How do you misogynistic pigs explain that WOMEN beat out MEN in nearly every single metric of ACADEMIC INTELLIGENCE?

How do you misogynistic pigs explain that WOMEN beat out MEN in nearly every single metric of ACADEMIC INTELLIGENCE?

Other urls found in this thread:

How do you explain that modern-day education is pumping out fewer inventors, philosophers and proper historians and more 'human righs professionals' and 'leisure studies graduates' than ever?


Boys and girls have different styles of learning. Since the 80s teaching styles have favoured girls style of learning. Also boys are discriminated against by teachers and boyish behaviour is repressed, sometimes chemically.

>article about teenagers

come back with college stats about STEM enrollment and STEM graduation

>Since the 80s teaching styles have favoured girls style of learning.
Could you provide more detail? What is an example of female and male styles of learning?

>Also boys are discriminated against by teachers and boyish behaviour is repressed, sometimes chemically.
What are boyish behaviors and how are they discriminated against?


If we accept the premise that women are more intelligent and more capable than men can we agree that male privilege is a myth?

You really can't have it both ways. Surely your academic intelligence has led you to the same conclusion, based on logic and reason.

(((Academic intelligence)))

>Could you provide more detail? What is an example of female and male styles of learning?
Billington et al., "Empathizing and systemizing"

From ass-OPs article:

"Although there were no differences between boys and girls in fourth grade on mathematics, boys began to perform better than girls on science tests in fourth grade (International Association for the Evaluation of Education Achievement, n.d.). Girls continue to exhibit higher verbal ability throughout high school, but they begin to lose ground to boys after fourth grade on tests of both mathematical and science ability. These gender differences in math and science achievement have implications for girls’ future careers and have been a source of concern for educators everywhere."

First, girls tend to mature a couple of years earlier. And as much as lefty cunts wish it were so, the 'blank slate' model of personality is incorrect.

>There are gender-specific personality traits which affect how children learn. In the 1960's and 1970's and even into the 1980's, it was fashionable to assume that gender differences in personality were "socially constructed." Back then, many psychologists thought that if we raised children differently -- if we raised Johnny to play with dolls and Sally to play with trucks -- then many of these gender differences would vanish. However, cross-cultural studies over the past 30 years have provided little support for this hypothesis. On the contrary, a report from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that gender differences in personality were remarkably robust across all cultures studied, including China, sub-Saharan Africa, Malaysia, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Peru, the United States, and Europe (including specific studies in Croatia, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Yugoslavia and western Russia). "Contrary to predictions from the social role model, gender differences were most pronounced in European and American cultures in which traditional sex roles are minimized," the authors concluded.


OP exhibits why WOMEN do not perform as well as men. THE ARTICLE HAS THE OPPOSITE STATEMENT OF HERS.

"Although there were no differences between boys and girls in fourth grade on mathematics, boys began to perform better than girls on science tests in fourth grade (International Association for the Evaluation of Education Achievement, n.d.). Girls continue to exhibit higher verbal ability throughout high school, but they begin to lose ground to boys after fourth grade on tests of both mathematical and science ability. These gender differences in math and science achievement have implications for girls’ future careers and have been a source of concern for educators everywhere."

Anybody here that has ever been to college... knows women are dumb as fuck.



As to the difference in learning style boys tend to be more 'hands on' where girls are better suited to rote learning

It is true that many boys pick up less social cues than their female counterparts. That girls make more serotonin and oxytocin, so they are calmer and more interested in emotional connection. Boys mature more slowly than girls and girls have more of their cerebral cortex defined for verbal function. The hippocampus, where memory and language live, does develop more rapidly and is larger in girls than in boys. This impacts vocabulary, reading and writing skills. Boys, on the other hand, have more of their cerebral cortex defined for spatial relationships. As a result, they learn easily through movement and visual experience. Also, because girls have more serotonin and oxytocin, they can sit for longer periods of time, easier than boys who may need movement to feel comfortable.

Next there is actual direct discrimination.

