The new Testament is a Roman psyop

Christianity is nothing more than a what the Roman's used to supress the jewish revolts.

Look at the Roman civilian causualties in the start of the Kitos war, half a million roman civilians slaughtered by the jews, just over small tax hikes.

Jesus is the opposite of the warrior messiah the jews where looking for. Jesus is a cuck who wants you to never do bad things/go to war/protest the government, etc.

Remember that "gods" and "kings" were interchangable. The virgin mary who was impregnated by "god" was mostly likely meant to imply she wasfucked by Caesar.

Now that you are red pilled, stop worshipping this payops religion and go back to your roots. The kikes will shill tooth and nail to keep this and their fairy tale relevant because it makes us easier to control..

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I also want to add that it makes no sense to attribute the rise of europeans to christianity. It is in spite of backwards submissive bs that we have gotten to where we are now.

It's true, all of it.

Serious credibility issues. Half the new testament was written by 1 guy who calls himself the 13 apostle.

>Christianity is nothing more than a what the Roman's used to supress the jewish revolts.

Islam is a Vatican psyop as well

no goy
Jesus H. Christ is God in flesh
so what his father is the Jewish desert deity YHWH
so what Jesus is circumcised
all you need to know is Jesus kicked a merchant out of synagogue and called other Jews the synagogue of satan
Christians are the real Jews
you evil pagan

I meant to also add that we could have suceeded the same if we were under any other religion, and probably would have done better as well.

>suppress the Jewish revolt
That was the Roman war machine, friends.

Your entire post is utter garbage, and I would pick it apart piece by piece but only a fool gives pearls to the swine.

You have no arguements kike lol

>Jesus is a cuck who wants you to never do bad things/go to war/protest the government, etc.

lol no, jesus names the jew in our modern times
(revelation 3:9)
you on the other hand are a retarded nigger kike

This. Christ is King and Heil Hitler.

>Jesus literally gave chosen status to the Goyim
>Jew rejected him
>N-No its a Roman p-psy-ops I-i swear

Jew, please

Thebroman's didn't like the jews either and knew they were subversive as well.

So not an arguement for it's validity or being written by "apostles"

If it was a Roman psyop why did Constantine convert? Psyop are only necessary in modern times when things like genocide are frowned upon. If the Romans got angry enough at the jews, they could just exterminate them and no other nation would give 2 shits.
Why do things the long and hard way when you can just use the legions that conquered the entire known world

>lol it makes no sense that Christianity and the rise of Europe are connected, non whatsoever
>Don't read Shakespeare Goy, read about Odin instead

Remember how constantine adopted egyptian symbols?

He never cared about christ or whatever "messages" were hidden by arius piso. He only wanted more converts himself because he thought he'd have the tightest and "legitimate" rule under christianity. Adopting those egyptian symbols also made it easier for others to swallow the blue pill

Christianity is not only one of the driving force that destroyed Rome but also the main element of feudal Europe. Fun thing is that people dismissed it starting at the renaissance.

>back to your roots
Christianity is the root. No tradition stretches further back in western civ, all things were absorbed into the empire and collapsed with it. Christianity as a 'Salvational' theology was what protected humanity from cultural extinction in the waves of invaders and social-economic collapse.

The Jews were subdued by Rome thru the destruction of Herod's second temple, Jews expelled from the Holy Land. Rome needed no narrative to support this. You do, except it doesn't fit. The Christ comes not with an olive branch but a sword. Don't blame everyone else if you are too weak to pick it up


Christianity is what held them back. After people realized faith in Yahweh gave them nothing but hardship, ignorance and squalor, they stsrted not giving too many shits about what th bible says and then all of a sudden technological and societal progress exploded.

>no tradition stretcges further back.

You are a fucking retard.

The first thing is that christianity is stil descendant of middle eastern religions, before mentioning it as a psyop. Still worshipping Yahweh of the semetic people.

>christianity goes around europe telling people to convert or be tortured

Best example is Scandinavia.

>christ does not come with an olive branch but a sword.

Lol yes christ was very unruly and bery violent yes good goyim.

>what is beat the hay stacks with your swords instead of other men

>what is lay unto caesar

You are delusional. Christianity has destroyed European culture and fags like you defend him. Disgusting. We'd be 500 years ahead or more if it wasn't for this subversive and subduing ideology. Not only that but you deny Europe its own ancient heritage at the same time. Exactly what the kikes want.

It's time to rid europe of any kind of semetic influence in our culture.

The bible and the church are so fucking detached. One says one thing and the other does another.

