Russians of Cred Forums, I've seen this poster around my campus for a little while now since classes started...

Russians of Cred Forums, I've seen this poster around my campus for a little while now since classes started. Never minding the Amerifat education claiming those bottom three cities are in Russia, which they're not, would this be a good idea to do? Would it be worth it as an experience? If I did decide to come to Russia, which of these cities would be the best? I would assume Moscow or St. Petersburg, but maybe Vladivostok is big enough to not be boring despite being in the Russian Far East.

tl;dr Should I consider coming to Russia as part of an immersion program?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump for interest

bump again, trying to learn

Learn Ukrainian instead.

Lawl, learning an ultimate beta language... only thing more beta would be Polish or muskrat

Knew an American girl who did an exchange program in St Petersburg.

She told me Russians really hate Americans. She lied to people saying she was Canadian (and apparently Russians love Canadians?). So my advice is that if you do go, don't flaunt the fact you are American. Also she said St Petersburg is better than Moscow but I think that is more of a subjective opinion. Would also be interested in going to Russia so will be monitoring thread for Ruskie input.

>Learning Polish
>Ever possible for foreigners

My mom is Polish. I speak some of the language but it's fucking harder than Russian. Also no way Polish is a beta language, cuck. See Polish-Soviet 1919-21. Also charging tanks with a horse and living to tell the tale is not beta. That is pretty alpha.

>>charging tanks with horse
>>>betas scared of loud 1%er fleeing into the maw of German war machine.

>German war machine

Oh shit guys they were a real war machine

aily reminder that these are the people Nazis lost to

Pretty sure Russians are asleep for another hour or two, it's only 9am there

Srs Polish butthurt. The bill Google kept your junk locked up a little too long while he was smashing your sister u polack cuck?

>Bull google. Not bill google

Russian can get you a good job with the 3 letter agencies and/or a subservient white wife.

I don't see why not if you're interested in this kinda thing. Moscow and St. Petersburg are prominent locations for tourism on their own even without any immersion so that's a safe bet. Kazan is full of muslims, so if you're into islamic architecture or love mosques, that one's for you. Also would wait for summer if I were you.

More importantly, Kiev, Odessa and Riga are only temporarily outside of Russia. This happened before, they'll be coming back.


Keep crying assblasted cuck. The only remnants of Nazis today are neo nazis and they like to get down and dirty with each others cocks and balls in prison cells while doing meth.

Daily reminder that Eastern Euro's are the most red pilled uncucked people while Westerners enjoy Somali and Muslim cock on a daily basis.

Yes, go to Russia

Everybody speaks Russian in Kiev and Odessa

>Eastern Euro's are the most red pilled uncucked people while Westerners enjoy Somali and Muslim cock on a daily basis.

That's funny, because you just described the average female Slav's life in Western Europe.

Why is there no audio and what does pln stand for?

Those are all russian-speaking cities I'm pretty sure, even if they're not in Russia.
Depends on how good your Russian is currently, but I'd say go for it.

vremya ne vernut nazad pidor, idi v rossiyu kogda ty ewe molodoj

Poo in Loo Now

>why is there no audio

Into the loo with you!

It's only good to study there if you do STEM grad programs. Otherwise don't go, your degree will be worth shit. Don't go for their undergrad programs.

But if you have a STEM degree go to Saint Petersburg University, I believe they're currently the only Russian University recognized by the journal Nature, which if you're in STEM is like the epitomy of your entire life if you get published in.

>Being this mad he can't get an attractive slav without paying

Whew lad

It's a youtube channel for doing pranks in Eastern Europe you retard. It's pretty obvious it's a joke video.

Basement dweller detected.
Hard on the teat of the electric merchant

Learn Russian for a year and then go. There's no point in going to any country for immersion if you're a beginner.

Start with Michel Thomas + Assimil and a grammar method (I like Colloquial Russian), then move onto something like Pimsleur and Glossika.

Spend 1-2 hours a day on it, and after about 100 hours you will know if you want to continue or not.

I am not talking about that video I never even watched it. I mean he himself is mad he can't get a slav qt without paying. Do you have autism? Need me to spell things out for you?

Haha assblasted stormcuck. Where are you in Canada? I want to fight you over me mums grave.

Polax would defile mums grave. Depraved kink

Russian is fucking useless unless you're going to be a state dept official or do some kind of Russian studies at think tank or something.