>Do Teachers Really Discriminate Against Boys?

>Worries about the declining academic performance of boys, a topic of increasing alarm this past decade, have intensified recently. It seems that boys are being judged both unduly harshly and leniently at school. A new study on gender disparities in elementary-school performance — the first study to examine both objective and subjective performance — found that boys were given lower grades than girls, even in cases (such as math and science) where their test scores were either equal to or higher than the girls’ test scores.



Is .pdf so can't copy/paste but just read the abstract

This one is entirely down to favouritism. Perhaps not surprising that boys are on the receiving end now that the vast majority of teachers are female.

The article you posted says girls are worse at math and science by age 10 and that this gap only grows wider.

Girls do graduate more. This is mostly because the nigger-human gap in graduation rates is particularly bad for nigger males. And also because schools offer easy math and science classes for people who aren't going to do them again, while there is no such option for english and history courses

I agree. Cred Forums is not inclusive enough.

like 1% of the tech startups are women


Is that like normal intelligence?

Anyway, I'm a degenerate, and one of my degenerate tranny friends reports that taking female hormones lowered her attention span and made her hate maths. Draw your own conclusions.


females do not have balls they have to empty throughout their entire pupilage (and beyond), nor a brain that's located only a few inches from this constant entreaty

Find me a woman similar to Newton or Tesla?

Much of this modern discrimination against boys is traced back to mouthy legbeards being mouthy and bemoaning sexism (against girls) in education.

>That boys are in disrepute is not accidental. For many years women's groups have complained that boys benefit from a school system that favors them and is biased against girls. "Schools shortchange girls," declares the American Association of University Women. Girls are "undergoing a kind of psychological foot-binding," two prominent educational psychologists say. A stream of books and pamphlets cite research showing not only that boys are classroom favorites but also that they are given to schoolyard violence and sexual harassment.

The other aspect of it is that a lot of teacher today can't be bothered to, or are incapable of dealing with young boys, who are energetic and generally noisey. This leads to an over-diagnosis of ADHD and subsequent medication.

Finally, because of years of whining cunts there are numerous affirmative action programs in place to give girls extra support, again something boys, especially white boys lack.

Read your own article you illiterate fuckwit.

Because women are the weak sex and they do as they are told.
They are told go finish X and Y and they will do it especially if there a a strong man telling them to do.(fathers)

With a strong men to support her she will on paper have better results then other men.

Men are risk takers and usually will rather take a risk then actually pay attention in school , most of them will just do it just to do it , rarely actually performing high.

Those that actually give a fuck to perform well , well the results are clear

Men cook better
Men do better fashion
Men do better math
Men do better pretty much everything

And they don't do it because they are better or smarter , they do it because THEY ARE MOTIVATED SEXUALLY

How do I "a man" will show that I am better then you "an other man" to a set of womans or a woman whom I court , she has to choose who she likes and phisyical characteristics are just one half of the equation.

Meaning the men because of "competition" with other men and also to impress and show off to women that they are worthy to take as mates will out perform because of motivation.

Women are less motivated then men, no women will work 18-20 hours a day for fun.
There aren't many women that will push thems selfs to find a solution to a problem that nobody needs to find a solution
Or to progress inside a field , or discover new things.

Since their minds are programmed to find a suitable mate which can provide security

By security I mean "sexually, financially , phiysical , father to the children ... and others"

Facts are women are not motivated , they wait to choose what they want.
(there are exceptions but not many check scientic field)

Men are motivated and work harder to get what they want.

Second part how many women died during construction or growing inside a scientifical field

And thridly women were protected in society , a women can bare many children during her life time , but you need one strong man to breed.

A man can never become as glorious as a true-blue womyn.

>How do you misogynistic pigs explain that WOMEN beat out MEN in nearly every single metric of ACADEMIC INTELLIGENCE?

>try to explain to my girlfriend why I am right winged
>no okay babe you're right, it's wrong and I'm grossly misinformed
>Machine gun blast; Dodged

sex rule the world

Marie Curie, BITCH!

