Why don't black people just listen to the police? If they tell you to stay where you are, don't walk away...

Why don't black people just listen to the police? If they tell you to stay where you are, don't walk away. White people don't get shot because they listen. I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head around this. It's like they're getting shot on purpose.

Other urls found in this thread:


Their refusal to comply is why they get shot. The proper protocol for dealing with being stopped by police is to do as the officer says. Once you have been taken to the station, call a lawyer. Say nothing. In a traffic stop, keep both hands on the wheel, where the officer van see. Say yes officer, no officer, etc. Do NOT make any sudden moves, particularly towards the glove compartment or under the seat - that is where people usually keep guns. Do NOT make the officer fearful for his own safety. Niggers are too stupid too understand this.

Because many of them are stupid.

because their whole culture is about gangs and killing dem popo

listen to their music

>listen to their music

No thanks.

the only thing niggers will listen to is rap music

This mostly. Niggers are too stupid to use logic. Also add the fact that they are brainwashed to think EVERYONE, especially cops are out to get them. There was a time I gelt sorry for them, but at this point I just don't care for their stupidity.

And you get shot anyway because the cop panics if you twitch a muscle.

mixture of stupidity and issues with authority

cops are so fucking easy to deal with, even the ones who are absolute cunts who just want their boots licked, but some of the dumbest googles out there just can't fucking boot their mentality of "this guy is telling me to do something, man fuck him imma do what i want"

literal fucking chimps

i mean seriously, weight it up in your head you apes

>be compliant, be cooperative, be respectful, get sent on your way at the cost of maybe a small slice of your pride
>chimp out and get busted/rekt/fined/jailed/killed for fucking nothing

100% truth.

There are statistics cited by liberals that say blacks are more likely to be involved in a violent confrontation with cops during a simple traffic stop than white people due to their race.

In reality, stops are more likely to end in violence because blacks chimp out and act aggressively towards the cops, refuse to obey simple instructions, and make sudden movements reaching for shit or shoving stuff under their seats.

They think they can do anything.

One of the rioters during the peaceful Charlotte rioting said that exact thing.


You only have to comply in certain situations.

1. Cop walks up to you and starts a conversation starts asking you questions trying to get information because he might think you committed a crime. "Am I free to go?" If he says no then ask are you being detained or cited and for what reason?

2. Traffic stop, if you broke the speed limit or didn't stop at a stop sign then they legally can ask for your name and proof that you are a legal driver because you're operating a motor vehicle. You don't have to give them any more information then name and registration. You can exercise your 5th amendment right.

3. You are asked to get out of your car or you're being detained. You plead the 5th don't say a word and sit there and meet up with a lawyer downtown.

Always be polite and respectful if you say stupid shit like I know mah rights! They will proceed to fuck with you watch the video Sovereign citizens getting owned. You'll have a good laugh and it's an example of what not to do. Always make sure to keep your hands on your steering wheel hands where the police can see them, and comply with their orders. You don't have to give them information but you should try to comply to an extent or you could end up dead or worse off.

No, that's the rap/hiphop culture of the last 25 years. I lived in Dallas and found older black people to be polite and just like anyone else.

And black in Canada are the same.

The problem is young American blacks raised on the garbage hiphop culture.

Their average IQ of sub 80, most likely I'd say.


Fucking faggot liberal politicians like Hilldawg all keep repeating that cops need more training. Can not one person suggest that the black community needs some training? Training to not commit crimes in the first place, training to not chimp out when pulled over, training to just not be such a bunch of fucking niggers.

1. They're stupid.

2. They have something to hide.

3. They've been fed the narrative that the police specifically target them and therefore shouldn't be trusted.

Police don't give them instructions in eubonics.

It's just pure victim mentality. It's a form of entitlement that causes people to blame everything else for their problems besides themselves. I've met so many of these types from being in sales, not just googles.

Truly based thinking involves always blaming yourself for every problem you have. Even if it's not your "fault", it's your problem for not knowing the solution. Then when you fuck up and own it, you never make that mistake again. They lack the genetic make up to progress this way.
If you blame others, you just keep fucking up. It's always you, grow stronger.

They're just keeping it real.


they have a chip on there shoulder.

niggers are like manlets.

It is a combination of this retarded """American""" idea (I use quotes because its just edgy retards that don't know anything about the country) that you can do whatever you want because of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

It's also because a largely material based society with no bonds, community, or trust cannot exist and will continue to breed fucked up anti-social retards (like all these niggers getting killed) that cannot even comply to a simple request because "u cant tell me what to do"

democracy created this.

No wonder people are scared of police.

So "protect & serve" has turned into... if you do not comply I will kill you. And I have the right to do that because I am a police officer and you are not.


stating the obvious.

Every time I get shot by the police it's my fault

I was a cop for a few years after I got out of the Marines in 2006. I worked night shift in the ghetto area in a medium sized Southern city.

Poor urban blacks are taught from a young age that the evil racist police are oppressing them because thier gang banging drug dealing older relatives are arrested by the evil racist police. The narrative in thier head is that this is still the 1960s.

No matter how trivial the encounter poor ghetto urban blacks immediately begin arguing with you with teeth sucking and back talking.

