Happening Sweden

Stcokholm police are reporting that masked gangs of football hooligans, have been attacking local gangs of afghan and moroccan street "kids".

The street gangs of arabs are now "Terrified" according to police man Christian Frödén. This is something that apperently occurs like once a month.

Two of the three biggest football clubs in Stockholm, have put aside it's diffrences when it comes to it's rivaly on the field, to instead join forces and battle a common enemy. Says Daniel Poohl from an anti racist online news paper.


Other urls found in this thread:


something something if there was hope it lied in the masses of proles something something 1984 quote


please come back sweden

Wait, the newspaper says "gangs"? Now being in a gang is normal?


>anti racist online news paper



Haha i didn't know how to explain it. But in the recent Soros leaks, it was confirmed that this anti racist news paper has been given money from Soros.

Its my time to rule at last

what even is an anti-racist newspaper?

>Stcokholm police are reporting that masked gangs of football hooligans, have been attacking local gangs of afghan and moroccan street "kids".

It'll be a false-flag by a left wing media outlet to drive up support for muh poor brown people, just like last time.
Remember goyim: It's time for YOU to assimilate into the "New Sweden".

You disgust me Sweden. What has happened to you?


hopefully the swedish police drag their feet on the "investigation"

Anti-white, Nigel.

They just write shit about people who oppose the invasion of migrants.

They're slowly getting Uncucked my Finnish Friend.

what went wrong?

> Anonymous (ID: scekWv/R) 09/25/16(Sun)14:45:54 No.90276235▶
>File: 1473484699719.jpg (7 KB, 250x242)
> (OP)
is if we hadit better in here... have you see what happened in Helsinki yesterday?

if the kids are not literally shaking theres no need to fear

Fifteen years have I been waiting to sit upon my throne

Football hooligans are the lowest. I'd take afghan street "kids" over hooligans any day.

Literally every newspaper in Sweden right now.

how can such a newspaper exist. i truly pity sweden
-love from Britain, its pretty bad here too. if we werent an island wed be as bad as you right now.

Nice bait.

Btw you don't even have afghan street kids, so you don't know what we are dealing with here.

Is true

They rising up POL


disgusting - wtf is wrong with you

Pfffft I know Shocker when i see it.

See I knew it. I fucking knew it. Whenever I said the world will one day lie in the hands of based soccer hooligans everyone laughed at me. WELL WHO'S LAUGHING NOW, CUNTS?

Its Expo, which recieves funding from Soros

There is a possibility those hooligans could easily be left-wing.

Great news, better late than never
Let's get this shit sorted.

Reminder that there was a false flag op with the same claimed events in Stockholm last xmas

Why do people think that Vikings were somehow super egalitarian societies? There might have been some "shield maidens", but they would've been incredibly rare. The only thing we know certainly about them is that few are featured in Edda. That's it. There never was a viking army with that many females. Maybe there might've been in a defensive battle in an exceptional situation, but then the men would've been very old or very young.

what is the meaning of this

Depends which teams.

Kek has approved this message by trips.
The fighting shall commence!
If Sweden had a Donald trump he would easily win, not kidding.

DPRK must remain Democratic

good fuck afghan shcool kids

Yeah, it does depend on it. You know which ones are which?

You should rephrase that.

>Maybe there might've been in a defensive battle in an exceptional situation
Shield maidens were indeed trained primarily to defend the home while the majority of the males were off trading/pillaging.

good for them but its sad the lowest rungs of whites have to be our saviors

Shut up, nerd!

didn't know you had football hooligans in sweden

The one's who did this attack are hooligans from DIF djurgården and AIK Stockholm. Then there is also Hammarby which is the other big team in Stockholm, but they are leftists.

Can any Swedeanons translate this please?

>"Trots en dålig början i stockholm då enutländsk taffsa på mig, men ikväll kör jag all in!"

Sweden NO

I told a Swede 2 years ago when they (Expo) started profiling and ruining the lives of normal citizens just for saying stuff like:
>gee, I'm not sure this unchecked migration is a very good idea seeing as their culture is so vastly different from our own!

