Russian Ethnic Homeland

As you all know at the moment we have 18% of our so-called native population, that is various conquered asians. Plus to that we have millions of mudslim central asians, chinese and koreans. The later can be deported, but how do you, dear Russians and non-Russian European blooded people, see a creation of the Russian Ethnostate?

Other urls found in this thread:,30.272113,3a,75y,343.5h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1ssauVUYN7gNsgDDq9DdHgOg!2e0

Moslem areas are Southwest in the bottom left orange and purple corner; Tatarstan (colour green) landlocked in Russia; Tuvan in light green. We can separate those areas and add Kazan to Russian State in exchange for the corridor with Tatarstan. Who wants to be enclave nation?


You suit the role of clay hungry fat pederast way better. He wants to add Ukraine, Baltics, Belorus, Moldova, North Kazakhstan to Russia. He has no business with Russian Nationalism, he's a Kremlin shill, just like you

>hurr kremlin shill durrr
Okay Egor, please could you show me any type (district, province, oblast anything) of national Han-people region in current China?

Can you show me millions of illegal immigrants in China? Anyway, Russia is a European country and not to be compared with asiatic filth. I'll show something else """hurr durr"""

>ul. Savushkina, 55, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia 197183

Google Maps link:,30.272113,3a,75y,343.5h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1ssauVUYN7gNsgDDq9DdHgOg!2e0

Video inside the building:

>LLC “Internet Research” (TIN 7813585038) was founded in March 2014. The company acts as the successor of “Internet Research Agency” (TIN 7805627478), which was based in Holguín. Legal address “Internet Research”, according to the commercial registry – Bolshaya Raznochinnaya, 17, room 1-H. Founder and CEO – Michael Bystrov, born in 1958, retired police colonel, former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow district of St. Petersburg.

Guardian article:

Meme archive used by Russian trolls

Daily assignment for Russian trolls:

Interview with Russian troll:

there's more of russian clay in asia than there is in Europe, just sayin....

Where do you live ,what is your name? and how old are you

Well, it's mainly a wasteland. Majority of Russian population lives in the Europe.

2ch is still down?

>Can you show me millions of illegal immigrants in China?
Can you show me them in Russia?
>Anyway, Russia is a European country and not to be compared with asiatic filth
Name European country which stronger than China.
>>ul. Savushkina, 55, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia 197183
>Google Maps link:
>Video inside the building:
>>LLC “Internet Research” (TIN 7813585038) was founded in March 2014. The company acts as the successor of “Internet Research Agency” (TIN 7805627478), which was based in Holguín. Legal address “Internet Research”, according to the commercial registry – Bolshaya Raznochinnaya, 17, room 1-H. Founder and CEO – Michael Bystrov, born in 1958, retired police colonel, former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow district of St. Petersburg.
>Guardian article:
>Meme archive used by Russian trolls
>Daily assignment for Russian trolls:
>Interview with Russian troll:
So what..?

Yes. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and all Slavs should be united under one Pan-Slav banner.


Not an argument. Locations of your clay does not define your origin. Anglo-Saxon who moves to Australia won't become less European in terms of race. Siberia and Far East are basically Russian Australia.

die already

Where do you live ,what is your name? and how old are you

I fucking hate when /po/ come here.

So there are no illegals in Russia?
European country stronger than China. Easily
Britain, France, Germany, US(European founded and European run)

Suppose that you could make a deal to relocate the Tatars to Central Asia (Kazakhstan?) and maybe give the other green area to Mongols, how would you guys draw the ethno-Russia's borders?
Would you guys keep the yellow Caucasian region still? What about the Buddhist region (can't remember the name)?
How much of Baltics, Belarus Ukraine and Northern Kazakhstan would you guys add to now existing Federation?

Never visited and it's the shills who use degenerate memes of (((Russian Internet))) all the time
What is that to you?

Dear friends. Mind returning the areas as a gift for our 100th anniversary next year?

Also. Are Russians of mostly Finnish/Uralic origin?

I need to know.
Answer to the question.

>So there are no illegals in Russia?
There are, but there is no need for Russian Ethnostate, since russian majority in most of Russia.
>Britain, France, Germany
>US(European founded and European run)
If I remember correctly they identify themselves as american.

fuck off mongrel you would have been sweden right with out us. the clay stays.

>Russian ethnostate

When was the last time this even existed? Before Peter the Great? You have had a multiethnic empire for longer than the USA has even existed...