Here's a 40 minute documentary documenting the feminist drive towards condemning boyish behaviour as "problematic". Oh, and it's a left wing program, so you don't have to worry about partiality.

Hope you speak Dutch, though.

>rode the coattails of her husband

Does anybody speak Dutch? Can you give us a rundown of some of the highlights?

What are you talking about?
Her husband didn't do SHIT.

>here's this magic documentary that debunks your entire argument.
>but it's in a foreign language, but it totally debunks your argument.
>just trust me, babe, you're dumb and belong in kitchen barefoot and pregnant.
Typical manbaby.

Don't care, still made her shit at maths.

Mijn Nederlands is niet als goede als Ik willen

Yeah, that's why her first Nobel was shared with him and her second was fueled by an affair with his former student.

> Girls continue to exhibit higher verbal ability throughout high school, but they begin to lose ground to boys after fourth grade on tests of both mathematical and science ability.

Good morning everybody and welcome to my lecture on the theory of advanced... EEEEEK A MOUSE!!!!!1!1

The situation of a man who you admit is a disgusting degenerate trying to counterfeit the glorious womynhood by chopping off his dick and balls and taking toxic chemicals is irrelevant to the intellgence of true females.

I know a lot of you americlaps don't get out much, but that "foreign language" is his own language.

God damn right. All these MEN are constantly riding on the coattails of a brilliant woman, and it's truly disgusting.

It's a documentary about "label children", which means "boys who get an attention deficit or autism spectrum disorder diagnosis". It posits that these kids have always been there, and have always succeeded, because the system never say boyish behaviour as anomalous. Now, however, a boy who can't keep his attention with the lesson and can't sit still is considered abnormal... because the rules have been changed in favour of girls.

In a personal example, one of my parents' friends complained about how her son got chewed out because he was roughhousing with a friend. The school has a strict "no contact" policy on the playground. So basically that boy got fucked in the ass by the school for being a normal boy.

The documentary further interviews people who confirm that this policy was enstated because of feminist guidelines.

I know you're trolling bruh, but you asked for a source, and you got a source. Don't bitch about it now. Watch the fucking source.

If I hit a grown man in a certain place on his head, and the brain damage causes him to act like a child, then that might tell us something interesting about children's brains.

This is true even though a grown man is not and never will be a child.

Should be good enough to watch it, from what I'm seeing.

>women beat men in (((academic intelligence)))
>still can't manage to earn more than 75 cents on man's dollar
hmm it's almost like all of these articles are based on a bullshit false premise which itself is predicated upon lies and deception

nah that's right-wing conspiracy back to the amy schumer special LOL did you hear her recent fat slut joke?

>Watch the fucking source.
I don't speak or read Dutch, so that would accomplish literally nothing.

Ik zal het een crack(?) geven

Uh oh.


>Arizona State University researchers and their collaborators have discovered that females and males do equally well on exams that require mostly memorization. The same holds true for low- and high-socioeconomic status students. However, when tests include cognitively challenging questions that require elevated critical thinking, females and lower socioeconomic students score lower than their male or high-status peers, even though the students have equal academic ability.

>What are boyish behaviors and how are they discriminated against?

Boys require more authoritarianism / discipline. They're a bit more physical and rowdy at a young age, and they're more inclined to push the limits to see what they can get away with.

A teacher who's too soft on them and who gives time outs instead of scaring them into better performance will demotivate them.

There is a disadvantage to the fast development of the brain. Most animals that have rapid brain development are less intelligent than animals that take longer to develop. Women are biologically required to develop faster so they can emotionally care for children whereas men needed complex problem solving skills to hunt and provide shelter.

That's is not my problem, compadre. If I had known of the existence of a subtitle version, I would have given it to you. But I'm already conversing with you in your own native language, so I don't see why you would consider it unusual that a Dutchman who speaks Dutch while living in Dutchland would give a Dutch source. It's still an interesting documentary. The program usually does a good job of not getting its left wing attitude in its stuff.