Told him that their nationalist group needed to knock one or two of them off to send a message.

Of course, you know how that went...

"Despite a bad start in Stockholm as a foreigner groped me, but tonight I'm going all in!"

nice to see DIF and AIK joining forces. Hammarby is confirmed for being massive cucks.

Thank you, much appreciated.

>Soccer hooligans as a collective have a clear political identity

What the fuck I don't understand soccer hooligans at all.


I recall seeing plenty of somalis in Sweden, but they all seemed so malnourished and small. I would call them more of a gaggle of googles than a gang.

They seemed to keep to themselves.

svenskbro, what can you tell me and our all over the world friends in this thread about this?




if i take their mask off, will they die?

We have alot of ultras/hooligans

If this happened in Helsingcuck there would another 50k anti-racism concert-protest-march with the prime minister waving a rainbow flag.

>not even once


The new chief economist for the World Bank laid out an unoffical idea in conversation with a journalists, with the tl;dr being that Sweden would create a reservation for shitskins where the people who lived there would not be Swedish citizens nor be able to become citizens, no welfare from Swedish state and so on practically anarchy society within borders guarded by police and border patrol. No in or out.

What is TAZ, SZ, Spiegel, Welt, Zeit..

You don't know the situation. In the Austrian town of Wels these Afghan "kids" molested 193 women in just 6 months. Wels is a tiny town of 59000 people.

The problem is the deal drugs, group up and mug people who are alone and or drunk, and also gangrape women.

>American economist completely ignorant of European politics and probably wouldn't be able to point out Sweden on a map

Who cares?

So we can safely assume that never happened what the newspaper says.

The jews at deceiving game again.

The guardian could probably be called such.

I don't think so. I don;t think there are enough men on the Swedish left to pull this off.


>you know how that went

You got your shit pushed in?

Somalies are meme-people.
They are not even liked by other googles.
Even less by Svens and other whites.
Their only existance is to leech of the welfare system and commit crimes.
If we were to drown them in their own blood or hang them with their own intestines the world would become a better place.

The same as anti white.

Nice shop. 1/10 replied

This is definitely photoshopped. Theere's not that kind of concentration of black even in itäkeskus.

Of course it's shopped, but the point stands.



>The fire is rising even in Sweden
How long until the spark jumps over to Germany? Please let it be soon.

Oog boog, gib welfare

Sweden Nooooo!

JK JK Sweden has never let us down. They will perform some outlandish suicidal act soon enough.

We just need to find a based adopted nigger that we can use as a false flag carrier in a assassination atempt on the king or something so we could be given a reason to start lynching, because that's all people really need, a reason.

Well go join them then then you will have our approval

The same reasons why a single Chinese skeleton from Roman times makes Britain a nation of immigrants.


Simple and accurate. Have some gold brorsan.

Is someone on this board here a Hooligan/Ultra? I think i'm the only one here

Its pretty much Alpha-Omega in Swedish media.

Are you retarded?

Nice to see there are still some based Swedes. Speaking of based Swedes...


I know some who are but honestly fighting over football is messed up. I don't mind if you do but i'll never do it myself.

Sweden and Swedes are so beautiful. I'm glad you guys are pushing back against the "New Sweden" project.

>Wasting money and time cheering on a bunch of millionaires running after a ball
You need to re-think your life choices, Mehmet.

America and Canada are like the only countries who don't have this. So don't hate on him.

wow did i just defend a leaf?

Praise Kek! Kek be praised!

Only frog image I have on this HDD!

Oh fuck yes! All we need now are people speaking Latin and we're set.

They might not be ideal but those hooligans are some of the few warriors the white race has left. I welcome their willingness to remove kebab.

Tyb ultras, i was wondering where they were

Norse women were the housekeepers. That means they practically ran the house/farm. More responsibility and freedom than other places, but they weren't fighting as fucking soldiers. Their enemies and neutrals would laugh at them and people would desert. God I hate SJWs

Is there anything you swedes would fight for?

Kek wants this

>street gangs are terrified


this could also be my town

please nuke us already

I would join these hooligans if it took place in my city, but for now there is no point in going out alone.

