I don't understand what's so bad about nationalism

I don't understand what's so bad about nationalism.

Shouldn't we be proud of our own nation? Turn our charity toward our nation first? Secure our interests above others?

But it seems like throughout history nationalism turns countries into raging retards.

How hard is it to care for your own interests and to not put others above yourself without becoming an asshole?

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That's racist.

Nationalism is stigmatized because the international capitalist elite would make the most profits on globalism. They've also turned captialism in most developed nations into Corporatism, making it virtually impossible for the coporations at the top to be challenged.(See Hillary's 65% estate tax that small businesses can't avoid but billionaires can work their way around)

They fund politicians and media. That's it.

This song sums it up nicely.




There's nothing wrong with it. It's just being proud of your nation and to wanting it to succeed with a focus on yourself. Ideally not disdain for other nations because they aren't you but instead cooperating with them in a way that still serves your nation's interests but also theirs ethically. Nationalism is the recipe for peace, globalism is the recipe for chaos.


Great post. Like a workers union or a gang, a nation is an organization which benefits insiders, sometimes at the cost of outsiders. Other times it just forces wealth redistribution within the nation. The organization is usually created by people with naturally shared goals and obvious benefits from cooperation, but it has no expiration date. It often causes conflict with outsiders as well. To conclude, idk.

My only real problem with nationalism is that it tends to turn towards disdain to other nations which leads to hostilities and tensions. And eventually there's a spark or some claim on land that causes conflict.

Nationalism is rational and instinctual. People should help their own tribe before others. It's simply self-preservation.

I get why it's easy to like nationalism but honestly it's silly if you think about it

>being born on this part of the map makes me a better person than if i was born on this part of the map

Fuck your racist oppressive privilege op.

but you see
some shit stain can point out one thing they dont like so we have to start over from scratch


It's not politically correct to be correct anymore

Why do you assume being a nationalist means believing you are superior to another?

Also it depends on how you look at your birth. Do you believe you, being you is a result of pure chance? Or is it a result of the collective effort and decisions that your ancestors, people and nation made. I tend to favor the latter for I am a result of the decisions and work of my ancestors, it's not like we were souls in a vacuum who are randomly placed within a body.

"national interest" = interest of an oligarchy at the cost of everyone else whilst saying "we're all in this together" and blaming brown people for the contradictions of capitalism.

It's not just about being born in a certain Geo-political location, but rather where your loyalties lie. You can have a utopian view of humanity and think that we should all work together/live in harmony or whatever, but in reality different nations will have conflicting interests. It's only natural to want your nation and its people to be on top.

We all do this every day on a smaller scale. We put our families first above everyone else. This doesn't mean we go around and shit on everyone else or act like assholes, we just don't bend over and let everyone walk all over us or take our shit, fuck our wives, and eat our food. We make sure our bills are paid, food is on the table, and our children are safe. If we have have extra time or money we may opt to help out others, but it comes second to ensuring our family's needs are met.

While I don't see the state's role as equivalent to that of the father/mother, the analogy still works.


This happens regardless of nationalism or not. The more consolidated power is, the less checks and balances you have. Having a one world, one people scenario will not prevent the ruling of an oligarchy.

Because the idea of a nation state is leftist cuck shit and literally the biggest bluepill there is.

you're right, fuck borders and laws and shit.

>modern liberals
>believing in nation states
u wot m8

Did you build your nation? Fuck no. A bunch of dead irrelevant people with view-points that were only viable 200 years ago built the nation. Stop being proud of arbitrary borders and bullshit that doesn't exist physically. Stop being proud about what a bunch of dead literally-who's built.

That guy who died 200 years ago to make your country "great" will never experience what he fought for. He's gone. Stop being proud of this bullshit.

>a fucking leaf
I like my country much better than your liberal paradise. Enjoy those refugees.

Nationalism has pros and cons to be sure.

