Who won the debate?


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Wait for the medal ceremony. Fag.

The alt-right.

No one won but America lost.


Hillary Clinton won. She stated facts while Trump lied.

Hillary Clinton won. She stated facts while Trump lied.


Trump obviously lost.

Hillary won but only because Trump bombed at the end. She herself was almost Jeb-like in her lack of substance.


Hillary's earpiece

found the bots

>Hillary Clinton won. She stated facts while Trump lied.





i dont get it CTR. Pol is a white nationalist board like do you really fucking think there's a single chance in hell we'll vote for clinton ?

just get out

Trump handed out red pills. Hillary get a canned speech.

As a undecided voter I can say honestly Hillary.

She was calm and collected while Trump was ADHD as fuck. Trump had a nice opening with his economy plan but after that with the tax audits he went spiraling down.

I don't know whats a fact or not coming from these candidates but if you're looking at the unbiased point of view is the person who is calm out of all of this wins because that's the type of leader you want in these situations. So Hillary without a doubt.

Hillary cucked Donald so hard that she's going home to fuck Melania while Donald watches from the corner.

According to every poll I've read, Don won.

I'm gonna watch the debate later today, but from what I gather it was way more boring than people expected, with no fireworks.

The shilling on Cred Forums is priceless tho..

Hillary won this debate. There are two more and Trump was gentle. Don't expect that anymore.3rd debate most important.


The Crtl-left.

I definitely think Trump destroyed Hitlery tonight. Her sharts were not muffled by the media, despite best efforts.

Hillary Clinton won. She stated facts while Trump lied.

>Trump handed out red pills

So you mean that, much like the phrase "red pill," he only appealed to pathetic lonely neckbeards while everyone else laughed at him? Yes, that is accurate.

would you pay to see porn between them?


Hillary Clinton won. She stated facts while Trump lied.

Hillary Clinton won. She stated facts while Trump lied.

Talking points aren't facts

>clinton facts


>thank you for Trumping the record, one *sniff* has been deposited into your coke account.


Shit, I'd give my left nut to jerk off in the corner if Melania let me.


>I'm looking at the poles and your guy (Hillary) lost the debate! LMAO

Going to build that wall!

can i haz a cookie instaeD?

Clinton won. Trump even said he would support Clinton if she won the presidency.

they both lost.
that debate was bloodier than MMA

Man I remember when Bernie was winning all the online polls too.

See u at the third party ballot when you all wake up . Have fun while it lasts though, I sure did.
















I can't remember anything genuinely damaging that Secretary Clinton said.

Trump had some deep cuts with the e-mail comeback about tax returns and the 30 years and no results.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.

go back to univision

>He had her on the ropes the whole times.
Did you accidentally watch the wrong debate? Trump was on the defensive for the last 2/3 of it.

I feel for you guys. We have similarly shit politicians, but every single choice for America this election cycle has fucking SUCKED. The political elite is just an ingroup of absurdly rich partyboy faggots who've never done a day's labour in their lives and are applying to run the country because they think they should.

Trump isn't even a good candidate, he's just our last hope at electing someone who isn't part of the fucking mammon machine, except after tonight's debate I strongly suspect he might be a shill for Hill.

Still watching the C-Span archived debate (1:08:30 at present).

So far, I'm not liking what I've been seeing/hearing from Trump. That said, I'm still voting for him.


Because DAESH needs to die a quick death and I'm willing (and still in the military) to go back over to finish the fight. Because Hillary offers nothing in the way of trustworthiness as both Abu Ghraib and Bengazi were here babies (she was on the Armed Forces Committee during '03-'06 and was thus one of the members that altered the interrogation procedures for MPs that other generals annotated and added towards for whatever gain). Because she has demonstrated numerous times over the past 30 years that she is willing to change her point of view depending on her audience.

And while granted, a human should be allowed to change their viewpoint over time + new information/circumstances, Trump has said the same thing, time after time after time since the 1970s.

I admire a guy for sticking to his guns when its politically inconvenient. I can admire a leader for willing to fight for his subordinates' job security and financial gain in the face of a "leaky" tax law. I can admire a presidential nominee for being man enough to say his mind instead of censoring his speech to gain votes (he even called Ted Cruz a pussy, and ol' Ratto even cucked himself in the end by reneging his non-support of Trump a few days ago to keep his standing).

I'm a military service-member voting for Trump. I want a 4 - 8 year span in which America can focus on itself instead of worrying about the world too pussified in defending itself without US assistance. The EU wants to field an army, cool: I wish them the best of luck defending their super-state.

