If this political comic had an extra panel, what would it look like?

If this political comic had an extra panel, what would it look like?

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caterpillar into beautiful wite butterfly fly above see beeetle on fire :')`

Bettle tries to show them his way of life, ends up gettting beat-up/beheaded for it

It would be the caterpillar becomes a butterfly and sees the beetle had been parasitized (small coccoons around it) and dying thanks to the "strange bugs". The insect world is a very cruel place.

There are so many ways to correct this comic.

The beetle being eaten alive by ants.

The caterpillar safely turning into a butterfly.

The beetle being the only beetle, surrounded by other kinds of bugs.

The beetle being chased by ants, trying to get the caterpillar to let him in.

The beetle being attacked for cultural appropriation.






Just draw the caterpillar with other happy caterpillars. Or have the stupid beetle get bullied by the strangers and end up with less food.

i love you guys

Jeb! should just have his own comedy show already.

He is already so insanely unintentionally hilarious. He is an Alpha Cuck. Just imagine what kind of comedy could be distilled with some really talented writers who played to his "strengths" (ie, raging weakness in every department)

Like Curb Your Enthusiasm but with guac and turtles and zero self-confidence.


The presidential candidate who became a living meme.

He should have had some chips and guacamole though in that Jimmy Kimmel sketch

Obviously needs a picture of the beetle getting eaten by a spider and the caterpillar partying with his other sensible caterpillar friends


My favorite bedtime story. I feel all warm and tucked in. How high was the wall, Grandpa Bogan?



Nice, thanks based leaf

I'm glad how they showed the foreigners turning the lush green land into a waste land.

The original artist told more of the truth than I think they intended to