Is Education a scam in America?

University especially. Everyone at my campus is a retard, professors especially. I feel like the vast majority of people are there for the degree, not even to learn anything. Not that it matters at all, you don't learn shit in the classes, it's all just regurgitation anyways.

Most people also go for the experience to party and shit or just get connections with other people there. This is a major disadvantage if you're an autist. So if you're someone like me, who just wants to go to class, get good grades, and actually learn shit, I'm absolutely fucked. My entire life, my parents, my teachers, my counselors, my peers, everyone has said that a Math degree will be useful, but now with no connections, I just feel absolutely fucked and in debt.

It costs a fuckton of money too ofc, plus Universities wouldn't offer useless Liberal Arts degrees if they really cared about employing people or giving a good education

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The education is valuable, whether or not people are receptive to it is not a determining factor in its quality.

Universities with their liberal arts and social studies is pretty shit these days.

It is pretty much a big scam at this point. It's no longer intrinsically valuable (unless you take STEMs).

I have studied hard tho, gotten a 3.8 gpa, and gotten a degree in Stats (pretty much, graduating this December), but have no jobs lined up. I put out about 30 internship applications for last Summer, heard back from a few places, but nothing. Have put out dozens of job applicatrions already.

Meanwhile, Chads and Stacies with family or friend connections are able to get jobs because they know somebody int he business. I may just go on welfare and become a NEET because the system is so fucked. If the country is just going to ignore productive people and pander to retards, so be it

Universities are too large to function properly. There's so many middle men and so many people with their hands in trying to get as much money as possible.


See, this kind of mentality is one of the reasons why universities are shit now.

They are not an institution that's supposed to line you up for a job. You do not go into university thinking "I need to get my diploma so I can get a job". You go into thinking "I need to get my diploma because I want to learn".

This focus on getting a job after university has changed the educational model and has made it a standardized bare minimum shitfest.

Go into uni because you enjoy learning. Do not expect to get jobs just because of a piece of paper.

OP you are like me.

>get best grades in my school, good enough for any university
>stupidly go to my hometown university, although it is one that boasts about being old and it is (wrongly) seen as respectable
>courses were too fucking easy and dumbed down
>first year maths course was a joke yet only 70 % of people passed it
>in my first year I overheard a girl who said that people who go to the library are weird
>old library was comfy and underused
>shiny new library opens and it becomes filled with normies
>become demoralised with the university (and subject but that's a separate matter)

University is not a scam if you go to a top 10 UK uni or a top 40 to 50 (I don't know) USA uni. Doing English at Harvard is better than doing mathematics at Northern Central South Midwest State College. That's the brutal truth, deal with it.


That is what college turned into. Daily reminder that leisure time is merely time that is devoted to personal study on whatever subject you wish. Meaning that you are responsible for educating yourself.

that's how EVERYBODY around me has told me what to do, sorry I'm just realizing now that I have to suck cock to get anywhere in life dude. I have goiod friends and shit but Christ I didn't know that being such a fucking brownnoser was a huge prerequiste to get a good job, it's actually disgusting


Life is pretty much just toiling away mindlessly after you're done with education. May as well kill yourself.

Unless you're a really connected 1% that receives Ivy league illuminati training, it is absolutely worthless

Not in Germany

not in Germany

I am scared of further anglo-isation of our education system though. It is inevitable

It's a scam if you aren't careful about picking the school you go to.

I go to a tiny college for CS and Graduate in spring. I already have three (good) job offers.

This is because instead of falling for the "prestigious name" or "Statename state university" memes, I was selective and researched schools until I found one with a very high job placement rate and excellent starting/mid-career salaries reported from graduates.

People who say college or CS or whatever is a meme are people who didn't get scholarships and then put themselves 6 figures in debt to go to a party school or one with a "good name that will get me hired even though I'm a dumbass." Those people deserve everything they get.

Come to Switzerland buddy!

Yeah, you might actually have a uni in the top 20 :(

>Chads and Stacies

Without a doubt. Imagination and creativity have been sapped from young minds. You're constantly told you need it to (((work))). You study to pass the next midterms or finals. After that all those books are on eBay. It's sad state we are in.

Honestly these problems fall entirely on the student. Don't want to go somewhere that everybody parties? Don't go to a party school. Want to go somewhere with serious students in your field and good professors? Go somewhere that has a strong program. You are always going to get shit liberal arts professors, so if you can pick a school with minimal general education requirements. College has it's flaws, but if you're going into a STEM field you can circumvent them by not being a retarded teenager and making informed choices.

>he didn't torrent his textbooks

Come on bro

yes this is the problem.
German politicians are obsessed with international rankings, OECD studies and shit like that

it is disgusting

Fuck you buddy

This x1000

Spoken like a true leaf. When school costs as much as it does, the biggest reason for going is specifically to get a job, unless you are going to party.

What school are you going to? What did you do beyond simply going to class to make yourself look favorable for an internship?

Math degree is useful. You're one of the only fuckers there who will be able to pay back your loans. Just wait

Math degree here too. No 300k starting, feels bad man

>Received a 4 year degree
>Make over six digits a year

Without my education, I wouldn't make the money I do. Not a scam if you take a good degree path.

>Most people also go for the experience to party and shit or just get connections with other people there.

Social skills are a thing you should learn, and you are supposed to learn them in University; hence the parties and networking. You blew your chance to learn how to socialize, just like many other blew their chance to learn math or science.

>My entire life, my parents, my teachers, my counselors, my peers, everyone has said that a Math degree will be useful

By itself math is an impractical skill. It can describe reality, but doesn't accomplish anything on it's own. If you got a 3.8 with a Math degree you should be able to learn how to program computers. Track down some free tutorials and courses online and learn a couple of programing languages (Java, C#, Python, etc.). Programming is a practical skill which can help you get a job, but you can't land a decent job without the social skills to get through an interview.

>with no connections, I just feel absolutely fucked and in debt.

On a planet filled with more than 7 billion people, knowing how to connect with other people is a vital skill. You should have learned it instead of hiding in realms of logical abstraction. Go read How to Win Friends and Influence People, The 48 Laws of Power, and The Game by Strauss. That will be a decent starting point.

If you want to succeed in society then you have to learn social skills. Stop making excuses about things being "scams" and go learn the things you need to know.

Exactly. Why should your unis be good?

>you don't learn shit in the classes, it's all just regurgitation
Gee how strange

I went to a University for IT and programming. it helped me immensely in my career, but only because I applied myself and tried to get A's on all my projects. In the real world it makes a huge difference, as I received two raises and all bonuses within my first year of working (over 70k/yr)

put shit in get shit out

>everyone has said that a Math degree will be useful, but now with no connections, I just feel absolutely fucked and in debt.

Did you ever sit back and say, what business will hire someone with a degree in math? What productive activity could I do with my math degree?

Fucking moron.

Also, how much CS knowledge do you have? Realistically you need a good amount to make anything out of a Statistics degree nowadays.

GenXfag here.
If I had it to do over again, I would have focused more on networking and being socialable. That's what it takes to get a job, not knowledge or talent or anything. It's all about connections.
I work in California, had many jobs, and only get them becuase I know somebody. Not even being good friends or anything, just someone who can vouch for me that I'm not a total douchebag who will cause problems.

I tutor math through the University as well pretty regularly, 10 hr a week, other than that nothing. So not absolute nothing, but not great either

it's fucking useless, I can't do shit with it, don't know what you're talkking about. Find me some jobs I can do

what major?

Yes, useless overpriced degrees achieved through binge drinking and gender studies courses.

Elitist schools aren't any better user. Been to Hopkins, been to Rutgers, progressives taint anything in the humanities and social sciences with their filth. Anything outside of STEM is just a circus and all the scholarships are minority exclusive, of course if you're an upwardly mobile minority that means nothing and you have to perform that much better.

