What is the final solution to the canadian question, Cred Forums?

what is the final solution to the canadian question, Cred Forums?


The mods already rangebanned us in South Florida from making threads

Good I don't want want zika.

A leaf blower.

Mmm good question !? maybe if you give MORE money to Israel and stfu and take it deeper in the ass maybe...

This thread seems free of CTR, what is going on with all the copypasta?

we have the same question

>in b4 a fucking leaf


WHO KNOWS ?! maybe less "Federal" reserve Audit may help you Zealots ...

shut the fuck up reddit you forsaken bitch

You should dance with the mossad next time they blow your shit up ..

ur mom is a leaf blower...

Or if you burn more books and read less .. wtv dude you will be forced to leave us soon any ways .. so who give a fuck ?!

Fucking Kek dude Hillarious 2016 !!..


As a proud tumblrite, I approve the message of censoring and removing everything I don't like.

Don't like different opinions? Here, you queer


Don't be a faggot

Have a good one Goyz Hail Lucifer !