You forgot Yevreiskaya Oblast, user...

Daily "ethnic German" kike shill general.

A пo-мoeмy зaeбиcь, вceгдa зaбaвнo нaблюдaть зa мaмкиными чepeпoмepaми.

partly, such tribes as myerya, ves', izhora, muroma and others was incorporated.

it was never ever ethnic state.

it's geographically Europe, mental it's Asia as other asian post-ussr states, which aren't claims as euopean, what is so speacial to you be 'european'? (you know, if you russian)

and he just run away.

post it again and i will put you down motherfucker

>Russian ethnostate
Here we go again. thought this shit died atleast 3 years ago

Way before Peter the Great. In fact, I doubt it ever did. I mean, we had various stepe people at least since mongol invasion. We had vikings before that.

As far as I know, Russian ethnosphere never existed, and strict Russain nationalism is a very recent meme, propogated by the same people who insist that Ukranians and Belorussians exist.

here come that goys - Russians

Russians are mix of Baltic, Finnic, Norse and Slavic tribes. Finnic element is strong. Illegal areas annexed by the Soviet Union can be returned, but land is fucked and many ex convicts settled there.
You can call Russia an ethnic state since it foundation to collapse of the Soviet Union, so all of its history.Russian Nationalism = advancing ethnic homeland for ethnic Russians and few integrated other Euros like Balts and Germans. And if having non-whites within the country then having them as second class pretty much non human citizens and containing them to their "native" lands. Russian Naitionalism has always been about Russian Supremacy. That's why it's often called Russism. Since its foundation in the 9th century up to the late 16th century Russia(Rus) was ethnic state entirely located in Europe. Ivan IV ordered expedition to Asia and Russian Forces conquered it. Since then Russia has Asian territories. However during the Imperial and Soviet times subhumans were not allowed to move to European Russia or Russian-settled areas.

>we had various stepe people at least since mongol invasion.
Actually even before.

pochemu bi ne okkupirovat' etu bordy vmesto parashi?

kstati, a abuchan s koncami VSYO?

ved' zdes' net ebu4ih hohlov

Starting from expansion during Ivan The Terrible reign there were tatars and other asian/turkic peoples living in it.

Steppe people never lived in Rus, nor mongols ever settled - they just collected taxes. It was always homogenous in European Russia and Russian settled areas.

>pay 4 po

Because pakis living in colonised Raj = to pakis living in London. That's what vatniks believe in.
Forced deportation to Central Asia would create millions of potential rapefugees, such a thing can only be done, when the rest of Europe is unapologetically nationalist. As for now, best option is
>first of all - all immigrants that came to Russia since 1991 from Asia, Africa or Latin America are deported
>Kavkaz, Kalmykia, Buryatis are given independence - all people are expelled from New Russia. If they resist, you do Dudaev to them
>Free Tatarstan is given a corridor to Aksay in exchange for Kazan and Northwestern part. All Tatars are expelled from New Russia
>Yakuts are offered 1/5 of Saha or one time 10,000$ to move to Free Tatarstan where they can rejoin their brothers and sisters instead of being surronded by Russians
>in order to obtain Russian citizenship you have to be fully European and at least quarter ethnic Russian(Israel has similar law)
>all non-Europeans, but diplomats are banned from residing in Russia
>in order to become Russian citizen without having Russian blood, you have to be fully European and have exceptional skill to offer
>wast lands are used as natural reserves and national parks and preserved
>soviet commieblocks are removed, nice looking lovable buildings are created instead
>state investment in sport, army, medicine, science and education
>gun rights

>Steppe people never lived in Rus, nor mongols ever settled - they just collected taxes. It was always homogenous in European Russia and Russian settled areas.Касимовское_царствоСимеон_БекбулатовичЧёрные_клобуки

Isn't that the "Eternal Anglo" poster and "dead American soldiers" roach?

>I like sucking german dick the post.

Just like now refugees in europe piecefully collect welfares and have no bussiness with spreading their genes. How can you be so naive

>>Kavkaz, Kalmykia, Buryatis are given independence -
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, they will demand Stavropol and Cuban at least.

>Russian vatnik Wikipedia under constant RIDF edition with "citation needed" everywhere
>Debatable historical entity
>Debatable historical entity located in modern day Tatarstan prior to its colonisation

>conquered tartars definetely didn't move to core Russian landsСимеон_БекбулатовичСписок_татарских_княжеских_родов_России

chechen here. Fuck russians. Not all though but most

You can't demand anything from nuclear state
>ethnic state for your people has anything to do with the Germans
Vatnik 101

>vatnik vatnik everywhere, reeeeee!
>>Debatable historical entity
Post opposite opinion with proper argumentation.