I politely asked a poor urban black that was standing on the public side walk in front of his house having a drunken argument with his neighbors to call it a night and go inside. This turned into a major ordeal as he verbally flips out loudly screaming about Rodney King. I told him I am going to ask you one more time to go inside and then if you refuse I am going to arrest you for disorderly conduct and public intoxication. Well the fuse was lit and he poked me in the chest and I took him into custody. This resulted in his neighbors flipping out screaming and throwing beer bottles Ina mini riot.

Dammit, nigger
How hard is it too stay in place, show your hands, keep them where the police can see them?
How hard are those things? If niggers did them and have done nothing wrong, they are inconvenienced for sure, but not as inconvenienced as being dead.

It's not about blaming yourself for every single problem so much as taking responsibility and thinking about solutions.

Should have charged him with assaulting a police officer as well. Fuck that google for googling out.

Think this way: is there a situation in their natural habitat where it would pay off to not fight someone trying to restrain their movement? And even if so, is it the most common personal confrontation they would face in, say, tribal warfare? They are adapted to different selective pressures.

People aren't scared of the police, dumb animals that can't control themselves are.

To be honest, they should keep acting like they do right now with police, so they can keep on getting killed and be antagonized by doing chimp riots.

Just as impossible as groups like BLM understanding cops have a right to protect themselves from harm if someone has a weapon and is deemed to be a threat and/or unstable.

He was charged with public intox, disturbing the peace, assaulting a peace officer, inciting a riot. He was already a repeat felony offender. They don't care.

I asked another young urban black man who I was transporting to jail after his arrest for armed robbery (knife) of a local gas station. I asked him "why he did it?" He said he needed money. I asked him "if he thought the police might show up?" He said he hadn't really thought it out beyond needing the money.

If you have been around toddlers it is very similar. Very little impulse control, explosive temper, no sense of morality or societal norms. Little consideration for others. Low IQ + a culture that promotes and glorifies violence, drug use, materialism, gang affiliation. The professional race baiters exploit these people to line thier own pockets. They knew outrage needed to be continually manufactured post civil rights act or they would lose money/power.

this is a narrative that never happens. like that guy who was shot while seatbelted, supposedly killed because he put his hands in his pockets, had a gun on his lap. stop lying black lives matter.

QUESTION. I have never been pulled over before

What do if my wallet, registration, and insurance are kept in left pocket and officer wants to see them? Do I proceed to get them out from my pocket while he looks?

Half the trouble with american cops is american citizens

Honestly, I've always just gotten them out before he walks up with a minimum of shuffling around. Never had a problem.

>feels good, man

Also, though, I've literally never had anyone want my registration or insurance.

Every lawful command is seen as you the officer wielding a bull whip and yelling "your name is Toby!" Often times I would pull over vechicles for traffic infractions with heavy (illegal) tint and the black person driving who I couldn't identify race or gender because of said illegal tint would bail out and begin angrily yelling at me saying I pulled them over for driving while black.

I am white but they hate the black officers too. They refer to them as "Uncle Tom Niggers"

Being a cop is a lousy job where the ghetto public hates your guts and your command staff are ass kidding political appointees of the mayor. With middling pay and rotating 10 hr shifts. I am glad I left. Fewer good men will join. More badge heavy bullies will and a self fulfilling narrative will ensue.

You tell him where it is and that you are going to reach for it.

>White people don't get shot because they listen.
Mind your own business in your garage, get shot by the police without warning, justified shooting.

White people get shot because the police are not charged with murder and put to death for their crimes.
It's just that the media doesn't nationally report on white people getting murdered by the police just googles.

A fucking leaf

They're animals.


> Trying to logically determine why niggers nigg

Poor impulse control, ego issues (just listen to rap music) and poor upbringing.

Too bad spanking for bad behavior isn't still a thing - my mom hit my siblings and I with a belt when we were kids. That sure as shit made us respect authority and stopped us from acting like dumb asses.

This is why police don't let you go back to your car


visibly use only the thumb and forefinger to pull them out

If I was a sucicidal black guy who wanted my family to be taken care of with a fat settlement check I would pull a sucicide by cop by ignoring commands, resisting, acting erratically and act like I am reaching for a weapon.

I don't get it. Nationalists are standing up for themselves against a corrupt police state. What part does Cred Forums not like again?

Keys off and on the dash
Don't go fishing for your information before he's walked up to the car and asked for it (it looks really sketchy as he's walking)
Keep your hands on the wheel and talk to him like a normal fucking human being

So simple

You're a retard. Obviously the cop is going to want to see all those things, so have them ready before he gets there. Don't make him ask. You are a retard.


Skin color. They're literally that retarded and hypocritical.

no black person in their right mind should comply with illegal police commands who mean to take away their liberty and wealth

When the whole justice system is full of criminals from defence lawyers, to judges, to police, to guards, to their unions


Shut the fuck up you fucking canadian piece of shit.

It's all about impulsecontrol.

fucking googles

Tell the officer where your documents are located and ask him or her if you can retrieve them.

Don't go for the wallet or documents before informing the officer and asking if it's okay to retrieve them.

This approach has worked for me.

Right, they're protecting their national identity and culture from an overbearing globalist police state that seeks to destroy them.