Hillary wants to be an advocate for America's economic dominance after 30 years' worth of doing nothing but working for personal gain: sure, whatever, enjoy your political retirement when Trump wins.

Trump wants a strong America. I can only agree. Make America Great Again!

Hillary Clinton won. She stated facts while Trump lied.

Most political pundits here are saying that Trump got BTFO. But I have grave doubts of what the fuck do they know about burger politics.

Still, I hope he didn't completely tank it and can recover in the next debates.

Yeah it was rough but a lot of people were quick to point out the fact that Romney crushed Obama in the first debate.

>trump has never flip flopped

wew lad

Isn't it evident by the meltdown happening here on Cred Forums?

Pepes literally questioning if they can really stand behind such an obvious buffoon.

Shillary mostly talked like any candidate from any other election cycle, but baited Trump into wasting his breath on rambling incoherently unpopular and/or unimportant things.

T-bag got schlonged by the Hag.

There is too little signal-to-noise right now because of all the paid posters, but the dust will settle over the next 3 days and you'll have a much better picture of what the fuck happened.

Next debate, Trump better be coached on how not to fall into traps and just drop shit that looks bad instead of talking about it for 5 fucking minutes. Otherwise Hillary's got this hook line and sinker.

To be honest, Trump did get BTFO. That said, Hillary's strategy was like a kid saying that she was smart by stating facts that ultimately fall flat when compared to her remarks during and prior to the general election.

Keep in mind, Trump wants to become president... he doesn't NEED to become president. Let's be real here: the guy is in his 70s and should be enjoying his retirement and watching his children manage his company and playing with his grandkids. He doesn't need anymore of a legacy, succeed or fail.

In fact, winning the presidency will ultimately harm all he's built. Likewise, so will his potential defeat. Voters will flame or crow in victory regardless.

But he's been right on one thing above all else. Somewhere down the line, America lost its nuts. Somewhere down the line, we started caring more about public perception rather than definitive results. Somewhere down the line, we Americans started focusing on how everyone else, outside the US, perceived us rather than doing our thing and letting the other countries follow us or disregard us as they want.

We Americans lost our conviction that made our country so attractive. In no other country can an immigrant become a citizen regardless of country of birth like in the USA. No where else will a county air its dirty laundry because we believe in an open and fair exchange of ideals, good or bad. Nowhere else will you find a nation which so ardently defends its peoples' freedom of expression and speech without censorship.

Nowhere else will you encounter an atmosphere of such raw hope as to galvanize the most nihilistic citizen into emphatic activism on a whim. I dare you to list another example.

kek trump lied....

hillary brought everything to that debate, that was the public event of her life, she tried her absolute hardest and it was basically a draw(i do think hillary 'won'). trump said everything he needed to say he pushed all of his policy and then just defended himself against the nonsense attacks.

can't wait for the next debate.

i watched it with a normie who doesn't care one way or another, and she said pretty much this. this was a hillary win for normies which is going to be a huge win for trump over the next two debates.

Not sure about countries, but what you said at the bottom could just as well be ISIS recruits. topkek murica

The Times and CNBC polls that Trump won 60-40 had 400K+ and 300K+, respectively.

That's definitive proof of his victory.

True. But even still, I have to admit that this election HAS changed things. Whether or not its for the better remains to be seen. In the past 3 years, America has seen a rise of violence unprecedented in decades past. Most of it being politically aimed violence, either terrorism or the odd whack-job coming out of their holes for a flare and then a quick burnout.

Times are changing, regardless of whoever wins. I personally think Trump will stump the competition. Can you say the same?

Actually, they have 900K+ and 450K+ votes.


Donald Trump won. He stated facts while Hillary lied.

Donald Trump won. He stated facts while Hillary lied

I'll tell you what.

I was at a bartender competition this evening. I won.

I made a drink called MAGA. "Mezcal Agave Gin Angastora"

Fuck yes.

One party system

Nah. Not brutal. Just meaningless. You dont need 450k or 900k, you just need 1,3k. But the sample must be random. You really must be 12 or a victim of american education to not know this. Muh internet pollz.

does this not fuck anyone up? i love trump, watched almost every debate/rally and he was like 30% trump tonight. i have said in several threads tonight i believe trump is running the reagan long con, easy on the first debate and total savage the next two, which is a good strategy and he has roger ailes behind him so it really seems like he was meant to go hard policy tonight and basically stand his ground after he made his policy points.

now it seems like he actually fucking won the debate, i really wanted hillary to (((win))) this debate, she needs more attention and she needs more undecided and bern-outs to be interested in her. more undecided voters that are uninterested but leaning to hillary need to see trump , if he won this debate the next two will just be him preaching to the choir.