You didn't post anything of value to bother to object it.

>You can't demand anything from nuclear state

You are untermensch on Hartz IV, not a Chechen. Scum in Germany, scum back home.

>You didn't post anything of value to bother to object it.
I posted more then your baby-cries.
I assume you will deny the Usupov family right?

+ some knyazes have steppe ancestors.
- Kasimov formed based on bulgar-tatar (not steppe much) and hasn't massive population of them (just chied and his squad and family)

best part about yakuts are moving in tatarstan

aristocracy was a few % of population. that was a religios time so such marriges weren't common (orthodox-muslim)

when will russia finally reach the moon ?
clip related


I am a chechen and NO I am not on Hartz 4. I am a student and I work part time. My parents both work and pay taxes. Mashallah to me and my family.

>- Kasimov formed based on bulgar-tatar
Nope army of some Golden Horde noble who swear loyalty to Moscow and was allow to settle in border territories of Moscow Principality.
>and hasn't massive population of them (just chied and his squad and family)
Yet still they lived in Rus territory.
>aristocracy was a few % of population.
And if even aristocracy had mixed families there would be shitton of mixed families on Volga.

>real Chechen
>real Chechen
>ever abandons his homeland
Nope, honey, you are rootless scum.
You posted nothing. You posted Russian Wikipedia with article full of "citation needed" about historically debatable entity in modern day Tatarstan centuries prior to Ivan IV colonisation. Discarded.
Back to Dugin with you

>You posted Russian Wikipedia with article full of "citation needed" about historically debatable entity
It's still more than your cries about "muh muslims".

Zero is not bigger than anything in real world.
>muh moslems
Here is Kremlin official media outlet. No "degenerate Western media that wants to erode spiritual bonds of Russian people".

Go back to Chechnya and fight for your country, you faggot

>Zero is not bigger than anything in real world.
It's very good that you understand how weak your position in our discussion.
But anyway here page from wikipedia with sourceЮсуповы#cite_ref-4

You have never seen chechens it seems. We chechens are very religious with almost no exception. And it was never different.

You russians have killed more then 10% of my people in the last two wars. You have deported over 1/3 of my people 1944 25% of them at least died.

1865 chechens and cherkez were deported as well and so much more shit that happened because of you russians.

Some of us had no other chance but to leave. Especially under your dog kadyrov now.

All these sky scrapper are nothing but a fassade. Chechens still live like shit mostly. And if you are against kadyrov... you can imagine what happens. So shut your mouth you know nothing about us.


Most of them went back once the crisis hit and the jobs disappeared.

Georgian-Armenian-Ukranian administration of Stalin is not Russian people. Chechens accepted Islam just recently, less than three hundred years ago. Most normal nohchos hate Islam and suffer it has brought.
Again, not a source. Try again, honey, when you have a citation backed internationally acclaimed and peer reviewed research. Cheers.

I was born in germany. This is now my country. I still see chechnya as my mother country but germany is my country as well and I belong here.

You know nothing about us. We noxchis love islam. It belongs to us, as the out culture belongs to us.

And you should know since you are acting so smart, that we chechens weren´t forced to islam. We are proud muslims and maybe the proudest in the world.

Yes culture and traditions are extremely important to us but islam is even above that.

Eagle born in a stable is not a horse. You are rootless untermenschen. Not a German, not a Chechen, nobody.
>islam is above that
third of Chechens disagree

Is the shithole of Russia proof of multiculturalism being bad for a nation? I like to think it is.

Main Russian imageboard for cancer is down so they create these fucking annoying threads

There you go.

With this you can clean the entire nation from any undesirable group.

Russia isn't multicultural.

>300 years
Getting cucked by middle-eastern pedo death cult is not a tradition, senpai.

Though my veins chechen blood is flowing. If I am born in chechnya or not. Nothing can change that.

I have yet to see one chechen who would say, that islam is not above all. Not one have I seen.. well maybe one but he doesen´t give a shit about culture and traditions either.

>not a source.
> издaвaлcя Caнкт-Пeтepбypгcким Импepaтopcким Pyccким иcтopичecким oбщecтвoм пoд нaблюдeниeм eгo пpeдceдaтeля A. A. Пoлoвцoвa c 1896 пo 1918 гoд
Bitch please.