You want reality, go to community college and spend the bare minimum time in state for upper level courses. It will filter out the bullshit and keep your wallet safe. Also it will give you time to get a real job and work experience. Only look at master's degrees if you're already in the field and need it for promotion. Only go for a professional degree if you know someone who can put you to work soon as you get out.

If you're a parent and really have the time or want to give your kid an edge, fuck honors classes, fuck APs, fuck private schools. Get him into a dual enrollment with a local community college and get him a personal tutor. If he gets an associate degree before finishing high school he can get on with his life before he's even 20. He'll have 5 years to work full time and still be able to go to professional school or a master's if he chooses.

>Make over six digits a year
Why is this such a popular lie on Cred Forums?
It ranks first above "tfw 6'3"" and "tfw three tours in Aghanistan and Iraq"

Saved $300 by finding my Calc textbook online.

let me guess... you are from geneva?
I am sure you are a fucking french scum!

How does it feel working for the banking class and contributing to the problem?

Six figures isn't all that hard m8.

My highest paying job offer (graduate in May) puts me at $90k, logically I'll be hitting six figures within five years.

I'm sorry you don't know how to beat the system

Business data analytics and algos tard

don't forget that they all have big cocks too

notice he didn't say when

oldfuck detected

Yes, at my school, there's some niggers who don't even know how to read. It's pathetic.

>Six figures isn't all that hard m8
HAHAHAHA it's like talking to a bot, the follow-up post doesn't depend on context

>CS meme degree
I have plenty of friends in CS, and they are all very smart

But did it ever occur to you that CS can be outsourced to Pajeet? Pajeet may not have a loo but he has a computer

Not to mention pajeets that can poo in loo are brought over on visa?

No you fucking fag, stop inviting people into our country you treacherous cunt

Shut the fuck up buddy

If you read what I wrote about being unemployed, you'll know that the feeling is vacuous so to speak.

>>Make over six digits a year
>Why is this such a popular lie on Cred Forums?
In a standard year if you make $50 an hour you're six figures.

If you get overtime starting at double time and work an extra 1000 hours in a year you can drop your wage to $25 an hour and hit six figures.

can't get over how many people I see working at starbucks when their "guaranteed" offers fall through

good luck

you realize these rankings take things like 'diversity' into account right?

also they often measure scientific output which is bullshit for german universitites since Germany has outsourced a lot of science into big independent institutions like the Max Plank, Helmholtz and Frauenhofer.

The professors work there, the students work there but it doesn't count into the ranking.

They just don't work outside of the anglo world

>Institutions are for learning not jobs
>Educational modal has shifted towards employment
>You should still go to learn

>But did it ever occur to you that CS can be outsourced to Pajeet? Pajeet may not have a loo but he has a computer
>Not to mention pajeets that can poo in loo are brought over on visa?

I love this meme because it makes it very easy to tell who is up to date on matters and who thinks it's still 2005. Businesses are largely hiring American/European programmers again because they quickly learned that it's cheaper to pay a good programmer than to cheaply pay a Pajeet to write broken code and then pay a good programmer to clean up his mess anyway.

In what way was my reply out of context? You sound super butthurt


it's a huge fucking racket

It was just to tease him and make us feel superior.
American have no fucking clue were is Switzerland... there is 0% chance that this guy will come.

I hate my CS degree. I'm glad I took a minor where I can network to do something I actually want to do.

control your basic instincts, animal nigger

I don't care Hans Ueli, don't signal hospitality, we got too many in here already

>other than that nothing. So not absolute nothing, but not great either

You fucking idiot, you need to be able to prove you are willing to go more than simply passing the grade.

>charity raising
>member of a competitive sports club

You could have done anything and instead you just did a bit of tutoring.

Here's what you can do, go for your phd if you can and try and do something that I highlighted above.

Pajeets are becoming like rare Pepes in the tech world. They are still around, but you just don't see them as much now.

>conservitards legitimately think college is a scam

legit retarded, in todays society, it takes 6 years to work up to the salary i started with. and my job isn't going to be replaced by automation like 25% of our jobs in america.

>Hans Ueli
My name is Tariq Ramadan, you fucking scum.
And hospitality is coming!
Get ready to be wake up at 5 for the prayer!

Fuck, I wish I could be a girl. Being a man is a scam.

The main issue is that some of the limited amount time that could be spent learning things of possible value is instead being allocated to useless drivel about social justice and grrrl power I pretty much pissed away $2k on my electives for my A.S. Even American History was of no value, and actual debate was heavily discouraged.

University is a "safe" space you can go outside your comfort zone, learn how to be a functioning autist, forge connections, take leadership roles in student organizations, and begin setting a track record for yourself to prove to employers you're not someone who went to expensive daycare for 4-5 years.

If you got a Math degree (received an Applied Mathematics B.S. in 2015 here), you should be able to confidently articulate the technical value add you can perform for employers and be rolling in offer letters.

Sounds like you fucked up OP and just went for the school for the grades and didn't even try to learn how to function in the world with autism. I want to say you should probably off yourself, but there are plenty positions for you such as being a barista at a Starbucks, a dish washer at Apple Bee's, etc etc. Maybe Apple might hire you. They hire autists all the time since the autists have no social life and Apple needs code monkeys that will crank out code 24/7. I hope you at least got programming experience with your math degree otherwise you majorly fucked up.

There's always grad school for yo bish ass to try again, but it will honestly be your last chance. Start getting involved in professional grad student organizations, join some bullshit social organization, take part of graduate student government, attend career and recruiting fairs so you know how to speak to real people and not be a nervous wreck (pro tip: recruiters are people like you and me. On second thought if you don't even know how to talk to people then you should definitely consider a dish washing career).

College has never been about education, it's been about connections and having a flashy piece of paper to wave in front of your face at job interviews.

If given the choice between someone with 30+ years in a field and with an utterly stellar track record and lauded throughout the field (but no degree) and some fresh out of college idiot stoner who accidentally wandered into the interview room looking for his weed-man (but has a degree) an interviewer will pick the stoner any day of the week.


Made me reply.

Yeah, the only worthwhile thing in universities is technical education. Otherwise just go to a trade school. You'll make more money that way.


>Business data analytics and algos tard
So statistics, demographics.

Underrated post

its a pyramid scheme

University is not a "safe" space for learning. It's an indoctrination camp which spends 10% of the time trying to teach you trade skills at a retard pace. Most of the classes I took's "knowledge" got thrown out the window the second I graduated.

education is never a scam, what is being taught is the scam

I work as an intern for a software company and my first task on the job was to build a demo to replace a tool outsourced to India.

STEM bachelor degree -> low-paid (50-60k) monkey/button-pusher

Only go for STEM if you think you're smart and dedicated enough to get that PhD by 30

*Shrug*, I'm not sure if others are lying but I'm not. I don't even consider that 'great' money to be honest user but then again, I work around a lot of physicians that make more than I do.

Hospital administration--not CEO but an active officer

What can a BS in stats even do? You need an MS in that field I would guess and with your numbers you should be able to find one. Send out some applications if you can still, some good depts take applications as late as Feb/March

There is barely a topic or discipline that cannot be learned as effectively or completely outside of college than in anymore. This was not the case even a few years ago, but with the advent of the internet, the format of hyperlinks, the aggregate action of specialized websites, online classes and forums, and the communications of online communities, most subjects can be studied at the undergraduate level without college.

College makes it easier; college gives you time and motivation to study; college gives you the excuse to study; college gives you social accreditation.

But what college gives you the most is community. You can reduce that to the selfish capitalistic paradigm of Networking and Connections, and think that the world only works through the Good ol Boy network of nepotism and cronyism, but what you'll find when you actually get out there is that YOU make your own Good ol Boy networks yourself. Your college doesn't "BUY" you into an existing network. You got to make it yourself.