You sound really mad that Trump was so fucking dominate in victory.

Enough with the bullshit that he lost. You're playing in to the MSM lie. Trump was debating both the moderator and Clinton and he made both of them look like fools.

>starts off strongly on the economic issues

>all Clinton does is pander to "muh economic equality" literally stuff we've heard that's no different from Obama

>Trump explained basic economics, how we've been taxing businesses out of the country

>Clinton literally could not refute that

>Trump turns to Clinton and says "why are you thinking of these solutions now?"

>Clinton stand there does nothing

>everyone sees how Trump is the change candidate, Clinton tried to make her pathetic career look like it was successful

>on the racial divide, Trump reinforced law and order, talked about stop and frisk that actually worked

>Clinton pandered, all she said was say "muh systemic racism"

>Trump stood strong defended himself with the petty attacks about his business and on the Iraq war bullshit

>Trump was fact checked, every time he was he answers with a substantive truthful answer

While Trump deflects each and every attack on his character, or on his business, he diverts it and turns it into a policy driven answer. Trump spent most of the debate bringing attention to himself, Clinton stood there with a smug look.

He could have done things like talk about her private email server, but he will get those chances in the other debates when they're more relevant to the question. Trump should have talked about dirty Bill Clinton and his treatment of women after Hillary brought up the bullshit about Trump and women. Trump took the high road though, so people will see that Hillary desperately tried to slander him.

The media hasn't really talked about it much, but ISIS is getting creamed in the middle East. They're not really capable of fighting a war, so they're losing tons of territory. I don't think their organization is really that great of a threat on a worldwide scale, but public unrest caused by it could/is creating issues.

If you're not retarded, you know Hillary mopped the floor with him. To say otherwise is to deny what was clearly in front of you.

Hannity won by being mentioned 6 times in a row.


Agreed. But then, any form of insurgency is a greater threat than the broad, blunt appeal of a million-man army.

An insurgency hides within a populace, corrupting it from within, and making the rot seem like progress. Not implying that the socio-cultural advancements of late aren't a form of rot, but neither am I saying that they don't exhibit similar symptoms.

Either way, a vote for Trump is an anti-establishment vote. Whether that is good or bad, time can only tell.

But I will state this, all of Hillary's rebuttals and defenses of Obama have been during times of war and immense financial responsibility in the rebuilding of Iraq and Afghanistan. I seriously doubt her claims towards the contrary would ring true if we weren't in a state of war or protracted conflict.

Let the Middle East sort itself out as it may, and only interfere if the trade of oil is inhibited. I have no problems fighting for a resource our nation requires until it finds an affordable and productive alternative. Until then, blood for oil and oil for blood.

Trump won because he didn't literally puke onstage all over his shit covered dick.

he only did that figuratively.

>Didn't watch the debate

>Has opinion on who won debate.

Hillary Clinton won.

>Wearing a mic and being spoon fed answers
>Nothing but softball questions
>Audience filled with hand picked Clinton supporters
>Moderator heavily biased in her favor


That's the fucking amazing part. She still lost. The DNC and the MSM is doing literally everything to pull for this decrepit bitch and she's still losing.

It's hilarious. Literally comedy gold.

Doubles for Trump

pol pot


Wait, she didn't collapse?

This must be a really tough night for you.

I'm sorry you're in so much pain.

Its not about who won , hillary already blew her load , while trump only lost a little precum , hillary is going to get rekt the next debates

>Drumpf totally lost guys!
Is this like how the media reported the remain side as having won the final debate before the referendum while they actually got BTFO? And then BTFO again in the vote?


watching the debate now, did Clinton wear an earpiece?

I'm still going to vote of course, but trump needs to get his shit together if he wants to win.

I was disappointed in Trump's performance, to be honest.

Cyber security question was a PERFECT opening to bash Hillary for her email scandal. What sort of president talks big about cyber security and has a private email server with CLASSIFIED INFORMATION that her IT guy has to go ask REDDIT for help on?

He also had PROOF Hillary's campaign started the Birther movement and didn't whip it out on her?

What gives?

Changing opinion about something that is discussed is the same as flopping on actually important topics like Clinton did

>wew lad

If this is what he is like on the first debate, holy fuck are the next one's gonna be brutal.

ok earlier I thought trump lost bad. I think I just was having anxiety with how much Hillary was attacking trump. after watching it again, I think trump did ok. I wouldn't say he won. but he definitely had a better message. he just didn't present it as scripted as Hillary presented hers.

all part of his plan in this game of 4d chess



>I was disappointed in Trump's performance, to be honest.