You'd be much better off learning Mandarin or even Spanish or Arabic


604 here. Let's fight stormcuck. Going to assume you're a poorfag who lives in Maple Ridge or Coquitlam.

I can meet you outside science world in 30 minutes. After that soonest will be in two weeks. You Polish fruit cake (haha potato and beets and maggots)

If you need a ride basement merchant, let me know. I can even give your Polish dad some money to rent you for an hour to kick your ass

Confirmed for poorfag who needs to take the skytrain. I'll see you there in 20 minutes (will be driving my black mercedes from the Arbutus area because I'm not a poorfag). Got a throwaway number?

>Amerifat education
>Stockholm, Sweden

I'm here. Walk to industrial. Got a junk email?

[email protected]

60 minute throwaway. A couple of my brotier Sikh friends want to come along. They fucking hate stormcucks. See you soon Heinrich

Bringing pih friends to a gentleman's squabble? Hard juicers from the poco driving daddies benz, blak with google music to feel genuine. Get bent. Been waiting on the corner by kal tire. Alone. Last ten minutes you punk ass beta intellectual

>Out on a Saturday night alone browsing Cred Forums on phone.

I'm going to have fun beating your loner virgin autist ass into the pavement.

What clothes are you wearing so I know it's you?

>>I'm also out on a Saturday night
You certainly have a lot of balls for someone with no dick. Where the fuck are you. I'm about to walk to Craft. See some more autists.

driving on broadway. Just past McDonald street.

Msk and SPb are obvious choices, for the third one I'd choose Novosibirsk - it's sorta in the middle of nowhere, but I'd argue it's the third most interesting city in Russia.

>Kazan is full of muslims
(actually live nearby)
it's roughly 50/50 Russian/Tatar (Christians/Muslim), and religion is quite suppressed here, though I see more women in hijabs over the last years. Still, quite a secular place - a few mosques, yes, but otherwise isn't much different from other Russian cities.

but in general,
>would this be a good idea to do? Would it be worth it as an experience?
depends on what you're looking for
might be interesting, but won't hurt anyway

You often are late ? Just because you will never get a women late (its the smell you see)

What do Russians generally think of Americans?
I'm trying to pick up the language and study the culture, i think it's interesting.

Also curious as to this.

well there might be tensions, sure, especially among more patriotically-minded people
but nothing too bad in general, especially in Msk/SPb
way better than Detroit anyway
also, might be easier to pick up girls if you're not too ugly


They think you're fat fucks as most of humans do.

I've got more white pussy here than anywhere else. your women are whores, your mother included


Not sure if you just called yourself a fat white girl

I get the impression that Russians only really hate our government, which is reasonable.

Yeah you def are autistic

Hell, most Americans hate our government, too.

that's political stuff
on the street level the tension might be if you're black/brown - there won't be much trouble if you're just a white American/Canadian/European

though true, there's no tension associated with being a Canadian, if you're really cautious, so you can say you're from there
really, most dislike is from geopolitical stuff, nothing personal

so not a dislike of foreigners, just an echo of cold war/current competition in Syria or whenever

Check # in email bitch.. Way to no show

тaки шaлoм!
Russia used to be the country with largest Jewish population until late 60s IIRC

Do you guys treat accented Russian speakers like trash? Palatalization is hard for this burger...pls don't judge :(

havent got shit. Still driving on W cordova now

Eesties and Khohols confired failed states.
Anschluss when?

If you don't know any Russian, don't go.

sorta true, though there's some warming-up to Trump
Real Man, would show them all what-for, tells it like it is, etc
good ol' masculinity
many Russians are quite close to rednecks in this regard, sans guns, and with better healthcare

though there are islands of numaleness in bigger cities

>claiming those bottom three cities are in Russia
Fug, they know! Shut it down!
Also, I think point of those three is that you can use Russian there too, more or less. Though it's hard to tell what they were thinking.
>Would it be worth it as an experience?
Why not? The more useful languages you know - the better.

>Should I consider coming to Russia as part of an immersion program?
Yes, we have the finest krokodil and underage orphans!

All slavic languages are useless, especially russian, the land of mongoloid peasants.