Here's a YouTube version with autogen subtitles:

"crack" is vernacular for "an attempt", and the proper Dutch for "an attempt" in this sentence would be "poging", from the verb "pogen".

This isn't actually true. Well, it is kind of true.

Women have a much lower standard deviation of intelligence than men. This is one of the reasons men make up the vast majority of low skill manual jobs (also physically women just cant hack it with many jobs) but men also make the entirety of the leading edge of research and art.

It is no surprise that there has never been a truly great female painter. All the greats, even modern greats are men. Advanced mathematics, physics, etc. all dominated almost entirely by men. Literature is a little more varied but serious literature is still dominated by men (there have been excellent exceptions however like George Eliot, Edith Wharton, etc.).

Women have to be intelligent enough to raise productive children. That is all.

m8 I've provided you a metric shitton of things to get started. Maybe you missed it. I'm sure that must be why you didn't respond.

Y'all nwahs posting in a fetcher thread.

for those speaking german :

What kind of pleb doesn't speak German?

>The documentary further interviews people who confirm that this policy was enstated because of feminist guidelines.

This was the bit I was interested in. I know all too well how school was designed to sisify boys. I was in primary as it started to gain momentum, first with contact games being banned, then 'one strike rules' on 'bullying', ie instant expulsion.

The feminist agenda is very real and I don't think even Cred Forums knows how deep it goes.

See this for example.


this is a UN initiative that has been applied to every UN policy for three decades.

I'm only about a third through it but
tl:dr so far
>Boys are being labeled and written off as medically defective girls.
>The problem didn't exist back when school was designed with boys in mind
>It's all Feminisms fault

Patriarchy is not a meritocracy. If it were, women would be making more money than men.

>How do you misogynistic pigs explain that WOMEN beat out MEN in nearly every single metric of ACADEMIC INTELLIGENCE?

If they're so intelligent, why don't they get a real degree instead of "gender studies" or "art history"? Checkmate, feminists.


This us why I hate western women. They recieve so much special treatment that they don't even recognise it anymore and have the audacity to claim that they've been oppressed.

If women were not busy being systematically oppressed at every turn we would not have to resort to state education just to catch on all the different ways we're getting fucked over. Checkmate, virgin.

>Girls beat boys in writing and literature.
>Boys beat girls in maths and science
It doesnt say anything we dont know


The oppression is still very real and ongoing shitlord.

its a padded fluff piece for feminist nothing more. men do better in science and females have only done better in math since they started allowing people to sue calculators on test. in california they let kids use them on standardized test for instance. not the only state thats full on tard

Wtf I'm a college graduate now.

>People are actually giving OP (you)'s
You faggots are so easily baited. sage.

>systematically oppressed
I don't see this happening. Can you provide an example?

In places like uk almost all primary school teachers are women.


Well there's your problem.

>females have only done better in math since they started allowing people to sue calculators on test.
Why would this make women BETTER and not simply EQUAL to men?


I volunteer for a lot of youth activities. This actually doesn't surprise me. Girls as a group seem to learn faster in the 4-8 year range, especially when I'm using peer coaching techniques. I've wondered if there was some evolutionary reason for it, but over a decade I've seen girls just hitting our lesson goals faster.

If any of you are dads, I'd say this is the reason you want to get your girls active and enthusiastic in learning early.

>Specifically go into professions that offer better working hours, conditions etc. The downside being that a psychologist is not paid as much as an emergency surgeon
>Why is my comfortable job not paid as much as that guy who has horrible hours and has to deal with people dying on him all the time?! DISCRIMINATION!

OP confirmed for an unintelligent person that has shit reading comprehension

Yeah, it hides out in the open. It's not a secret, but people don't direct attention to it.

>How do you misogynistic pigs explain that WOMEN beat out MEN in nearly every single metric of ACADEMIC INTELLIGENCE?
Men are still the recipients of 99% of nobel prizes in sciences, really makes you think :/

If they're so much smarter, how do you explain male dominance for nearly the entirety of human history?