Again, what part does Cred Forums not like?

the nigger part

Want to know why white people don't get shot for stupid reasons? When we're pulled over we don't get defensive about it. When we smell bullshit we nod our heads and TAKE IT TO COURT then we exploit the system to come out on top

Once an officer issues you a citation or says "you're under arrest for X" you are in the system and there is nothing they can do about it

Police can't shoot people for not complying. They can shoot people who are a threat, which can include not complying with commands like "keep your hands out of your pockets" or the suspect doing other stuff that indicates they are reaching for a weapon.

>when the pigs roll up, I bend over and take it

Must be nice having money to afford legal counsel that isn't a public defender. If there's a white person treatment when it comes to cops, I've yet to experience it.

They can't plan ahead or see beyond the moment. They can't fathom that they aren't going to be able to win an argument with the barrel of a gun.

Well you can tell because the niggers narrative now a days is. "It's appalling that we have to teach our kids how to act around cops". Because what you are saying, blacks are saying we should have to teach our kids that. really makes no sense.


9 googles executed on death row for fake evidence by the FBI


you sound like a nig

Here's a shocker, there's always going to be someone bad in a given profession - there's always also going to be someone good. Going full retard and disregarding orders from an officer because "there's crooked cops out there!" is a case of Darwinism.

>Do NOT make any sudden moves, particularly towards the glove compartment or under the seat -

So how would I be able to shoot the cop then?

There's nothing at all hypocritical about being on your own people's side, cuck.

>when white people do it, it's BADRACETHOUGHT!

It is pretty nice to be able to game the system. Your saltiness probably translates into your dealings with cops and is exactly why you don't receive the "white person treatment". Cops are people, treat them like people and it works wonders in traffic stops. I've been pulled over plenty of times and got off with a verbal warning because I didn't act like a self righteous ass.

I was looking at that thinking, that is the worst anal wand design ever.

They would have committed crimes that would have landed them in prison anyway.

I guess it would depend on the shape of your lower intestine.

you are the type of person who probably votes Hilary or Trump, and do not understand the importance of votnig 3rd party even if they do not win

I have been pulled over for DWB more than once.

I simply give one word answers. No. Yes. I don't explain anything or try to conversate about anything with them. After that they simply let me go.

The thing to do with them is to act bored and barely interested. Cops are animals that can smell fear or aggression. Treat them the same way you would treat a wild bear or rabid, growling dog.

Show none of your natural alpha instincts and the wild animal will usually wander off.

Good job on resorting to shitposting because you can't refute it.

I've been pulled over twice with my concealed carry in the car.

>Keep hands on the wheel.
>Tell officer you're carrying and where it is, ask how they want to proceed.
>Comply with instructions.

It's not brain surgery.

Its authority that reminds them (in a lineage/genetic level) of being a submissive slave, so them try to be defiant. Its like using the word nigger/nigga is their way of mocking white folk while it's part self hate and part making the word meaningless.

because niggers are taught by single nigger mothers to deal with with authority figures with disrespect and contempt

once niggers start teaching their offspring to respect authoritative figures and to treat ganster rap and hip hop with disdain, things will begin to change
until niggers learn what responsibility and non-violent communication is, nigger lives will never matter

this is proven by successful blacks while who may not like or even agree with the way blacks are treated, they still have some respect for authoritative figures
almost all semi-successful niggers ride the coattails of affirmative action and victimhood to get anywhere in life

you made a sarcastic post, then attached negative value judgements to another's choices then accused me of shitposting

you are quite funny

cant wait to see you on here next year after the elections, around March 21, 2017

Ive already posted links.

Union Activists

Union activists are a huge part of the problem. California was strongly supportive of the 3-strikes rule. California prison guards are the most overpaid in the country. The more people incarcerated, the happier the unions are.

Unions are always demanding tax hikes to support their unjustified and untenable pensions.

Circular Problem

Unions want tax hikes to support pensions, not the school kids.
Unions make it impossible to get rid of bad teachers and bad police officers.
Unions like to see as many people as possible in prison.
Mayors hike taxes to placate the unions.
Tax hikes exacerbates plight of businesses and individuals.
White flight (wealthy flight) and business flight ensues.
To compensate for loss of tax base and loss of jobs, union demand more tax hikes. (start over again at point one).

>"Keep your hands out of your pockets!"
>puts hands in pockets
>officers only option is to fire as many rounds as necessary to disable the pocket loving hands of the civilian.

top kek


White people get shot all the time for not listening to police

use that black defiance to shield yourself from bullets

remember, defiance is more important than a few minutes of inconvenience

actually it's called using your brain to weigh the outcomes of your actions

liberals and niggers live life by their "feels" and fail to grasp the idea of personal responsibility and always blame others for their inadequacies and incompetence

kek i got pulled over and arrested by several cops once and i calmly told him my pistol was in the glove box and i cooperated and guess what? they were nice but firm and nothing happened because i COOPERATED

im also hispanic

goddamn niggers just listen to them goddammit

Tyrone here , the problem is way bigger than any of you even know , children are raised through generations of normalized destructive behavior . You only really see these things plague low income communities which happen to be mostly Hispanic / black , the same with white neighborhoods . The same problems effect them , single parent households , parents don't go to school can't afford to send their kids to school , so they just get thrown into a shitty environment filled with gangs , low performing schools , the normalization of violence and drug use . The normalization of illegal activity and the notion of being trapped leaden to the justification of crimes and an anti police rhetoric . It's really socio economic issues but people are to dumb to even begin to think this way . It's cheaper to fix cops than it is to fix failing schools , get people working , get people back in school ect .

