
I'm trying to figure if out if he actually is a viable candidate but I can't seem to get any unbiased opinion of him. What ARE his economic goals? Are those goals/policies actually feasible? Would they actually get through Congress? And speaking of Congress, did he have an actual plan to deal with government corruption? Or is that not one of his talking points?

I ask this because I'm actually at a point where I do not know what to do. Bernie is out, Trump's initial impression was not stellar to me, and many of his remarks brought racially charged opinions (which interest me none as the racial divide is artificially exacerbated by the media to get more clicks which equals dollars), Johnson doesn't have a fucking snowball's chance and he has about as much impact as a wiffle bat, and obviously being the murderous liar that Hillary is she was NEVER a choice.

So what's the deal? What is the basis of your support of Trump as a candidate? Is it just because he isn't Shillary? Is it simply racially based? Just to troll? Political potential? Positive government policies? Thanks for the answers.

>Inb4 CDF
>Inb4 praise Kek and all will be answered
>Inb4 kys

Pic related- one of the very few not stupid looking photos of Trump. Google Image search "Trump," first 50 pics are either him captured in the middle of an odd pose, pics of him looking smug, bad captures of facial expressions, or pics made to be satirical.

Other urls found in this thread:


Self bump again. Just trying to figure out what to do for the election. If I'm gonna vote for Trump, I want to have an idea of why I am.

Same, have a bump

Thank you fellow bumper.

Well, according to last nights debates at least, Trump's immediately goals are to reduce taxes for businesses from 35% to 15%; he also wants to make it easier to bring foreign profits into the American economy - currently I believe there's something like a 15% tax on this, so most companies just keep that money outside the country to expand foreign development.

As for getting it through congress, if the Republicans retain majority after November, sure, it's very realistic.

OK. Good starting point. Alright, so the business tax reduction- will that actually encourage an economic stimulus? Or is it simply going to turn into a gimmick to make the rich richer? (You can tell I was a Bernie fag) Naturally, I'm apprehensive about business tax cuts- they have the propensity to just bleed money and economic power out of America and into other nations, as has been tradition for the last 30 years.

Bump again. Too many shitposts. Apparently not enough pull to talk about actual politics and not just shilling for one side or the other.

Bush already tried this same exact shit, it never worked.

Taxes aren't why the economy is changing. Automation is.

At this point it is as simple as this; Trump is America First while Clinton is The Rest of the World First.

If you think American Sovereign Liberty protected by our Constitution must be preserved Trump is your only choice

If you think America needs to surrender some Liberties to benefit the rest of the world as Obama recently said in front of the U.N. then you should kill yourself before you vote for Trumps opponent.

That was my view on it- American economy bled the fuck out with the legalization of the exportation of jobs to China/India which were cheaper alternatives. I'm not against automation, but I'd like it if we could support production in our own country and not fucking China.

Hillary is not an option. That is non-negotiable. But I'm just worried that Trump's policies will just drown America eventually like Hillary's are intending to.

>can't seem to get any unbiased opinion of him
You won't ever find any.

My biased opinion is that he's kinda a selfish asshole, but even then he's still much better than another fucking Clinton.

I made this exact thread a couple of hours ago. It was archived after 5 responses.

Topics like these work best in the Trump General

>But I'm just worried that Trump's policies will just drown America eventually like Hillary's are intending to.
Probably. Long-term prospects are pretty fucked regardless. There's no way to get us back to '60s level of widespread wealth. But we can stop fucking ourselves as hard, as fast as we would otherwise.

>Trump's initial impression was not stellar to me, and many of his remarks brought racially charged opinions
If that bothers you, consider that Trump has not a racist bone in his body, if we're talking about reality, while Clinton actually tried to capitalize on racist and cop hating movements like BLM. Just because they are anti-white, doesn't mean they can't be racist.

Compare Hillary's "WHITE PEOPLE are to blame" to Trump actually never saying "HISPANICS are the problem. He doesn't even want to deport all of the illegals anymore.