What 99% of the alt right white males felt like.

Drumpf was obliterated by Hillary.

It's an earring you dip

Clinton, but not by a lot.

Trump was pretty terrible tonight though, a competent opponent would deliver the final blow tonight.

and stefan probably will have half as many suscribers in a week. it wont affect his google money since he cant get google money now but it will affect how much people will pay for a endorsement on his channel

I'm not talking about the golden earring you tard, there's something inside her ear that looks unnatural, I mean it wouldnt be the first time she'd use an earpiece

>thinking that Steff will be dumped for having the balls to say the truth

Real men are not afraid to stand with her.

Engineer here.
If it is an earpiece, the chunky earring would have been chosen to house the electronics for it.

Trump babbled to eat time. They unloaded almost everything they have on him, sexism, racism, taxes. He seemed to be holding back. He wore a blue tie. He's going to unload on her and everyone will have already heard her canned rebuttals because they let it fly tonight.

That's my guess.

Trump will be the next president, it is ordained.

He is going to ad blitz in the last couple of weeks.

Why the hell is Youtube playing a Donald Trump ad on their main page? I mean he did pay for it but still...

trump won the first 30 min
then he trumped himself

hillary was not even there

why are all the people who say this type of thing from some shithole

>next debate purple tie
>final debate RED POWER TIE

>According to every poll I've read, Don won.
read before you say stupid shit fuckin shart in mart

Hillary won KEK willed it.

not necessarily, you can just have it wirelessly connected to a phone in her pocket or something

I see KEK works in mysterious ways

Do you not believe all of the Hilldog corruption, murder, security breach, "pay for play" Clinton foundation shit?
Serious question.

We just have to trust in KEK.

It'll still need some electronics to handle it at the earpiece end.
Not much, but still enough that you wouldn't put it in the ear itself if you were being stealthy.

Note that she was wearing big and chunky earrings the other times she's been accused of having an earpiece, too.


I assume that Cred Forums proxyfags are behind this
seeing that I could vote too, it's pretty obvious that butthurt Drumpfers are proxying for Drumpf.

witnessed, kek works in mysterious ways

Tactically it was a draw.

Strategically it was a Trump victory, 100+ million people tuned in and saw that Trump wasn't racist or the next Hitler. Hillary went through all her best attacks, Trump made a rambling but overall successful defense and she's got nothing for the next debate. Trump tied her in the polls and she really needed blowout to give her a boost.

Trump clearly lost. I mean /pol is an echo chamber and everyone wants to scream Shill4Hill and cuckservative when someone states the obvious, but when the entire staff of the Wall Street Journal is having a roast session on the Republican candidate after the debate it's time to face reality.

German media says Trump got stumped. Are they telling the truth, Cred Forums?

she was definitely getting a little loopy toward the end when all the shit they pumped in her was wearing off. lots of nodding and zoning out.

nice try

yes, he got destroyed. Trump looked like a fool while Hillary looked like a professional.

Trump was really destroying the first half hour, but after that it went downhill fast. I have no idea how the polls are how they are.

Fuck off back to the desert Mohammed and take your fucking camel with you

Yes, see


Trump will still win the presidency though





Can the le xD meme candidate make it harder for people to vote for him ? Holy shit he just spouted the most unnecessarily long stupid ramblings i've ever seen and looked uncomfortable throughout the whole thing.


Watch Clinton at 1.25 speed and she's talking at normal speed

>just got up
>all Danish media quoting the Clinton News Network poll

just watched it. would not say trump won but he did pretty good for going against someone that has done this for decades.

i want to believe his saving ammo for the other debats.

Do you really think there are 30,000+ polsters out there?

wah wah wah we all remember when bernie won all the online polls


Same. He didn't crush it but i think he did well

Step outside the echo chamber of /pol and it's clear Trump lost. Even Rudy Giuliani is saying Trump should consider not debating again because he thinks the moderator was unfair. Not something you say if your candidate wins the debate. Also Trump is getting roasted on Twitter by a bunch of Fox News and Wall Street Journal types which would easily prefer him to win over Clinton. Scream cuckservative all you want but we all know the truth.

no, but I sure do believe that one of your autistic asses created a script to vote over and over and over and over.

What ammo would he be saving I don't understand?

the media is cleary on Hillary side either way but yes, trump did not so good.

>the green frog was a jew all along

I rewatched it ( because I'm unemployed and have no social life ) and Trump does good for 50 minutes, that's when he starts going down hill. I guess maybe the reason the polls are good, is because most people get bored by that time.