Hey, I'm in Australia and I am not worried one bit about police here. I think I'd have to literally fire a few shots in the the air before police even pulled out their guns out. Probably wouldn't even know how to use the fucking things.

But American police just seem to be hell bent on that pistol being the answer to everything.

Why is the logic so often have my gun ready to end peoples lives.

When did the last police officer shoot and kill someone in AUstralia? I have no fucking idea. But it would be national news.

I'm losing track of how many black people you people seem to be killing. It can't just be the blacks fault 100%. Why are these cops shooting them? In all the cases that are so highly publicized it is almost never the case that the intention of the victims was to harm officers even in the slightest.

Very fucking weird place the USA.

In saying all of that I still happily live in LA 4 months of the year. God speed you beautiful nation.

But does "fixing"cops really fix the issue at hand. You make it sound like cops aren't really the cause of the problems so wouldn't police reform only go so far to quell the problem?

White people are low test beta males and easy to control

The white man is controlled by fear. That is why their society flourishes - not because of cooperation, but because they are kept in constant fear of authority.

The church knew this. The kings knew this. The government knows this. No other population is so feminine that they can be easily controlled by a state, only the white male is afraid on such a primal level that any man with a badge becomes god to them.

Authority is the god of the white man, they crave subjugation


>Why is the logic so often have my gun ready to end peoples lives
Maybe's you've seen the videos of BLM protesters on social media say "fuck da police" or social media rants where niggers support killing cops
The police hate has been prevalent for years and years, it's not at all a recent thing. BLM just brought it more attention.
In America, nigger sows don't really teach their children responsibility, they instead focus on hairweaves, and their children learn from other niglets on how to deal with police.
Nigger sows spend more on hairweaves than they do on their demonspawn

>Very fucking weird place the USA
should be
>Very fucking lazy and irresponsible nigger sows

>this is a narrative that never happens.

You want less niggers shot?

>niggers are indignant they have to teach their kids how to act for once
It's like pottery.

They do have shit police. America has historically had shit police.

They need to properly train and fund their police forces, but that'll never happen

americans are just shit
and the police officer was trained to be sub human

googles gonna goog

Are you really a "tyrone" or just a black dude?

>White people don't get shot because they listen
White people get shot at a higher rate, per violent crime, than do black people (in the United States).

Don't let social media and mainstream news tell you how the world works.

>Why don't black people just listen to the police?



>can i see your license
>gets his license
>gets shot

no way he did that if the man were white.

>Why is the logic so often have my gun ready to end peoples lives.

A couple of reasons.

First off, if you ever spend time in any ghetto in any serious city here, you'll realize we live in a warzone. You'd never know it if you're in a nice neighborhood, but there is a reason that more Americans were dying in Chicago than Iraq at many times during the war. If you get enough black people in one space here, it goes absolutely off the rails. Police can't walk into a warzone and ask everyone to politely discuss the law. You only have to do the job for a short while to realize this, and harden the fuck up.

Secondly, and probably partially in response to the previous issue, American police are now getting militarized. This is both in equipment, training, and perspective. When you see a cop walking down the street of a major city, you're likely looking at a guy who's just been training in some highly destructive weapon or field strategy, and is keeping his eyes out for potential enemies. He's not expecting to help good people by getting their cats out of trees or walking grandma across the street. He's expecting to help good people by defeating their enemies. It's sad - I miss the police of 40 years ago, but I think this was inevitable. They really do work in a warzone, so what else could you expect?

God damn

It's all stuff you inherently know, but lovely too see it articulated so thoroughly

t. things that never happened

>land of the free

free to suck authority's cock

I'm white, I've been pulled over for speeding and shit like that a few times, and most interactions I've had with the police have been calm and civil. I did have one scary one that puts some of these incidents in perspective.

I was driving through a toll booth with my brother, and this cop steps out into the middle of the lane and stops us. He started barking orders at us with a very angry, tense attitude from the very beginning. He was Chinese, with a heavy accent, and I honestly could not understand what he was saying/asking me to do.

I rolled my window down, pretty much just to say "Sorry, what was that?" And suddenly, there's a fucking gun aimed straight at me. I put my hands up, and he starts SCREAMING for "license and registration." So I slowly reach for my wallet, and he cocks the gun and threatens me with it. The whole situation felt like it was spiraling out of control SO FAST, I had no idea why we'd been pulled over or what he wanted, and I felt like he was going to shoot me if I made the "wrong move." We had no drugs, or weapons, or anything, we hadn't been speeding.

Eventually another cop, I guess his supervisor, walked over, pulled the crazy Chinese cop away, briefly looked over our registration, and waved us through. Shit had my heart racing, though. The guy seemed completely unhinged and I did not doubt his willingness to use the gun.

