A strange game, the only winning move is not to play, how about a nice game of chess?

A strange game, the only winning move is not to play, how about a nice game of chess?

Other urls found in this thread:


>getting married


>failing at literally the only purpose in life

Look at her parents' marriage. Are they happy, family oriented, church going, etc? Does she have daddy issues? Is her mom a screeching harpy cunt? Get to know her family and extended family. How prevalent is divorce? Degenerate behavior? Is there a family culture of traditional values? Is there a family culture of divorce being unacceptable?

This. Unfortunately most women are ruined and they are not worth anything.

Pump and dump till they understand.

Women think they breed em out watch how most men never breed at all.

They just reap what they sow

>not playing 5d chess
>trannies are just tran to get in on the divorce game when trannies are acceptable

Having kids I think you mean. Not getting married. You can get kids without falling into the marriage trap.

getting married next sunday. Wish me luck.


Hey good luck man. Happy to hear it. I'm pretty eager to get married myself but I gotta wait.

Thank you. We got the mayor of our town to do it.

Also somebody just said something nice to me on 4chins. wtf is going on?

What is it like to have a woman in your life who cares about you?

you have to care about yourself to the point where it doesnt matter if she leaves or not.

women look for that shit. They test you to see if you're too clingy. You have to have the self confidence to know that no matter what happens tomorrow you're going to be ok.

Women don't care about anyone but themselves.

this guy knows

The biggest clue as to how a girl will turn out is her mother.



I've been single every day of my adult life

I can't imagine being the type of person that is clingy

The only people a woman cares for are her children... sometimes.

> Inb4 fag gives me Freudian psychoanalysis

who cares

Women will NEVER love you the way you love them.

It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor,ugly or good looking. It's always the same.

but that's degenerate

Australia pls go