So what are we going to do when labor is automated and we have millions unemployed and hardly anyone to actively...

So what are we going to do when labor is automated and we have millions unemployed and hardly anyone to actively participate in the economy?


Be ahead and just kill yourself now

I prefer heroin.

>So what are we going to do when labor is automated

Who cares, I vote Liberals

we're going to do less shitty work, dumbass.

implement universal basic income

We invade the moon.

God to a vocational or trade school to learn how to maintain the automation and make yourself employable

Man you're a real funny guy

learn how to make money shitposting

But what about the population at large, only a small percentage would be required to maintain the machines.

How would you like to see it implemented

Not everything can actually be automated, there'll still be jobs, especially in intellectual property creation.

invent some light and useless job positions in arts, speech arts, ideal sharing, professional emotional support, professional experience sharing etc, to make people feel useful. There has to be basic income though, and before that, world needs a big war or epidemic to make that all possible. You can't just make everyones life easy and great if there are too many people

Yes, but the vast majority of the population can't be expected to become creatives can they?

If your job is automated then you were useless to begin with and you should have picked a better major. I picked Mechanical Engineering, worked my ass for 4 years and got good grades and a good job that won't be automated anytime soon. Compare that with an accountant who does a shitty easy major for 3 years and graduates without sweating for it. They deserve to have their jobs automated.

i agree

the world is due for a good war to cull the needless population.

Go to reddit with this faggy Guaranteed Basic Income shit. They love it there because it fulfills their fantasy of socialism being the future, and them not having to work so they can focus more on art. lol, yeah because we need more art right? Like there isnt already 98 percent of artists struggling to even get their work noticed by anyone.

We'll reach an industrial revolution soon. I'd say within 15 years.

Lindsay fox is gonna be chortling hard when he sacks all the truckies for robo-trucks

thats when the housing market will go

set phasers to kill

obviously race war.

Honestly, that's why the creatives we do have require incentives. There's too much tall poppy syndrome around and that means fewer if these types.

This perfectly encapsulates my views as well.

Trump pretty much mopped the floor with her.

He talked about REAL issues, REAL matters that actually are important to voters.

Hillary just focused on petty childish attacks.

Polls agree - Trump is the clear winner.

And here we have an example of job automation.

Once again, Japan leading the way in robots.

Everyone always wants to cull until they find their necks on the chopping block.
>I would go to be culled

Then kill yourself now and help out the human race.

hahaha, we're in the future man

Ok so far ITT we have
> basic income
> genocide

Damn are they the only options!?

The same thing people did when farming became automated, we will find something else to do

That didn't work out so well.

>begin growing own food
>learn electrical engineering to lock down a solid electricity generation system
>look into farmland, outback living
>build self-sustainable houses
>go off grid

gas the kikes

Turn them into biofuel of course. Honestly, when there are so many unemployed all you have to do is lower the minimum wage so they become cheaper than machines.

that's your answer for everything though

>labour is entirely automated
>robots do almost all mundane shit
>everyone learns how to fix robots instead

>niggers fixing robots

Ho boy, remember Philadelphia and the hitchhiking robot?

We gas all them because they are wasting precious resources that belong to the elite. Robotic police force will handle it.

then who would buy the shit the macines make

>Force People to be cheaper than machines
>The United States of America drop two nuclear bombs on the sovereign nation of Japan

i'm going to go full on john henry and work myself to death.

To the stars op. Manifest destiny the fuck out of all matter.

Good idea. Invade the moon and steal all the moon jobs from the locals. Just like muzzies have been doing to us, and mexicans have been doing to you for years.

Sounds like you want the state to look after you, you unimaginative lazy sack of shit.

Who cares if a robot takes your Hungry Jacks position

the system collapses and we have anarchy for a few weeks then almost every one runs out of bullets. those that survive fight amongst themselves

then one day a single man will rise to lead the separate tribes to reclaim the nukes the government was to scared to use.

Fight massive wars finnaly. Gone with the blast wave anyone?

So they say. But it will still have to be something deemed productive for most people. So they service industry will keep on growing. But 'social mobility' will become even harder, effectively creating a permanent divide between the masters (owners/capitalists) and their servants (service industry workers). I'd rather we try something else.

Who cares about other people? I've got mine. Why am I obligated to pretend I care about them?

Basic income is socialism?

depopulation first then robots. Technocracy.

Many more people now. Generally it went from farming to urban center for work in a factory. Now the factories are gone too. And the only thing replacing them is the service industry, itself only viable as long as there are still people in your country with disposable income.

Fuck you m8. I'd forgotten about him. Sad.

dunning kruger effect...
you're so fucking stupid, you don't realise how stupid you are.
Art isnt just liberal art majors doing deviantart fanart you mong. What about object design, texture design, architecture, literature, illustration etc.?

>So what are we going to do when labor is automated and we have millions unemployed and hardly anyone to actively participate in the economy?

End central banks.

Working hours would go down to almost nothing

and wages would rise while prices fall

The free market is ALWAYS the solution.

>End central banks.

Explain. I'm all for reducing working hours but I think we'll need UBI to do so as corporations will have no interest in or incentive to share their record profits.