The video of the Charlotte shooting reminded me of that. The dude's sitting in his car, three officers aiming guns at him and screaming for him to "drop the gun" that he apparently didn't even have. Meanwhile, his wife is screaming for him to get out of the car, because she thinks that's what the cops want. A situation like that is just overwhelming and confusing, your adrenaline's up, you're just trying to do whatever will defuse the situation. So he opens his door, steps out, and they shoot him.

I dunno. I can't help but feel there must have been a better way to handle that situation.

White people be fukkin killin us an shiet. We ain't din du muffin n getting shot. Blacks all ova be gettin kills we gotta fite bk.

(my friend just sent me this gem)

why cant black people just listen to instructions like normal people

it always turns into something insanely dramatic

i cant wait till a nigger breaks into my house

cant wait to ventilate one

There is nothing wrong with revenge and vengeance. It is absolutely ok to blame others, because if you blame yourself all that will happen others will have no respect for you and will not fear you at all to keep the trash in line.


I don't think that's quite what he meant. He's saying that one should always focus on finding a solution to a conflict, rather than just freaking out and complaining that a conflict is happening. Even if you didn't start it, it's still on you to find the best way out. Sometimes that means fighting back, and sometimes it means swallowing your pride a bit and complying.

>warrior gene
>low iq
>no father to teach boundaries
>google culture

>All evidence refutes what I choose to think, but, I'll keep on believing it's true because it makes me feel better


I think the problem is the cops keep using inflections when dealing with googles. If you don't use inflections, you'll be fine when talking with them.
Remember, no inflections.

This. My cousin was in the military, and is now a police officer in the South.

He tells me similar stories all the time. Whenever they are called into Section 8 areas it's the same thing over and over.

They only exist to ruin lives; it's always the police causing the problems in their mind.

What about when you legitimately can't comply because of being deaf, having a mental issue, or being under influence?

Here's an example to survive an encounter with the police:

>"Good evening, officer, what do you need me to do for this to gonsafely for everybody?"

Or the time tested:

>Step one: drop your weapon
>Step two: raise your hands
>Step three: take fighting position 32, the magician
>Step four: proceed to use iron vest technique to shrug off tasers and kick the shit out of the police so you can become a famous google
Videi related

Are you playing Devils advocate? So, instantly the police officer is going to fuck up handling all those situations mention?

Well if you're under the influence, you shouldn't be driving. Same for the mental illness, depending on what it is.

Wasn't there a deaf person somewhat recently who was shot, since they weren't listening to the cops orders? You know, being deaf and all.

>White people don't get shot because they listen

White people get shot more then blacks tho. It's just that whites don't riot for dead thugs.

Disrespecting authority is like a badge of honor for them

I don't know why, evolutionarily speaking, blacks have this inability to comply with authority. But it's absolutely a thing. Just ask anyone who's ever gone to school with blacks. There have been so many times where a minor-issue blew up into a big one simply because they wouldn't follow directions, sit down, shut the fuck up, etc. And it ended up escalating to violence and severe punishment.

Now when I was in school, I just assumed the blacks did this because they knew the school system couldn't actually do anything to them, or because they actually wanted detection so they could skip school. I thought there was some rationale behind their actions.

...but this is clearly not the case, when I see blacks exhibiting this EXACT SAME BEHAVIOR when confronted by police officers with loaded guns. There's nothign rational about it. Niggers just have an innate inability to comply. Their brains can't handle the ability to think ahead 10 seconds into the future, and all they're capable of thinking is "IF I OOK AND EEK LOUDER THAN THE OTHER GUY, I'LL WIN" like it's some sort of ritualistic vying for dominance among a troop of monkeys. The only option their brains can ever process is one where you be as aggressive as possible to get what you want. They can't think any other way.

And that's not the only difference. Just look at the footage from the Charolette dindu's wife. A normal human being would break down in crying, despair, and hysteria if their husband was shot in front of her eyes. But what does the black woman do? She literally starts going "AWW HEELLL NAW, YOU DID *NOT* JUST SHOOT HIM. MAN, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST DID THAT SHIT". They don't experience empathy or attachment the same way we do. Just watch her real-time reaction and tell me that seems normal to you.


Good choice

Then nature takes it's course and the unfit are removed from the gene-pool.

Life is dangerous sweetheart, there's no bubble-wrap in the real world.

wow didn't you see that one video of that one time where out of hundreds of millions of people over decades one person got shot for no reason while complying with the police? clearly your better off running


This "just obey the cops, niggers" talk is strange coming from a board where americans regularly claim they would shoot any cop who ever tried to enforce legal gun confiscations or europe-style hate speech laws.


I'm white. I don't listen to cops. They are the enemy. My job usually requires me to dress in a suit. Cops don't fuck with me because they know they are lower on the food chain than I am.

It's not about following directions, it's about power.

>Low IQ + a culture that promotes and glorifies violence, drug use, materialism, gang affiliation.

This so fucking much. This is the true cancer of the black community and 99% of blacks wont wake up from it and it's infuriating. Fellow blacks cant even bring up this issue without being called an Uncle Tom

Yeah. He will call 10 times to comply while you are in a state of confusion, and then shoot you. You were no actual threat.

There was. A white deaf man was shot by a block cop for not complying. Of course the media never covered because it would break their narrative.

