Hillary vs Trump debate in one picture. I'll start

Hillary vs Trump debate in one picture. I'll start.

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>post debate CNN when they try to spin it as a victory for Hillary



I kind of have a bad feeling

Trump will either win hard or lose really badly. Thee will be no middle ground.



Despite what the media is gonna say, there is only one thing Trump needs to do in order to win: Don't be racist, sexist, or homophobic. If he talks about blacks, women, gays, and legal immigrants in a supportive way, he wins, because he dismantles Hillary's entire argument up to this point.

He can win on policy during rounds 2 and 3. First, though, he needs to prove Hillary's claims wrong, which is easy to do. It's easy to prove you aren't a bigot within 90 minutes. Clinton has a much tougher hurdle, however. She needs to prove she's not corrupt in 90 minutes, which is unlikely.


He could have Ivanka fucked on stage by a black Mexican Muslim, and the media would be calling him a racist Islamophobe the next day anyway.

Cucking never helped any Republican, what Trump needs to win is to show during the debates that he is more competent than Hillary, and that he cares more about Americans than her.

This tbqh


Oh, the media is gonna say he lost unless Hillary Clinton makes a damned fool of herself (like Obama did against Romney in the first debate). But Trump isn't out to convince the media. He's out to convince the people who have heard he's a racist nonstop while never hearing more than a sound byte from him.


>90 minutes

I'm honestly concerned that Hillary won't be able to finish. Most of her speeches seem to be under 30 minutes. And her recent health scare only makes me wonder if she is fit enough to handle it.

Hillary = Gohan
Trump = Cell
Trump Jr = Cell Jr
Obama = Goku
Mark Cuban = Android 16
Ted Cruz = Android 18
Marco Rubio = Android 17
Gary Johnson = Mr Satan
Jeb Bush = Yamcha
Bernie Sanders = Vegeta

Cenk is triggered

"Water filter salesman angers genocide denier."

Soros = Babidi



Let's start posting top debate videos to get in the mood:

"Debate" American Style: Our Top Orators in Action:

Fast talking teens debate foreign policy at warp speed CBS News:

Trump Has No Chill At The 9th GOP Debate:

Who is the media going to back up?

I giggle my fucking ass off every time I look at these pics

God bless Alex Jones