You can do that yourself in your community, or online, or at any job. Keep a look out for the skills and strengths of those around you whatever your environment, and you can put a team together to do just about anything you want.

You don't need college for that, and the sooner you abandon your "daddy" issues of thinking the world is going to give you a job or a purpose, the better.

College for the most part, only reinforces that. But then again, if you don't have the equivalent skills and knowledge learned, what can you really contribute to a team?

College is an opportunity to create the similar interests, and the complementary skills, while providing a pool of talent and diversity to make a well rounded team.

Look outside your major for your friends, and find people with similar passions, and you can make college worth the money.
Just go to learn something, and you waste most of the reason you ever went.

>If you're a parent and really have the time or want to give your kid an edge, fuck honors classes, fuck APs, fuck private schools. Get him into a dual enrollment with a local community college and get him a personal tutor. If he gets an associate degree before finishing high school he can get on with his life before he's even 20. He'll have 5 years to work full time and still be able to go to professional school or a master's if he chooses.

this is the ultimate redpill on higher education
I got an AA upon graduating highschool, went to a shitty state university on a full ride, and now I'm getting paid to do a PhD at the 3rd best university in the US
paying for college is the most horrible thing you could possibly do to your career prospects unless you go into Med school, Law school, or something like Mech/Nuclear/Chem/Civil engineering

There is more to learn in universities than what is taught in class. Other than that point, I agree wholeheartedly with your post.

Of course it's a scam. That's why Obama is shutting down for profit colleges to keep you in your rigged system.

if you legitimately believe this you are delusional. Thanks to 4 years i'm on the cutting edge of the technologies in my field.

>If given the choice between someone with 30+ years in a field and with an utterly stellar track record and lauded throughout the field (but no degree) and some fresh out of college idiot stoner who accidentally wandered into the interview room looking for his weed-man (but has a degree) an interviewer will pick the stoner any day of the week.

just flat out wrong. kill yourself if you believe this. I guarantee you have never been on an actual interview in your life or interviewed anyone else for that matter.

I learned that university is a scam the moment we started talking about eurocentrism in my mandatory English class.

I didn't learn anything about writing, I basically wrote at the same level I did in my senior year in high school all throughout uni. But I sure learned a lot about how the Western culture is the reason why 3rd world countries are so bad!

University used to be a place where free thought was the goal for every student. Anything could be discussed, as long as you back it up with facts and a good analysis. Now, if you say something the professor doesn't agree with, you fail.

Half the degrees are worthless, especially just BA's. If you're going for anything other than Business (which usually only gets you about 50k on average now after like 10 years of work) or the STEM field, then plan on graduate school.

BA's used to be enough school and that was the ticket to a successful career. Now that's irrelevant because everyone has a degree in indoctrination and it's been dumbed down to the point that niggers can do it.

Kids need to know these days that the path to career that isn't Walmart is going to either a trade school, or spending almost a decade of your life in post-secondary education to get a worthwhile degree.

Of course its going to be a fucking scam when there are so many universities (90%+) set up for profit. There's no point of even attending university if its not a top tier one.

The brandname of the university is so important its unreal. I'm just so fucking glad my grades are good enough to get into Wharton for a semester, but holy shit, why would anyone even bother getting a degree from some random school no one has heard when everyone knows that it means you either bought your way in or have shit grades?

Jesus the girl on the right has ankles as big as the other girls thighs.

It will be interesting to see what happens with the future of Academia. Tuition rose to meet student loan increases and Unis have become safe space leftist hothouse flower academies.

Oh, and all the information you could get from the course is available online if you're interested.

Let's see what happens.

You need graduate school, man. That BA ain't gonna cut it.

>(which usually only gets you about 50k on average now after like 10

just flat retarded

>Now, if you say something the professor doesn't agree with, you fail.

also wrong

you sound like a butthurt lib arts major who failed out because you didnt have the dedication to actually pass, or you barely passed everything and are now just eternally butplastered that your degree didn't automatically guarantee you a job because you did nothing outside of class work.

fuck off spreading this toxic attitude.

>bezmenovs useful idiots

you paid for more to be subverted. good job

Hard to find porn of broads dressed just like that.

>safe space leftist hothouse flower academies.


>Oh, and all the information you could get from the course is available online if you're interested.

with no direction, and that is only a viable strategy for 5% of people who have the dedication to actually follow through with the entierly of the training.

Try teaching yourself programming from scratch, then do actual coursework from a professor that has been structed to form a proper learning structue anda teach best practices. I'd hire a guy who finished cs111 and cs112 over the guy who taught himself for 1 year and wrote a website in flask and python, with horrible practices because they taught themselves and no one told them what they were doing was wrong.

Funny, because after 1 year of working i have re-couped all i paid for college, stay mad shithead.

I already went to school for 12 years, Uni for 4, and now I have to go for 2 more just for a job?

Nah fuck that, going on welfare, fuck this system.


Especially for the Math and STEM majors: find people in the Humanities. They are the ones who have passions that can benefit from the more focused thinking and optimization of scientific thought.

But STEM majors need to realize that you are going to be a fucking slave the rest of your life to the psychopaths and the Alphas if you don't find the ones with the true passion for something other than money.
None of the Quants on Wall Street are Hedge Fund Managers or even their salesmen who make millions. They are the ones droning in the background.

They would have been happier working for some NGO, maximizing grain shipments using Operations Research, than working out new ways for Wall Street to screw people out of more money.

So if you are in STEM and in College, seek out the future Lawyer and Poli-sci majors - even the African studies Majors - because they are the ones who will hire you to set up smart companies and Non-profits that will keep you employed and happy.

And that starts in college.

Depends on what you mean. It's great when it comes to educating specialists, like doctors, engineers or programmers. It's most likely terrible when it comes to general, non-practical knowledge, like literature, history, art

How's Mizzou doing? Wasn't that considered Ivy League a few years ago.

My Alma Mater has gone full blown SJW. What pushes the SJW movement more than modern Academia?

> tfw you can do a £15 IQ test with mensa and a high score is about as useful as a £30k maths degree.

Yeah, education in America is a scam.
You have to take mandatory liberal indoctrination modules. Fucking real.
Your universities were overtaken by marxist kikes during the cold war. FACT.

Come to Europe for 3 years and get a proper fucking education. It'll even be cheaper.

Hehe. Almost burst bubble. W-we save it :D I-I fix it to-oo I said. If you succ elohel do jub better than you 4 years in you even I trying 200 years lol. You like little baby.

>1 university means all of them are this way

solid reasoning there m8, typical conservitard edge cases logic.

>what pushes the SJW movement more than modern Academia

online echo chambers. Shit like facebook, tumblr, reddit, even here, echo chambers for people with niche ideas that themselves with others with those same ideas and shield themselves from external argument. Group meet-ups foster this shit and it's been going on far before SJW's started infiltrating universities.

>You have to take mandatory liberal indoctrination modules.

you get the option out of hundreds of choices, you pick your poison, sorry my geology and historic art classes were the tyranny of liberalism and corrupted my brain into liberalism. Do you realize how stupid you sound?

Yeah it's a scam. I'm a grad instructor at a uni. Basically I give out all As because there's incentive for me to get negative reviews and evaluations. The tenured faculty barely teach, they claim they're too busy doing research. Kids pay 40k for an all amenities included fuck festival with a little edutainment on the side. This is somewhat true even of degrees that still have standards like math and engineering: most of the content is taught by grad instructors or adjuncts with no incentive and little compensation.