Then you never seen Chechens. Not a surprise, when you are not one.

In regions it is. Guess what region it is.

Your historic revisionism doesn't fit a historical fact requirement. Sorry, chao.

We have accepted islam by our own will. And our traditions, our culture has never been lost until today.

Read it up, we chechens are a very old race. Our history goes further then 5000 years and is still in the dark. we are a very noble race if you like it or not.

Tuva sure is a neat region.

That's just a different culture living separately in its own region. Modern multiculti means all cultures living next to each other on all territory.

>historic revisionism
In Russian Empire?

I told you that I am a chechen and you still talking. We are connected with chechens all over europe and even turkey.

More and more chechens are coming from chechnya everyday. We can visit chechnya whenever we want. You are just talking out of your ass that is all.

t. faggot from foreign tejp


Well... Why not? Muscovy will be much smaller and may be fucked over by Poland again. Don't see the problem.

Nah, its Altai. They have strange old traditions of paganism, animalism and shit. Also they carry giant rocks for sports.


Everything in brown is Russian forever. Arsenal is too.

Pls take all Chechens from Chechnya to Europe. Thanks.

Are you prepared for independence? What kind of economic strategy are you going to use?)

You are saying im not a chechen because i dont live in chechnya. Are all the russians, and they are a lot in europe, not russians because they don´t live in russia?

Booбщe-тo гeпapды пиздeц кaк oтличaютcя oт тигpoв в плaнe пpиpyчeния.

Yes, they are not Russians. Filthy diaspora

what makes you think that i'm from there? I just brought an example that came to mind since i studied these cultures in university. Me myself from Bashkortostan and we also have some traditions here and before you ask - not a single person i know thinks about independence from Russia. Its just a meme ignorant hohols love bring up in hopes to divide us and laugh at our misfortune.

Ethnic Russian don't want to see your slab-eyed unaesthetic faces. You will get independence regardless of your desires, when the time will come.

Yes but it's not "multicultural" in the cultural marxist sense of the word.

t. self-named "ethnic German that profits from dumb Russian pigs"

Yet sometimes we have no choice. Look at most of your people, they are living like shit. Russia is a third world country. It is perfectly understandable, that they went away.

Same goes for chechens. We are in even a worse position then russians.
Furthermore, I would say, that the ones who left are just smarter then thouse, who stayed. There is no war to be led anymore neither in russia nor chechnya. There is no reason to stay.

Do you belong to any taip?

Dream on, fat boy. I bet you are one of those loosers who can't get laid and blames chechens for your virginity and omega status.



Me again.. We are originally from xasavyurt or hasavyurt

Nice projections, cuck. Chechens are one of the only good minorities in Russia in terms of race. If you see European nationalism as a sexually frustrated movement, then your slant-eyed gook ancestors were conquered by the people who couldn't get laid. Your subhuman relatives in Americas too, while we at that.
>no reason to stay
Immigrant is always an outcast.

wow, i'm impressed. The power of tradition and memory of generations never should be underestimated. This helps the jews, this helps chechens and only Ivans don't know where they came from.

Real Russians are a Scandinavian Slavic/Germanic combination.

Not a bad mix too be honest

Baltic and Finnic too. Noble race deserves its homeland separate from inferior elements that drag Moscow money and toxify the country with their presence.

A few posts ago you basically admited that Russians are so weak IN YOUR OPINION that they can't assimilate a few nations and turkic cultures. You have very low opinion of your people and culture if you think a banch of tatars pose a threat to you.
REAL Russians conquered lands and made great progress but nowadays "nationalists" like you want to ruin everything and make Russia the size of Moscow. Regressing all back only for consumerism and pussy.

>size of Moscow
Nice meme, vata. Everything in the brown stays. Barely any territorial changes. Assimilation is a threat to identity and homogeneity, here is the issue.
>English are so weak they can't assimilate pakis
>French are so weak they can't assimilate algerians
It's not about assimilation, it's about not having this issue at all and living in a separate environment. Read about prosperity of Russian ethnic enclaves formed in Brazil and Bali. Russians without RF flourish and prosper, RF suffocates people with its multiracialism

What the fuck is up in this thread?

I thought Russia was all about imperialism, with culture mattering a lot more than race, especially when Russia is an ethnic clusterfuck.