Russians generally hate all foreigners and don't expect them to be friendly in anyway. The Russians I know said anything outside of moscow and st peters is basically still soviet Russia.

depends on WHAT accent you have
for Western, no problem

for Caucasian accent there might be problems, but you won't have it
and Caucasian in this case not meaning "white", but "from Caucasus mountains" (picrelated), they are to us what Arabs are for Europe - brown people from the south, with lots of tensions and crime
went to war with them twice in the last 20 years, Chechnya and whatnot
but again, not applies to you

>don't go
fine with supervision, and Moscow is getting sorta habitable without Russian (though still might be difficult on your own)

Bitchfag confirmed.

No showed. 20 minute fight. Waited 45. Would have even bought him a beer after he beta'd out with his imaginary pil friends.

>Russians generally hate all foreigners

>The Russians I know said anything outside of moscow and st peters is basically still soviet Russia.
Literally a meme.

>generally hate all foreigners and don't expect them to be friendly in anyway
there's less of what we call "American smile", people just don't smile out of politeness or habit, and are more grumpy in general
but they won't bark at you or anything

>anything outside of moscow and st peters is basically still soviet Russia.
well you were talking to Muscovites clearly :)
the province changed a lot from Soviet times, though there still is a gap

зa MКAДoм жизни нeт, блeaть.

Is vkontake worth it to meet Russian cutiesñ

I have a dacha around Elektrostal - can confirm only shashlik and beer beyond ...

Russia is an ultimate red pill by its own air. 9/10 would visit again.

I would also suggest Kazan on double-red pill on how christians and muslims can live together and no one fuck things up.

Cyкa cтoличнaя.

You need a mobile number to create an account though, not sure if you value privacy at that level or not.


пpoмaхнyлcя, Bacя
what is sarcasm

I guess I could always use a burner prepaid but I can't see this paying off, unless they're down for traditional marriage it's just tinder where I have to sneak pussy through customs

Got hype over nothing, unless you know a better way

Well you go learn arabian or chinese if you are so keen

So, In other words russians are unfriendly.

definitley not a meme

and for the record anyone going to Russia should not expect to make any real friends. Russians are some of the most dishonest people on the planet.

Don't be a faggot, go to Novosibirsk and experience the real Russia

All your arguments are literally "I don't care what you said" you fucking google.


It's OK to stay in Moscow. Accent will be problem - expect cold reaction from calm good people and shiv between your ribs from gopnik drunktards.

Зa кoльцeвoй дaвнo yжe нeт никaкoй жизни. тaм пycтoтa, чyмныe вeтpa и зaбpoшeнныe гopoдa. никaкиe пoeздa никyдa нe хoдят; вceм, ктo тyдa eдeт, пpoдaют cпeцбилeты в cпeцпoeздa, гдe чepeз вeнтиляцию пpoпycкaют cпeцгaз, oт кoтopoгo вы вce гaллюциниpyeтe и дyмaeтe, чтo eдeтe пo мaтyшкe-Poccии.
Bce этo иллюзия. cpeдcтвa мaccoвoй инфopмaции в зaгoвope c пpaвитeльcтвoм. oни coздaют oщyщeниe жизни зa мкaдoм чepeз интepнeты и зoмбoвизop. тaкжe в гpyппy пoддepжки зaгoвopa вхoдит cпeциaльнo oбyчeннaя гpyппa щкoльникoв, кoтopыe кpичaт в интepнeтaх o тoм, чтo в Mocквe живeт тyпoe глaмypнoe быдлo, a иcтинныe yмы пoдpacтaют в Уcтюжoпинcкe.
нo никaких Уcтюжoпинcкoв нeт. ecть бeзжизнeнныe бecкpaйниe пpocтopы, cepыe oт индycтpиaльнoй пыли. выpyблeнныe лeca. зapocшиe мхoм и пoдoзpитeльными pacтeниями oзepa. и oгpoмныe кoтлoвaны, пoлныe pжaвых ocтoвoв пoeздoв и элeктpичeк c гниющими тpyпaми внyтpи.
Caнкт-Пeтepбypг yтoплeн в бoлoтe; кocти тeх нa кoм eгo cтpoили ликyют и пляшyт в тyмaнe пoгибeли.

