All these threads saying Trump lost

>All these threads saying Trump lost

He did pretty well

He did fine, the losers here thought he'd come out and do the same thing he did at the repub debates.

He did okay, but he didn't look good doing it. Clinton was clearly on top of her shit. It's not over for Trump or anything but he definitely lost that debate.

On the other hand, he achieved one of his major goals, which was basically just not to spill the spaghetti onstage so he could lasso in moderate republicans. That one probably did well for him last night.

>did pretty well = not losing
>he did fine = not losing

He lost that one lads, even if it's not a big deal that he lost, or if he didn't lose by much, she bested him last night. Shouldn't matter much in the long run though.

Don't worry, it's the Correct The Record shills pretending to be disappointed trump voters in order to create a hivemind effect with real trump voters and discourage them thinking it's all lost. They'll leave when Big Daddy sworns in come November

Looking better != winning
Clinton said nothing that will gain her new voters. The recent Trump momentum will continue.

>Hillary shrills actually think that anyone here will change their mind because of spamming this board

top fucking kek

same. its blowing my mind the amount of "omg trump got demolished posts"

honestly was impressed with trumps deep cuts. blumenthal? his take on black communities as a family breakdown was dope. called out nafta and TPP. called out the Fed??
everyone I'm taking to is making a big deal out of his "rudeness" and "like, what does presidential look even mean?". I've been able to promote red pills to friends based on his little drops throughout the debate so I mean, at least locally I've found it pretty successful.

I'm a little baffled how anyone could think Clinton won that debate. Unless its from lowered expectations of "if she doesn't go onstage and drop multiple shartbombs then its a win" I just don't see how a working brain could reach that conclusion.

Trump clearly won the first few rounds and the rest while Clinton lost them. But she started off at a medium level and never improved, while Trump improved over time and was clearly getting under clinton's skin as her performance diminished. Its a clear 10-0 decision.

The very reason we're hearing all this post-debate discussion of biased moderators and microphones not working is spin for the Clinton loss.

Now, a debate performance is in the eye of the beholder, supporters or either candidate are going to come away from it thinking their side won. But objectively one side does better than the other and in this first debate Trump pulled off a win of moderate proportions.

>All these threads saying Trump lost
Gee I fucking wonder who is behind all those threads.

Indeed, he did remarkably well against his opponent, and Hillary Clinton as well

it's honestly less about changing our minds and more about demoralizing our meme output. if we get scared that "we've lost it" our zeal gets tarnished and the do you believe in fairies magic we are using to rock their foundations dissipates

Shills went full kill-mode when they realised Trump's gonna win

>He did pretty well
CTR is out in full force.

They're spamming 1 or 2 post per ID threads.

This happened after every debate.

this keep the meme generators running at full capacity boys


>He did pretty well
No he didn't. He lost my vote.


If you're going to included heavily bias audiences why don't you just include Hufflepuff and Clinton News Network polls?

We thought he'd bip and bop around Hillary so hard she'd have a seizure, not just do "pretty well"

Clinton literally won my vote and we have early voting in my state. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Hill Shills
Ignore them

Trumpo lost yesterday, simple as that; just wait the polls and Hillary will rise like 6 points.

They are trying to correct the record.

Nothing new.

Donald Dump is done for.

They're shills. He fucking decimated her.

All she could do is stand there with that retarded smug grin and read her scripted reddit-tier responses.
>Woooo ok XD
>That's like....your opinion man XD

OP, kindly check your url bar to see where you are. This board is mostly fake news stories, trolls trolling trolls and australians shitposting.

Cred Forums harbor 2: electric boogaloo

Neither of them won the debate they didn't answer a single fucking question they just gave random question answers and tried to appeal to the retarded voters who haven't yet decided by saying what they want to hear.

You really corrected his record there

This desu. How many of you cucks would do as well as him when faced by two ankle biting bitches out to character assassinate?

it's not bias if its my kind of bias

imo people are used to the constant trump-dickriding that goes on on Cred Forums, so anything less than that is viewed as a loss from their pov.

They're called shills.


Welcome to HillShillville


He achieved what he needed to achieve which was to look like someone who could be president and to not make any huge mistakes. Make no mistake he got stomped though.

Still two debates and a lot more Clinton scandals to sift through. He can easily bounce back from this.

He needs to be curbstomping her in the debates like he did Jeb or else he'll lose the election. No bullshit, he needs to be a clear winner in most of these debates, Hillary is the favorite to win and if he can't debate her properly he's going to lose. He didn't seem to be able to focus on what he wanted to say last night and it didn't help him. The debate was basically a draw, but Trump needs to do much better to win.

Be honest guys. He didn't do well after the first third. The questions were loaded and aimed exclusively against him of course, but that doesn't change the fact that he lost.

My favorite

>You said Clinton doesn't "presidential." She's the first wymmin president though. Explain that you dirty misogynist.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

Agreed. He could have done better in articulating creating wealth among other topics, but he made some heavy hits on her as Secy of State, and pinning her and the democrat party for running inner cities for a century, while ruining them.