OP is a just a paid shill that spams the same bait images, copypasta and talking points every day.

You are the usefull idiot for foreign intrest. Probably British, Polish or Latvian intrests influence this stupid "nationalism". And Kremlin doesn't want to change the narrative of our self-destructive nationalists because that way you can't get any real support.
Again this word. You won't get any prosperity if you give up territories. Moskovia would be conquered by some British, Latvians or Polish just as planned.

RIDF shills are more about territorial integrity than Russian people. Race always mattered for Russians.
99,5% British London and possession of Raj are not mutually exclusive things. They are for vatniks and shills though. Not like they know history or understand sociology or geopolitical climate

Does area in brown seems like Mosckovia to you? Secession of lesser entities with lesser people won't reduce nuclear arsenal, it will increase the budget for Russian people though

I confirm. OP is a faggot. He is one of those fat loosers who can't get laid, who can't stand up for himself and blames chechens for all his problems. They are useful idiots, because they push anti-russian agenda of destroying the Russia for some imaginary prosperity.

It seems that you don't even know the geography of Russia. You didn't color Tuva, Mariy El, Mordovia, Adygea and other parts where etnic people have more than 25-40% of population. You just heard something about Tuva on 2ch and you decided to colour it now, but you don't have a knowledge of Russia. That saying you probably very immature and unexperienced person in life.

>you didn't color Altai, Mariy El

RIDF please

Finnics are part of Russian ethnostate, they will stay. Altay is small area on the map. Can fuck off to Kazakhstan any day.

hehehehe, i would call people like you gorbachevtsy. Because you want o finsh what he started.

I would call people like you calergians, you seem to be doing his work rather well

>ywn paid shill loser at savushkino will have to fap again after getting his 25,000 rubles retard salary
Girls can't resist nationalist intellectual charm

Shills always slide after getting BTFO



Why does this map always look brown? Is this some unconscious desire for Russia's future demographic?

You forgot Yukuts

maybe just 1/5 of saha or resettlement to Free Tatarstan. Better deal than with injuns - we just killed them and that was that.

It can be azure

so stupidoooo. why tatarstan? why kill who never have a war with you?


Spreng dich weg Kanakenschwein



Wir Tschetschenen sind keine Kanacken du Internetgangster.

Кaкoй yжe дeнь пoдpяд этoт кaл фopcитcя?

This thread in particular for about a week. In general he's been shilling for months with the same shit.

Swine couldn't even secure independence

Natürlich bist du ein Kanake
Komm Paderborn und ich klatsch dich weg

Rus was at war with tatrstan before and it doesn't matter. Portugal was never at war with Poland, Poles have no place in Portugal, Portuguese have no place in Poland.

I have no problem, it's not their land, and if they don't want to assimilate they should leave, just like here (not that it's working).

i asked o yakutia. not tatars

You faggot cucks have even greater problems with diversity than America a bigger Islam problem than Europe on top of being poor as fuck filled with AIDS and heroin.

All your shitty undeveloped clay will go to NATO in the West and China/Japan to the East while you faggots get sent to extermination camps and your shitty country and history wiped off the face of the earth like a bad dream.

Doesn't matter, they are asiatics. Conquered lesser races have no right to clay. Go a protect (((Native American))) rights now
Those who scream muh natives, muh multiculturalism in Russia are the same people who advocate for aboriginals in Australia. They are the enemy. Cultural marxism runs deep.

this. russia is doomed.
just need to do smth with bombes we have they cant be in sandgoogles' hands

russians are asiatics, it's true

Kys, bashkir untermensch

Just because you're a pale skinned chimp doesn't mean you're above a shitskin. In fact a lot of shitskins are better at development than you. You are a inbred mixed peasant asiatic who was always governed by a German ruling class, Bolshevik Jews exterminated the ruling class and all of the high agency subhumans leaving a horde of inbred alcoholic mixed race peasants for them to lord over. You are genetic trash

I'm russian
Russians may look like european but they're not

fuck off, first nations trash. What is called White in Canada, called shitskin in Europe. Level of life in Moscow and Petersburg is higher than in all of Eastern Europe and good half of East Germany. Bolshevik Jews didn't even manage to reign 30 years - Stalin purged them all.

t. beta duginist

First Nations are all but exterminated in Canada and America in Russia they have their own semi-countries and breed with Slavs. Also you raped and murdered your way through Eastern Europe and all you have to show for it is two shitty cities full of shitskins built by shitskins with similar living standards to Eastern Europe.

east europe hasn't natural resourses to exploit.
i'm not duginist or smth. so just forget about him

Relax, Ukranian injun. Everybody knows that big portion of so-called Whites in North America are fucking shitskins with red man's blood. There are no regions where Russians breed with conquered subhumans. It doesn't happen, of all problems Russia has, race mixing is not one of them. Contrary to the memes pol idiots force, same can be said about Germany and Scandinavia, when real race mixing ground is United Kingdom.
>your inforgraphic
(the original comes via the blogger Burkino Faso).

