Lester Holt is Potting to Correct The Record

>With regards to fact-checking, "Lester is not going to be a potted plant," one NBC staffer close to Holt said.
>Holt will strive to avoid a repeat of NBC's "Commander in Chief Forum" earlier this month, when Trump falsely said he opposed the invasion of Iraq and interviewer Matt Lauer let it slide.


So Trump either has to repeat lugenpresse lies about himself and praise Hillary or the moderator will correct him.

So get ready Cred Forums. He's going to try and Stump The Trump. Trump is gonna have to slam him and Hillary tonight

Trump's going to be ready for it, he's not exactly a pushover. If the media appears hostile to Trump and he comes back with a solid counter, that probably even helps his case.

Why does he look like he's made out of plastic, the same color as Mister Potato Head?

Lester is a Republican. He'll be fine.

this was (((the media)))'s plan all along, just as it is each and every fucking election.

>1 republican candidate
>5 democrats

the difference is that when the moderators lie ("obama called it terrorism, Mitt") this time around, Trump will not let it slide.

He is quite possibly the most intelligent candidate (on an IQ basis) that has ever run in any American election. There's zero chance of failure here.

ok this comment is another win. how the fuck did anyone decide that he would be someone that the American public would enjoy staring at on a daily basis? lel

so the entire debate is going to be between future former NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt and Donald Trump with Hillary as nothing more than set dressing

Almost makes me wonder what plane of existence his mind is running on at all times.

Like if it's something we can't even fathom, and he's just navigating through the maze called life and dodging every obstacle and being prepared with a counter trap for every trap.

What even is Donald Trump?

you got it, just like every other jew production these fucking gasbags put on.

can't wait to see them all get REKT

>Trump falsely said he opposed the invasion of Iraq

how the fuck is that false

>when your "fact checking" is lies

The Savior of Success

>Holt paid to try to trip Trump up while lobbing softballs at Hillary
>Trump plows straight through the bushwhacks, and damages both Holt and Hillary's images because NO STUMPS LEFT BEHIND

>Holt will strive to avoid a repeat of NBC's "Commander in Chief Forum" earlier this month, when Trump falsely said he opposed the invasion of Iraq and interviewer Matt Lauer let it slide.
But that's true though.

Of course. The same fucking tricks every single time - But there's no milquetoast like Romney there to bend over and get fucked by it. (Jeb! was their original plan, but he got STUMPED heh)

They are fucking morons if they think he's going to be caught by the Iraq war shit, that's the most obvious angle they can go for. I guarantee the second he mentions it Trump is going to reach into his coat pocket

that google better not pot anything on live tv.

he'll get arrested.

Trump is going to demolish the nigger and the witch simultaenously

this entire election has been over since last august

You could land an f-22 raptor on Lester's forehead

Time traveler.

I was gonna say dat nigga got a more that a forehead he got a ten head.

No he isn't. He's a registered Democrat.

How Glorious it will be tonight when the debate is over, The Donald lays drooling in the fetal position, the crowd is applauding Dear Leader Hillary's victory, the media declares Dear Leader the de facto President, and Dear Leader snatches Ivanka Trumps baby from her arms and tears out it's neck with her teeth! THEN will the world know who is destined to lead the planet into the Age of Lillith! Soon, all will see and know that Dear Leader Hillary is the Divinely appointed Astarte of the Novus Ordine! Dagon be praised!

Look at this googles top lip when he speaks. He has had surgery to flatten his google lips. He couldn't get his top lip to move if his life depended on it. Fucking googles.

He's somebody who literally believes he can do anything. His confidence is to the point where he thinks that nothing is out of reach, and that's built up to make him think many steps ahead.

Wow so hes going to hold Trump accountable for his lies?


How pathetic.

Heard he was i then went r for like last 5 years or so


According to time hes been r since 2003

Do Americans consider that guy white? He looks like he's doing blackface.

Friendly reminder it's not a Democrat Republican thing any longer. Now it's Nationalism vs Globalism. The R and D labels keep it simple for normies.

that's a Google famalam

He's not. The IQ estimates are wildly off. You know they literally just took the average of Wharton School of Business IQs and said that was his IQ, right? He didn't even graduate there, he just took classes there.

That being said, I don't think he's dumb. But he certainly isn't a 150+ IQ genius like some people would have you believe. Basic spelling errors on some of his tweets should confirm this to you.

t. trump voter

when will these retards get a clue. facts are relative. they don't have a monopoly on "truth".

>that photo

Holy shit, "race mixing is beautiful" my fucking ass. What the fuck. Though to be honest you americans only had to look at Mexico's largest demographic to realize that.

Trips tell the truth honestly.
His IQ might not be super high, but his EQ defiently is.
I actually prefer him not having a high IQ, makes him more down to earth.
t. trump supporter

IQ measures the ability for the Human brain to detect complex patterns.

Getting a few spelling errors has nothing to do with IQ.

>Spelling errors mean he is not (that) smart

Google, he is in the midst of a presidential campaign, 70 years old, probably types with one finger, and usually tweets while doing other stuff. That's not indicative of anything. If he was drafting a formal business letter it would probably be spelled correctly and double-checked.

If he isn't sleeping then even errors like "two" instead of "to" or "too" are excusable. Shit happens when you've been up for 16 hours and instead of shitposting on Cred Forums you've instead been meeting with policy advisers and reviewing draft statements all day. Sometimes he's even had more than one rally in a single day. That is very mentally taxing.


You fags need to quit this shit.

>has NOTHING to do with IQ
Do you really find it hard to believe that he's not a super genius? I'm not saying I wouldn't make spelling errors in his position, but the errors in question are definitely not the kind you're describing.

google google google

>Do you really find it hard to believe that he's not a super genius?

No. I'm just saying that spelling errors are not the determinant here.