I mean. I dont like anecdotal "evidence", but that's pretty true from my experience.

what a fucking stupid premise. i would love to see her prove that boolean logic is sexist

>boys can do it better than girls
>hence it's inherently sexist


0 is a vagina hole and it is associated with WRONG answers.

1 is a penis and it is associated with TRUTH values.


Did you even read the article OP

>During the past decade, there has been a concerted effort to find out why there is a shortage of women in the science, math, engineering, and technical fields (AAUW, 1992). In 1995, 22% of America’s scientists and engineers were women, compared to half of the social scientists. Women who do pursue careers in science, engineering, and mathematics most often choose fields in the biological sciences, where they represent 40% of the workforce, with smaller percentages found in mathematics or computer science (33%), the physical sciences (22%), and engineering (9%) (National Science Board, 1998).

It's about fucking with the school system to dumb it down for girls

We are living in a matriarchy right now, Mothers manage all finances and are favored by the law.

Or, quite possibly, you're using techniques designed to favour girls.

At this point I'm sure OP is just a troll


Women are better than men on average. It was just that they were needed for procreation for so long that until the pill they couldn't actualize themselves. The future will be an all female one.


>implying I care about women
fuck em who cares what a bunch of emotional children think

Did you check out wiki link? That's something I just found recently.

Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women's as well as men's concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.[1]

>Gender mainstreaming tries, among others, to ascertain a gender equality perspective across all policy areas.[2] According to Jacqui True, a Professor of politics and international relations, "[e]very policy or piece of legislation should be evaluated from the perspective of whether or not it reduces or increases gender inequalities.

The article is vague but if you imagine panel of the most insufferable feminists sitting on a panel, critical theorying every proposed policy til,they find the institutional sexism, it';s not hard to see how this will affect us in ways we're not even aware of.

It is essentially skewing ALL UN policy in favour of women.

Ada Lovelace

>Women are better than men on average
And what evidence would you base this on?

I've found that women are typically more book smart, but doesn't carry over to practical street smarts and common sense. Women are great at turning simple things into complexity

>academic intelligence

things so silly only an intellectual could believe them

>Women are better than men on average.

Citation need on that retarded statement

Society spends millions researching reproduction...develops a way to reproduce without eggs...yeah, female future....pffft bwahaha

Not any good fields lol, ya I guess they are better feminist lol

>tfw coming home from a long day of accounting and calculation lessons at school...
20% of the girls get the hang.
80% should get hanged

They mustn't know

Yeah, I did, but only after I made the comment.

I have no love for the UN. Everything they do seems to be geared towards fucking over the West, and white men in particular. This is just another in a long line of policies designed to put the emotions of permanently offended people above what is actually effective. I'm not opposed to equality. I AM opposed to affirmative action that marginalizes one group in a perverted Zero Sum Game interpretation of equality.

But I am Dutch. We learned what the UN is about in the 90's, with Srebrenica. Recently it has come out that our politicians knowingly and willingly gave up the enclave in a deal the US, the UK, and France made. That also explains why there was no French air support.

None of that stopped our politicians and others worldwide from blaming the soldiers they themselves sent up the river. So no, I have no love for the UN, and if it were up to me, that "incident" would have been enough to remove ourselves from it. I see every UN claim as a lie, and every UN action as a hostile one.

Most of you in this board would become female in an instant if there was a quick and easy way to do it and not end up looking like a tranny mess

The system favors them. Preferential treatment by teachers, they get graded more favorably, generally aren't held to the same standard as boys, (as in teachers expect less from them). There's plenty more. I don't know how they do it in other countries, but here it is common that teachers discuss final grades with the students and they get the chance to argue why they should get the better grade. On these days girls will come to school showing lots of cleavage and wearing skimpy clothes when they want a better grade from a male teacher. The girls also don't mind fucking their fellow students over to get a better grade, e.g. they'll argue: "I make better contributions than x, so I should get a grade better or he/she should get a grade worse". With female teachers they will just cry and beg for better grades and it works well.