The only thing that was ever European about Russia was the German ruling caste. Since Rurik it was a Germanic colony where the mixed race natives were always treated and exploited worse than slaves.

It's as if a nigger from Zimbabwe is gonna tell me that they wuz Europeanz n shit because we got colonized by Cecil Rhodes n shiet

t. former Liberal

Tbh I think Ukranians and Russians are the same shit the only difference being Ukranians are not proud of their sub humanity and barbaric history. No Western country even comes close to the diversity problems you have , you are already a mostly mixed race of Eurasians on top of having a rapidly growing 20% population of Muslims.

Meant for

we basically killed all our natives

our problem is non white immigration every year... legal and illegal


as an engineer could i get work in moscow?

would it pay well?

True for America, not for Canada, we largely segregated, where americans conquered raped and bred with the aboriginals.

The gay pride flag for a state flag. Coincidence? Don't think so.

the problem russia has is russia is asian without race mixing or geography

Leftist scum go suck a dick

Canada has like 400,000 of them left they are rapidly dying out and live a life of misery and alcoholism.

Btw the reason Russians are so prone to alcoholism is their Asiaitc genes, Asians can't tolerate alcohol and quickly become addicted

>asian genetics
its more of northern stuff. We refine our alcohol whenever it be whiskey or vodka. The beer and vodka isnt as tasty as vine so we only drink to get drunk.

Russia please nuke Israel. Make Jerusalem Christian again.


I think they have plenty of code monkeys already. They even hacked DNC.

my degree is in nuclear engineering

>hacked DNC

Define "well". Scientific part of nuclear engineering doesn't really pay well (I am more of particle physics guy myself but I talk to people in nuclear engineering). Apparently, there are some money to be had on the practical side of things, but that involves living in closed townes. Besides, these kind of jobs involve signing secrecy acess papers, and I am not sure you will be okayed by the security.

Wait before Russia or Germany goes full racial nationalism and then join. Modern day superpowers are cucked as it gets, not worthy of your effort.



It's a low tier troll and former liberal. What do you expect?

who /vkontankte/ here?

It's FSB and SVR data mining project

World would be a better place without Russians.

What makes you think so? Country hasn't been a home of Russians since the death of Alexandr III


This. Hopefully the Jews will within our lifetime come up with a master plan to divide the Russian Federation and create new identities for the people that live there. Russia was a mistake and needs to be split.

I've yet to see one Russian who would understand why they are not liked by their neighbours.

Before Russian populated areas get new identities, Western Finland will become Swedish People's Republic with a help of green men.

That could happend in alternative reality where Finland isn't the backbone of the Swedish defence against the Eastern hordes.

Everything North of Uppsala will be finnificated and the immigration crisis was just a scheme organized by our Semitic brothers to make our job easier.

Russians are primarily slavicized whatever the fuck lived there

the only pure slavs are Poles, Belarusians and Ukranians

Spinoff of Russians and they are not so pure. Poles, Belorussians, Slovens and Slovaks would be a more right list.

Easy there with Koskenkorva. Russian nationalist mean no harm to you. Your butt hurt should be directed to our common enemy - Jews and Kremlin government. Realistically speaking, nuclear state can do whatever they like

Why is Kazakhstan is so dark? It goes from 50-75 light eyes to 0-10. Their eye color is even darker than Turkey and Northern-Syria/Iraq.

And what's up with those dots north of Kazahkstan and northern Russia?

Because they are subhuman slant-eyed gooks of course

I wouldn't be writing here if I could relieve my work stress worries with koskenkorva. Or anything.

Why is your goverment and Putin so liked anyways. It'd be a lot easier to sympathize with Russians if nearly every single one of them hadn't the sick Russian attitude towards everything and Putin wasn't such a dickbutt. I'm pretty sure he'd redraw the borders back to 1914-style only if he could.