>But STEM majors need to realize that you are going to be a fucking slave the rest of your life to the psychopaths and the Alphas if you don't find the ones with the true passion for something other than money.
>None of the Quants on Wall Street are Hedge Fund Managers or even their salesmen who make millions. They are the ones droning in the background.
>They would have been happier working for some NGO, maximizing grain shipments using Operations Research, than working out new ways for Wall Street to screw people out of more money.
>So if you are in STEM and in College, seek out the future Lawyer and Poli-sci majors - even the African studies Majors - because they are the ones who will hire you to set up smart companies and Non-profits that will keep you employed and happy.
>And that starts in college.

This is just stupid man.

Yes, this applies if and only if you are a beta cucklord with no ambition or dreams.

To those like myself, who instead of seeing myself as a "slave" (despite making 200k a year). I took the knowledge i got from college, started a company for myself, started (again, with the knowledge from college) my own investing technologies and strategies to get higher returns then being a slave to advertized services. And now, i'm working for myself managing others with a steady passive income and a real income, all from the dedication i learned in college, the strive to learn and improve myself that i got in college.

You clearly missed the thread yesterday where all you ameriburgers were telling stories about your mandatory libshit indoctrination classes.

I am 35 and the most I have ever made in a year is 23 k. 100k is a fortune.

Solution: stop being an austist and enjoy the best 4 years of your life.

Got my first job (petroleum engineer) through my fraternity. The interview was just a formality, most of it was spent discussing football and fraternity shenanigans.

Yes. Learn a skill.

University is not about grades, retard. University is supposed to be a trial version of an actual adult life.

Unless it's a very specific job, no employer will give a shit about your degree. If it were that way, everyone could be replaceable, which is the reason why you don't get hired.

People want people that can interact with each other, that can think outside of the box, that will make the workplace enviroment much swifter.

If you want a robot with perfect grades, better outsource that shit to India or China.

A few posts on Cred Forums? Surely damning evidence

>proper education
I didn't know proper meant lower ranked and generally inferior.

what said.

Oh no i have to take """"""A"""""" elective! what do i pick out of the 250+! uh...uh... fucking art history? fucking psychology? fucking libshits pushing their fucking libral agenda trying to brain wash out kids while simultaneously not teaching them anything education is a scam!

was it a Russian server by a coincidence?

>intrinsically valuable

I did Chemistry at one of the best universities in the country.

Very early on, we had a presentation about statistics they gathered each year, which we something along the lines of:

>20% will drop out
>40% won't get a job that requires a degree, or will be unemployed
>20% will get a job in an unrelated field
>15% will stay in academia
>5% will get a well paying job

They made it very clear that it was a rat race and that you have to put enormous amounts of effort in to get into that 5%.

They made it very clear that just getting the degree wasn't enough, you had to put in enormous amounts of time networking, attending careers fairs, doing unpaid work, getting awards, etc.

Valuable STEM is a meme.


Depends on what you're being educated on.

STEM and Medical? Depends. Liberal arts? Yeah.

Look, its not a scam more so a lack of research and competence.

Yes. This is what happens when common people get their hands on something. It becomes flooded with idiots and people who are too stupid to understand why they are there, and the entire system becomes dumbed down.

You guys gotta stop putting so much value on money. I got my first job after uni making 95K a year but it's not worth it because I hate the work.

Your parents should have coupled with your general education that being sociable is a required skill for success.

Pick 2

>butthurt lib arts major

I literally said either go for business or a STEM degree unless you want to go to graduate school with your lib arts degree. I went to law school and I'm pretty successful now.

And yes if you bring up a conservative opinion at some of these universities you will be told you're flat out wrong. If you're in some mandatory psych or English class and you argue with the professor that white privilege doesn't exist you will have a much harder time in that class.

Either you read what I said wrong or you're just dumb. Nothing I said was incorrect.

>They made it very clear that just getting the degree wasn't enough, you had to put in enormous amounts of time networking, attending careers fairs, doing unpaid work, getting awards, etc.

yea, sorry if for 4 years no one ever said "getting the degree is literally all you need for a good job" oh wait, they definitely did, multiple times, as they did in my college, and look what i did, I .... did other work outside of class, never did an internship and got a well paying job before i even graduated (top 10% first job salary in field).

>. If you're in some mandatory psych or English class and you argue with the professor that white privilege doesn't exist you will have a much harder time in that class.

not if you back it up with actual evidence and approach it reasonably, instead of over agressivly stating "WELL YOU KNOW I HEARD FROM TRUMP THAT " with no scientific background, and if you refuse to accept the possibity of someone elses argument, yea you will be treated dfifferent, sorry you are autistic and argued instead of having a different discussion.

I argued with my public speaking professor for half an hour over the wage gap not existing. I had facts, i had science, i heard out her viewpoint, i was polite, and i still got an A in the class with ease.

>You have to work to be paid!
Who would've thought!

>Is Education a scam in America?
Yes. Money making and brainwashing.

It's just annoying because before university, all I had ever heard was degree = money from every single source.

School pushed it non-stop, the previous generation had walked into management positions with English degrees, the internet was fapping over muh STEM.

A few weeks after you've dropped several thousand on it, the truth comes out.

It might as well be a scam.

unless you go to a tier 1 university it's a complete waste of resources

i'm talking ivy league, publics like CAL, or rich private schools like NYU or USC and lib schools like Amherst

Ivy league is great due to prestige, schools like Berkeley have a high thresholds for admittance, and schools like NYU or Stanford have a lot of networking opportunities

i was lucky enough to attend the latter, though i do kick myself for not going to Harvard or MIT

the only reason i got my job was due to my school's brand and name recognition

i can't imagine going to a state school or some shit liberal arts college lmao, complete rip off

If it makes you feel better I'm Scottish and had zero tuition fees and I still feel scammed.

At least I didn't pay 9k.

I'd be fucking livid.

Yes it is disgusting. Literally EVERYONE with any job that supports a family swallowed buckets, and BUCKETS OF CUM.

I'll take my chances with minimum wage.

I've been in classes where I did debate, back up my points, use evidence, take my professors view in account to show I understood the viewpoint.

You're getting the picture that I just yelled at my professors. Not true. But I did get that from my professors sometimes, even if my argument was convincing, they would just be narrow-minded about it.

In PoliSci classes the professors would be take my views into account and we would have gentlemanly debates about them. But in some of the English classes with SJW teachers if I said anything antithetical to the PC culture they would freak the fuck out.

Crikes. Whats wrong with their asses?

Earned by AA at CC and transferred to University to continue. One semester in towards my liberal arts BA and I'm ready to quit. I guess any degree is better than none.

why are you having political debates with English teachers? why are you taking English classes? so 1 SJW teacher is enough to convince you all professors are shit?

You seem very narrow minded.

Just place yourself in the shoes of the employer seeking millenials fresh out of college.
It's a fucking nightmare. By your own statistic 60% of graduates threw away 4 years of work and settled on something easier.

> not if you back it up with actual evidence and approach it reasonably, instead of over agressivly stating "WELL YOU KNOW I HEARD FROM TRUMP THAT "

the average alt right arguments are based on sjw tier memes, since the proffesor already has a biased you will have to use facts from your history, econimics,or statistics class instead of just stating "muh average iq," "muh immigration," "muh society"

I had an english proffesor that would blame everything on the "problematic capitalist society" and had us write a paper on social justice, equality, and competition. I wrote my paper on how competition and capitalism was essential in founding america and giving immigrants the opportunity to leave their homeland and come to a place where they could work to better themselves and not have to live under the rule of a king. I wrote about how attempting to force equality is destructive to our society and how argued that a free market approach to econimic problems would end up helping alot more people by using evidence from a movie i saw in calculus class. eventhough she warned us that she would not be very happy if someone wrote a paper defending capitalism i still got an a (92%)

also i noticed that most of the people that argued against social justice were minorities, only about half of the women argued in defense of feminism and white males where mainly the ones who argued that white privilege was everywhere

really makes you think

English is very politicized these days. All about race gender and class no matter what the material you're reading is.