I actually disagree- I think that if we can release the hold major corporations and media has on America that we can stop the bleeding and work our way back to economic growth. Unfortunately, it would take just short of a freaking revolution, but it is possible

>unbiased opinion
>Cred Forums

It will lead to more jobs, and better paying jobs, but it's just a matter of when. When you get hired, the company has already figured out how much tax it's going to need to pay on the profit you generate. That money will not get paid to you, it will not go into new jobs, and your pay is set with all the costs associated with hiring you in mind, including all taxes.

Lowering taxes will free that money up to be used in offering new jobs, and in paying existing employees more. However, since you are already used to your current pay, the immediate effect will probably be some CEO bonuses, but that will even out over time.

Companies don't mind taxes all that much, especially the large corporations. They have very expensive accountants who make sure they pay the lowest tax possible, and who figure out how to make up that money (usually by raising prices, or lowering wages). Taxing corporations is just an extra step in taxing individuals.

I'm not sure about Trump's stance on this, but the better way to tax the rich is to reform the tax code. Even if on paper the wealthy wind up with a lower tax rate, if we cut out the methods they use to move money around and lower their taxable income, they'll pay a higher effective tax rate than they are now.


gee that was hard to find

There is a difference between PR wishes and fishes and actual achievable goals.

>no way to get us back to
care to explain why you say this?

I don't exactly see how it could be done but I don't see why its impossible either

Could the Central banking systems be the reason?

No, I think it's more a case of "too much out, not enough in" with corporations taking wealth and finances out of American economies and freezing them in unreachable assets for the American system to reclaim, therefore weakening the economy by starving it of resources.

It's like blood keeps getting drawn and simply frozen because the person drawing it "had a right to it" even though it's your blood. I know in my state, if you get injured and need a transfusion, you are entitled to as much blood as you donate before you start being billed for it- so if you donate a liter and you get in a motorcycle accident, you get a liter of blood for free while they are doing surgery on you. By using this example, America keeps getting into accidents and the corporations are keeping their blood to use for what they want, even though it's your blood and you need it, which they can legally do since "they were given rights to it"

See, that's what my understating of that system was. That's why I liked Bernie- if nothing else he was going to make efforts to reform tax code. I'm not seeing ANYTHING about tax code reform with Trump, which worries me because every minute we don't change the tax code is a minute America gets closer to death.

>I'm not seeing ANYTHING about tax code reform with Trump

OK I didn't make it that far before I replied. Imma ear the shit in that one- I was wrong.

I guess next question in this is what's the possibility of these happening? I myself haven't heard where he's talked at length about tax reform- all I have heard is the Trump dealing with international policy (as that is ALL ANYONE ever fucking talks about on the news/social media). These tax reforms seem good, but it's he actually going to push them or are they just a secondary point like they are on his platform?

Trump has stated he will permit repatriation of TRILLIONS of offshore dollars by reducing taxes and penalties

Clinton's tax plan is absolute devastation.. she could out do France .

Trump will also at least try and stem the corporate flight by positive and negative measures to at least create less incentive for relocating offshore.. its been part of his message all along ..

*Eat the shit
Autocorrect stronk

> (You)
>Trump has stated he will permit repatriation of TRILLIONS of offshore dollars by reducing taxes and penalties
?? I'm not an economist so I'm not entirely sure how this works, so if someone could explain it, I would be appreciative. I thought that since the money has already been drawn out of America, we can no longer reclaim it? How can we tax it/regain it if it isn't "ours" anymore?

>Clinton's tax plan is absolute devastation.. she could out do France .
EVERYTHING of Clinton is a disaster.

>Trump will also at least try and stem the corporate flight by positive and negative measures to at least create less incentive for relocating offshore.. its been part of his message all along ..
I know it has been his message, but until now, it always just read to me as more options to allow business to gimp America by lowering existing taxes on business who are simply going to continue to keep their stuff out of America because of dem moniez

Trump's policies on economics are what distinguish him. I define his economic policies as including tax, trade, stimulus spending (civil infrastructure, military modernizing, child care). On the edges of economic policy are his prescriptions on domestic manufacturing, energy independence, and charging for military protection.

