Is the world breaking him down?

Is the world breaking him down?

Is he becoming redpilled?

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Or maybe he's just being satirical. I refuse to believe there is a living Swede who isn't a massive cuckold.

he is from sweden. But never have i ever seen him revisit his country. So yes i guess he is redpilled

t. serbcuck

what he meme by this?

He's always been like this. He started out as a streamer on Cred Forums, but exploited youtube gaming scene before anyone else did. his twitter has always been full of shit like this.

>not ridiculing Trump


Is he trying to send us a message?

I know it's very often been said that right-leaning people, or just Americans, find it very difficult to understand satire, but seeing all these Americans posting about how Pewdiepie is "one of us" and obviously "red pilled" makes me think it's true.

To the leftist world, Trump = joke
wear hat = trump joke
"lol pewdiepie has trump hat what a joke lol! random pewds xD"

he has strong aryan genetics and is swedish. he is at high risk of stumbling upon the red pill

Any proof he started out on Cred Forums?

When the alternate to redpill is to support people who want you dead or impoverished, even the most cancerous assfaggots will adapt.

Think he used to stream for them

Daily reminder he was against UK leaving EU and said its because of the old people.
There is somewhere a conversation with him and his friend cry i think. Dont have the link though.

oldfag identified.

The old "Show me your tittays" stream, if anyone can find it.

I like to think his obnoxious wife is actually a redpilled italian woman, moving around his feelings like a puppetteer

t. Obnoxious wife

He's not full blown SJW. He's made fun of shit like that before. But he's not a christcuck or nazi or anything like that so don't expect him to want to start gassing gays and Jews.

He is a typical Swedish-level lefty.

>Hillary? DYING
oh shit Pewds is our brother from Cred Forums!

who's this guy ?

He's Swedish.

He's from Gothenburg (aka Shootingburg)

He moved away for some reasons...

Did his Italian GF dump him or something?

It starts out satirical. THEN...



You can only sit around watching Hitler speeches ironically for so long. Eventually you come to love the man and realize he was right

>These Jews used to laugh. They thought it was a joke.

Maybe he just likes money and thought wearing a trump hat would get him attention.


Woah... He shit on hillary but not trump?

i cant believe how much im starting to like this guy. he used to be so insufferable

He's said he's vehemently against SD, which isn't even an ethnic nationalist party.

so the hitler plugs, (((youtube))) correcting his record for being a bad goy, and the frog pet is all a coincidence then?

He's really cute.....


I remeber watchin a video of pewdiepie, when he put on the screen: Do not vote trump
and that it was all a joke, im going to search the video and post it later.

>Filthy frank
>I love him
He do got good tastes

this, europeans are worthless pussies, pediecuck is no exception.

u guys are so used to trolling other people
you dont know when somebody else is trolling you

First time he wore the hat he literally said "don't vote Trump"

Filthy frank, another "ironic" nazi, is the only one he praised instead of insulting.

Really makes you think

That should tell you something

The caricature he's playing up while wearing the hat isn't the good guy.

>Is he becoming redpilled?

how long til he snaps completely?

it's like he is testing how far he can go before something bad happens

Can I buy an official MAGA hat or is that illegal somehow?

Cute doggy user

I'm pretty sure the vinesauce fellow, Joel, posts around here occasionally

pewdiepie's new stuff is actually watchable now

proof he doesnt like trump

ikr, i even bookmarked his channel now, who knows how long he has

I think he is slowly becoming his real self,
instead of playing this fake persona for the kids

there are threads about this cuck every single day on Cred Forums

im starting to think this is just meme viral advertising


Oh yes, the person with 48 million subscribers needs more advertising.

Pedopie has more JewTube subscribers than every US television network combined.

I've never actually watched anything he has made, so the advertising can't be that good.


this tbhfamiia

Hillary dying i like this guy now.

his fans think it was sarcasm but there is some truth to a joke when he was with that whole watching hitler with a crump hat i knew what was up

A large majority of gamers after the year 2010 are redpilled in someway or another due to gamergate.

He's paid cash for his (views)