Sorteras i avdelningen rasistattacker aka saker som inte hände.

Mins du uppdrag gransknings magiska neger som blivit "knivskuren av NMR" men inget åtal kom och såret var 15år gammalt?
Eller den här finska knarkaren som blev knuffad av NMR och dog av överdos en vecka senare vilket vist vara"nazisternas" fel?

Svenskar är ett gäng meningslösa bögar. Hur gärna jag än må önska att neger skulle misshandlas eller dödas i vårt land så sker det inte. Trots att motsatsen sker varje dag.

Var dock skönt att se att den där 12åriga tjejen i Sundsvall "svart snopp är dyrt" grejen, var en judinna och inte en svenska. Hahahaha hoppas de våldtar henne igen.

Kek wants Sweden back to its former glory!

Wenigstens sitze ich nicht den ganzen Tag in meinen Zimmer rum und bin am PC. Außerdem gebe ich nicht mein ganzes Geld dafür aus, um Millionären dabei zu zugucken hinter einem Ball her zu laufen, da die Spieler hier nicht so viel Geld verdienen und die Tickets sind auch nicht teuer.

I basically don't fight because off football, im an ultra not hoolian, but when someone attacks me im going to fight back.

Du har ett förjävligt dåligt bete.

>Wenigstens sitze ich nicht den ganzen Tag in meinen Zimmer rum und bin am PC

I hate it when people use pictures from this retarded series to show how we supposedly used to be. Most of the characters look like they belong in some weird, American fantasy series, and few of them looks like they came out of Scandinavia.

I guess it's made me realize how Meds must feel when they use Anglos to portray them in historical movies.

They're all Americans but you know. Blonde hair=scandinavia ammirite? Fuck Hollywood.

I think the turning point will come if the sandniggers can get their shit together long enough to get their hands on a nuke. The sacrifice would be worth it.

>Most of the characters look like they belong in some weird, American fantasy series

Gee, funny about that

There are a couple of Dane and, Norwegians, and a number of Swedes. Floki is played by a Swede. But yes, most of the cast is Anglo. Ragnar is a fucking Australian.

Det är sant dock, negrer misshandlar och våldtar svenskar för att de är svenskar varje dag. Resultatet är att polisen satsar extra på att utreda icke-existerande hatbrott.

Rena galenskapen, gör oss en tjänst, köp en rånarluva och gå ut och knacka lite tjock negerskallle så får du se vad som händer.

Om någon av dessa "attacker mot invandrare" hade hänt hade DN inte behövt ljuga ihop låtsashistorier utan rapporterat om dem.

>football hooligans
I doubt they're "Swedish", probably Slavs lol


You sound like social justice warriors bitching about white Egyptians in movies. Of course they are going to use English actors, because that's what they have.


>[The policeman] says that the police has encouraged [the young refugees] to call [911] when they encounter the attackers and to file a police report, but it's difficult to motivate a group that prefers to avoid contact with authorities to file a report.
>it's difficult to motivate a group that prefers to avoid contact with authorities to file a report.
Top fucking kek

>Det är sant dock, negrer misshandlar och våldtar svenskar för att de är svenskar varje dag. Resultatet är att polisen satsar extra på att utreda icke-existerande hatbrott.
Tänk om hatbrottssatsningarna ledde till att de här anti-svensk-negrerna hamnade bakom lås och bom? Att begå brott "för att de är " är ju mer eller mindre hur "hatbrott" definieras.

... eller ännu bättre: Inse att konceptet "hatbrott" är idioti och behandla alla brottslingar lika - på riktigt.

(Jag är väl medveten om att det här är naivt, grundlöst önsketänk så länge landet infekteras av SJW-hyckleri.)

Witnessed. Make Sweden great again.


i just dont understand how one of the strongest and tallest races in the world can be so afraid of iliterate manlets

sure there are knives, but europe is not america firearms dont come easy ..an average fit swede who is not a coward can clean shop singlehanded

Jag skrev andra stycket som en idiot och vill försöka förtydliga lite:
>... eller ännu bättre: Inse att konceptet "hatbrott" är idioti och behandla alla brottslingar lika - på riktigt.
"Ännu bättre vore om makthavarna insåg att hatbrott", etc. *

because they're raised as pussys

probably never happened

they're just scared because Sweden Democrats are doing good in polls

>You lived long enough to see AIK and DIF supporters find common ground.