HE did not abandon us. It is not possible to fully understand the ways KEK works in, you have to trust that everything he does is how it is supposed to be.

If that was the case, why wouldn't Trump be winning every single poll ever made? If it's that easy? But yeah, maybe it was that.

They would have to do that for each page. You think someone has the time for that?


Like I said, I don't know if any of those are true. Many people including me watched the debates as their first time watching the presidential race. What matters is composure and hillary secured that because lets be honest how many people would know the facts before hand as an undecided voter?


ok who won for real? i don't of your own single opinion, who was declared winner?

>tfw i tried for over an hour to vote on drugs but it was (((loading))) the entire time

dirty secrets he got on Hillary. talking about haiti and her and bills sex scandal.

Yeah, Drumpf managed to subjectively BTFO himself again.

Trump waffled, Hillary was present.



it was a tie.

I wouldn't say either side won as this was a cesspool of mud flinging but I'd have to say that Hillary came out of it a little less worse off than Trump. She conducted herself with poise and STAMINA and was well prepared at dealing with the issues and slinging mud quite accurately at the Don.

The Don's tantrums in the mud, disregards of the muddy facts that still cling to him, and the bungled attempts at dealing with the "cybersecurity" mudpie and the "Obama and Clinton made ISIS" mudpie ended up all on him.

Mexicans rejoice, if Drumpf gets BTFO you can still leech on the US economy.

remember when he went over the time saying " i wouldn't say this, because it's mean, etc" and he only bitched about what nytimes says.

bet the next one is gonna be about her being a zombie

Trump could have done better, but he still came out on top. He gave figures, stats, numbers and absolutely tore her to shreds when it came to business talk. He should have pushed the email issue more,



Weirdly enough, after seeign all this "high energy" bs, it was kinda akward to see that Hillary had more STAMINA than Donald.

Maybe this debate, but never forget the max 7s GET that Trump got.

id believe there were hundreds of thousands of alt right manchildren out there, clustered in various dens

I have a feeling that Trump had a cold or something. He didn't look too hot and he was sniffling all the damn time.

... yeah


>they still perceive presidential debates as a competition that HAS to have a winner

Oh, amerifats, in a few years you're gonna get superbowl-tier commercials during debates

Different camera angels making hillary more appeal
Microphone adjusted for hillary and Trump couldn't shout over him
The topics, the audience, the nigger were more positive towards hillary
Trump wins

Time poll is getting closer. She's about to over take him.


Move your 400lbs NEET asses!!!

Trump is winning, even if Hilary (((won))). Let me elaborate:

Trump got his message out. Hillary is a career politician who will say anything but fix nothing. Her foreign policy is a disaster. She lied to the FBI and she is lying now. Trump will bring jobs and security back, while Clinton has had thirty years to achieve that - which she didn't. Trump may have stumbled or mispoke, but this is the message he is winning with. This is why he is turning blue states red. This is why, as of today, he is winning Colrado.

Clinton sounded more eloquent/rehearsed. She got her message out that Trump is an evil mean sexist racist Russian spy. However, this message ISN'T working for her. This is the message she has been pushing. This is the message she has used while states like Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Iowa, New Hampshire, Colorado, Maine turned into tossups.

Winning a debate is subjective. Each candidate has their own goals. Clinton really isn't going to push the needle by falling back on her evil Trump campaign.

Maybe he caught Hillary's pneumonia from shaking her hand?

I would pay to see a porn between current-day Melania and 90s era Hillary

so how many people in US watch those debates

>Her foreign policy is a disaster.
This reminds me of something Trump said early in the debate. "Iran was weeks away from crumbling. due to sanctions." Later he brought up the North Korean boogieman "They're building missiles that can hit the US and Japan and Korea."

Hasn't North Korea been under sanctions for its nuclear program for longer, and far more severely than the sanctions were in Iran? North Korea without the oil wealth and resources that Iran has? Iran was weeks away from caving in while a poor mega-sanctioned east asian country who had the same treatment turned up to 11 still pulled off creating nuclear bombs.

How the hell can Trump claim Iran was about to cave due to the sanctions when North Korea proved it wrong years ago?


See for yourself.

was trump low energy this debt?


The truth is Fox News and just about every Republican who isn't in complete denial mode says Trump lost. Watch the video, read the tweets, soak in your sadness. This is the beginning of the end. Clinton sucks but she is a crafty bitch and has 10x more experience than everyone he stuck in the Republican debates put together. She flossed on him tonight. Cue all the Trump shills trying to justify Fox News saying he lost. Sad day for you guys, but this is somehow more satisfying then when all the Bernie Bros realized it wasn't going to happen.