He is not supported even by a third of people. He's hated. Why do you think that there is 1,500,000 of police officers and 1 million in secret services? It's internationalist multiracial corrupt police state, that Russians are sick off.

I can't remember seeing even any made-up statistics claiming that Russians would dislike Putin. While having seen countless ones saying that Russians like Putin.

If Putin is truly that disliked, I wonder why no one has yet made a Bobrikov of him.

What the fuck is russia
What the fuck is russian ethnic homeland

Do you even know about anything about history of Rus, Boris?

2,500,000 strong repressive structures and 1,5 million strong army. Here's your reason

Here is your answer

I am czech my dad moved to usa. Can I come? I have income))

Oh and I'm also orthodox))

Novgorod Estonian clay
gib pls

It only takes one Eugen Schauman to end one asshat. You can do it, Boris.

These :D

Finland was treated well under the Russia Empire, better treatment than you got from the Swedes. However shot bastard was quite an asshole for forcing the language down the throats.

Novgorod is karelian clay, and karelia is finnish.

>Finnish glay :DDDD

You must be fucking crazy. The best Finland can hope for is restoration of its borders to 1938. No clay otherwise is yours,

You really don't deserve a country, all your territory is rightful Swedish clay.

Russians originated as a mix of Viking and Slav with some German here and there.

The day Russia took over their Turkic -stans and Asiatic Siberia territories. Then all the browns migrated towards European Russia.

Also Russia was best when it was called Novgorod

There were not allowed to move, my friend. They only got that right afte USSR felt

Russia is overrated. Too many space for such a small nation.
Also, they are more cucked than any europeans.
Their rightful clay my ass.
Genocides, exterminations, warmongering isn't rightful you pieces of shit.

In addition: That's our game.


>Genocides, exterminations isn't rightful
Unfortunately the only people to experience it were ethnic Russian, if we count Stalin and Ivan IV as good example of Russian rule.
>Genocides, exterminations, warmongering isn't rightful you pieces of shit.
All of it is good. Had we killed off all conquered tribes, we would have all of Central Asia to ourselves as lebensraum and we would be enjoying 100% European nation.

Karelia is where our folktales are(Kalevala). You slavs drove most of us away from our ancient lands.

if you weren't partly europeans I would hate you for that now

Finland is Russian Empire's clay and Helsinki is russian. Heel!

explain. Are you one of these "muh millions of aboriginals and native amecunts" types?

>Too many space for such a small nation.
>Biggest nation in Europe
>top 10 world country by population

No, was just a joke. I say it to my friends sometimes. I got some very close russian and polish friends since years (I'm an old fuck btw), and always they come along wth their heritage and what should have been done to overcome all the struggles we face I just say that to them.
Then we dicsuss, swear we kill each other at the top of the discussions and then we kiss our kids a goodnight-kiss and drink something together.

With a fuckton of unneeded space. Don't deny it.

Most of the space is useless for life, that's the problem. Russia has similar to Australia problem - - it's almost overcrowded already. Vast areas have to be made Federal Hunting and Recration National Parks and city-states and well financed farming villages shall flourish

I made that copypasta about kremlin funded trolls over a year ago

never seen anyone else post it

>unneeded space
Useless space. Look on Canada - only half time smaller, when population is 4 times less.

The big cities are overcrowded, but not because it's just the only space you got or could grow nicely but you got so comfy in your big cities until no going back again and just settle.
Instead you try to annex working cities and say it's your clay.
You got plenty of land and plenty of geo-luxuries like oil, gold, other precious metals.
But you fail in building and connecting.
Look at the US. They got a huge land too, much wilderness and a geophysical range like you but they spreaded like nothing else. Everywhere. There is much space inbetween too but it's better connected and maintained.
You just suck in it and search for others who did it for you.

>Look at the US. They got a huge land too, much wilderness and a geophysical range like you but they spreaded like nothing else. Everywhere. There is much space inbetween too but it's better connected and maintained.
Do they have places similar to this?

With the cities, I think firstly all Gorbachev, nuRussian, Krushtnev and Brezshtnev commie blocks have to be demolished. All of them. New European classical and Scandinavian housing built instead. Real subsidies and real housing in the farming friendly lands should be given to those willing to explore it. Useless land declared as a National Park and let alone. There is so much unkept greatness in this country.

>what is a city in alaska?