Poli sci, econ, philosophy, are still ok because they maintain some standard of rational argumentation and evidence. You can usually find at least one conservative or libertarian in these departments. Closet anti egalitarians abound in ancient philosophy and political theory.

Just like Russia. That's pretty weird because our liberals say that MURICAN EDUCATION IS BETTER BECAUSE ITS MURICAN

>why are you having political debates with your English teacher
Because I literally had to sit through classes where we learned nothing about writing but we had to write essays about white privilege and shit. We were supposed to write rhetorical analysis on these issues so I would write about how it doesn't exist and that caused huge rifts between me and professors.

>why are you taking English classes
mandatory GLES

>so 1 SJW teacher is enough to convince you all professors are shit?

Nope. I actually stated that the PoliSci professors were pretty based, economics professors too. We know however, that the modern university is becoming more and more just liberal indoctrination centers.

Harvard is an sjw liberal cess pool though. So is Yale. UChicago and Princeton are still good. Some small lib arts places like Davidson are great. Many like Oberlin are overrun tyrannical liberals.

at my university i feel like i'm the retard. i'm doing CS and people here are literally walking quantum computers with no feelings

People come for the degree, play the good grades game, and then get thrown back into a world where memorozing answers to a test won't get you anywhere.

It isn't a scam, Americans are just too retarded to learn for themselves. The only people who benefit are those who learn a skill

That 60% shouldn't even be there in the first place; the work for them simply doesn't exist, regardless of what they do.

Society needs to get rid of this education fetish, just accept that a lot of people are going to be needed in unskilled work, and scamming as many as possible into staying in school until their 20s won't change that.

here's the truth, work is worthless, capital is everything

i have capital, and am a retard, but i know how to maintain and grow my capital from my computer shitposting on pol in my underwear

doctors are grinding shit out, working all hours, i make 75% as much as a GP and don't do shit, literally just click buttons on fidelity, hurp durp muh hard work meme

In undergrad I became pretty close to my PoliSci professors and they were all based as fuck.

One was more of a classical liberal but understood my conservative views, one was a huge libertarian which was cool, and one was so centrist I could never figure out how he viewed things.

You can't be a good PoliSci, philosophy, or Econ professor if you put your opinion in. If you care about your students, you throw your opinions out the door. These are the lib arts professors that are retain the initial goal of the university: to teach students to make their own opinions based on fact and research. English and psych professors are cancer

What is going on with THICCposting on Cred Forums recently? I'm not complaining but there's already a board for that

Why? in 5 years Europe will be completely unrecognizable.

>50% white nation
>smug that others are starting to dip below 90%

How does it feel to be a communist faggot?

Martin Shkreli often talks about this. He says how he went to his city college instead of his state one (NYU I guess) for a fraction of the cost and did just fine.

Yeah I had the same experience.

You can't spend your life reading Aristotle, Machiavelli, Smith, Hobbes etc without getting least s little red pilled. Add into that the empirical/statistical methods of modern econ and poli sci and you're on the threshold of race realism and a lot of other very politically incorrect truths.

To be honest, the Science students will have tough luck. It's really the "TEM" people who will find jobs

martin shkreli is going to jail for an assraping but yes his point about state vs ivy is valid

>everyone complains about debt
>these are the same people that go straight to uni instead of going to community college for two years and paying virtually nothing


Yes. It is mostly a scam.

he went to an elite high school and got connections

Extended education is a way of keeping kids out of the jobless statistics.
Rather than keeping non academic kids ~15-18 years locked up and bored. We should let them go out and try to earn money.
We can make the jobs easier by banning immigration.

>tfw in Fraternity
>tfw in Club Sports
>tfw Comp Sci Major
College is what you make of it, OP. If you're some autist retard, then yea you'll probably think it's a scam.

Also laughing hard at you dismissing everyone else as stupid, reeks of arrogance.

i actually went to school in boston and partied with a lot of harvard kids

sure some are 'liberal SJWs' but these aren't the kids getting in based on their merits but usually are the diversity acceptances.

they also keep to themselves.

a lot of rich kids at harvard are red pilled

who cares about the student body? after graduation you will never see these people again.

i don't talk to anyone from university anymore.

just like everything else in america it's about branding and getting that tier 1 degree to seem intelligent

Just go to public college dawg. I see faggots in here all the time talking about 'woe is me $40-50k/year for what?'. You should only attend a private college if A) you can afford it, or B) you've been given a google scholarship, or C) if it's in this thing called the "Ivy League", or D) All of the above. If you're paying full price to go to like, Temple or Notre Dame, you're a fucking idiot.

>Waaah I picked a major that requires a graduate degree to get a good job in
>Nevermind the fact that this is easily available information, IT'S ALL CHAD & STACIES FAULT REEEE
Stop being a loser, jesus christ. Companies don't want some autist just because he had a 3.8 GPA, they want to see that you can work well with others and not be dicksneeze. Seems like you think everyone but you is retarded and that all your problems are somebody else's fault.

>google scholarship
Made me do a double take.

>150K per year. Six figure jobs aren't that hard to find barring you studied a STEM fielx
>B.S in Physics but doing healthcare IT sheeeit
>7" Club
>Haven't had a gf in a while tho :(

If you're college educated and have a STEM degree and got a few internships, getting six figures shortly after college really isn't that uncommon. I know plenty of alumni in my Fraternity who are in their early 20's and they all make upwards of 80k a year already, with the highest being 170k.

consider that salary also depends a lot on where you live in the US

bloomberg starting salary for straight out of college engineer is 100k, same applies for other major tech firms.

Education isn't a scam it's just most ppl go into it focused more on partying than learning. Part of this is how they are selling college to high school students. They really don't even talk up academics anymore, it's all: DIVERSITY, FUN, FOOTBALL GAMES, etc. I did research as an undergrad, took a great mix of STEM and philosophy classes and still found time to party/have a social life. It's on the student at the end of the day.

I went to a top 20-30 school in USA and yes, education is mostly a scam. If you want to learn, you do get most of what you pay for but there really is no need to. I lived 3 years near Greek buildings and every weekend, without exception, all the Greek organizations parties all day for the whole weekend. And it's easy for these people to get a job because they have amazing connections with their families/friends and nearly all the classes are easy to pass since nobody is actually trying which forces professors to put a crazy curve just to let the students pass the class.


Can confirm my electronics II "instructor" is a grad student WHO FUCKING CANT TEACH AND SHOULD GO BACK TO CHINA

He did? He said he grew up quite poor so I'd be surprised.

>good goy, join one of the universities we gave a top ranking because of shek..eerr, I mean scienctific research!
>might I also suggest a student loan, so you have your head free to study, heh heh

>20k a year to have an adult read slides to you, and put the scantron test into the machine.
>Not a scam.

Paid education are always scam.


We had a Chinese professor for quantum mechanics who was completely unintelligible.

Not even the Chinese students could understand him.

His lecture slides were written in extremely broken English, too, so you couldn't even fall back on those.

Getting a good job after university is so easy.
1.) Get at least a 3.0, preferably 3.5
2.) Join a club/extracurricular related to your major (ie. Engineers in FSAE, Economics for Investing Club, etc)
3.) Actually talk and connect with your professors with industry contacts
4.) Graduate.

yes. it's overpriced.


i just came here to COMPUTER, ENHANCE ops pic related

The real MVP of this thread.

>lecture slides on amplifier basics
>slide 1 is just a picture of a BJT common emitter small signal model


>one person answers


>draws chicken scratch circuit diagram of what's on the slide

3 weeks in and I really have no idea where this course is going. I just get everything straight from the book. Which is ok, but it feels like a ripoff having to pay for stuff like this.

