Was Christianity a Jewish trick to destroy Rome?


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It wasn't Christianity that destroyed Rome. It was the eternal German.

>Jews killed Christians
>but they were totally in with them and rusing the romans
Kill yourself

Germans that were Christianized and had an easy going after the empire was split when Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople.

Jews hated Christians before it was hipter m8.

shlomo please
stop shilling that filthy cuck kike Jesus of Nazareth

A watered-down German is still a German. Anglo scum have done their fair share of destruction as well.

The Roman wasn't destroyed until the fall of the Byzantine empire. Roman culture was never destroyed.

Meme question. I hope you only get meme answers.

*the Roman state

>goy Jews hate Christians
>also have you heard Jesus threw some merchants out of a synagogue and called them the synagogue of satan?
wow really makes me think
nobody can top the Jews
the Jew in his form of Jesus of Nazareth has Jewed billions of people


yes I'm a Jew because I dislike everything Jewish especially the Jew jesus
maybe I'm a Muslim too


No, for that to be true you have to believe that Jews plotted to create a religion to weaken Rome, that the Romans would reject and persecute, until an emperor centuries later converted by seeing a meteor, then have Rome continue on for a couple more centuries until it was destroyed by barbarians who by that point had also adopted Christianity.
t. alberto barbosa
face it, ever since Charlemagne Germanic peoples have been at the heart of European civilization and advancement while the lazy latins lagged behind.

No. Christianity was, is and remains the only religion to name the Jew. It was adopted by the Roman government deliberately because they realized that the only proof against the kikes is to make it your RELIGION that they are evil.

Watch your haram, Achmed.

This. Based Jesus Christ is based.

Im convinced that Christianity was a Kike-Plot to emasculate and hobble the white race

Them owning the slave Trade. Slave Labor in agriculture, construction, prostitution, ect took all the jobs and only benefited wealthy 1% Romans and Jews who also controlled the gold.

no fuck of LARPagan, there's nothing the kike hates more than christianity, because it's the antithesis of kikery.

It took them well over a milennium to subvert to the point where they were officialy tolerated again (the french revolutionairy goverment was the first in europe that officialy re-habitated the jews into citizens after the jews that thepagans had invited were thrown out, then only allowed in as servants of the kings)

Additionally everyone of the prophets and the great people of the old and new testament are extremely reviled in all the jewish scriptures (the talmud).

Anyone who thinks the jews spread christianity is a historical illiterate.

No. See
It would be way too complex of a plot absolutely filled to the brim with assumptions about the future.

Youre a fucking retard.

The white man was shaped by Christianity for the last 1500 years. Only when secular scum like you and the Jews started spreading such falsehood did whites begin to be emasculated.

Joseph Goebbels called world war 2 a total war against satanic forces.

The only ones who have fallen for a plot are you and the other Secular cucks.

>there's nothing the kike hates more than christianity

Uh-huh. Because we can all see that whenever someone goes against them they call them "literally Jesus" and say they're Christians, right?

I've actually heard the theory that it was a roman plot to divide and disrupt the jews

talk about backfiring

>Implying it wasn't the eternal aryan responsible for the fall of Rome

explain the crusades and the inquisition

>Joseph Goebbels called world war 2 a total war against satanic forces.

Joseph Goebbels also wrote this in his Diary on 29 December 1939
>The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed. The Führer is a convinced vegetarian on principle.

Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization

Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven

When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep"...

... he is not kidding, or meaning the opposite, but actually setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical

Cred Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!

>explain the crusades

You mean the ones that took CENTURIES of muslim invasion before the church did anything and even then they focussed more on European heathens than removing the muzzies?

Yes, that's the rolemodel we need right now. Maybe in 2400 we can finally start to fight back if it's up to Christians.


Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven for the persecuted, the meek, and the martyred would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth", "my kingdom is of this world" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"

Only some one that just wanna use Christianity as an empty shell devoid of any true religious promises would claim that Paul and Peter misinterpreted Jesus when they submitted to their enemies and died to them while praying for them, instead of fighting the romans back and establishing a crusader kingdom, thing that one would expect them to do if Jesus meant "be a fighter and impose your will on your enemies" when he said "love your enemies and lend all they need to them without expecting anything in return"

But using Christianity as a shell devoid of any religious promises simply allows its poisonous morality to survive into the next generation.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "I didn't come to bring peace", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing what Jesus wanted is for them to put christian morality above the good-being of their own families.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "Buy a sword", but you can't stop them from reading the next chapter and realizing that Jesus stopped Peter from using the sword, and reprimanded him for misunderstanding, all while asking him to carry his own cross (Peter, fully realizing that Jesus meant all the stuff about embracing death and his kingdom was not of this world, that angelic chariots were not going to slay his enemies and bring him victory, realized he was doomed, and would then deny Jesus 3 times)

Sooner or later, your "strict catholic crusader" state will be reformed into liberalism, because the Gospel will still exist, because your children, like Peter, will realize that Jesus meant it when he said "you are to be persecuted and martyred for me", that Jesus didn't say "you will live in a stable and powerful civilization, free of oppresion and death, thanks to me".

>the crusades were bad!
>The crusades didn't happen soon enough!

There's no winning with you faggots.

Yeah, I'm going with his right hand that had private contact with him for years over a speech he held to be elected by a voting bloc that had a huge percentage of Christians. Thanks though.

The single biggest threat to the existence of the Jews for nearly 2000 years has been Christianity. It is the reason why Jews were sequestered to ghettos and pogroms all throughout Europe and were seldom ever allowed to be part of larger society and every time they were allowed they were subsequently removed from that society under the authority of the church.

I'm no Christian, lad, but I will give credit where credit is due. Our mass secularization has allowed Jewry to spread like a disease.

"A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins." Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

Either Hitler was lying, or the early christians + the current churches are lying

protip: Hitler was a deist


>There's no winning with you faggots.

Immediate response to remove muslim shitskins - there, that would've been the winning condition. You acting as if the crusades are such a great argument in favor of Christianity is pretty hilarious considering what a failure they were.

>It's only true if I agree

Good goys

Do you even realise how much the Jews hate Christianity? It's insane.

> The single biggest threat to the existence of the Jews for nearly 2000 years has been Christianity

What an ahistorical claim. Their biggest threat was the Pagan Romans almost erasing from the face of the Earth during the Bar Kocheba rebellion, not some christians complaining about jews controlling the financing and loaning services the christian churches themselves gave them as a monopoly

Christians expelled Jews from Spain and welcomed them in Poland, expelled them from Britain and welcomed them in Netherlands

Never mind that Christians are so throughly judaized, that from the 1500s onwards they have started to actively wish for the restoration of Israel so that the end of the world would finally come around

A religion which such obsession with death is fundamentally a time-bomb in the basement of a civilization

Funny it's always the pacos who are saying this.

Protip: you're probably more likely to be descended from Alaric than anyone in the germanic countries.

Jews hate Islam too, that does not mean that they won't use it as a tool to destroy the west

Jews hate poison, that does not mean they won't make you drink it

>The single biggest threat to the existence of the Jews for nearly 2000 years has been Christianity.
They were almost genocided under a pagan Roman emperor. Meanwhile under Christians:
>Jews were sequestered to ghettos and pogroms
Oooooooh, yeah, let's put them into walking distance from each other and kick them out occassionally so that they can settle in the next city, that's going to show those rootless cosmopolitan merchant bankers.

It was Charlemagne that established their financial monopoly over Europe.

As long as Christianity exists, Jews will exist because Christianity is the grass in which the jewish snake hides.
Worst case scenario they'll convert and then revert once the heat is down again. And you all have to accept them converting (while I can say: no, you kikes aren't European and therefore will never be of my people) because if you don't, your entire religion falls apart looking at how Rabbi Jeshua and his initial followers were all kikes.