> People with mental illness shouldn't drive
Nice claim. And also not all people are shot during a traffic stop. Sometimes it's a cop checking up on a call

Get your stormfaggotry out of here edgelord

I fail to see how these things are contradictory.

People with a mental illness shouldn't drive, depending on the mental illness. Sorry if that wasn't clear enough.
If you have a severe mental illness that significantly affects your well-being and quality of life, it probably isn't a good idea for you to be operating a vehicle.

>get pulled over
>"Hello officer what happened? haha"
>"oh really, man Im sorry I didnt even realize!"
>"a warning!?! thanks! I'll make sure to be more careful Have a nice day!"
>go away

oh wow so hard

fucking this.

Beating your children within a reasonable extent is a good thing. It definitely taught me not to be a little shit. We need to bring it back.

>White pulled over
>aware Cops have guns and can write massive tickets
>politely hand license and registration to Cop
>go home alive.

being polite is rayciss
you rayciss ass cracka nigga ass cracka

because of Obama

>Get your stormfaggotry out of here edgelord
Pointing out that deaf people, drunks, and the mentally are more likely to die in life is stormfaggotry now?

Wake-up baby-cakes it's a dangerous world that doesn't give a fart in the wind how important you think you are. If you stumble off the train-platform and the train is coming you're going splat.
It doesn't matter if you tripped on your shoelace.
It doesn't matter if you were drunk.
It doesn't matter if you had a seizure.
It doesn't matter if it's not "your fault"
Reality doesn't give a fuck about whatever lame excuse you come up with to justify why you shouldn't die.

I'd like to point out that you get the exact same results with gypsies. They will berate you and call you their enemy, despite actually trying to get the best result for them in a trial.

Technically white privilege exists in the sense that we're lucky to be born with a good set of genes that imbue us with brains that are able to think logically instead of ooking and eeking


>baby cakes

you fucking faggot

Check your cis-privilege shitlord.

Il love this piece. Read it many times and I always enjoy it. Should be required reading.

Because you're reaching for a gun, or just an idiot. In both cases I support you getting shot.

Blackies are conditioned by jew run hollywood and music industry to act like that

As I said not all people are shot during a traffic stop. Sometimes they are shot after a cop comes responding to a call and you're standing on the street or something.

Those are accidents you can't prevent. Getting shot by police is something that doesn't happen accidentally. You can prevent that by training police officers on de-escalating situations and finding out if a person is unable to comply due to an external factor. I've watched police videos more than I should have. Police are masters of escalating a simple traffic stop to a gun fight.

Pure COINTELPRO. Wouldn't even surprise me if they were literally just actors they hired for this "documentary". Reality TV doesn't always come printed on the label.

Also the job of the police is to protect and serve all people. Their duty is not limited to normal people.

When, if ever, is a cop justified in shooting a person, in your opinion?

Dayshawn doesn't even listen to his mother you really think they're capable of listening to anyone in authority? Why do you think they're all unemployed in the first place?

>citing the guardian for anything

you only HAVE to comply in certain situations, that is true.

however, it's almost always in your best INTEREST to comply even if you don't HAVE to. of course, this is only the case if you haven't committed any serious crimes - just traffic violations or whatever.

a bit of polite deference in a traffic stop will get you more leeway than being a fucking idiot repeating "AM I FREE TO GO?" twenty times to a cop who just wants to give you a warning and get on with his day.

>White people don't get shot

Meanwhile, whites are shot by police at almost double the rate as blacks.

Keep your hands visible and follow his instructions. If you have a weapon the same applies but let him know you're in possession of a firearm when he makes contact. Simple

Niggers have no concept of thinking anything through or using logic. The public defender write up points this out. They can't imagine things from the perspective of others. this is due to low IQ and a mindset that they are the most important beings in the world and fuck everyone else. Not once has a nigger thought anything through. This is why black schools are shit and more like daycare up to the age of 18. Screaming/yelling/dancing/fighting/playing. No thinking. This perpetuates itself through the rest of their lives.

global citizen retard detected

Fucking abbo

When they have reasonable suspicion that:

1) the person they are dealing with has means of hurting them or the public, and:

2) the person is willing to hurt them or the public.

Shooting should not be justified if any of the 2 conditions above is not met.

If someone doesn't keep their hands on the wheel that doesn't fulfill any of the 2 conditions.
If someone is exiting their car, again that doesn't justify shooting.
If you believe you are dealing with a gang member and they reach for something you believe could be a gun, it's justified.

A lot of older blacks still remember when segregation was legal and cops really did attack them just for being black. Several dealt with being arrested on false charges due to black stereotypes. They passed on these thoughts to their children. It's why the "no snitching" thing exists.

80% of nigs were born out of wed lock and never had a dad to teach them right from wrong

I can agree with that, for the most part.
It's not necessarily that simple however. How do you know someone is capable or willing or hurting someone unless they're actively hurting someone?

Saying "I'm going to kill you" shows willingness, but not necessarily capability. You can't shoot someone just for saying they'll kill you.
However, if they're actively in the process of killing you, it may already too late to do anything about it.

>If you believe you are dealing with a gang member and they reach for something you believe could be a gun, it's justified.

