I am not a fucking leaf. I am a fucking flower. Everyone thinks our real flag is aesthetic as fuck...

I am not a fucking leaf. I am a fucking flower. Everyone thinks our real flag is aesthetic as fuck. So stop calling me that.

>I am a fucking flower
Ca fait un peu homo.

Juste un tout petit peu

That is a leaf all day long

It's a fleur-de-lis, a lily flower

You're a fucking leaf, give up already. Try anything funny (in regards to independence) and you'll regret it.

Fine by me. Let's cut off transfer payments.

> shit post that has nothing to do with Cred Forums
> vapid topic that had to relate to OP

No, it checks out. You are absolutely a leaf.

Fucking fleur-de-leaf

You're right, you are not a leaf. Pic related


>you're giving billions because they don't like you and menace to leave
>they still don't like you and menace to leave and you choose the most cucked of them as your leader

you're still canadian whether you wish you were or weren't, so you're a fucking leaf nonetheless

You realize that's because we don't get this money back in the other programs that we pay for anyway?
That's why it's called ''Equalization payments''. Because every provinces gets extremely butthurt everytime we get a special treatment, like we don't speak a different language and have different values or some shit. So we can't abide by a different taxation agreement instead.

To give you an example, I can hardly apply for Federal loans and grants. Other Canadians mostly can. Because we have our own program that is paid by provincial taxes. But we still pay for this one through Federal taxes.

I wish this meme would die, and you would stop being disingenuous anglo kikes by making contradictory statements every time we consider leaving.

Gas the French colony war now.

It gets worse

>We try leaving
>*frauds elections*

>We settle down and stay
>tshhh we don't need you anyway
>What you think these minerals belong to you? No they belong to... uh.... that native guy 100km below (is he dead or just passed out?) so that's up to us at the Federal level to deal with the mandari... I mean natives, natives of course.
>Why can't you be more like Alberta over th...
>Uh nevermind, we need to build a massive pipeline across Montreal to save Alberta from collapsing under the weight of its previous short term economic euphoria


don't you have a mart to shart in?

You are still a leaf like the rest of us Quebec until you leave which will be a great day for the rest of us.

The day we leave is the day the rest of Canada becomes a US territory.

At least you Quebec niggers try to keep a level of Heritage and Nationality.

If you were not such big Lib shits and had such stupid gun laws I would consider living there for a few years to pick up a Qt. French girl to bring to America.

>a lily flower

No it's not. You don't even know what that fucking thing is. No one does.