>I'm no Christian, lad, but I will give credit where credit is due.
The only credit Christians deserve is for allowing the kikes into Europe in the first place.

>Christians want Israel to exist
What in the fuck are you smoking? Are you confusing America for the world?

Jews hate Christianity far, FAR more than they hate Islam. Do you know why Jews are called kikes?

I mean really, I hope you are aware the nazis were an esoteric movement, that is why their symbol was a svastika NOT a cross

>the very fact that the third reich came up with Positive Christianity doesn't have anything to do with them having something against Christianity

>Implying Byzantine Empire aka Eastern Roman Empire wasn't the legimate heir apparent of Pagan Roman Empire for a millenium.

The Pagan Romans brought Jews into Europe and Rome itself was full of them, even during Republican times.

>from the 1500s onwards they have started to actively wish for the restoration of Israel so that the end of the world would finally come around
What you're mentioning is a Brethren belief that only arose in America much later. Zionism didn't even exist until the 19th century.
>A religion which such obsession with death is fundamentally a time-bomb in the basement of a civilization
So what's your alternative, go back to the old ways? I'm sure the ancient inhabitants of Panama weren't obsessed with death.

No I'm stating that secular arguments using the crusades are either
A) atrocities that condemn the religion
B) they weren't effective enough and condemns the religion.

Secular people say Christians are monsters because of the crusades, then turn around and say they Christians didn't wipe out the muslims because they were weak.

Because your intention is to condemn, not to build up or give credit where it's needed, or even state facts.

Secular or not, the truth is Christianity is a path of life intended to build, not to destroy. They didn't want war with Muslims, but they fought when they ran out of options and risked total destruction

No, the early christians didnt wanted to spread their religion to the goyims. It was a jewish only religion.

It was Paul that converted the gentiles.

Germans didnt existed at time

Christianity was invented by the romans.

Nice try jidf at distorting the truth again.

> Are you confusing America for the world?

You are so misinformed that it is funny

Are you aware that the Christian Democrat block in Germany, Netherlands and Sweden are the biggest Israel shills ever to have exist?

Merkel went so far as to give them nuclear submarines

> Do you know why Jews are called kikes?

Because they didn't want to draw an X to sign.

Just like they are not going to stop bombing palestianian children, that does not somehow implies you shall convert to Islam

>Just like they are not going to stop bombing palestianian children, that does not somehow implies you shall convert to Islam
What in the fuck are you even saying?

>I hope you are aware the nazis were an esoteric movement, that is why their symbol was a svastika NOT a cross
Hitler got the swastika off a church he lived near. Besides, saying the Nazi Party wasn't Christian because their symbol was a swastika is the same as saying the Republican Party isn't Christian because their symbol is an elephant.

>Their biggest threat was the Pagan Romans almost erasing from the face of the Earth during the Bar Kocheba rebellion

This is a terribly false claim. This rebellion and the backlash it prompted by the Romans only occurred in Judea. There were PLENTY of Jews outside of Judea at that point in history.

>Christians expelled Jews from Spain and welcomed them in Poland, expelled them from Britain and welcomed them in Netherlands

I never disputed this. And yes, they were welcomed, and then they were booted out. And in cases when they were welcomed again at a later date they were once again booted out.

>Never mind that Christians are so throughly judaized, that from the 1500s onwards they have started to actively wish for the restoration of Israel so that the end of the world would finally come around

I cannot personally think of a single Christian sect in the 1500s that advocated for the restoration of Israel, however I could be wrong. And my previous comment of secularization applies directly to the re-brandishing of Christianity within the last few centuries which has actively promoted self-Judaization. This re-brandishing was the crucial step towards eventual secularization, a place where we stand today.