He's also very nervous so speaks very fast. You can tell like when a person is a nervous public speaker and they talk really fast, so their time perception is sped up. Also his English is poor so that doesn't help.

International rankings are a shit stain on education. Yo realise the reason the German schools don't do well is because the anglophiles at Times and QS rank the amount of research you publish in the top english speaking journals. It measures the research by both the amount you publish, nit the quality, and where it is published.

OP, Academia is broken, but don't be like the people here in Spain who said "muh education is a meme become a construction worker". Look how screwed they are in the job market. That lost generation is the generation that votes Podemos, or goes to the Netherlands or Germany to work as a waiter. Get a fucking education, and apply to 100 jobs. If its a shit job, do the bare minimum, keep looking.

The labour market is screwed, but a degree is a necessary requirement for gettinga white collar job.

Well, who would you hire?
The random guy with alright qualifications like a pretty large chunk of the populace, or the person whose performance and personality you can be pretty sure of. You either need to truly excel, and rack up some qualifications above "I did well in school," or have connections. Preferably both.

It isn't that disgusting when you place yourself in the position of an employer. Were you President of any clubs? Captain of a team? Start anything? Do anything? If not, there's a pretty endless supply of kids who just sat in classes for four years. You aren't inherently all that special.

PepsiCo in my state hired a recent college graduate with absolutely no work experience (as in, he's never worked a day in his life).

What he did have was a degree, rich parents, and friends in high places. Now he's on a salary and being trained to be in a position above my boss.

What another poster said about brown nosing couldn't be more true in my line of work. The guy I replaced kissed butt to move up the ladder. In some industries, it doesn't matter how hard you work or how much of the workload you carry, it comes down to who you know and if you're liked by the right people.

GenX too. I can second that, I've told all the nieces and nephewes that the best attribute I ever had was my work ethic and social skills, the formal education wasn't a real catalyst my tech work. A string of certs will go a lot farther than a bachelors. If you are getting out of high school, you can go get your oracle certs and be making 6 figures almost right away.

>20k a year

jesus christ, why is education so expensive in the USA?

>not if you back it up with actual evidence and approach it reasonably, instead of over agressivly stating
No way. My history teacher went to law school too, and was also given a harder time for having opinions the teacher didn't share (not to mention that the class was some sort of government/history subject).

Tbh I think it would be better to do non-STEM courses at a community college because even if the professors are anal about their opinions, the work sounds like it will be easier than a university (from what I've heard).

Do you think their assholes smell good?

And I studied accounting. I've done pretty well as a CPA.

I don't know about America. I imagine it's similar here.
My daughter is 17 and is going to university. It's her choice and my wallet.
It will cost me £ thousands. It's her choice.
I never went to university. I'm a plumber and it's a well paid job.

I'm a single father as my wife was killed in a car crash in 2012. So I have to be careful with any advice I give.
Hopefully, my daughter will get a nice job from studying.
She wants to do joint honours in French and Spanish languages.

it was a school for high preforming kids.
we was poor but was really smart so he got in
alot of his classmates had rich parents who paid for tutors

At a university I looked into its ~10K in-state. It depends where you live.

>not doing STEM
>not bonding with your professors and doing research with them
wew lads
i sure hope you don't complain about the job market either, because if you can't find a job in this day and age you're retarded

Not if you know what you're doing.

If you want to be a doctor, or a profession that requires a degree to get into a specific college, then yes. The profession you're going in will pay off the student loans in a couple of years or so.

But if you're like me and not really for sure what to do, then hold off. I didn't have a chance to go to a regular college due to circumstances, so I went to a community college for training. Got a two year degree, as well as certifications in Excel and Access. I thought it was a waste of time until I've learn how expensive regular college is, and I made a couple of connections up there as well (I was helping my fellow students with their work and the teacher and the dean took notice).

I'm planning on getting an office job, and if I want to become a major in something, then I would have the money to pay most of it off.

Coming from Russistan kekold

What does your post add on BritBongs post other than you jacking off to yourself?

This. I had a 3.2 GPA, did research for 3 years and also had internships over the summer with small local companies. I received 7 offers of employment, 5 of which were over 65k in an area where the cost of living is not that high. University is not about getting good grades, it is about applying yourself to your future and preparing for your eventual career.

Why are white women such whores?

In this situation, if there are no jobs lined up for me or i fucked it up with internships

I would get a part time callcenter job and work ad-honorem for classes and sheit

Its not really hard to approach a professor in a hard science class in wich you have good grades and ask "hey teacher, im really interested in the subjects i would totally enjoy assist you to learn more about your way to teach the class and such, totally an inspiration man!"

Actually they are for jobs now, since companies have abandoned any notion of training and building up employees, they put that burden on state education systems

who are these hunnies?

Even engineering students have hard time finding jobs now, at least here in Canada

Hopkins is literally a scam outside of the medical school/graduate stuff and Rutgers is hardly elite.

I went to UCLA, which is a well-regarded if not elite uni and none of this stuff about college ITT is true at all.

Mizzou is nowhere close to Ivy League and it's always been kind of shit

>The education is valuable
which part?

half your credits go toward non-degree requirements such as white guilt classes, white hate classes, jew and nigger worship classes, etc


Get a grip. What the fuck kind of school did you go to? Oberlin?

Let me stop you there.

Universities are not there to help you get a job. A diploma is not a magical piece of paper that will make any company want to hire you. It does put you one step above a person who doesn't have a college degree, but no more than that.

TRADE SCHOOLS are the places that teach you how to get jobs. I have no idea why trade schools are looked down upon in America when it's exactly what some of our less intelligent people need.

The public school system in America is completely fucked, I should know because I'm an elementary school teacher. Common Core has completely fucked over the system. They are dumbing down the curriculum from elementary up to high school so our students' widdle feewings won't get hurt. Everyone passes now, and the students who don't pass get moved on to the next grade level anyway because the parents know that if they bitch and moan to the school district leaders enough, they'll make them do what they want.

It's the fucking parents man. The parents control the whole damn process. All of this shit we're having to slog through is because of a small group of delusional shitty parents who can't come to terms with the fact that their child is a failure and a detriment to the school system.

Our teachers focus too much on earning the respect of both the parents and the students and I'm sorry but that's not what we're here to do.

I'm a sophomore and my university experience has been great so far.

>lost virginity (have had sex with ~15 girls while at uni) and now feel confident around any girl
>gained social and networking skills, one of my bro's dad's is the founder of some engineering company
>learned how to balance studies (3.7 GPA, Mechanical Engineering) and living life every day
>became more self sufficient and can manage money, cook, do laundry, drive places, etc on my own
>not as retarded as in high school, matured 1000 times more

School is what you make of it.

I went to Wharton undergrad. Business school is pretty red-pilled. When you deal with money you have to be able to objectively analyze the world. That being said many of my banking peers are cucked af so maybe that's not true.

Good teachers + good curriculum. Felt like it was worth the price of admission even though I still owe $40k.

That being said, even at Wharton there were legacy admissions that were retarded and plenty of women who can follow directions but have no original ideas of their own. There were also some legit geniuses though. I can only imagine how bad it gets as you go to worse schools.

How's it feel to have been to the same program as Trump?

>half your credits go toward non-degree requirements such as white guilt classes, white hate classes, jew and nigger worship classes, etc
Then don't go to a state university. Go to a private school, they usually focus more on your degree path.

>I feel like the vast majority of people are there for the degree, not even to learn anything.
You know what sucks about this? I feel obligated to take easy classes since everyone else is, and I won't have as competitive a GPA if I take harder classes that I'm more interested in. I'm a transfer student in my first semester with 2.5 more to go, and I'm not sure how to handle this conundrum going forward.