Are you joking?

I had a girlfriend in grade school. After I kissed her on the playground they fed me add pills and I was never the same.

I remember how they basically branded me a sexual predator in the making and force fed me that shit.

Most kids I had as friends got the same treatment. I swore to live a life of societal rejection in protest.

Enjoy the collapse of your society. It was my privilege.

Nope. I started a thread several weeks ago where everyone on here confessed to wanting to have been born a cute white blonde girl with a nice innie

If you are female, how does it feel that your shitty attitude will cause you to be childless and alone for the rest of your life until you die at the age of 82 and no one goes to your funeral. That's the path you are on.

Now make me a sandwich and clean my room if you actually want to have a family.

So you're saying it's easier to be a woman according to your previous thread?

Hardly. If they could do that they can give me a cock with a knot so I can properly fuck a bitch and return my damn foreskin.

I largely agree with you on the UN. I can see how you could argue the case for its existence but in its, current form it is all about social engineering and pursuing a US-centric global agenda.


I'm saying many maybe most of the betas and neets on this board really want to be females instead of males.

Also yes, if you are cute white and intelligent female, you basically can own the world right now.

Well its not entirely, because to express logic you need a language like programming or maths and language is in all respects a socio-cultural phenomenon.
Id like to see her prove logical language is sex biased though

Basically that's what I expect pol would want and do

>they fed me add pills and I was never the same.

Fucking shitty man, and this is why my son will never go on that shit. Fucking schools have been trying since he was in grade 1 to drug him up for no other reason then that he is a Boy with lots of energy who doesn't eat up there bullshit and asks questions

The ideology is from the US, sure, but I think non-cucked USians get fucked just as hard as we do.

So are females oppressed or not?

Meant to reply to

Did you even read the link you posted? Is says women mature faster and have better verbal skills, but that boys crush them in math and science.

This is only in early academic record. This is because women start to develop earlier than men, thus obviously they will be more intelligent than men at an early stage. However, women stop developing earlier than men, so we can see that men do develop for more time, which generally means their learning capacities are more ample than these of women. If you did this study on people of ~21 years old, men would score far better.
t. Biologist

Yeah i remember my physics class in year 12 had one girl in it, but she dropped out halfway through the year

My engineering class had one girl. I think she was Indian. She dropped out in the second year. Even the Somalian negro in my class managed to graduate, despite being completely incapable of understanding programming.

>How do you misogynistic pigs explain that WOMEN beat out MEN in nearly every single metric of ACADEMIC INTELLIGENCE?



I would say their consistent accusations serve to hide the truth; women in the west are not oppressed at all, it's the men who are oppressed.

Academics owned by Jews aren't academics.
You're beating men in indoctrination

>pretending to be a woman on the internet

ok i'll bite. look at him and laugh

interesting pic, thank you anons

>>>How do you misogynistic pigs explain that WOMEN beat out MEN in nearly every single metric of ACADEMIC INTELLIGENCE?

If women are more intelligent then men, why his it taken more then 5000 years for this to be noticed? In many societies for the last 5000 years, cultures have wanted people of academic intelligence to give them through to the next century. Even Egypt has had female leaders, and yet they have not done much with the power given to them.

Men however have build skyscrapers, planes, boats, cars, motorbikes, fridges, computers, radios, spacecraft, and has even been to the moon.

In trust when you study female and the brain strength of their thinking, they are nothing more then children who know of the word intelligence, but fail to understand the idea. Women might be able to write out the word achievement, yet men stand true to the word through the use of their brain, showing what it means. Also remember that a man created the dictionary, not a woman.

Undoubtedly. The interests of the neo-liberal kike puppets is directly contradictory with the interests of the majority of the people.


whoa, whoa ... whoa there

why all the hate?
>haven't you heard you reap what you sow?

how do you explain women keep breeding with and supporting violent men?

Debunked already, fuck off with the meme gap.