>A religion which such obsession with death is fundamentally a time-bomb in the basement of a civilization

You're a real philosopher,

> What you're mentioning is a Brethren belief that only arose in America much later. Zionism didn't even exist until the 19th century.

This only shows how throughly ignorant of their own religion the defenders of Christianity are

> "Moreover, it is granted that there shall be a time and season, during the continuance of the kingdom of the Messiah in this world, wherein the generality of the nation of the Jews, all the world over, shall be called and effectually brought unto the knowledge of the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ; with which mercy they shall also receive deliverance from their captivity, restoration unto their own land, with a blessed, flourishing, and happy condition therein." - John Owen (1616 – 24 August 1683), English Nonconformist church leader

> go back to the old ways?

What is that even needed?

Why can't Reality be your religion? Why do you need to delude yourself with answers that no human being can properly answer?

We JUST don't know what the heck happens after death

>No, the early christians didnt wanted to spread their religion to the goyims.
So what, you're saying "Noone shall come to the Father except though me" was wrong and the Great Commission doesn't exist?

then you are pretty retarded

>Why can't Reality be your religion? Why do you need to delude yourself with answers that no human being can properly answer?
Ah yes, atheism. That is SURELY a redpilled system that will stop the jews!

That if the Jews love or hate something does not mean you should do the opposite

The whole idea of Christianity is to get Jews to stop competing with jews, to get them to thinbk that wordly matters and riches are evil so that they can take over

It is not wonder that Christian Churches actively worked to convince everyone that their loaning and finances were evil, and granted Jews a monopoly on those

A monopoly that led to the current predicament of out of control jewish power

> Hitler got the swastika off a church he lived near.

holy fuck, do you believe Hitler founded the nazi party???

Jesus approves.

>That if the Jews love or hate something does not mean you should do the opposite
Nobody even came close to saying this. Are you fucking retarded?

>Christianity was Jewish trick
>Jesus preached about fighting the Jews and threatening their position of power


The meaning of "red-pill" literally is "looking at the harsh truth of reality"

Christianity was a roman trick to enslave jews
>dont worry skypes, god cherishes the poor and destitute

>They were almost genocided under a pagan Roman emperor. Meanwhile under Christians
No they were not. See >Oooooooh, yeah, let's put them into walking distance from each other
I don't think you understand how the ghettos and pogroms worked. They weren't simply a separate neighborhood. They weren't allowed outside of them most of the time and they were strictly forbidden from entering most areas of the cities. Many times they weren't even located near existing cities or towns and the local populations relocated them far away.

>As long as Christianity exists, Jews will exist because Christianity is the grass in which the jewish snake hides.
Lame attempt at sounding witty. Did you think that up while you were high last night? Lol!

>The only credit Christians deserve is for allowing the kikes into Europe in the first place.
I hate to break it you pal, but the Jews entered in Europe when Europe was pagan. You can thank your Aryan forefathers for that.

>That is SURELY a redpilled system that will stop the jews!

Yes, why wouldn't it be? Atheism has no inherent qualities other than not believing in god/s.

You can devote your entire being to stopping Jews as atheist and that would be no problem.


Every time you see these threads seeking to delegitimize Christianity, remember it was probably started by a Germanic trying to convert everyone to Islam like the wannabe Turkroaches they are, or a degenerate atheist.

how did a people that got fucked 6 ways to sunday (ha ha) plan anything?

If it were a plan, the jews wouldn't have tried to rebel (which basically lost them control of Jerusalem) AFTER the creation of christianity

No, it was a Roman trick to destroy Judaism. Judaism was, and is, a Semitic faith of Holy Law and Ritual Purity. Like Islam it encourages militant, fanatical devotion. This lead to frequent uprisings and unrest in Roman occupied Judea. Christianity was the Westernization of Judaism; transforming it into a Greco-Roman style mystery cult. unlike the Jews, Christians were compliant with Roman rule, even when they were being persecuted. It's a historical irony that this Roman rebranding of Judaism would become the preeminent faith of the west.

