What was she writing?

What was she writing?

Just didn't want to have to look at Trump when he was grilling her.

a classified email

She was able to pass notes. This was a contractual stipulation.

Her rubber underpants were full. Secret service had to be informed.

She was making sure her catheter was connected right

made some ultra rare pepes






"Oh dear Christ I'm bored. This guy is practically throwing himself on his sword he's so easy to rile up. He'd start a shooting war with Iran over sailor jeering? Seriously? All I need to do is get him riled up and he practically argues in favor of me himself. I think I'll play some tic-tac-toe between questions, it'll be more productive."

"Welcome to the big leagues, Trump."

'Where am I?'

~t. Hillary Clinton


She was having a shit



>Fucking normie get out


her next shit schedule.

"to-do list
-buy dependos
-pick up medication
-stock up on tin foil"

this is bait

I don't know if you guys seriously don't know and are just memeing but seriously: probably taking notes on the points Trump was making so she didn't forget to address them when it was her turn.

Lawyers sometimes do that. They say a shit load of things, passing them off as fact then moving on to other points while it is their turn. They hope they can say something and while something else is fresh on everyone's minds, the other side will forget to address a point previously made. She was writing down what she wants to remember to address in her turn.

Not that I expect to have a real thread with honest discussion and honest questions today, just look at the catalog full of shill threads. So in spirit of that: she was just doodling doggos and kittens.

>im tired
>my feet hurt
>i need to cough but everyone is watching
>this piss bag is chafing my leg
>why aren't i up by 50 points
>plz don't talk about the super predator, oh fuck he brought it up

>tfw at the most important debate of your life, listening to Trump
>this jumped up fucking kike businessman who should know his place is humiliating you and making a mockery of your career
>it's your turn to be President, damn it!
>doesn't he know who you are?
>how dare he, how fucking dare he, he's going to pay for this
>your hands start trembling with rage
>pick up a pen to fiddle with so the cameras don't pick up on your fury
>take a second to compose yourself, deep breaths
>glance down
>your hand is moving with a mind of its own
>it's drawing something
>what the fuck is going on, oh no it's happening again, where's the superpredator with the autoinjector
>stare blankly at the paper as the drawing takes shape
>oh no
>no no no
>not again
>it's that fucking frog, smirking up at me
>how does he do this, this isn't right, I need help
>oh shit, the lines on the paper are moving, he's saying something
>"check these sick dubs, cunt"
>your hand goes into furious uncontrollable spasms as it frantically carves repeating digits right through the paper and into the wood of the podium



She was writing down what Trump was saying. Clearly, she has an awful short-term memory. No person like that should be president.

How is this even allowed?



His will be done, his kingdom come.

This is no coincidence. Praise Kek!

Hallowed be thy name

praise him


she wasn't writing she was poking fun at illeterates


>What was she writing?
"Whoever is controlling the left eye, keep it together!
t. Right hand."