Truly, my life was not a waste.

because even if you can beat the fuck out of 10 manlet shitskins, you cant beat every cop who will undoubtedly go on the shitskins side.

>shield maidens

when will this meme end?

>we're so badass that we decided to use physically inferior warriors in our raids

Would be pretty interesting to see though, I wonder what the deathrate of the shieldmaidens would be. I'm guessing they would run out of them pretty quickly

No, no one thought about that but you.

imagine the whole gamergate thing but instead of video game news sites calling everyone who doesnt agree with them sexists it's just about every newspaper in the entire country calling everyone a racist/sexist/nazi and not reporting on crimes if theyre commited by an immigrant (and if they are they blur their faces and sometimes change the skintone of that blur to make it look more like an ethnic swede)

its kinda shit

This is the most disturbing redpill ever dropped in this shithole, enjoy it

>pic related

Also here is video




Kill em all

Swedecucks still won't revolt though. Dumb cucks lmao

Don't believe the media hype. Last time it was just immigrants that attacked the supporters with stones and the supporters mistake the them for another supporter group and chased them a bit before realizing the mistake

What's this from? Are they trying to use a macro to make it sound like people actually support their shit decision to include faggots into something, like a game?

White people spend 20 years getting educated, follow our systematic way of doing things. We are rare, and we are diamonds.

Shitskins are illiterate retards, pure dirt rock.

Sven Eriksson could stab the guys who gangraped a little girl, and spend rest of the his life in prison, and see his entire family suffer.

The nogs are plenty, and they don't care about jail, have nothing to lose, jail is just part of their lifestyle.

Basicly it's fucked, unless police decide to join allegience to their own population, going against the orders of the traitorous psychopath globalist owned government, or simply look away to allow mobjustice from Swedish people.

Most people have seemingly too much to lose going vigilante, we must hope for a rude awakening so we all can allign together, including our europeans brothers, so we can expell this disease, hopefully before all of society collapses.

>TL:DR Shits fucked on multiple levels

It was some petition about lgbt that EA games organized, there were clearly bot votes and then Cred Forums joined in to have some fun

>women in battle
you're as bad as the jews making these shows

>America gone from close to 90% white to close to 60% in about 50 years
>complaining there is no revolt in Sweden


But I really hope it is serious soon. Else we are lost.

>Isreali flag
You forgot to say kikes

Civil war in Sweden when?

>not point in going out alone

>Last time it was just immigrants that attacked the supporters with stones and the supporters mistake the them for another supporter group and chased them a bit before realizing the mistake

That was one of the occasions yes. But therehas been multiple other incidents reported before and after that incident you mentioned.


its not exactly the same
but i believe it is too late, the same way a bunch of filthy ostrogoths visigoths and vandals descended upon the decadant and tolerant roman empire, so will the arabs and niggers

being invaded by blue eyed savages is the same as brown eyed savages, the result is the ending of our bloodline..our culture, and our heritage

>Muslims start crying and moaning that they're the victim the moment they get an inch of pushback

This has to be the #1 reason I hate them. These shifty, dishonourable cunts will lie through their teeth even when the lie is obvious. It has the effect of me having no respect for them at all. It makes me see them as subhuman. As if they operate on some sort of animal logic, like a dog who got into the trash and knows to act ashamed because his owner is angry, but doesn't know it's because he got into the trash.

I pray this happens across all of Europe. And I hope these hooligans targets leftists and hipsters, too. I hope both the muslims and the leftists get a taste of their own medicine.

It's not even always a lie, it's just the way they're built.
Like a dog that snarls at you and bites your leg, then cowers in fear and starts loudly yelping in pain the moment you raise your hand, even if you didn't strike it yet.
Then gets up and tries to bite you again when it sees an opening, rinse and repeat.

