What is she doing right now Cred Forums?

What is she doing right now Cred Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:




making america gape again

Consuming the souls of child sacrifices and getting ready to but her human suit on


trying to come up with some cute one liners to use tomorrow

>4 bankruptcies - something something chapter 11
>trump university...
>herr derr rich off the backs of small business muh dad was small business
>hateful rhetoric

9:00 PM- 1 PM Sleep
1:30 PM- Take 15 prescribed pills, sit on toilet for several hours heaving out of both ends
2:00 PM: Ingest watery gruel, the only thing your colon can take
2:30 PM- Put on Presidential diaper
3 PM - Go over practice debates, fly into rage if your mock opponent doesn't let you win
4:30 PM- Do a line of coke, laugh nervously before taking inhaler hit
5:00 PM: Leave an angry voicemail on Monica Lewinsky's phone
6:00 PM: Check to see if any of your political opponents are alone or suicidal recently
7:00 PM: Sell Plutonium to Iran
8:00 PM: Purse goes missing, blame Russia
9:00 PM: Sleep

Coughing up blood to offer her behelit.

Don't worry.....

Like all of us


using a defibrillator and three cardiologists to get her heart started for tomorrow

Receiving an IV full of liquefied goy foreskins

think they buried her in pet cemetary

Yes, she does right now.
When I'm back home, I'll vote her

In all seriousness she's probably sleeping.


Not Bill if she doesn't want to pick up anything else.

putting final touches on her body double so no one suspects anything at the debate

maintenance on her human suit to prepare for the big day


consuming the souls of babies to give herself more power for the debate

trying to fight the power of kek taking over her

this is now a get thread


kinda hard to chill when your burnin in hell




Honestly I would've tongued young Hillary's asshole hard.

I wouldn't fuck modern Hillary under any scenario.

1:30 to 2:00 sit on toilet for several hours is a half an hour dumbass


Tucking in the little cherubs

You're right she is obviously refrigerating her body to keep it fresh.



Probably having her shitty diapers changed or something. She probably shits on the poor nurse that has to do it too.

She's meeting with Soros

Standing in front of a mirror doing this


Fillin' her diapers.

she's preparing for the debate like you prepare for anal sex, she's having bunch of enemas to make sure she doesn't shit herself on stage like ƘeƘ said she would.

we should at least expect a nice wet fart

Is he okay?