You don't need to be a gang member to have a gun. What if it's a middle-aged white dude, and he's reaching for something? Are you just going to assume it isn't a gun, since he's clearly not a gang member? What if it is? What if it isn't, and you shoot him anyways, because it could've been a gun?

90% of shooting are from chimps aping out

No switching comes from the ghettos where if you snitched , you would get killed esp. If you snitched on a gang members.

T. Retired CPD working state street grandfather who told me stories about how he took it easy on asking people to snitch after the snitches kept winding up dead.

My cousin is a law fag public defender and he moved from socal to the northwest just so he would not have to deal with knuckle dragging niggers all day

Solution: Take all guns away from police and replace with tasers. Policing should be about controlling a situation and bringing a suspect into custody. Not just wildly firing at the first sign of unrest and killing people.

It's shitty policing because most states don't invest in police anymore, and you can thank lolbertarian retards for that. Remember when you were lolbertarian pol?

they need to under go use of force training with the cops to understand why they act the way they do. and why people need to follow their commands. its more of ignorance thing than anything else.


This is correct. Also, stop the war of drugs. Make pot and most drugs legal, decriminalize all drugs.

Make black people understand proper English, it seems like they have a completely different language.

And then the googles decide it's open season on the police

1. He had a gun, the cop saw it, that's the only reason they went after him to begin with. They were going to ignore his smoking pot. in public otherwise.
2. They yelled over and over again drop the gun, they could clearly see it.
3. He had a ankle gun holster on.
4. His family claim he was there waiting for kid to get home on the bus...... While smoking pot and waving a gun around?!? Why would you believe that's all he was up to.
5. His wife repeatedly screams in the video for her husband to not do it, sounds like he had talked about suicide by cops, or cop killing before, and she knew about it.

Tasers can and do kill people with heart problems. Heart problems are generally caused by Obesity, and the majority of black Americans are obese.

The root of the problem is that American cops had their Batons taken away from them because they're big, black and scary, so their only recourse to force compliance is their guns.

>obey cops when they are enforcing constitutional laws
>rebel when cops are enforcing unconstitutional tyranny
this is not a contradiction

Well that was just an example. Anything that makes you think the chance of the person having a gun is more than 50% counts.

If then you wrongfully shoot and someone asks what made you do it, you can say due to X I estimated the chance of him having a gun to be high and due to Y I had reasonable suspicion he would use the gun. And you'll be on your way.


>"Keep your hands out of your pockets."
>Google reaches in pockets, pulls out gun, double taps officer
>officer dies. Google flees or loots his car/body for his gun(s)

>Google reaches in pockets
>cop fires. Incapacitating Google
>turns out he did have a gun in his pocket

That's what you do if the government as a whole is trying to do something illegal.

If one cop is on a powertrip because he's having a shitty day or something, just get it over with and take it to court. Even if you don't have hard evidence of abuse of power any cop that does it regularly is going to face reprimands when the complaints start adding up.

that cop was a total fucking moron

>This is why black schools are shit and more like daycare up to the age of 18. Screaming/yelling/dancing/fighting/playing. No thinking.
It's weird about blacks, they're like amazingly impulsive. Not all blacks are like this, definitely, but it seems to be the main issue. There was a robbery here a couple years ago where a Brinks truck (an armored car company) was bringing some cash to replenish an ATM at a gas station, and a black guy waiting in line grabbed the pistol out of the Brinks truck driver's belt, took the bag of money and left. He was caught like an hour later and he straight up told the police, "I have no idea why I did that, I just thought I'd get that money. Then I didn't know what to do after I had it."

>being this bluepilled
Cred Forums has shown how police will act with bias towards blacks and/or plant false evidence.

>Be white
>Cop stops me
>I am drunk
>Put my hands in my pocket
>Get your hands out of your pocket right now!
>Oh yeah sorry sir
>30 seconds go by
>Put my hands back in my pocket
>What did I just tell you?! come here and let me check your pockets. Why do you keep reaching in them?
>Oh sorry I've been drinking and dont know what to do with them
>Cop just shakes his head

And you know why he didnt just shoot me? White people commit less crimes so there is little reason to suspect them of committing a crime. When your race glorifies killing and disrespecting police you are gonna get profiled as such.

Yeah do what they say and you will be fine tell that to this guy they shot just cause they knew they could and get away with it.


I live on the outside of a very large black centric city and last year they were having classes here to show blacks what to do and not do around cops. Its both hilarious and sad at the same time that its come to this.


That cunt doesn't even look a little black.

>Wake-up baby-cakes
>I been round the block and have the experience to talk down to you
ha ha ha

>it's a dangerous world that doesn't give a fart in the wind how important you think you are
really?! :0 wow bro congratulations on this discovery you seem really proud of it, most of us have known for years but better late than never in your case good job

>Reality doesn't give a fuck about whatever lame excuse you come up with to justify why you shouldn't die.
>le had a hard life that made me cynical meme


because you look like this. you damm sperglord.

Textbook example as to why you don't put rookie cops on the streets by themselves.

I teach eight-year-old children who can write better than that.

Step 1 : Don't be a nigger

probably because cops are corrupt as fuck

if you have trouble wrapping your head around this, then you should not be allowed out in public unsupervised


Cops are betas with daddy issues and were bullied in high school so they need to take 'revenge'. Fuck off you bootlickers.