There's no lie there, it's the way these creatures are wired.
They instantly legit panic when someone retaliates in any meaningful way.

based swedes

kick the muslims out
make them leave!

Your ladder privilege is showing

Yep, reminds me of this.


Wouldn't it be an extremely short Civil War?

>Cred Forums supports racism against blacks, but racism against whites

fucking white supremacist cucks

>everything i dont like is racism

>a group of whites targeting and assaulting a group of blacks is not racist.

fuck you nazi

Picture a boot stomping on a man's face. Now picture that being the future, forever.


You do realize if we only had governmental backing, we could easily drive the shitskins away?

The hinge is the following:
Traitorous government seeking to undermine everything we do, orchestrated by jews
Demoralized and extremely propaganded population (Who is now waking up thanks to Kek and Trump)

Soon everyone will know someone who got raped, murdered, robbed or suffered abuse by rapefugees hands, the white wrath will rise and we will go crazy, unless we can do things through civilized means.

The leftists are the loud minority, the people are very discontent, the voices will shout soon

>afghans and moroccans are black


Africans shouldn't have forced their way into Sweden in the first place and create problems of racism.

Let's see you brave American patriots revolt once Hillary wins the election.

Remember, you have this thing called the 2nd amendment, we Euros don't. The fact that you have this and still let the left shit in your mouth makes you way more cucked.

>lumping many races and cultures into one because you're too lazy and ignorant to learn each of their names
im triggered

Racism is a stupid meme you little fag. We don't want or need a competing species in iur land, and we do not want them. Doesn't matter what color they are, or where they are from, or what they believe. We are tired of subhuman trash clogging up our streets. They are going back, or they are going in the ground. Bottom line.

Good that i dont have to rarely visit Itäkeskus. You can also see while all those googles walk leisurely, whites fucking hauls it, especially the women. You dont want to spend more time there that you have to.

If you are so tough then voice your fucked opinions IRL. I would love to see you get arrested for what everybody can clearly see, racism

>fuck you nazi

not everyone that cares about their identity is a nazi you fucking retarded mother fucker

You rage you lose.

I just want Harambe Back, I don't care how mad I get.

Ah yes, the muslim fear of camera's. As if they will steal their souls. Often they even walk into frame and start demanding "stop filming".

I even saw a video where a local politician was being interviewed about a bunch of immigrant "vloggers" who just basically film themselves being lay-about pieces of shit. They pull up in daddy's car, cheap camera out, walk up to the camera man and say "stop filming me".

If it were up to me, that phrase would carry the fucking death sentence. The leftists fear brownshirts, but I can't wait until we get hooligan toughs who beat some sense into the scum of society.

>If you are so tough then voice your fucked opinions IRL

I do. In the voting booth. And so do many like me. We are the third largest party in the country for years, now. And next elections, we might gain even more power.

Actually they do. They have this faggy new york derby. Where RED FUCKING BULLS HHAHAHA are the lefties and NYC FC are kinda a bit right-wing as far as I know. But damn they are so gay, it's clear it's all foreign to them and when they try to replicate it it just looks so fucking faggy.

Well, we did Genocide our Soccer Hooligans in the Football Wars.

What the fuck is this?

Is the fire rising?

>moroccan street "kids".
They are a special brand of trash
>The street gangs of arabs are now "Terrified"
Good, hopefully they'll kill their parasitic fast breeding brothers, sisters, cousins, etc before they hang themselves

can moroccan and turks even be classified as human?

WTF?!?! IS IT TIME?!?!

Hey now, if the actors were all born in North Dakota there's a pretty good chance they're largely Scandinavian.

Anything but DENK. ANYTHING but that disgusting party of roach SJWs.


Yeah, they lack the black dick in their mouth to accurately portray Swedish people. I guess that's not really allowed in TV. Sorry, Sven :/

Females are 20% weaker then men... that said human strength varies a lot.

While normal women will always be weaker then normal men strong women can be severally times stronger then average men.

Haha i just checked them out. It just looks so fucking weird with masked people marching with pyro and smoke in New york city haah.

It's like the hollywood version of an ultra.

