TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name...

TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car. Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner.



While not relevant to Cred Forums I don't mind you posting this Dimitar. I like Matt and this is a nice story. I bet he always remembers that meal and thinks of it as the best he's ever had.

What was the meal? This is important.

That's racist.
Should be Matt LeNoir

Succulent Chinese of course


You can get several hot meals for $11

TIL Tyler Durden spent last night in his father-in-laws' Lebaron cause his wife's son ruined his life


wow is this true?? inspiring

Not a lot of people are appreciative of a warm meal. I hope that Mr. LeBlanc remembers that meal for as long as he lives and realizes the value of food.


Jennifer Aniston's armpit hair

Some of us aren't black and on food stamps

Fucking reddit. Get the fuck out



I noticed people who ever watched that shit always are cucks and brainwashed liberals.
It's one of many of my personal red flags when profiling people.


I'm certain LeBlanc is redpilled. He's just played the game well to ensure success.

Not surprised, disappointed but not surprised.

>profiling people

Fucking nerd

Do you think he presented Lisa Kudrow with his limp penis afterwards?

She was pretty hot back in the day famalam

this also big bang theory if they like either of those i ain't listening

>not hypercritically psychoanalyzing every single person you come across to determine exactly what makes them tick so you know how best to manipulate them to your own ends or subvert their will to your own cause

Fucking neurotypical.

>OP learns most actors are poor failures
Will he give up on the dream?

Agreed, they're a slightly different kind of shithead semantically, but still ultimtely the same kind of shithead as far as anything that really matters.