Let's go down the list,
>Tax = Massive tax cuts to stimulate job growth
The CBO says job growth is key to GDP growth, but that tax cuts have been the cornerstone of conservative policy for generations but haven't ever worked and contribute to the federal debt.
>Trade = give carrots to MNCs to repatriate money, impose tariffs on MNC offshored products, prioritize bilateral trade deals
There's no reason to give carrots. Thanks to the EU going after individuals divulged in the Panama papers and MNCs like Apple, it's not necessary to do anything for repatriation.
Imposing tariffs on MNCs rather than countries will avoid a trade war, but it would require a unprecedented amount of executive power and would require enormous trust by the private sector in Trump's impartiality.
Finally, bilateral trade deals aren't any less dangerous and aren't any better.

>Stimulate: child care deductions, don't touch entitlements, rebuild roads, airports, etc., Build a wall, peace through strength
The deductions aren't rebates and won't benefit most Americans. They also won't cost as much as Hillary's.

Entitlements are a thing, but so is the geriatric vote.

Infrastructure spending = bigger government, but the money will be routed through red states and hand picked private entities. The Congress will also shut a lot of it down and there will be both success stories and major failures. The wall will be one of the failures.
Finally, Trump doesn't have the wherewithal to execute a "money-ball" military strategy and will chase bait.

>Domestic manufacturing
No one but Trump cares about future robot jobs.

>Energy independence
Energy commodities are already fungible
>Military protection racket
See my answer about discipline on the peace through strength answer. Not to mention it's offensive and comes off as broadcasting isolationist intentions by other means.

Wait, I'm not understating you- are these Trump's policies? If they are, your explanations make them seem like they are business as usual and won't work, unless I'm horribly misinterpreting this

I am referring to assets held offshore by American corporations keeping them offshore to avoid paying high American corporate taxes.

Trump will reduce the tax and penalty so such assets can then be returned to the US economy in investing in new business ventures without the devastating tax rates in place now which keeps those TRILLIONS out of our economy. Then going forward there is no reason to hide profits offshore either due to low corporate taxes so this economy grows.

Commie socialists say this just makes the rich richer and heavy taxation will create equality.. we know this never works and always creates stagnation and recession.

Not business as usual- bad phrasing on my part. Your explanations aren't reading like they give a glowing review for Trump's hope. Your saying this is what he wants to do but IRL, this is what is going to happen, that correct?

In my opinion they're worse than business as usual, but I'm attempting to be objectively fair rather than bias.

I'm on my phone so I will try to keep this short, but he has talked about stuff like this at rallies and previous debates. If you are simply asking if he will live up to his word I can't answer, but he has been consistent on his economic policy so I assume he will push for them.

He wants to bring back factories even though automation is killing them steadily and they are mindless souless husk work not fit for Americans these days. Also they will never be paid well anyway.

He wants to lower taxes across the board which will significantly affect mainly the rich.

>Your saying this is what he wants to do but IRL, this is what is going to happen, that correct

That's what I thought, and that's why I'm glad I started this thread. I needed to know exactly what I'm getting into, but so far for the points I really care about (economic restoration to the country) it's not looking to optimistic... Which leaves me in the same rut of "should I vote because he's not Hillary but know he is still gonna slowly tank the country?"

I thought we were supposed to be voting for change...

there you go

>What ARE his economic goals?

>Are those goals/policies actually feasible?

>Would they actually get through Congress?
If you're asking if they have a viable chance to pass Congress, then yes. One of his assets is his mastery of negotiation, and bending others to his will. He is also going to get rid of roadblocks within government that make employees nearly impossible to fire. The bureaucracy that supports many of our economic problems will be destroyed because of this.

>And speaking of Congress, did he have an actual plan to deal with government corruption?
Also goes back to him getting rid of the roadblocks making it nearly impossible to fire bureaucrats ingrained in our regulatory system. I expect mass prosecutions of traitors, which will create a political environment those elected to office, who are corrupt, will be jumping ship as fast as they can. The system will fall like dominoes. These people have no real loyalty, just fear of their own asses. That will be their downfall.