It's time.

>for racism
You can take off that proxy, Achmed. We know you're a Europoor.

>until we get hooligan toughs who beat some sense into the scum of society.
So, they'll just cower in fear for a while and fight another day. You can't beat sense into them.

It is my friend. Godspeed.

>Fighting for anything

You mean they'll write blogs and post shitty drumpf memes?

of course you would

you do realise once the shitskins infiltrate the police and the armed forces its over.

your little street skirmishes and mob lynchings (which may not happen) mean nothing if you dont have one of those on your side.

Have you seen the french army? you mean to tell me they will help whites and or christians decades from now?

eh don't be so sure
memes aside, you have no idea what the mood is like here atm


You can still uncuck yourself Sweden, I believe in you !

I will vote for DENK just to witness the butthurt from the likes of you. :^)

>t. Balkan Muslim

Oh, you'd better get the police to protect those Muslim rape gangs, Sven.

You don't want to be a racist islamophobe now, do you?

>poster is American
>the irony is strong

>Soccer Hoologans
That makes as much sense as America having them
Swedish club level play is just plain sad how do you have violent fans?

Why did you bring up leftists?

it's sort of out of control by now
>Hammarby is being massive cucks
>implying they haven't always been
>implying based Jimmie isn't our Trump


Uncuck up, Sweden! Show us the way and make us proud.


Don't be a faggot, son


>Swedish club level play is just plain sad
Not really, we have very fanatic fans and a very big supporter scene. Problem is most of the ultras groups are either non political or left wing.

nice bantz belgium

George Soros funded an entire "anti-racist" magazine in Sweden.

How anyone could stand to read an entire magazine filled with that bullshit is beyond me.

How is that bad ?
> mudslides eveywhere
> football teams get to get together to linch them 50s style


Jimmie is not as vocal fired up as Trump.
He is more of a monotone energy sweeping through and wipe all opposition off smoothly.
Trump overpower his opponents with force and powerful arguments.
Only Kent ekeroth comes close within SD to Trumps style of debating.

>this bunch of weak faggots

Well done Swedes. I hope you kill many mudshits, your most important possession is your own people.

Yeah, man, totally fake. I guess modern murrican culture turns everything it touches into shit.

Good job Svens. Kick their asses

Aren't they zerg-rushing trucks to force the drivers to smuggle them through the tunnel? That's a serious hole in your island defense scheme. Also I hope you have someone patrolling the eastern coast at night- the last thing you guys need is a reverse D-Day of refugee rafts; somehow it wouldn't surprise me.
Fowrh grorious reader Kim ir sung!
> if Sweden had a Donald Trump the election would be rigged against him
Fix'd- though they'll likely rig our election too.

Yeah the media in Norway is getting shittier and shittier

> Huffington Post is a liable source
How about fucking no

>Females are 20% weaker then men... that said human strength varies a lot.
Closer to 50% at peak female to weakest but healthy male. For average of both it's closer to 75%

Sorry, he meant to say homosexual football




what am i looking at here

It only took you 3 years.

Sweden YES.

>In the 90s we used to heil for fun, now it's serious.

>anti racist online news paper
Isn't every newspaper in Sweden anti-racist?

I wonder if this is an isolated incident or whether Sweden is finally coming out of it's shell/cuckshed.
I guess your government and the media can humiliate the Swedish people only for so long until they snap.


>Females are 20% weaker then men

I don't believe that. I think the average male strength is closer to double the average male strength but I don't have any hard evidence, just personal observations.

The last time this happened, WP posted a totally relevant and not emotionally manipulative photo with the article.

Meant male versus female average strength.

Good. Make them live in fear, swedebros.

No allegiance, I will swear no oath

this, good job sweds

traitors/enablers need to be target number one.


>They aren't liked by other googles
That's because east Africans are pretty much a different race from west Africans.





I guess they got tired of their monthly grenade attacks

>tfw first time i'm proud of my country in a long time

It's weekly (50 per year).

Two of the the three biggest hooligan firms*

The actual football clubs have absolute nothing to do with this.

