I hold a better knowledge on blacks than most poltards

I hold a better knowledge on blacks than most poltards.

If you ever wanted a non meme answer about africa or blacks, feel free to ask.

memes are ignored.

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Get your own shithole figured out first, then you can start talking about the blacks, Colombia.

Op will get cancer.

we're developing.
right now today is the FARC peace sign deal.

If you have any question over why africa is poor, ask.

"Why is Africa poor?"

Is it whitey's fault?

Why is Colombia such a poor shithole? And why are Colombians such spergtastic fuckin' dumbshits that can't do anything but sell cocaine and degeneracy?

Is BBC a meme? What about jungle fever?



tell me about bane, why does he wear that mask

are you going to vote for yes or for no?

diferent factors.

first, traditional and ancient level of development when europa was already in industrial level of development.

then africa was partitioned into diferent countries that didn't reflect the wishes of the local populations, this created ethnic conflicts.

after colonization ended, traditional african society was destroyed, a dirty half breed society appeared, military dictators like mugabe gained control of their countries.

these dictators engaged in socialist practices drinking the cold war propaganda, meaning their countries had almost no development in decades.

then they died or retired and civil wars engaged based on ethnic conflicts of the colonization era.

Last twenty years have been of democratic goverments and started to develop.

they're trying really hard but is hard to make people work when they're used to western free food.

we're not that poor, not bolivia levels.
our PPP is around 15k per year.



>BBC a meme
yes, based on porn and self reported stats.

>jungle fever
dunno about that, but most people find other races exotic, and blacks are naturally more alpha than whatever shit europeans consider manly.

because he's a big guy.

I will vote for the yes, I rather vote for the end of FARC.

look up sundiata, one of the richest man in history.

black had several black kingdoms, mali, ghana, zimbawe, godon.

funny how most americans are so even ignorant of shit they wanna steal egyptians.

but there was a nubian rule during two centuries in egypt.

that's actually quite informative, thanks

>I will vote for the yes, I rather vote for the end of FARC.

Well at least you're not a total retard.

Just mostly retarded as shown and .

it's not retarded answers, most of pol is unaware of the reasons why africa is poor.

they simply masturbate to delusions of white supremacy.

Why are u interested on the ape continent?

>literally we wuz kings'n'sheet answer

What did they achieve in this time frame?

You are aware there have been thousands of kingdoms of literally whos and nobody gives a shit right?

Why should I care if blacks have had a few kingdoms? Are they even noteworthy at all?

Also a single "richest" black man ever against the hundreds of caucasican people that lead the "richest" empires (literally or figuratively though trading).

OK I'll bite.

Pretty please, OP, explain to us why no african civilization has developped writing in the last 12000 years.

It's a long story.

I started to think why japan never depict us (latinos) in anime, then I started to think more about other regions of the world.
Then I started to shitpost on pol and see the black memes.
Because I live in cali, I then started to ponder about the pol memes.
Then I started to shitpost and argue against pol circlejerk and started to read more about blacks, even if that was for trolling idiots here.

Then after a while, it became into a real interest over black people.
They're good people and I quite admire then now.

You must be 18 to post here.

just because black african history is ignored, it doesn't mean it's not important.

sundiata is a big figure in africa.

there's several african writing systems that are not european.
the most famous one is the one used in ethiopia.

nah, is fine.
is easy to trigger pol if you try to defend black people, pol becomes histerical.
it's really hilarious.

>just because black african history is ignored, it doesn't mean it's not important.

African history isn't ignored, I'm no expert on it as I'm no expert on asian history (though I have a minimal-decent enough knowledge of both), but compared to the european history why would it be noteworthy at all?

My last sentence basically is the one million dollar question, I can understand a few people specializing in it or having particular interest in a few individuals but why would it be on interest to the general public?

I can't understand why the fug some one could admire such disgusting creatures like the blacks, i mean i like black phat ass girls but fuck black people they ruin everything

because is still human history.

if you want to ask about the common people, I think african history can be a fertile ground for movies and games.

black history is filled with suffering, slavery, poverty, even while they're still bad, there's also a battle for africans to survive and never give up.

the more you read about them, the more interesting they become.

>and now I'm some race mixer

Diversity pusher are always trying to get into rich countries by pushing meme propaganda designed to shame and demoralize.

Mind you, the propaganda may have a strong basis in fact, but propaganda is not characterized by its truth or falsity, but by the fact that it tries to achieve a certain political objective.

In this case, demographic replacement.

>le pol bogeyman
blacks need training, not free shit.

they're quite capable of doing work, but most of western aid has made them dependant of free shit.

whites still can't understand how to let africans help themselves and would rather baby sit them again.

whites simply need to fuck off off africa.

I would not call that a true advancement because FARC will just become a legal political party, pretty much like our PT.
But what do I know again?

U are black dude, cali is like 60% black

U fell for the we wuz khangz

But as technology evolves they'll get behind again and problems rise again, how to deal with it?