UC system is a cesspool of liberalism and I hardly had to take any GEs

>just started a college course
>find out I'm the only one in my course who has a C grade or higher in both English and Math, what I first thought was an essential requirement
What the fuck.

I literally have like an extra 3 hours space between lectures now, while every other dumb fuck is doing GCSE in that time

Fucking embarrassing.

Guys please be honest. I'm a freshman architecture major, how fucked am I for a job if I stick with it. Literally doing work 50 hours a week rn.

What school?

Someone once told me "College isn't about just getting degree, it's about making connections and those connections gets you a job"

>chad and stacies
>y uni no gib me job :((((((
>he fell for the internship meme
>he fell for the "go to college dude" free jobs afterwards lmao meme

dude you NEED connections. All you fellas on here listen up: 99% of the time jobs worth a fuck require decent connections. Considering the turbo autism of this site: a good chunk of you lack the initiative to build good networks in uni, work, and family... it shows dearly.

Start chatting up people and rebuilding old connections... your reputation out of people's mouths MATTER A WHOLE FUCKING LOT.

Many of my classmates hate it. I think it's awesome.

.... Clemson

Eh, I don't see why you'd be fucked. Network a lot and do well and you can do well.

>I have no idea why trade schools are looked down upon in America
Don't lie, we all know why they're looked down upon.

Liberal tears are fucking delicious

Architecture is legit. Shoot for mastery; everything else follows. If you become a master at your trade you'll never go hungry again.

You have 4 years now. It takes a good 7-10 before you'll be good enough that it'll be second nature. There is no substitute for this experience so resign yourself to being bad for a while and push through your insecurities.

>it's about making connections and those connections gets you a job

That's such horseshit because of your graduating class you'll probably never meet those people again, the few you do get in contact with probably won't help you much either since they're in the same position.

For sure. Lots of my close friends are on the Trump Train though. It's the ones that ended up in NYC that are retarded - that place is cancer.

Thanks nigs. If I do get through this workload I promise to design shit that would please our white ancestors, not this ugly modern bullshut

I'm 26 and going to university because I fell for the trade school meme then graduated into a recession with no jobs

I can either keep wasting my time at my dead end labour hoping somebody will apprentice me(been 1 year so far and no luck) or I can get a degree and some work experience with the co-op program

I feel like a failure because I'm 26 and literally have nothing going for me

There are other People than students. Didnt you pick this up in uni

Not the people in your class but people inside and outside of university who can get you internships and whatnot.

Don't listen to the stupid anons here. You shouldn't have to network your ass off to get a job. If the economy wasn't shit, there'd be more jobs and you'd be able to get one. Stats is a tough degree.

Don't go back to school.

Adversity is necessary for growth. All the people in your life that you've met that seem to have it really figured out have gone through some real shit I promise you. It feels like it'll never get better but it will. And when it does it happens fast.

I had a period of unemployment, health problems and family financial issues that put me in a place where death seemed like the only way out. I'm grateful for that experience. Once you've gone through what you're going through you will be fearless.

Embrace it and keep getting better at your trade and improving yourself. Mastery is the source of happiness in work and there is someone out there who is willing to take you on as an apprentice. We are all necessary to rebuild the country.

It's pretty much been concluded by the industry that outsourcing to third world fucks isn't worth the trouble. Maintaining the shit code they write ends up costing more than it would have to just do it right. Unless of course it's some poverty ass company.

Having to netowkr for a jopb is a sign that the field is heavily over saturated.

Feels good to be a software developer where I can be as much of anti-social autist as I want and still get job offers. But I feel for those of you who got a meme education, you got fucked by your parents and your teachers.

Stop focusing on GPA and focus on making friends. Marketing>Quality of Service is the rule of thumb.

Lol. You need to start lying to yourself, just like Chad and Stacie lie to themselves and to everyone around them. Act like everyone around you, be a kiss ass, if your boss wants to fuck your ass, let him do it. If you want to be successful in this day in age either you start your own business or get fucked for the rest of your professional career. Just my two cents.

I've been outsourcing some dev work to Argentina and I've been happy with the results (especially with being able to work reasonable hours).

It's $5,500/mth per dev vs ~$4,000 but it's worth it. Indian code is the absolute worst.

Don't worry about Indians taking your job. Pajeet is a hard worker but they lack the creativity and passion for quality that makes a good developer. And they always say yes to everything even if they can't possibly hope to actually deliver.

State Universities feed the private schools anons, pretty soon this shit will be everywhere.

Even if Trump wins in five years the only uncucked school will be BYU.

yes, education is a scam

notice how schools intentionally reiterate "it doesn't matter who started it" and force collective punishments? its common in authoritarian societies.

its to get you entrenched more in the system and learn about useless things (mostly) to generate more deskjobs into fake economy.
notice how there is no "education" in education systems anymore. most people that go through school nowdays are fucking savages that don't respect their environment or elders. the teachers don't teach anything about discipline,honor and the whole thing is just emptied out of any value that it can hold.
look at people that didn't go to government schools. their life are in order and have everything they need while students are trying to keep their heads above water begging the system to give them a degree. also people that go through this system are not even educated about anything

Teacher user again.

An electrician makes $20,000 more than me starting, how exactly is that something that should be "looked down on?"

Yeah, it's a scam if you can't get a job
It's all about the people you meet, they will lift you up higher than any degree
I've made some great friends, I have some great opportunities

I'm going to be working in corporate finance at $85k a year with a signing bonus and a training program that'll let me break into PE in a few years.

Just don't be an autist, meet people, work hard, and you can pay down your debt and then buy what you want, live your life free of crushing debt and predatory lenders.

>professors are retards

You either go to a shit community college or a for-profit dumpster like Phoenix, or you severely overestimate your own intelligence.

Thats starting pay though and shit ramps up quick if you're efficient at learning new skills enough and have leadership and teamworking down to get on that 'manager' track.

>collective punishments

We're talking about university. What the hell kind of university are you talking about? You're an adult by the time you get there, if you fuck up badly enough to merit punishment then you're probably dealing with the police.

regardless of uni. i knew a guy that made so much noise in class that it was impossible to even sit there and learn anything.
he probably provocated every single teacher and never got any punishment whatsoever

>work hard you serfs and all your dreams come true, just keep working hard


nepotism and political correctness have infected departments and filled them with terrible poo in loo and chink professors in the sciences, and uppity lesbian kike women in the humanities

>And they always say yes to everything even if they can't possibly hope to actually deliver.
Plus they will lie about anything they can get away with to avoid trouble.

They are impossible to actually trust. You want your employees to be able to tell you what you don't want to hear every once in a while if it's necessary, otherwise you go out of business or at best become like IBM, selling a bunch of open source shit cobbled together by Pajeets as your bread and butter.

What else are you gonna do Austria?
Be a NEET?
Rely on the government to feed/clothe/house you?
Mooch off of your friends and family forever?

If you can create a portfolio with annual returns sufficient to cover property tax and can pay down a mortgage you will be free, or as close to free as you can be in this world.

Buy land, by precious metals, buy things that aren't illusory wealth and empty promises of fortune, the markets are not for small players unless you have a gift or a lot of time.

The only asset class that I feel is worth investing in is real estate and derivatives, most equities will crush you and bonds are too slow to build wealth unless you have a fortune to invest

>Are you a doctor or a lawyer?
>Did you go to college?

If you answered Yes, and Yes you'll be okay. If you answered Yes and No, you're an idiot.

No sense in actually working. Just be a NEET. Else you'll just end up paying for nogs and shit.

How do you actually make connections if you have poor social skills? All I never hear is fake it til you make it. How can I fake it if I don't know what 'it' is?