I went to sleep last night thinking it was a draw last night, but after skimming the notes this morning...Trump landed more heavy hits, without question.

The way he attacked Shillary and her party for getting blacks and Latinos killed in our inner cities may have done some damage.

he didn't win, he didn't lose
he defended himself from an obvious biased moderator asking nothing more than his own scandals which have already been adressed over the coarse of his campaign.
I sincerely doubt they will ask about the
1. Clinton Body Count
2. Benghazi
3. Emails
4. Haiti screw job
5. bill endorsing a man who had child soldiers in the congos as a "humanitarian"
6. falling

Questioning the hilldabeast will put you on the clinton body count and that's why a mod won't attack her.

Thanks for your great cyber efforts, really thanks you're great isnt he great really The Donald has donated 20 rubles into the vetted fund of your choice.

That's the thing. Hillary "won" the debate but it doesn't seem that Trump "lost" the debate. it felt more like a hard push in Hillary's favor but listening to the astroturfers today, you'd think Trump performed a ritual sacrifice on telecast

>not spill the spaghetti
>that whole spaghetti nuke over supporting iraq

Trump performed really badly at the debate.
Both Hillary and Trump were terrible and, although Trump was objectively right from a moral standpoint, he slipped hard several times and made a fool of himself.

The entire thing was biased agaisnt him in the first place, and he just wasn't as concise as he could have been. He didn't come up with replies and kept babbling like a scolded child.

The thing is, the deck is stacked so hard agaisnt Trump that he was going to come out of the debate being called the bad guy regardless of what happened, but the fact that he actually messed up during the debate makes things a hundred times worse for him.

He needs to step up his game. Otherwise he's just not going to win
Deluding ourselves into thinking he won is not going to help us (or him, for that matter).


It was a bit of a slap in the face, I knew he was bullshitting a bit but I didn't realise the extent of it. All he did last night was whine and blame Obama and Hillary for everything. If he was asked directly, "what is your plan", with the exception of the stop & frisk part, he wasn't able to answer.

.03 shekels have been deposited into your account, thank you for correcting the record

But I do have a huge amount of respect for him coming out on stage, barely prepared, and still able to punch his weight.


Which is kinda the point of the debates. Anyone who votes based on facts or beliefs has already picked their candidate

No, he didnt. He was pretty awful. Needs to step it up bigtime.

We're being invaded.

As per tradition. Trump strikes a mortal blow and we get swamped with "damage control"

It's known as concern trolling and they are bad at it.

One if them referred to us as their "peeps" which solidifies my belief that these are 40-something year old women.

You shills just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?

Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire night. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.

This entire debate was nothing more than a beta test for Trump. An analysis of Clinton. What makes her tick.. What are her weak spots.. He was simply watching her. Probing her.. Studying and diagnosing her every move and tactic. And she fell right into his trap like the pawn she is.

This is not an average man you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse, while she was fighting for her life. She has nothing left.

Now that he has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop him. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 debates. Something unprecedented in all of modern politics.

Mark my words, the lion has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, retreat to your twitter and your reddit accounts. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.

NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.

Trump spent most of the night on the defensive and barely brought up Clinton's numerous scandals. He had perfect opportunities to counter Hillary's sexism charge, but held back. You could say he lost the debate in a traditional sense, but we know Trump's not playing by the rules.

He can use this debate to point out how the dishonest media is in cohorts with Clinton. Thanks to the moderator asking Trump all those bs questions about his taxes and birtherism while letting Clinton walk scott free, Trump won't have to try hard to do this. Nobody trusts the media as it is, he might not even have to bring it up. The online polls, as unscientific as they are, will only further this. People will see the online polls say Trump wins while the headlines say the opposite. Their faith in the media will only get worse, which is good for Trump. It doesn't matter if he "won" or not, the narrative has already been set and the media took the bait by simply doing what they always do.

The more important thing was Trump holding back. Hillary literally collapsed on 9/11 and lied to everyone about the cause and the everyone forgot it within a week. Bringing up Hillary's scandals, especially those involving woman, to a debate will only have a short term impact, he needs to save them for the final debate or later. Meanwhile, Hillary already pulled the birther card, the racist card, the sexist card, and the taxes card on Trump. She already blew her whole load while Trump barely started. It's likely she knows holding back the sexist accusations for later debates will allow Trump to go all out on her about her past.

Subtle shill. Ignore

>>All these threads saying Trump lost
Moloch's servants were trying spin meme magic, but shekels in their pockets weighed them down.
Their magic, ugly and flawed, is not blessed by His Frogness.

>All these threads saying Trump lost
Don't mind them, these retards ain't even local. Fucking dirty aliens from Reddit, Tumblr and CTR.

paid shills swarming in at every bigger event until november, we knew this beforehand anyway and advised people to tkae a break off Cred Forums during the debates due to all the sliding threads from CTR