Trump has a strong opposition and would not be reelected if he fails.

But the next president after him would still have to prioritize american workers and stopping corruption.

I'm more of a lefty than most of this site, but, long term, i think trump is the only option. Even if he is an insider, his mandate is to the people.

>Trump will reduce the tax and penalty so such assets can then be returned to the US economy in investing in new business ventures

Take a damn online survey to see who you align with.
I'm 93% Trump aligned but only 5% aligned with that horrible demon of a witch.

I tried. Sided me with Shillary (to which I immediately vomited over myself)

See, isn't this nice? We're talking politics with logic, facts, and reasoning. None of that fucking racial supremacy bull shit clogging up the works, no shit posting, no kek- just good, informational, well structured discussion. If I had an image for Cred Forums, this would be it. Shame we've been ruined by media/Hillary shills.

So what does he cut to pay for this? Remember, TANSTAFL

He's not a free trade advocate. He would basically start small trade wars with all of our trading partners to re-write existing deals in our favor. He is a proponent of tariffs and import duties, and would discourage people from leaving the US to produce goods via these tariffs and duties. He's fairly isolationist and non-interventionist militarily, but he is definitely looking to start some trade wars.

You're a victim of leftist static analysis. The economy is dynamic. The economy grows under proper leadership, and dies under leftists.

That's what I was fucking thinking- which has me worried as well. Last thing we need it more fucking hikes or cuts elsewhere in the budget... Hell we are running on almost bare bones it is...

Where are your facts with this? Sounds like a knee jerk emotional response, which isn't what we need. Gimme something more substantial than "DEM DEMMICRATZ IZ BAD." This isn't too say your wrong, I just need some proof with your conviction

It's not a war when you have the purchasing power of the US you dimwit.

>Le trickle down meme.

Gas yourself.

What purchasing power? Realistically, we are running on the last vestiges of the last economic boom that has run the fuck out. Our credit rating is shit, our economy is disgustingly dysfunctional, we haven't been above debt for YEARS- what power do we have? We got tricked into getting cucked by China, have given them and the companies working with them almost every fucking penny we have, and now we are the laughing stock of the world. What power?

Fuck you, that is a legitimate viewpoint. Get the meme-hate boner out your ass and get off the dude's nuts.

From what i read, he is a viable candidate, but he doesnt think before speaking, so no one even knows why they are voting on him.

The us has a shitload of external debt, while most money of the country goes to the army that try to police the world instead of investing in the american citizens.

All countries but the US break their agreements and never pay for said "protection".

Trump wants to give the world the cold shoulder. "Will protect if you pay up otherwise i have my own country to take care of". Use the money back on the population.

He also seens to want to make better economical agreements, for the current ones dont really give money to the us.

Basically his whole campaing is based on improving the economical balance of the country, perhaps the only thing he knows how to do.

He is also an agressive hothead that refuses to think and behaves like an teenager most of the time, though. IE, he is talented, but stupid anyway

Also, he seens to want to cut taxes to eventually creat more jobs and to make american manufacture more competitive. All big manufactures happen on china cause super low price for work force and nearly non existant taxes. I dont think amnerica will ever produce as cheaply as china, but make it more viable to stay inside the country, therefore keeping jobs.

See, the pseudo-isolationist policy from him was one of the things I did like, however that got quickly changed into "GET RID OF THE MEXICANS AND THE MUSLIMS!" At least that is what the rest of the world would have you believe

I think the simple answer is: would you rather get kicked in the balls or get kicked in the balls twice?

This is called trickle-down economics, and no, it doesn't work. It didn't work 50 years ago when it was called "Horse and Sparrow" either.

Fun fact: It was called "Horse and Sparrow" beacuse the horse eats the grain, shits it out, and the sparrow picks through it.

trump is a kike, he doesnt have any real policies its all a satanic illuminati cabal song and dance