>blacks need training, not free shit.

And your point is that we have to invite them, and you, en mass to our countries right?


>whites simply need to fuck off off africa.
>what is foreign capital investment
>why is Africa poor?

There's really a lot of cool shit in African mythology and history, but the hard part about it is finding it. There's a lack of interest, which means no one goes into these fields and finds all the cool shit that happens, and fewer people share it. This is only compounded by the focus on storytelling in many African tribes, and the lack of a written history means some stories are lost to time.

They won't do that though, because exploiting the problems created in Africa is extremely profitable for more unscrupulous companies. Even if they did, withdrawing irresponsibly would be far worse than never helping in the first place.

I'm mestizo, but my political father is black.

they need to learn to depend on themselves.


whites need to stop baby sitting blacks and giving them everything for free, that creates lazyness.

there are some africans working hard to make their countries independant.

most of them are simply poor, but they have potential.
they need to realize that potential.

capitalism will fix it.

Don't forget to tip ur fedora black intellectual

>they need to learn to depend on themselves.

That's not something anyone oppose in principle. I think people would find Cred Forums is most agreeable if the immigration question were to be settled.

>first, traditional and ancient level of development when europa was already in industrial level of development.
Asia was only a few hundred years behind Europe.
Africa was an indeterminate amount of time behind. Independently, I would estimate dozens of millennia before reaching 16th century European levels of development; possibly NEVER.

Answer: a certain intelligence threshold is REQUIRED to develop or even to mimic that level of civilization, which sub-Saharan Africa apparently can't facilitate the evolution of. That's the only answer. Bye.

I think pol agrees that welfare is a bad idea.

they were probabelly at the level of smaller biblical kingdoms.

I have looked into the sub-saharan capitals and stuff and the only thing I see is slums, what exactly is the dialy live of an african? what do they work for without there being a proper economy? hell, how does the government hold itself at all?

That's impossible I think.

I do agree with many aspects of how we're going about it now, namely the opening of health clinics and the training of medical professionals. But since the infrastructure does not yet exist to be able to support such efforts in remote locations, humanitarian aid is needed to keep them afloat.

What I'm not too big a fan of is the creation of "jobs" in sub-saharan Africa by foreign investors. Said jobs are usually exploitative of the delicate economy of the region, and further funnel needed resources out of the area without improving the living conditions muchly.

they're poor, but they're developing.
there's already some richest areas in some cities that are nice.

check these.

not really, lazyness and stupidity are cultural problems.
blacks aren't necesarelly dumber or any other pol pejorative.

I've found most of black problems come down to poverty and having no parenting.

Yes they are.
Act accordingly if you want to help them.

It was interesting to find that self help african ONG.

they can learn to be good people.
they need help, not pity, nor free shit.

Yes, they were catching up before welfare state.

Nigger thinks he's a genius for knowing the "rich" history of a shithole that Is taught with more detail in American public schools while half the class fucking sleeps

why the anger though?

better to talk about black history without stupid dumbfuck memes.

>black history is filled with suffering, slavery, poverty
Do you think that this only applies to blacks?

I didn't implied that.
I implied african and black history is a fertile ground for unexplored ideas in film, literature, vidya.

many people are unaware of black history.

Okay, I can agree with a lot you said here, the stopping free food for sure man, good points man

Guns, Germs and Steel
all the answers you need, the rest is just elaboration


I think most of pol would agree that there's poverty even in first world nations.


What do you think China's true intentions in Africa are? Could they end up being a positive force, or will they pillage and reap resources like the old Euro colonialists?

Also, what are some good Nollywood videos to watch?

Ya I think and we also would love to see Africa become the place it could be. I think most of us feel that the left has failed Africa (and all of us for that matter) but the poor in particular world wide.

Good thread OP

I do think china wont at least fuck over africa.
china is building schools and shit in exchange of natural resources.
Africans seek chinese to build infraestructure while chinese are seeking political support from africans.

I think is a better relationship that what westerners want.

africans wants economic development, china is giving them that, while westerners ask too many things in exchange.

Multiculturalism and genetics.

Africa's problems is being accustomed to gibmedats, but they only ever reach the elites, who take all the money and very little trickles down

Those elites are bred in the western world, they're race traitors.
Mugabe is a dictator but he actually is much better than a Sassou N'guesso or a Bongo, for example, as he's not subservient to western powers who hate him for that, and actively undermine Zimbabwe

Elites being western controlled, and said elites brutally repressing social unrest, Africa's progress is slow and depends a lot on the african diaspora in the western world, which is starting to realize they have got to come back to their native continent and fix it.

Pic related: Kemi Seba, based panafricanist

Also, do you like Champeta?

you'll enjoy nabwana i.g.g.
he's an uganda man making really funny movies.


this is gold.

Thanks, looks pretty dope.

this obvious innit bro?

Explain to me why África is shit

not obvious to a lot of pol.


Ok, a non meme answer
I'm satisfied