Yes they do. I know it's extreme now. There are more little towns in your north than this but let's face it, to get te bow to the topic. You got so much land compared to others, you're rich in mineral ressources, you got a history of genociding (chechenia is the last one I can think of) and are warmongering dudes who would rather annex cities than building them.

It is indeed. I mean, you got the whole ural for example. A prosperous wildlife exploration-site. Wolves, bears, tigers (as far as they still live).

Free housing for the beginning and some work would do it. There ar already working mines (not very attractive) good connections to other states in the east, like china who would be grateful to do more business with you etc.

YES, there is a huge risk and many little projects would fail in the face of time. But your gov got some money they held to finance war instead of financing an industry to crush the rest.

Almost whole Russia is on the same parallel as Alaska. And Alaska is 47th state from 50 by population.
>blahblah annex cities not building
Like Grozny? Russian city built by russians to defend themselves against chechens. I can remember only one big city in Russia, that was not founded and built by russians - Kazan.
All other "nations" jumped on a trees while russians came to their lands.

The half of it is permafrosted. Look at a map of canada. The most shit of it are fractured islands covered in ice and snow. Nothing to do there.

Pic semi-related.
You got some really nice places there.

At the time the second Iraq war was going on the russians tried to genocide chechenia again. It got a little bit of attention at that time but western medias were too much focussed on portraying the march-through in iraq.
That wasn't the first time and not the last time they did. Don't tell me you don't try.

It was tried in the 50's 70's 90's 2k's

Yes, you like annexing cities. No shame here. That's okay. But instead giving your love to your nation you give it to others.

>you got a history of genociding
>coming from a fucking german
Care to name that "history"? I guess that's why there are 180+ nationalities still living in Russia.

>(chechenia is the last one I can think of)
The only genocide in Chechnya was of ethnic Russians that lived there during USSR times. Now there are almost zero Russians because Chechens either killed or chased them all off.
Just because Islamist durkas hid amongst and actively used civilians doesn't mean that we "genocided" them.

Yep, it had nothing to do with fucking Jihadists blowing up our buildings, kidnapping children and invading neighboring regions. We're just that blood-thirsty.

Kill yourself.

> I guess that's why there are 180+ nationalities still living in Russia.
Not genociding them was a mistake Russian Emprire did, now we need to create a homeland and solve this Asian Question.
realistically speaking, only 23 of these ethnic groups actually still exist

>92 million
And this 92 million need a state of their own. Every nation in Europe, but us have a state.

You must be really delusional. Chechens were genociding Russians in Grozny first. Read about that.

Are you really not one of the chechenian refugees in Germany? They are not an innocent sheeps, don't make yourself fooled. Amercans did and what they'd received back? Bombing in Boston.

>Kill yourself
You are a multiracialist, so a bullet to your head is a proper treatment too. I'm surprised you have any common sense at all.

>coming from a fucking german
I never said we aren't the top-notch of doing

>he only genocide in Chechnya was of ethnic Russians that lived there during USSR times.
Yeah, sorry that's really not much. A history of tried genocides. 50s, 70s, 90s, 2ks. I know it's not much and Stalin tried to do that on yourselves but that not an excuse now.

>We're just that blood-thirsty.
No, it's never your fault. Deus Vult, comrade.

That's how empires work, you can't afford to genocide native populations.
And there's no "Asian" question you shill.

Fuck off back to Germany, "ethnic German". Should have genocided your kraut filth instead.

In the first place Chechens were deported because of the high rate of desertions and treason during WW2.

In fact I'm the offspring of an hungarian mathematician and a german artist. My grands were german nazis and hungarian/german warprisoners.
I got no shame at all.

Genociding native populations is exactly how proper Empires work(Australia, Americas, Belgian Congo).
>no Asian Question
There is.>not how Empires work
So you are saying that London wasn't 99,5% European when the British Empire had control over Raj? Or that Petersburg was not 98% European when Empire had Central Asian possessions.
>fuck off back to Germany
>should have genocided the krauts
I'm afraid Putin or ЦПЭ wouldn't like this post. Reported.

>You must be really delusional. Chechens were genociding Russians in Grozny first. Read about that.

>In the first place Chechens were deported because of the high rate of desertions and treason during WW2.

I want to visit Kamchatka before I die

Do you deny massacre of Russians in Grony prior to intervention? Why do you care about Chechens fate in the 40s? More Russians, Germans and Ukranians were actually killed or starved. They wish they would be just ddeported.

I don't deny anything. It was your fellow who seemed to do so. I was only quoting