>why are all the people who say this type of thing from some shithole

Cheap proxies

I'm sorry, but did Donald Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The debates aren't even over yet. In fact, only a number of Clinton lock states have reported. Does not having the lead at this point count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the debates are still on? Donald Trump is still winning states right now and has lead in the national polls for how many weeks now? He's up against the worst first female President in the history of America, who just happens to have a lead because she's feeding off the momentum of winning the first debate to start off. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Donald Trump is one of the best fucking politicians in the US, he tells the truth. and crushed Cruz because of his popular support. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why?? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Donald Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Hillary just lost a future debate to Trump. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You all are a fucking idiots and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like Trump because he's successful. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

They were expecting something like 100M for this one


Debate was lost at that point. So much for political correctness. Step up.

Pretty obvious that Trump lost this round.
Hillary was in top form, Trump was in a tired slumber.
He really just interrupted her and conducted himself very rude.
Hillary fed on this and ended up literally destroying him.
There's still hope though not much for Trump, Hillary will more than likely be president because its the president America deserves to be quite honest senpai

Nah, current Melania and this HRC.

Just got done watching it, while i have some bias against Hillary the whole thing felt tame to me. Hillary let Trump talk and he rambled, but she didn't hit him with anything I thought was very decisive, but he let her get away with a lot of things too.

They were feeling each other out, the next one will be better.

Trump lost this debate, just like he lost all the primary debates. This is the end of Trump's campaign for sure!

the master himself, Janusz Korwin-Mikke tweeted that Trump lost, sorry Cred Forums, JKM never lies

Looking like everyone here has been #triggered.

I think Hillary lost.

>Increasing minimum wage

if americans would still vote for this, then declare as no one won but america lost totally.

I can feel the butthurt in those words. Wait I thought he won the debate? Why so defensive?

>Donald Trump is still winning states right now and has lead in the national polls for how many weeks now?

I think you are looking for 0 weeks, he is closing ground but still behind nationally by several % points and still behind in electoral votes. He really needed to win tonight. He probably just undid the last month of gains.

Haha, I know you are 15 and can't vote, but don't worry it won't matter. Trump will lose, your sister will become a fat SJW in college and we will give your job to Mexican Muslims.

media keeps saying over and over and over again that Trump lost.
If they say it enough times people will be convinced that it happened. People just aren't very smart.

I watched the debate. He didn't lose. Not much happened.

The issue is that we won't actually enforce anything. Iran is a middle eastern country that we could bully into listening. NK is practically the autistic son of China. Beat up the special snowflake kid on the playground and the parents will go apeshit. Iran doesn't have parents, so bullying them is fine.

German media claims Hillary BTFO Trump. Is this true? I've seen clips from the debate and it appears to be true.

There was NO clear winner, anyone who says otherwise is either a shill or in denial

I've seen this in at least four threads. Same flag, same file name. What a strange (((coincidence))).

I also guarantee once Trump finally loses Cred Forums will have a exodus like Cred Forums
Most will be going back to le leddit so it will be a good thing that is shortly enjoyed by old polfags before the internet changes forever

Hillary, because of Russians.
Russians and, especially, Russian right-wingers, support Trump. But Russians are natural born loosers. I told you it's true, i'm a Russian, trust me. Russian right-wing, stalinists and neonazi are loosers between loosers. If they wanst A happend A will never happend. It's a karma.
Blame Russian Trump supporters.


>Responding to pasta

How to spot a shill.


Man you must be deep in denial when even Giuliani is saying he lost.

his cage was rattled

>climate change is a hoax by the Chinese

What a slap in the face lel.

This is so awkward to read. These half-assed attempts at sounding like you belong here...
You remind me of those campaigns in the 90s where schools would try to appeal to kids by hiring white, family friendly rappers to tell them how uncool it was to smoke and do drugs.


Lester actually helped trumped, get all the shit out the way so he can stomp the next 2 debates because now hillary has nothing.


german mainstream media has always been pro hillary.

Trump did not look like his best though...
devestating is exaggerated, just like modern media likes it to be shown.

STEFAN WAS RIGHT YET AGAIN! Hillary won the debate!

who cares what Giuliani said?

I. Watched. The. Debate.
Nothing happened.

the media will push that Hillary won because
she didn't have a seizure midway through.

>remember if his comments have merit, attack the way he posted it instead of the substance

>When the saxon started to hate

What a shitshow that was.
You can't objectively "win" in a debate, it's just more reason for shills to shill for their candidate.