The largest pro is it centers the care and attention of national resources on national matters. In that way a nation can address the needs of its own rather than go on conquests of charity or war abroad. No national is without flaws and issues within nations will always arise, and no nation can be "post-national" without submitting its autonomy to an international power. If autonomy is lost within a nation, more than likely people within the nation will grow resentful of the global power, rebel, and fracture into new states. Tribalism is a fairly natural human mind set, so containing it in the context of Nationalism is a smart move.

However I do see that it can make a nation more likely to become xenophobic or act upon ancient transgressions. If you are too inward looking you can start to see yourself as overly righteous and therefore those previously mentioned eternal national problems might be given an external face leading to unnecessary conflicts fought for "revenge."

Also national identities are hard to forge and can be perverted by whatever politics are fashionable at the time, so a constitution should be preserved and maintained at all times to preserve the core of the nation. If that core is corrupted or ignored the nation falls with it, sadly this seems inevitable with time.

>liberal paradise
Look who's talking. You're more progressive than Sweden.

Nationalism is bad, unless it is the french nationalism. Where people are invited to partake in the culture and people are proud of the nation they are building together.

At least that's the bullshit they used to tell us in school. That was way before Bataclan.

Gotta love the overepresentation of minorities in the military and unrepresentation in the police.

Those literally-who's are your forebears, and all they've done was for you you ungratefull leaf.

Now tell me the pros and cons of globalism.

Believe me. Mexicans suck, but they aren't anywhere near as bad as Muslims.

Because the concept of nations was invented to further divide you and serve under porky

Nationalism and globalism serve the same purpose despite being ideological opposites. I've noticed the more nationalistic and patriotic yokels I've met are typically illiterate conformists.

No, those literally-who's sold my country to Cucknada through deceit for profit and made us become their final province and ever since we joined up with the Cucks they've done nothing but shit on our culture and economy. Fuck that.

You have more Muslims in your country than Sweden and Canada combined.

Which is why nationalists want to control in the same vein globalists do, no?

Anarchism is the only answer

Not by percentage. Sweden is like 5% Muslim, and Canada is roughly 3%. The US is

>You have more Muslims in your country than Sweden and Canada combined.
not per capita.

Sweden's closer to 10%-20% percent ever since they started accepting tons of refugees. They're a population of 10 million people and they've accepted anywhere ranging between 1 million to 2 million refugees.

>country invests in itself
>doesn't waste money on foreigners
>country grows stronger
>average citizen of country gets happier

2nd post best post.

>>being born on this part of the map makes me a better person than if i was born on this part of the map

>having no respect for your ancestors

You weren't just born in X place, a conscious effort through the generations brought you to where you are.

Opinion discarded


International trade and interaction is much easier to deal with. Nations might be less likely to go to large scale wars, seeing as one nation going to war could anger the rest of the collected nations.


Citizens in the formerly nationalist countries become disenfranchised; if multiculturalism and diversity were a self-evident strength then there would never be the need of propaganda to support it. Diversity all too often creates division and that typically affects the lowest classes first and then spirals upwards creating major conflicts of cohesion.

Additionally it's a logistical problem as well, more and more power in globalist situations seems to fall into fewer and fewer hands. And even if we assumed that every man and woman who was elected or appointed to the offices running these global administrations was just, they would soon be given responsibilities well beyond their qualifications. This is the same issue presented in heavily statist countries as well, when more resources and decisions are made by fewer people they will invariably run into a wall of their knowledge or capabilities. All people have limits of what they can and can't do.

Finally the assumptions made in the pros are just that, assumptions. We can assume that globalization might increase international cohesion and decrease chances for war, but it is entirely possible that this will only serve to bring together separate factions of like minded individuals and open them up to new alliances they hadn't previously foreseen. Russia for example, could find itself allied with Iran, which may have before seemed to them to not be beneficial. This may lead to a facade of global unity, but behind closed doors to a shaking of separate hands itching to take more control for their own interests.

it's like being proud of your kids instead of being proud for everyone's kid.

No they haven't, thats Germany.