Of course nobody used to be able to read other than the priests and whoever else associated with the church or the very few educated people, so it was easy to just rile people up and make them do things "in the name of god", or give them some kind of overly distorted narrative to the liking of whoever is preaching at the time to give himself power(the pope)

The church elites knew all along what they were preaching was bogus, that's why they forced people and played with guilt to make them give them all their tithes and donations, or offering a way to buy out your sins so they can make more money.


Bump. Where are all the shills?

Looks like all middle eastern influence btfo flavortown lel


Can't slide this jidf

And now we're on the brink of total global surveillance, and a globalist police state the likes of which have never been seen on this planet. With weapons that can cause human extinction, poison food, and a cancer rate higher than ever before in the history of man. And if you think it's bad now, be comforted in the fact that it has only gotten exponentially worse for the past ten years and all signs point to WWIII and total economic collapse, for a generation of people so far removed from providing for themselves that they will die at unprecedented rates.

>th-thanks progress

Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization

Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven

When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep"...

... he is not kidding, or meaning the opposite, but actually setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical

Cred Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!

Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven for the persecuted, the meek, and the martyred would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth", "my kingdom is of this world" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"

Only some one that just wanna use Christianity as an empty shell devoid of any true religious promises would claim that Paul and Peter misinterpreted Jesus when they submitted to their enemies and died to them while praying for them, instead of fighting the romans back and establishing a crusader kingdom, thing that one would expect them to do if Jesus meant "be a fighter and impose your will on your enemies" when he said "love your enemies and lend all they need to them without expecting anything in return"

But using Christianity as a shell devoid of any religious promises simply allows its poisonous morality to survive into the next generation.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "I didn't come to bring peace", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing what Jesus wanted is for them to put christian morality above the good-being of their own families.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "Buy a sword", but you can't stop them from reading the next chapter and realizing that Jesus stopped Peter from using the sword, and reprimanded him for misunderstanding, all while asking him to carry his own cross (Peter, fully realizing that Jesus meant all the stuff about embracing death and his kingdom was not of this world, that angelic chariots were not going to slay his enemies and bring him victory, realized he was doomed, and would then deny Jesus 3 times)

Sooner or later, your "strict catholic crusader" state will be reformed into liberalism, because the Gospel will still exist, because your children, like Peter, will realize that Jesus meant it when he said "you are to be persecuted and martyred for me", that Jesus didn't say "you will live in a stable and powerful civilization, free of oppresion and death, thanks to me".

What do you mean by all of that nonsense? Shakespeare couldn't have written without Christianity?

You do know that he wrote a play about elves and fairies, right?

didn't you know? Jesus said "fuck this whole 'think not of tomorrow for the earth will be ending soon' business, I want you to create the greatest creations of literature ever"

>But using Christianity as a shell devoid of any religious promises simply allows its poisonous morality to survive into the next generation.


All the "deus vult" people are just setting you up for the next wave of liberalism after their subversive pseudo-jingoistic hype that has nothing to do with the bible to begin with.

The bible teaches you to throw away your heritage and beliefs and do notbing but worship god so that you can have an afterlife, code words for the rich and powerful in control don't want you to revolt or to think for yourselves and better your lives in this world while you have the chance.

which is why Constantine thought "holy fuck I can use this religion to settle myself as the absolute ruler"

Religious freedom had been a feature of the Roman Republic and Empire, with the notable exception of certain semitic elements that caused constant trouble in the middle east, which were persecuted

Religious freedom was such that cults of Epona could be found in Rome, and the misthraic cult was widespread among the roman legions, eastern and western religions interacted with little friction, even when the emperors demanded a special prayer for them, it was just another cult in an already inclusive pantheon

it would be that semitic hatred of everything different, of true human diversity, and their demented desire to be the ONE people, and to have the ONE god, that made them create a religion that deemed the world evil and worthy of destruction, a religion where love was a meaningless world, and where there was no difference between friend and enemy

Only jewish hatred could create Christianity and then dare to call it "a Religion of Love" in the same way they call their other abomination, Islam, a Religion of Peace

>do notbing but worship god
the semitic desert deity YHWH, no less

Yahweh was a little whiny bitch who used to be part of the semetic religion of many different fods but then the jews decided to hide the rest and only outwardly worship yahweh.

Many different gods*

Too many typos today

you're a fag, and your shits all retarded. you obviously never heard of Josephus who writes about the war he was in against Rome where Vespasian and Titus BTFO the Jeeeewwss out of Palestine. look at the arch of Titus, clearly showing the Romans taking back the Jew golds. also you never read Justin Martyr's letter to Trajan asking him to stop killing the Christians. he actually told the emperor of Rome to keep killing them if he thought it was wise to punish law abiding citizens.
you never read Pliny the youngers letter asking Trajan advice on how to kill Christians either.
you're shitposting a meme that's centuries old dummy, get with the program cupcake or you sit in the corner