Ana Kasparian is a stupid cunt granted but cops are corrupt as fuck


fuck off faggot leaf.

c o r r u p t

shikira hips dont lie



cuz of this

Then you shouldn't be driving.

googles.. user. googles. If you have to use a term, use googles.

Calling them blacks is incendiary to the African-American community

leaf is right. Niggers chimp out but American cops are fucking scum. Authoritarian bootlicker scum should fuck off.

Cop charged with murder


That guy plead guilty, no one supports cops being assholes.

based Nippon, great vid

So you are saying if a police officer raps his commands at the negroid over a phat beat, the negroid will comply?

Black Man Kills Police Officer for Unlawful Entry


When they were pushing the book reading narrative, his mother said his favorite book was the Quran. Really fires the synapses.

Cops are itchy on the trigger because black people being criminals is something that the media shows to us daily. (Both in facts and fiction)
Black people are more likely to be aggressive due to a lifetime of people telling them that the system is out to get them.
Also America is all about the "Fight for your freedom" mentality.

It's all the perfect storm for lots of people getting shot needlessly.
People who think it's 100% da niggers fault or 100% crooked cops fault are mouth breathing retards and their opinions should be discouraged.

As someone who has had both pleasant/uneventful and horrific/life threatening encounters with police, there is one thing I would like to share.

The outcome has always been dependent on me. No rationalizations, qualifiers or excuses needed. It is my life, I am responsible for it.

I was swatted by my ex-wife. When the door was kicked in i freaked. Luckily was just tazed and not shot. Still got charges that required resources and time to dismiss. I was lucky, it was a learning experience.

Dont ever expect to be treated fairly or unfairly. Always understand no matter who you are, what you have or havent done, shit might fall from the heavens and you have no choice but to deal with it. Not a single fucking day on this earth is promised to any one of us. And of those days we have, it may very well be our fate to be punished for crimes we have not committed.

This is life. It is nothing new. It has been this way since before me and will remain so until the end of humanity.

you are a fucking idiot

go ahead and vote Clinton so you can be a prison bitch for longer

vote Jill Juggs Johnson if you want police corruption to be reduced or eliminated

fucking retard



>make a valid point
>ruin it by using the young armenian butchers

Cop rapes woman in courtroom


You think voting will reduce corruption and Im the retard.

I'm worried that there is a suicidal tendency in their culture: I remember another video coming out during the Ferguson riots -- there was a black man freaking out, the police were called, his friends were recording it. The police arrived. He had his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt, and moved aggressively towards the police officers -- they shot him dead. The bystanders screamed and the one holding the camera said "dey shot him! dey shot dat man!" ...The police began stringing yellow crime scene tape everywhere, like it was routine.

It's so....bizarre, seeing people act this way. Like the woman in Charlotte who was filming the police shooting her husband, and was obsessed with recording and talking to the camera, even AFTER THEY SHOT HIM.

any vote for 3rd parties always helps

game theory

Cops invading peoples homes and then eating them


But there are already laws prohibiting corruption.

Human nature can not be legislated away.

That and showing respect to strangers, especially police is "acting white".

its like gravity, things fall to the lowest point in the environment

game theory -- change the laws and tools that are available to police and they damage they can cause is changed

the biggest improvement is to get rid of police unions, and freedom of speech, as police serve a democratic function, their "rights" are easily done away with for the common good

It is simple. Black people never listen to anything. They just do what they want to do and then are shocked when there are consequences.

>it's like they're getting shot on purpose
Can you blame them? If I were a nigger then I couldn't wait to suicide by cop so that a) I wouldn't have to be a nigger anymore and b) I would get idolized as a martyr by other dumb niggers.

Cops shoot white americans more often you bluepilled leaf.

I would agree with abolishing police unions. In fact i would take it further and abolish all public sector unions. Public servants should not be allowed to organize and collectively work against the interests of the public.

But freedom of speech is a God given right.

>police serve a democratic function

police serve to enforce the laws and rights of the nation. Rights and laws define a Republic, not a Democracy.

Trump should tweet this.

Around googles....

I feel sorry for LEOs these days. They have a shitty job dealing with the worst people society has to offer, in a climate that affords them no respect. They constantly have to look over their shoulder because of dindus and their enablers.

I was passing through West Virginia, hitching south, walking on the interstate (kek) and a state patrol pulled me over. Guy turned out to be really cool. Obviously searched me and ran my name, and when he found I was clean gave me a lift 60 miles to the state line, and we had a long conversation about the madness of our respective lives. Never felt afraid for my life, liberty, or well being. Really I was just grateful there are still decent (and redpilled) people in the world. Gave me a heads up on what roads to take, and the chimpout in Charlotte.

They're just regular people, dealing with high stress, potentially violent, potentially lethal situations every day. While I would prefer to never interact with them, I recognize their necessity and their role, and am grateful for them, lest we be overrun by animals.

At the end of the ride, he gave me a pocket bible, told me to go have a bunch of kids and get some land, and asked me to play him some travellers blues on my guitar. 10/10 need more law enforcement like him. I pray for his safety.