They should just have a cage death match next time.

he is just angry that he lost. Trump destroyed her did you even watch?

Hillary won. The age of misogynists is over. The time of strong women has come.

>not picking terror doctrine
dissapointed user

Damn son

>Hillary gave herself pneumonia in order to tactically weaken Donald at a critical moment

holy shit she'll stop at nothing

What debate did you watch?
What's more likely: his terribleness was masterfully done so that he could surprise people in later debates, or that he's just terrible?

thread must be full of trolls, or they watched a different debate than I watched.

I hate them both, but Hillary spanked Donald like a 4-year-old at K-Mart. He looked like the petulant rude buffoon that he is.

>Hillary keeps talking shit
>Trump keeps getting to the heart of things while she deflects it and smiles like a pussy
>Trump look cheekily into the camera

Guys my tummy is hot what does this mean.

>Iran is a middle eastern country that we could bully into listening
How do you come to that conclusion?

>NK is practically the autistic son of China. Beat up the special snowflake kid on the playground and the parents will go apeshit
"Parent" being China which supported the sanctions? China has even less interest in a nuclear bomb capable NK.

Here's your tinfoil hat.

go back to curling leaf

Trump had the better political attacks, Hillary/Holt tag team had better smears though.

Next debate is CNN, F.

He knows the third debate is the most watched. He's drawing the Hillary viewers in by not crushing her outright, but still winning by a large margin.

he wasn't terrible tho, that is the problem, i was hoping it would be more in favor of hillary so more undecideds would tune in to see if she was maybe worth a vote during the next debate, trump goes full force and swings more undecided voters


Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

it means you should touch yourself looking at daddy trump


26 seconds in to 40 seconds in. This is the moment that Donald Trump lost the election.

I'm sorry, but did Donald Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The debates aren't even over yet. In fact, only a number of Clinton lock states have reported. Does not having the lead at this point count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the debates are still on? Donald Trump is still winning states right now and has lead in the national polls for how many weeks now? He's up against the worst first female President in the history of America, who just happens to have a lead because she's feeding off the momentum of winning the first debate to start off. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Donald Trump is one of the best fucking politicians in the US, he tells the truth. and crushed Cruz because of his popular support. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Donald Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Hillary just lost a future debate to Trump. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You all are a fucking idiots and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like Trump because he's successful. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

Because China

What about China? China has levied sanctions against North Korea as well as supports US sanction against NoKo.

>being a statist at best carried by V2's
Good ole Tommy still prefering them trenches. Get on my level bro, there's that exact reason ya'll got cucked by pic related


>Manipulating shitty 20k vote polls as a Trump's personal army that does it for free is equal to hundreds of millions of people's opinions.

I like Trump but you can't be this retarded.

Funny one's responding to this.

Really makes you think huh?

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.


It will last about 10 years, then comes the Age of Islam.

A trump supporter not believing the statistic fed to him by the Trump campaign or those friendly to the Trump campaign.

You sure ask for the impossible.



hillary destroyed trump as planned.

This was so fucking irritating. Not even responding just a sort of weak funny effect to shake it off. Fucking horrible

Nice dubs. Trump will die now.

high as fuck

democrats say their candidate won

republicans say theirs did

1st political campaign kid?

Well, i agree with you. Russians want Trump to win in order to make him lift sanctions. And a few other things.

Hillary Clinton won. She stated facts while Trump lied.

God you fags suck

The moderator asked only Trump specific personal questions like bankruptcy and the federal lawsuit.

He asked Hillary Z E R O personal questions.

That put Trump on the defensive the entire time.

Couple that with Trump's terrible talking points and incoherence. He lost the debate.

She was mocking him, and the audience laughed with her. Because Trump made an absolute fucking fool of himself.

Bumping for a Trump win.

I don't why Trump kept talking like Iran was the devil and Saudi Arabia the good guys. Then he talked about netanyahu. Really Disappointed in his performance, I'm gonna be back in the States in time for the elections and I no longer know who I'm voting for

Trump won with the hugest margin.

Every time I hear Hillary and her lies I had to mute until Trump spoke.

Hillary lied and said the things her writer wrote for her. I wondered why Hillary didn't say "I give everyone 1000000000000 $ if I win". This would be just one more lie anyway.

Trump is clearly the winner. A president needs to make great deals, secure the border,cut the deficit, erase the debt and motivate the citizen to stimulate the economy.

A liar is worthless for a country and destroys the country itself.

A better choice than Trump will never ever happen. Look at Kennedy what happens if a normal politician wants to work for every citizen. Only a multi billionaire with the knowledge of how to avoid danger can make America great again.

