It's rigged, stupids. Trump = Ross Perot

it's rigged, stupids. Trump = Ross Perot

The woman is going to get it. you are powerless. unless of course ... i'm wrong

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You're wrong.

Love trumps hate" no hate trump, hate Hillary, hate people obsessed with politcs love who you need to love and trust few

Because they want to remain 'living'. We all know what happens to those who oppose Clintoris

Trump will be the Julius Ceaser of our time

Let the Lord of Chaos Rule.

Some one likes their blondes, male.

You're so wrong

did she really include her fucking husband? that's like putting your mom in your resume references

This is a plus for Trump in the age of anti-politics.

look its the guys that ruined our country! only a few more months till the day of the rope!

How is Jimmy Carter still alive?

>Obama was constantly accused by Trump of being Kenyan as part of a 5d chess move
>Dubya and Bush Sr watched Trump cuck Yeb to death
>Bill is married to the Democrat nominee

80% of them have personal reasons to dislike Trump, it's clouding their judgment

>the establishment hates Trump, the guy claiming to be anti-establishment
>here's proof


The REAL commander in chief likes Trump

Delusion levels high in the sky like cloud

well, one is her husband, one is a guy who is using her as his de-facto third term, two of them are blood related with a guy who was utterly ridiculed and shamed by Trump, and the last one is an inconsequencial democrat that no one remembers. I guess i'm officially a #Hilldog now.

>3 democrats
>2 republicans who are related and are establishment cucks

I wonder why they don't like Trump

>Three are Democrats
>Two are Bushes that are mad Trump stumped Jeb

Yes. That you think the condemnation of Obama or the Bushes matters to anyone is pretty outlandish.

you cant underestimate peoples power in numbers

if the American people elect him, he has to be president no matter what other people or even ex presidents think

America was always cherished for its freedom

>butt hurt that son lost
>husband of Hillary and Democrat
>butt hurt that brother lost

Gee I wonder why

So a bunch of neo-cons who accomplished nothing but furthering the plans of the banking elite. Yea nobody actually cares what these faggots think

I just realized that all of the living presidents are shit

some of the worst presidents in history.

not surprised.

>Trump = Ross Perot
>what are the political parties again?