>Vladivostok is big enough to not be boring despite being in the Russian Far East.
If you dont speak the language natively then all the places in the pic will be boring for you. You can visit moscow or st petersburg and check out architecture if you into that stuff but dont ecpect social interactions

you might as well save yourself the trouble and commit suicide now

visit Moscow if you really gay

Btw your pic with seagulls is from St Petersburg

What are you saying? There's literally thousands of Ukrainians, Russians, Poles etc. on that site who will marry you for that green card laddy.

Be prepared for when their whole family moves in though.

I thought yall flogged numales, I remember seeing that pussy riot video where Russian cups just started whipping the shit out of them, that's what I imagine happens to the weak in Russia. Also
>sans guns
You can't be a redneck without guns dude.


well there's "not smiling at passers-by or customers" unfriendly
and then there's "you ain't leavin' da hood alive white boi" unfriendly

you'd only find the first kind in Russia


хa, я дyмaл, Гopчeв

there's a chance to find Anglophone people/communities in Msk/SPb, both expat and local
but outside these two, yeah, not much of a choice

there's a difference in attitude between capitals and province
so what you say gets more true the farther from centers you go (but then again, not many numales in rural Alalbama, now, is there?)

and true about guns. Still, there are other noticeable parallels

and for Pussy Riot - well, they stepped way out of line
in Moscow, numale won't get attacked if he doesn't deliberately provoke anyone... most of the time anyway.

>I thought yall flogged numales
Silly American!

There may not be numale trash in rural Alabama, but they are in the cities. Houston and Austin are filled with them, and people tend to imagine Texas being relatively free of that shit. I guess I just imagine Russia having a zero tolerance policy on girly men. Are there libs wanting their genders recognized and safe spaces in Russia? I really don't know anything about pussy riot aside from that beating they received, and that shit was hilarious.

> Are there libs wanting their genders recognized and safe spaces in Russia?
Just a several fags from YouTube and Twitter. That shit does not spread far from some retarded communities in msk/spb

Nothing to gain from it. 3rd world country with an average monthly salary of 200-300$, immigration problem and HIV epidemic. Only if you want to read our literature in original or some movies. Nowadays culture is also shit - mosty parroting USA. If you want to visit - don't go further than Moscow or St. Petersburg.

>immigration problem

I hope you can save the Far East from the Chinks...

> If you want to visit - don't go further than Moscow or St. Petersburg.
Lol why? Do u think he would killed in a province, or what?

Regions are poor - barely anything to see.

Far East is in safe, just because no one would like to live in that kind of climate, even gooks.

Russian is great if you are going to be NEET living in a basement. Huge amount of fantasy/science fiction/alternative history litterature in Russian and flooded with new books daily. Its like learning Japanese for anime/manga.

There is much more ancient towns in Russia, not only Moscow and saint-Petersburg. it could be interesting to see them, and also to see real Russia, rather than distilled Moscow.

Imho, the proper reason to visit Russia would be not its cities - but its nature. Visiting Moscow/SpB is no different than being tourist in Europe.

Best Tourism in Russia is a nature one - Ural Mountains, Altai, Kavkaz, going down the rivers on the boats etc.

Yeah Russian I would like to learn your language, but I feel the political atmosphere between us is quite rough. Maybe one day I can drink whiskey while a Russian drinks his vodka.

Im learning russian because I work in finance and want to get into petroleum companies but I hope I will never actually get sent there like I travel to US

By immigration problem is this directly tied to the Churkas?

I know who you are.

No infrastructure. All really far away and hard to reach. And all close stuff is full of trash and ruined by "tourists".

Nope. It's about shitstans like Kyrgyzstan etc. And a hohols since 2013.

Yes, almost free borders with asians. Solved somewhat by crysis - pay is so bad now, so no one's coming .

>Charging panzers on horseback
When will this meme finally end?

Cavalry brigades were just regular infantry using horses for mobility. They dismounted before battle and fought on foot. There ARE a couple isolated incidents of mounted infantry attacking German infantry, but never tanks

Для них aзиaты этo нихyя нe тaджики c yзбeкaми, ты eгo пyтaeшь.

There were mounted encirclement breakout attempts in September during which sometimes melee weapons were used. They were mostly successful.

During one of these the germans had some tanks loafing about and a photoreporter snapped a shot of some tanks with dead cavalrymen around.

The meme was born

Visit Ulyanovsk, the birth place of Lenin.

Learning Russian is easier than you think

at least it's still in europe then

>travelling to Vladivostok

Do they teach words like suka, blyad and poshel nahui?