You shouldn't be at university. You should be studying for a coveted certification. Much cheaper, easier entry into your field. The only thing missing is the networking that you gain in college. Not useful for an autist anyway.

Did you even read what OP had to say? Why did you bother even making a post?

Give me your address so I can shank you.

>this applies if and only if you are a beta cucklord with no ambition or dreams.

>not realizing this is the vast majority of STEM majors.

Most people, and stem majors in particular, are perfectly content being told what to do everyday and getting a moderate salary.

The truth is that the vast majority of STEMs can't conceptualize big picture social networks. In their mind they are the engineer, doctor, etc.and so the most important member of the team. Meanwhile, the guy who decides their fate at the company understands that they are just a tool to carry out a specific function.

i love eric andre except for the fact he is against trump

This. I get 850 bucks a fortnight from the government. I live on my uncles company farm and don't have to pay bills, rent or anything like that. I just spend money on food, vidya and weed. The rest goes into savings.

Fuck working, working is for chumps. Why work when you can get paid a decent wage for sitting on your arse all day?

"higher education" is definitely a scam.. only meant for indoctrination of the youth


When will this meme die. Lifetime incomes on college degrees are higher than trade school qualifications. Aggregate data > anecdotes.

didn't read, saved image


It's what you make of it
>CS degree
>senior year
>lived at home to save money
>3.7 GPA (doesn't really matter btw)
>job lined up
>had an internship for the last 6 months

All I need is a gf to square the circle

Though the moral is that regardless of what you do, if you do it for results, you're probably going to be disappointed. If you do it to improve yourself, you're much more likely to be pleased

How do I get enough free money to not work and pay my bills?

>his country is named after a food

Learning languages is a smart way to go as translation work pays well. See if you can't get her to pick up a minor in business as well, it'll open all kinds of doors.

Get the fuck out of here you obtuse normalfag.

Says the faggot who never went to college.

Fucking this

Community College is shit. So are SJW universities.

University is a complete scam. You will literally pay thousands of dollars and be a debt slave for the rest of your life to be indoctrinated by (((professors))). When you leave this fine institution you may earn $15 an hour if you are lucky. Yeah. Yeah. You can go into even MORE debt to get a Master's degree, so you can lord your level of indoctrination over your other fellow human beings. But, frankly, I've worked for a few Master's degree people who can't even write in complete sentences.

>University especially. Everyone at my campus is a retard, professors especially.

You used the word "especially" in two consecutive sentence endings, within 9 words from each other. I think everyone at your campus is a retard, you 'especially'.

>tfw no debt

Go to Northwestern. Idk once you settle in it gets pretty /comfy/ being around famous people's kids and trust funders. Use Trump as a political filter and now I have a tight group of friends bound for great things.

You know she can only be a languages teacher

I have friends that were engineering and computer science majors and they now make upwards of 30 bucks an hour

Jobs they could have been trained for without having to waste money and 4 years at college. So this only reinforces the point.

Training that would have cost them money, no?

>notice how schools intentionally reiterate "it doesn't matter who started it" and force collective punishments?
I grew up under this tyranny and from a young age I knew it was bullshit. I'll never stop warring against public school leftist indoctrination.

berkley here is the worst. They let the Sci stuff toil in old ass building with shit equipment and then plaster the fucking fatass women's studies prof all over the signs at campus. Thats what you get for being in CA. Everyone with any decent grades can pay for it with all the hard worker's money too.

Financial aid/student loans from the gov't to help poor kids/minorities/people whose parents know how to hide how much they actually make

They'll pay you to try to go to college so they can take more from your paycheck over the next 20 years

I lost all hope for getting a masters degree when I was helping my google friend (from kenya, not an american-google) write papers for his masters classes after we both got our BAs.

He was (still) literally copy-pasting his papers from wikipedia and getting A+ grades. Any paper I submitted was scanned by a computer and wouldn't let me have more than like three words in a row that matched wikipedia without throwing a flag. Somehow his teachers didn't give a fuck (he was a google).

His businesses classes were also pants on head retarded. LIke there was a 'business math' problem that was the optimization of an assembly line. It was a simple linear algebra problem... if you knew linear algebra. But in the book it was like 'make a guess and see if it balances out the rest of the process'

Only places worth outsorcing to are east asia and latin america.
And even then, only to a few (ok, very few) places within those.

>get connections with other people there
Fulfilling one of the original roles of universities, no problem with this unless you're all in for studying hard.

3.3 gpa but do volunteer activities, was on a design team and now am starting my own club at the university.

If you lack the social skills to network or the drive to do something beyond class then its really your own fault

Math degree here also, one of the worst decisions I've made. Learn overly abstract topics with little to no real world value, no job offers into any field because there is someone with a major that applies more to that field. 3.7 GPA, senior, fairly prestigious university (top 30). Don't fall for it guys.

Honestly spoke to multiple professor's before choosing a math degree, and I was told I would have an easy inroad into most any technical field ("because eeeeeverything uses math"). Fuck that

Universities exist purely to perpetuate classism despite a lack of merit. It's why the educated are so liberal. They don't believe in equality or meritocracy they want a servant class to always exist.

>gotten a 3.8 gpa, and gotten a degree in Stats
Op, please tell me you can code. R? Python? Hell, VBA, anything? Getting a job shouldn't be hard, even for someone with no experience.

What region are you in?
What jobs are you applying for?
Stats degree...have you applied to any actuarial firms?

higher education is a bigger welfare queen than the Military industrial complex

What is networking in your eyes then exactly? Like having friends in school and being social? None of my fellow 20 year old fucks are gonna be doing much vouching for me when I'm trying to get a job. My dad works strictly with contractors as a self employed engineer.

>Get a fucking education, and apply to 100 jobs.
Better to be an entrepreneur. Need to foster growth through entrepreneurship.

subsidies and too many people going to universities

Wow, a absolutely decent post from a leaf. Color me impressed.

But yeah, he's right. If you wait until the last month or so to make connections you're a dumb ass.

Yes. Universities serve as a state church and a way to artificially lower the unemployment rate while redestributing massive amounts of wealth.

This is where you're wrong. Your friends have friends and family who I'm sure must be working.

All you need is for one of them to connect you to someone and you're in.

In these threads I notice people never post the schools they went to. Hard fact to accept is your school reputation matters a shit ton, just as much as your major.

I work for a major aerospace company and all of my coworkers come from schools that you've heard of before.

>live in Texas
>drop out of college after first semester
>look for jobs in the county paper
>work for a gas company
>job required no previous experience, references, or contacts
>17$/hr to drive around and cut off spics' gas when they don't pay their bill
>it's Texas so the cost of living is one of the lowest in the country
>asshole friends from high school that turned into libcuck nu-males all live in Austin with their liberal arts degrees crowded into an apartment they can barely pay the bills on with their service industry jobs

I get rock hard just thinking about it

Is that a reasonable thing though? Asking Joe to let me contact his dad (who I don't know) to get me in tough with his dad's friends (who I definitely don't know) to vouch for some random kid for a job.

Seems like a tough sell.

And I totally agree with that, my school is top 30 and most people have no clue about it, even though some might. Definitely doesn't help in the job search, and I couldn't imagine going to a true no name school...

Yes it's having friends. And also do optional events organized in the college/university, like for example a competition to create x, or a meeting to talk about y.

There was one guy I did two projects with and talked to a bit and then forgot about. 2 years later he contacted me and recommended me for a position at his job. They're 20 yo idiots in college but later they will have actual jobs.

I don't encourage going to college though. Wish I never went.

You can let people know "Hey I can do xyz, if you know anyone who needs xyz maybe we can work something out". Important thing to remember is that it's about what you can do for them, and not about what they can do for you (get you a job). You don't ask for a job, you offer your services.