And Singaporean men are still beta

The look of hate she had the entire time, that look of contempt.

Explain yourself

Tbqh, I wouldn't say Clinton won, but it's very true that Trump came forward as rambling and unprepared. He circled around the same ideas over and over and didn't come to conclusions. Also, he didn't really answer the questions of the (biased) moderator. The media would have twisted everything regardless of his performance, but he didn't really do much to disprove them. He made some valid points, but the organization and calmness of Shillary made her look like the winner to normies.

I'm sure this has to do with Trump refusing to do any mock debate. It was a pretty stupid move. Hillary memorized all of her answer and didn't sound natural, but Trump sounded quite the opposite.

For the sake of all our countries, I hope he prepares better for the next debate and uses his cards well, because he has a lot to say about Hillary that could nuke her, but somehow he refused to go hardcore this round. He needs to strategise better.

He was too busy being butthurt about her commercials to prepare and towards the end he got so triggered he had to let it out.

I agree OP

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated


Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

>real plans and policy
I didn't hear any plans on how to get rid of ISIS. Did you?

Yep, not even 6 hours later and it's already 49% for Hillary. Looks like the Cred Forums proxies are running out ha!


>In before toxic shock syndrome

Kek works in mysterious ways

wew lad, shilling so much.

Hey when's the next debate???


it says right here who won


Romney won the first debate though.

Sadly, the moderator was asking gossip column questions, and Trump took the bait. Amazing that he had no comebacks in his back pocket for any of that shit.

None. First time getting interested in this and with a population of over 300 million, that was the two best candidates that America could come up with? Both of them are elderly for god's sake.

Instead of facts and figures combined with ideas to move the country forward, it was just ad hominem attacks and other crap politics.


TRUMP WON. Hillary's generic phrases show was cringeworthy.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

Acting calm after turning the Middle East into a rape and murder deathmatch and with all the other skeletons in her closet is a symptom of sociopathy. Ted Bundy also acted calm at his trial.

praise kek


Hillary is a good debater even against Barrack

Shills are trying to into meme magic, fugg

Hillary Clinton won. She stated facts while Trump lied.

Trump defeated her and now liberals are in full damage control mode. It's hilarious. Up until now she's been denying she did anything wrong. At the most watched debate in history she had to admit she was wrong and apologising for it.

She even had to admit to calling black children super predators.

Same here in Germany.
"Landslide victory"









Winner of good banter: Trump
Winner of answering questions: Hillary
Winner of not being human filth: The guy who asked the questions




Because Trump literally doesn't knows shit about anything internet related.

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I’m so distressed right now I don’t know what to do. I didn’t mean to do that to my mom but I’m literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I’m going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can’t be happening. I’m having a fucking breakdown. I don’t want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Trump to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I thought he was great at debating? This is so fucked!

Trump l'ha assolutamente distrutta.

Ha parlato di piani reali e manovre mentre la Clinton ha solamente parlato di Trump.

L'ha tenuta sulle corde tutto il tempo. L'unica cosa che lei ha potuto fare è stato grignare arrogantemente mentre stava perdendo. È stato imbarazzante per lei e per il partito Democratico.

Quasi tutti i sondaggi tranne che per LOL (((CNN))) concordano.

Trump ha dominato.

She didn't state facts, she couldn't form rebuttals and said go fact check on my website like a L O S E R.

I thought it was pretty close desu.


Trump зaклятию ee.

Oн гoвopил o peaльнoм плaниpoвaнии и пoлитикe и Клинтoн тoлькo чтo гoвopили o Tpaмпa.

Oн бы ee нa кaнaтaх цeлыe вpeмeнa. Bce чтo oнa мoглa cдeлaть ee нe былo выcoкoмepнo yхмылятьcя, тepяя. Этo былo нeyдoбнo для нee и для Дeмoкpaтичecкoй пapтии.

Пoчти вce oпpocы LOL кpoмe (((CNN))) coглaceн.

Trump Дoминиpyют

yea right, she stated no facts except go to fact check on my website like a senile retard.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

It was close. At worst, a tie. At best, Trump won by a small margin.

trump got the sound bites, hillary was on the defensive.

All in all it was not the strongest performance from trump, but the first half hour he was on point and he should have capitalised on stuff like the emails and "super predators" hillary is irredeemable everyone knows shes a liar besides crazy cat ladies. desu the debate was a let down it was low energy he should have just kept up the offense and hopefully by next debate he brings out the big guns.

Manchildren that still have the same legitimate vote as everyone else

I was getting head while watching it, so I won.