>It is not wonder that Christian Churches actively worked to convince everyone that their loaning and finances were evil, and granted Jews a monopoly on those
Banking can still be done without usury, the Knights Templar had a monopoly on finance until the French king had them destroyed and let the jews move in.

Also, as for saying the pagans Romans were the greatest threat to the Jews - Jews had a privileged status in Roman society, not having to worship the Emperor, having autonomy, and having Romans carry out judgments of their courts. It was only when the Jews entered open revolt that the Romans retaliated. The entire island of Cyprus was genocided by Jews before the Romans kicked them out.
Then Julian the Apostate, the last pagan emperor, wanted to reinstate Jewish privileges in the empire and even rebuild the Temple because he saw jews as part of his pagan system.

>No, it was a Roman trick to destroy Judaism
You're the type of person that I went to middle school with that believed that Marilyn Manson had 2 of his ribs removed so he could suck his own penis. Just because something sounds plausible and seems exhilarating to you doesn't make it truth.

* Christians to stop competing with jews

That is the entire argument around the whole "hurr durr but jews hate christianity"

Jews kill muslims in Israel, but activaly fight against "Islamophobia" in the West

Different enemies, different goals

It is not like jews are known for being great schemers or anything, right?

>That is the entire argument around the whole "hurr durr but jews hate christianity"
Are you embarrassing yourself on purpose or is this just coming naturally to you?

>when Americans talk about "destroying Europe"

so why didn't other christians go after rome? face it, germans are the most barbaric and civilized of people.

>so why didn't other christians go after rome?
What "other Christians"? The only other group that was strong enough to really contend with Rome was the pagan Persian empire. There were barely any other Christians around besides the Armenians and the Irish.

Christianity absorbed stoicism and epicureanism, and kind of saved the west when Rome fell.

We would be mudshits this very moment if it weren't for the Christianization of mother Evropa.


This. Jews arent superhuman, they are just assholes and the only diffence today is now they are really really really rich assholes.

Ummm, did you mean to respond to me? Because I agree with you 100%.

> This rebellion and the backlash it prompted by the Romans only occurred in Judea. There were PLENTY of Jews outside of Judea at that point in history.

Jews outside of Judea had rebellions of their own that were squashed as well (ie Kitos War)

> not having to worship the Emperor

Forcing them to worship the Emperor would have forced the Romans to annihilate all the Jews. They were just not worth wasting that time, specially not when they could be used to try to weaken the revolutionary ferment of Christianity, the judaic spawn even more dangerous because it infected gentiles and made them reject their ancestor worship and traditions

as you yourself pointed out
> Then Julian the Apostate, the last pagan emperor, wanted to reinstate Jewish privileges in the empire and even rebuild the Temple because he saw jews as part of his pagan system.

Pagans hoped that siding with Jews and declaring Christianity a judaic heresy would alienate people from it

Basically what current nationalists do when they try to hopelessly cuck for Israel

You're right, what a stupid idea.

Jews Christians and Muslims are all Semitic abrahamic fucktards and there's nothing you can do about it

the crusades were both a failure and too late

source, the billion fucking mussies we have today..

>Jews outside of Judea had rebellions of their own that were squashed as well
And? My point still stands. They weren't "almost wiped out."

I can understand thinking it was a grave mistake for Europe to accept Christianity (I disagree), but what kind of fucking idiot thinks Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy?

How can we help?

Damn damn damn.
Mountainous waifu to make up for posting error.

Okay, where's that pagan holy war against the mudshits? Pagan Persia folded up for the army of Muhammad like a cheap card table, whereas Christians lost ground but eventually halted the kebab advance, and began driving it back. They even crushed the caliphate before decolonization started making everyone into a cuck.

