Why are UK police so much better than US police?

Why are UK police so much better than US police?


They're a lot more friendly, helpful, up for a chat and actually make you feel at ease.

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Someone post the video of all those pussy UK cops running from a man with a knife.

>Why are UK police so much better than US police?

>1000s of girls raped by pakis
>Police does nothing because they are afraid of being racist

>make you feel at ease.

because they do not carry guns. less to be scared of.

If america were to ban all guns, it will end the riots

better then spending $100,000s on a court case about were or not it was justified to shoot him.

The UK is smaller then my state. i learned that a few weeks ago. Kind of weird if you think about it

cultural differences

but in dodgy parts of london filled with niggers its starting to become like america







You're right. They wont be riots any more since there wont be any law to stop them. They'd just be marauding.

Maybe eventually. It would take several decades to get results.

Because Americans are 3rd world subhumans

>better then spending $100,000s on a court case about were or not it was justified to shoot him.


I feel the same way with cops here. Unless you bother them while some shit is going down they're usually pretty approachable.

>why is 60% worse than 87%
That really made me think.

Our police wouldn't have to be so touchy if they didn't have to deal with our blacks. They make up less than 15% of our population, and the ones who commit the majority of black crime make up closer to 6/7%. Despite making up only 7% of our population, young black men commit more than half of all violent crime in the country. The only thing that whites have them beat on is DUI, because whites own more cars on average. Our cops do their best with a shit situation but they don't get enough leave to RNR from having to constantly deal with a massive number of scumbag criminals.


read this SHIT



Wouldn't a big net be perfect for this situation?

Yee the filth here are lovely. Americans are as always arguing two points unrelated to each other. The US police are poorly trained and cowardly, at the same time blacks are violent and criminally disposed.

>this is the same person who will complain about the "wage gap"

> one famous video of British police: No casualities
> hundreds of videos of American police: Always casualities

it's like you're overcompensating for something


remind me of this classic



More niggers, plain and simple.

Canadian police everybody

they are for now

u dont have our nigger problem

they also let 1400 little girls get raped

England is a fag country Tbh.