Anyway. Fuck everyone. These "Moroccan street """"kids"""" " have been nothing but trouble, yet people feel sorry for these pure trash. Fuck everything. Swedes deserve everything that is happening right now.


you "rare"r etards...do you not realize these people are pathetic attention whores who can't get attention with their banter, so they resort to getting people to notice them with rare fags?

Want rare? I can spoof my my location 2 minutes and get any flag I want to show here, as can any semi-tech literate person.

ps- in case you didn't hear,w e've finally eradicated this disease. don't bring it back.

I'm proud of you Svens.

Malmös ultras are basically just antifa people by now.

Also, most supporter groups here in Sweden ain't political. Here in Stockholm the clubs tries to separate politics and their support for the club. But that's getting harder and harder to do for some because of how the political climate here in Sweden. It's becoming more and more like a pressure cooker where politics ends up in every part of life.

Swedish Breivik when?

Watch "green street hooligans" with harry potter in the lead role. It's a bit of a dances with smurfs/wolfs story or last samurai, but it's a timetested formula to learn about another culture.

Or read about the blues and the greens and how hippodrome hooligans set fire to constantinople. Pretty awesome history.

this, if we wake up one day and all the cops and military is "diverse" we lost.


The fire rises

The nika rebellion is what it's called.

afghan street """"""""kids"""""""""

Not to mention weaker tendons, leading to twisted ankles, smaller bladders leading to more breaks during travel (not so bad with boats), worse at strategy, a mind that is distracted as much by violence as the male mind is by pornography / naked women, more likely to cry/break down, take longer to recover from being sick, get pregnant, distract men. Some women can fight, but their best is like an above average male.

Three years? We've been slowly overrun by immigration since the fucking Chilean communists who fled here in the 70s and 80s.

I liked him better as a corpse.


How safe is Ludvika from afghan street """"""""kids""""""""" swedcucks?
I might go there

In order to have a civil war you need to have organisation and Sweden was very inspired by the US in the 80s and 90s so today we are among the most individualistic nations in the world so I doubt we'll see any civil war here. But civil wars don't start unless the people feel that they have nothing left to lose so we still have some way to go before starting a civil war... unless there is an economic crash or a bad recession...


All cities have them. But Stockholm and Gothenburg are espesially filed with them. Stockholm have over 400 of them roaming the streets.

I don't know about Ludvika, but i wouldn't walk around alone in the city centre of any Swedish town after midnight.

Skyrim is not a legit substitute for actual Norse history.

a skidmark

He's a neoliberal economist so he basically believes that if you dismantle the state and let people do their own thing nothing bad will happen and all the races will live in peace, harmony, and profitable trade together.



>Jordan from Jordan
>Rick from Pakistan
>First Name from Afghanistan
>Chad from Chad
>Roland from Poland
>Fred from Sudan
i know these were just Cred Forumsirgins trolling but fuck


Based poland.


Females are like 20% lighter than men, but the amount of muscle they have compared to men is INCREDIBLE.

The the point where the average 5'9 man is stronger than 99% of women.

In the long run this will only things worse. The hate grows on both sides, this is not gonna help anyone.

Deport them all
Kebab will fall

>Swedish nationalist

>Inb4 it's some polish people again.

>Mike from North Korea

He got his, he was trying to explain to a friendzoned male that he was going to get cucked and be on the phone while she gets fucked.

Swedes were never vikings?


Why do they always call immigrants kids and children when they're all adults?

How long are you a kid these days?

Nice shot!


He stood up against (((MSM))) and a hotel owner trying to earn quick circlejerks.

That's right.

>masked gangs of football hooligans
There are no white men left in sweden

Eye for an eye, these fucking shitskins want to beat up honorable hard working swedes? Let's hit them twice as hard back, HELL SEGER!

This is true. I once got my nose broken because my friend was wearing a green shirt.



A newspaper that actively works to handicap, slander, and ultimately destroy the white man.

that's just your average old newspaper, then

Hell Neger!

I believe pewdiepie is in this thread rn


Goodnight sweet king. Our glory days died with you.


Who funds that movement and all the events?

Garo pls