They really were almost wiped out

> Result: Jewish communities of Cyprus, Cyrene and possibly others completely depopulated and permanently expelled to the eastern edges of the Empire

Romans would have not been able to exterminate all the jews even if they wanted, insofar there were plenty in Persia to replenish their losses, and the eastern borders constantly shifted with every persian advance and retreat

Romans didn't have time to try to start a complete genocide when they were, for starters, pragmatic people that wanted peace within the provinces as soon as possible to be able to face the Persians

it is that same reason that didn't allow the Romans to squash Christianity

Don't elect Hillary, for a start.

This to be honest.

>Damn, these Jews won't stop burning shit down.
>Hey Pantera, you raped some chick named Mary in Nazareth, right?
>Did she get pregnant?
>Yup, she played it off as a miracle lol
>I think I have a way to solve this Jew problem of ours...

>but what kind of fucking idiot thinks Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy?

High school maturity level edgelords. A lot of these retards were probably raised Christian and now they are in their "rebellious" years lashing back at their upbringing. I was there at one point in my life too. Eventually you grow up and see the bigger picture after some life experiences and you realize that you were just one of the dumbasses. It's hard to admit but once you get past it things seem a lot better.

The rest of them are just societies degenerates and are a natural part of humanity. Thankfully people like that are usually anti-children as well (children cost money and other resources and when you have them you "can't have fun anymore") and they tend not to breed.

>The religion that reveres Jews as God's chosen people isn't a Jewish scam

I mean I like Christianity because of the Crusades but come on dude

It was the Nationalisms of the 1800s, born out of the secular French Revolution, not Christianity, that drove the turks out of the balkans

heck, the Catholic and Ortodox leaders even made a "holy alliance" to try and keep the status of 1815 permanently in Europe, while France and Germany had particular alliances with the Ottomans before and after the french revolution

>They really were almost wiped out
>Romans would have not been able to exterminate all the jews even if they wanted
Get your shit straight Panama. They weren't almost wiped out. There were numerous Jewish communities all throughout the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, Central Europe, and the Balkans.

Obviously it was a Roman trick to destroy Judea.

Umm. Wut.

> No, Christianity isn't cucked per se... what happens is that Modern Christianity is corrupted because Jews managed somehow to infiltrate every single mainstream church, all the way back to the early modern period and the beginning of Zionism!


>I'm an educated christcuck

>the religion that calls out Jews as the Synagogue of Satan is a Jewish scam

>Rome is the thriving beacon of civilization
>constancuck converts
>everything falls apart

No it wasn't. Just how simple do you think this is: establishing a whole new religion, manufacturing a plethora of scripts and texts, travelling throughout the near east and brainwashing people with the stories in those scripts and texts, hoping that the Jewish community would then latch on to this new religion, then for some strange reason the Jewish community would.... what? Disappear?

Do you really think that 2000 years ago the Romans, who were still ascribing illnesses and sickness to demonic forces, were somehow intelligent enough to pull off a scheme that large when we can't even do it today?


Jews didn't destroy Rome, Rome destroyed Rome.

The inability of its armies to protect the assets of its landowners in the provinces resulted in them leaving Rome all together to live exclusively in their estates.

I don't even understand how to respond to this grade-A retarded post.

>everything falls apart
Still kept going for 200 years after that. And the eastern, more Christianized part, was the one that lasted the longest and even had a resurgence under Justinian.

> wiped out from Israel
> wiped out from Cyreneaica, Cyprus and other areas of the Eastern Mediterrenean
> but those were not ALL jewish communities everywhere forever so I can't use "almost"

come on, that is just semantic

anywho, I have to watch the debate now

see ya

>No, for that to be true you have to believe that Jews plotted to create a religion to weaken Rome, that the Romans would reject and persecute, until an emperor centuries later converted by seeing a meteor, then have Rome continue on for a couple more centuries until it was destroyed by barbarians who by that point had also adopted Christianity.
This. Also the Roman empire was destined to fall anyway.