biases.
>provide proof Hitler expanded gun rights
>Kike calls it a "logical fallacy" because jews didn't benefit from it
That's a very vacuous, subjective sense of logic you have.

are you denying the Jewish influence in the sphere of politics, the judicial sector, mass media, etc.? It persists to this day, they control and influence these sectors.
They pushed for Marxist revolutions in foreign nations and are surprised when it backfires? Immigrant bites the hand that feeds.

How old are you? Stop dodging.

let me say again, nip:

nice HISTORY BOOK you are quoting there


Let me know if Reitlinger, Hilberg, Browning, Longerich or any other holocaust historian makes mistakes like this and then we can have a chat about errors in historiography.

I am 25. The question is, how old are you if you dodge from debating a historical event to trying to bring in Jewish influence in post-modern countries today? I'm sure you'd love giving me a lecture about Jewish feminism, banking, and mass media in order to derail this thread.

It's as if you are almost conceding white people are utterly incapable of thinking for themselves, and are some kind of mindless drones being controlled by a jewish elite? And you say holocaust revisionism has no agenda of its own...

>implying you weren't complaining that you'd never heard of the book
>implying it didn't exist, or was somehow illegitimate
Let the Kike word-games begins. Once they start losing, they start fidgeting with semantics and innuendos.
>tl;dr something something a list of three names are the only authorities I'll accept quotes from
I'm sure everyone here can respect your shrewdness and virtual myopia on sources. If those are the three authors that help you win debates, stick to them, by all means!

I'm only quoting holocaust survivors, but dismiss their acounts if it's convenient for you. I don't believe them either, jews do nothing but lie it seems.
The nose is trigger now folks!

>There's no real evidence for the holocaust in the first place.
I think other priorities were on the agenda at that time. Besides, its obvious to the Jews that it happened since they got the fuck out of Europe so fast they ended up fighting Arabs just to get a piece of desert.

>Even the Nuremberg trials were propaganda.
No fucking shit. A certain country that just took over basically everything had a lot of internal baggage to deal with thanks to a civil war that was caused by some Tan assholes trying to Holocaust a Black slave population just to prevent racists from Holocaust those same Tans.

John Brown and the Abolitionists were a huge problem since they exposed the main problem with the United States: ethnic conflicts, decadence(see northern cities) and freedom don't mix since some assholes will just try to exterminate a "problem" group(enslaved Blacks) just to save their own asses and wealth at any price. The failure to deal with a small problem(Tans) led to them causing much bigger issues.

Another way to think about it is this: blaming problem populations instead of the bigger problem that the society can't adapt due inherent flaws of urban centers. Berlin was trying to seize power in 1918 but, instead of realizing that the Jews who caused that were clearly suffering themselves, Germany tried to get rid of a "problem population" by force and, instead of seeing their greatness as a product of creating a new "German Nation", still believed that Germany's greatness was due to genocide.
After John Brown's failed attempt to exterminate Blacks and the post-war problems, America needed to impose its ideas on others so that they would reflect back on itself. Now we're just assholes who preach justice while imposing suffering(any American industrial city) for the benefit of the unjust(Tans and Urban elites). Our country is run by evil people who use excuses(environment, "choice", freedom, democracy) to stay in power